05x07 - The First Cut/Chuckie Grows

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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05x07 - The First Cut/Chuckie Grows

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Tweeting )

Oh, I think
he's hungry.

I think he's cold

Because he doesn't
gots no furs.

Nah, he's scared.

I've seen chuckie squawk
like that lots of times.

Oh, I miss chuckie.

I wish he was here

Instead of at his
grandma and grandpa's.

Maybe he likes being
at grandma and grandpa's.

Oh, yeah.

And... I wish he was there.

I thought
he was there.

( Kids gasp )

Oh, no! Look!

He's coming this way.

Come on!

( Gasps )

the baby bird.

I gots to go back.

No, tommy, the big shoes
will squish you.

I can make it.

( Tweeting )

( Grunts )

( Hollering )

( Groans )

( Tweeting )

( Gasps )

( Twins gurgle with surprise )


His brother and sister.

( Gasps )

( Bawling )


Oh, poor baby.

Did that mean thorny bush
scratch you?

Don't worry, snookums.

Mommy knew this day would come.

Mommy will fix it.

( Whimpering )

Oh, now this will
sting a little.

( Yelps )

We'll just put
one of these on

To keep your cut
all nice and clean.

All better.

Oh, what a brave boy!

so, that's why your mommy was

Hugging and kissing you
extra lots.

'Cause you got
a boo-boo.

Not a regular boo-boo.

Stuff came out of my finger.

( Gasps )

Was it spit?

No, it was red and sticky.

Is there more red stuff

Yep, but it can't come out
no more

'Cause of my sticky thing.

See? It's from my mommy's
first grade kit.

It's like when I had
my rooster shot

Only this one gots reptar
on it.

Reptar, let me see!

Can I try it on?

No! If you take it off
the red stuff will come out

And I'll shrivel up.

Then, I'll just get my
own reptar sticky.

Here, poke me with this.

I'm not going to do
that, phillip!

It was my idea,
you poke me first!

You guys,
listen to me!

It's no fun
to be cutted.

First, it hurts

Then you get sprayed
with stