05x04 - Word of the Day/Jonathan Babysits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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05x04 - Word of the Day/Jonathan Babysits

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cymbals crash]

[Light percussive music]

♪ ♪

- Ooph!

♪ ♪


[Twins giggle]

♪ ♪

- [Gasps]

- [Groans]


♪ ♪

[Milk squishes]

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Move your big, bald head,
you dumb baby.

- Oh, sorry, angelica.

[Kids cheering]

[Horn honking]

- Oh! Oh!


- Angelica?

- Shh.

Miss carol's on.

You know
she's my favoritest tv person

And my biggest fan.

I mean--oh, you know.


- Good morning, children.

We have a terrific, fun-filled
show for you today,

But first,
are you ready

For miss carol's
super-duper fun phrase?

All: yeah!

- Okay, let's ask shannon,
our happy helper,

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- She thinks
they're all fun-o-rific.

[Kids cheering]

- That's right.

Now, monday starts
a brand-new month,

And you know
what that means:

A brand-new fun phrase.


- [Sighs]

A new happy helper.

- And we'll all miss you.

But right now,
it's time to reach

Into our big barrel
of postcards

And see which of our loyal
happy house viewers

Will get a chance to audition
to be our new happy helper!

Ready to pick them, shannon?

- I guess so.


- Kim koleman,

Samantha limten...

- Angelica,
what's a audition?

- Audition is when they decide
to add me to the show.

Now be quiet.

- And angelica pickles.

- [Screams]

- Okay, angelica,
are you ready?

- Mm-hmm.
- All right.

First of all,
a happy helper

Has to be familiar
with our show.

- Oh, I watch the show
every day.

- Oh, that's good.

Do you think you could lead
the happy house marching band?

- Just watch.

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum ♪

♪ Ba-dum, ba-dum,
ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum ♪

♪ Boo, boo, boo, boo ♪

- Ooh, very nice.

That's enough.

Okay, angelica.

Now, how about
the happy house weather watch?

- Ooh, I love this part.

- Okay, angelica.

Make it rain at the happy house.

- Ta-da!

Rainy randy.

- That's excellent.

And finally,
the fun phrase.

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- She thinks
they're all fun-o-rific!

- Well, that's all.

You did a great job.

Be sure to watch
the show tomorrow

To see if you're one
of our finalists.

- Thank you.

Wasn't I great, mommy?

I was the bestest kid
in the whole audition.

- Of course you were,

Mommy is very proud.

[Cell phone rings]



Yes, good.

- Huh?

- We could do an i.p.o...

- [Gasps]

- [Sighs]

Aren't you done picking
that new happy kid thing yet?

Look, I've got more important
things for you to do, all right?

You have to make an appointment
for my facial,

Fire my hairdresser,

And cancel that meeting
with my fan club.

- She's so wonderful.

- Sorry, miss carol.

I promise I'll get the auditions
done right away.

But the writers have come up
with a new fun phrase.

- [Sighs]
yeah, thrill me.

- Now, when you ask, "what does
miss carol think of her kids,"

They'll respond, "she thinks
they're all swell-o-matic!"

- Oh, you call that
a fun phrase?

I'll tell you
the real fun phrase.

She thinks they're all little--

[Horn honks]

- Wow!

If that's the real
new fun phrase,

Then I'm the only-est kid
who knows it.

Ooh, miss carol
will be really happy

When she hears me say it.

- And our third and last
finalist will be...

Angelica pickles!

- [Gasps]

- Oh, honey!

I knew you were gonna be a star.

- Now remember:

All of our finalists will appear
on the show tomorrow

And will introduce
the new fun phrase.

See you then!

[Kids cheering]

- Oh, mommy!

I'll need my shiny shoes
and my prettiest dress,

And you'll have to do my hair up
real pretty, and make sure--

- Don't worry, sweetie.

I'm sure miss carol
will think you're fun-o-rific.

They call that
the fun phrase.

- No, mommy.

The real fun phrase is,

She thinks we're all little--

[Horn honks]

- [Screams]

- Oh, mommy, I knowed
you'd be excited for me!

Oh, I got to go tell cynthia.


- What should I do?

Should I wash her mouth out
with soap?

Is that toxic?

Should I use toothpaste?

- Now, charlotte, I know
that was a little shocking,

But let's not overreact.

Perhaps we need
some professional advice.

It's my new lipschitz
electronic pocket reference.

Isn't technology great?

First I just type in
the bad word...


And voila.

Here's the answer:

[In german accent] "when
the child is bad word saying,

"You simply sit the child down

And calmly tell the child
that the word is unacceptable."

You see?

It's zat--
I mean, that easy.

- I don't get it.

How can a word be bad?

- I guess a bad word

Is a word that people
don't want to hear.

- Oh, then I know
a really bad word:


- So, sweetheart,
since your fun phrase

Has a bad word in it,
it would make mommy and me happy

If you just didn't say it

- Well, which word
is the bad one, daddy?

- Well, it's--
I mean, it's the--

Look, maybe it would just
be better

If you didn't say any of those
words anymore, angelica.

- Is it "we're"?

- Angelica.

- Is it "all"?

- Angelica, you are not
to say that word again.

- Is it "little"?

- Angelica!

If you say that word
one more time,

We are not gonna take you
to be on miss carol's show.

- [Gasps]

Oh, you mean it's--

[Jackhammer rumbles]

- [Screams]

- [Cries]

Now I can't be on the show,

And I don't even know
what that word means.


Mommy, daddy,

I'm sorry I said the bad word
when you told me not to,

And I promise if you let me be
on miss carol's happy house,

I'll never, ever say it again.

- Oh...

All right.

If we leave right now,

We can still get there
in time.

- Oh, thank you, mommy!

Thank you, daddy!

I'll go get ready.

- And I'll call everyone.

- [Groans]

- So when miss carol says,

"What does miss carol think
of her kids,"

What do you say?

Both: she thinks
we're all swell-o-matic!

- Very good.

You're going to do just fine.


Where is that pickles girl?

Oh, angelica, you made it.

Mr. And mrs. Pickles, you can
take your seats in the audience.

- [Gasps]

- And we're live
in five, four, three, two...

- Good morning, children.

good morning, miss carol.

- Today's that special day
here at my happy house

When we pick
my new happy helper.

And this month,
we're going to decide

Who get to be
the new happy helper

By seeing who's best
at saying our new fun phrase.

[Kids cheering]

- Timmy, you'll be the first
to say it live

In front of millions
of viewers.

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- [Stammering]

- Okay, well,
thanks for coming in, timmy.

All right, kim.

Why don't you try?

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- Um, um...

I want my mommy!

- Okay, angelica,
I'm relying on you.

Tell everyone
the new fun phrase.

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- She thinks...


We're all...

- Okay, angelica.

If you love miss carol
at all,

You will tell us right now!

What does miss carol think
of her kids?

- She thinks we're all little--

- [Screams]

- Oh, no!

- [Gasps]

- That's it.
Get her out.

Get her out of here.

- But that's what you said!

You said it, miss carol!
- You're right.

You're right, you know that?
You're right.

I have said it before,
and I will say it again.


You are all little--

[Tv test tone drones]

- See? See?

She did say it.

- [Giggles]

I had a lot of fun today,
and I hope you did too.

I'd like to thank
my new happy helper timmy

For a fun, fun, fun time

Here on miss stephanie's
happy house.

- Well, angelica,
we just wanted to let you know

That we're sorry
your mommy and daddy

Wouldn't let you be
a tv star.

- Yeah, all on account
of that word.

- What does that word mean,

- [Sniffles]

All my daddy would tell me

Is that it makes
some peoples feel bad

And I'm not ah-pposed to say it.


So just leave me alone,

You dumb babies.

- Um, angelica?

You know,
when you call us dumb,

It makes us feel bad.

- So, um, maybe "dumb"
is a bad word too.

- All right, all right.

I won't call you
dumb babies...


- Does that say,
"dear sir"?

- Hmm.
Looks okay to me.

- Per our condensation,

Please be devised
blah, blah, blah...

- I don't understand
why growed-ups

Play this working game.

- Well, angelica
makes us play.

Maybe there's mean growed-ups
like angelica

That make our mommies
and daddies play.

- I don't think
I want to grow up.

- Me neither.

Let's go play outside.

- And where do you two
think you're going?

- Uh...

Nowhere, angelica.

[Both grumbling]

- [Sputtering]

[Buzzer buzzing]

- Chuckie!

- Is that you, angelica?

- Of course it's me.

This coffee tastes like mud.

- It is mud.

- I can't tolerate
this incompetence any longer.

I needed those files by 3:00,
and it's 3:15.

[Doorbell rings]

Give me those files.

This is completely inadequate,

I told you to dig up dirt
on the competition.

Oh, apparently I'll have
to do this myself.

You'll have to watch
the children.

- But--

- There are bottles
in the refrigerator

And diapers
on the credenza.

The emergency numbers
are next to the refrigerator

And there are three blouses
in my closet that need pressing.

Oh, and of course,
I'll expect you

To keep angelica
completely entertained

While I'm gone.

Angelica, sweetheart,
mommy has to run out

For a teeny weeny bit.

Now, you keep an eye
on jonathan, okay?

I'll want a full report from
my little angel when I return.

- Oh, mommy, I'm sure
mr. Jonathan

Will be a very, very
nice babysitter.

- [Smooching]


- "No, that is completely
inadequate, jonathan.

I told you to dig up dirt
on the competition."

Boy, am I sick of her
bossing me around.

If only I could dig up
some dirt on her.

that's exactly what I'll do!

I'll dig up some dirt on her.

- Why does he want
to dig up dirt?

- Maybe he likes to play in it.

We like to play in it.

- And I'll show it
to everyone

And make her
look like an idiot.

Then we'll see
how she likes it.

- Oh, jonathan.

I have some work for you.

- We'll play later.

- I don't think mommy
will like

That you're not paying
a pension to me.

- No, I guess she won't,
will she?

Well, we'll just play along
with this little game

Until I find what I need.

Uh, at your service,
miss angelica.

- That's more like it.

- Wow, angelica is even
putting a growed-up to work.

- Now, this will be
your desk.

You babies are fired.

That means you has to leave.

Let's get you started
alphabetizing these blocks.

Then after that,
you can clean up my room,

Give fluffy a bath...

- Wow.

That poor donovan guy
has it even worser than we did.

Just look at that sad face.

We got to help him.

- Yeah, but he took my box.

I was nice and safe
sitting at my box.

- He didn't want
to take your box, chuckie.

Angelica made him do it.

It's only 'cause he's stuck
working for her

That we get to play now,
and that's not fair.

- Uh, miss pickles,
I have an idea.

Why don't I freshen up
that coffee for you?

- Hmm, nice idea, jonathan.

Keep up the good work
and there could be

A big commotion
in store for you.

- Poor guy.

He just wants
to play with the dirt

And mean old angelica
won't let him.

- Hey, let's get him
some dirt.

It's the least we could do.

- That's a great idea, phil.

- [Whimpers]


- [Giggles]

[Dishes clattering]

- Jonathan,
what's taking so long?

I need you!

- Whoa!


Where did this come from?

- Jonathan!

These crayons
aren't sharp enough.

Take care of that for me.

- Right away, miss pickles.

- He didn't seem very interested
in the dirt.

- Maybe it's not the dirt
he's looking for.

- Well,
when I'm digging up dirt,

There's only one thing
I'm looking for.

- [Gasps]

- Boy, is he gonna be happy.

- Oh, this is good.

Not nearly good enough.

[Mud squishing]



- I think he likes it.

- [Yelling]

- Hey, I'm not paying you
to go potty.

[Phone rings]

- Hello?

Oh, hi, mommy.

Everything here
is just fine,

Except jonathan's not paying
very much attention to me

And I'm so bored.

- [Groans]

- [Chuckles]

It's for you.

[High-pitched voice on phone]

- Oh, yes, mrs. Pickles.

Of course, yes, yes.

I will, absolutely.

- [Yawns]

I'm still bored.

So it must be time
for a board meeting.

Let's go, jonathan.

You follow me.

- But you fired us,

- [Groans]

Then you're hired again.

That means
you're working for me again.

- Yay!

I get my box back.

- Now, regarding the minutes
from our last meeting--

- Uh, miss pickles,

Perhaps there's some filing
I should do.

- No, I want you here.

Where was i?

- Remember the time reptar
dug a hole in the world

To get away
from the mole people?

Maybe jonathan
wants to dig up dirt

So he can make a hole
in the world.

- Yeah, and get away
from angelica.

- That's how I feel
most of the time.

- Then that's how
we'll help him.

Phil, you and lil
keep angelica busy

So jonathan can escape.

Chuckie and I will start digging
a hole for him.

[Twins giggle]

- Hey, you dumb babies!

I'm trying to run
a busyness here.

You're messing up
my meeting.

Come back here!

[Both grunting]

- Did we hit the other side
of the world yet?

- I don't think so.

Better keep digging.

- Hmm, "angelica's first words,"

"Angelica's first steps,"

"Angelica's first tantrum"--

What's wrong with these people?

Ah, angelica and charlotte.

Well, at least this has
charlotte on it.

Hmm, what's this?

- Drew, shut that thing off.

- Oh, this is good.

Wait till the staff sees this.

They'll laugh her
out of the building.

- Jonathan!

Where are you?

Jonathan, these babies
need to be teached a lesson.

I want you to make them eat...


[Both gasping]

- No.
- No?

- That's right.

- Miss pickles is not happy,

And mrs. Pickles
does not like it

When miss pickles
is not happy.

- I don't care,

Because I never have to listen
to your icky, yucky mommy again.

And that means I'll never
have to hear her say,

"Jonathan, get me this.

"Jonathan, this isn't right.

Jonathan, why are you late?"

- Jonathan, where are you?
- [Gasps]

- Angel, mommy's home.

- Now you're in trouble.

Coming, mommy.


- Here he comes, chuckie.

- But we haven't reached
the other side of the world yet.


- Ah!

- There he is, mommy.

And he's been very naughty.

- Quick, chuckie.

Here she comes.
Get digging.

- Ah!

- Jonathan,
what's going on here?

There's dirt all over the house.

I leave you in charge, and this
is how you handle things?

- Yeah, jonathan.

- This is the last time
you'll ridicule me,

Mrs. Pickles,
because I've got this.

It's a rather unflattering

Of a certain mega-corp executive
named charlotte pickles.

- Hmm, I thought I told drew
to burn that.

So you tried to find something
to embarrass me, huh, jonathan?

Thought you'd teach me a lesson?

- That's right.

- Finally showing
some initiative.

You know, I may have
underestimated you, jonathan.

I think there's a promotion
in order.

- Oh, well...
Thank you.

- As for you,
young lady,

There is a big pile of dirt
in the hallway

That has your name
all over it.

- But, mommy,
I didn't do it.

- Now, angelica, jonathan may
have let you run wild,

But we both know the babies
couldn't have possibly done it.

- But--but--but--

- There will be no dessert
for one week.

End of discussion.

Now, here's what I'm thinking,

We dig up a little dirt
on the competition...

- Poor donovan.

- Eh, forget about him.

What about us?

- Oh, you babies
are gonna pay for this.

- Dig quicker!

- Dig!
- Oh, dig, dig!

- Ha-ba, ha-ba, ha-ba...
[Stuttering laugh]
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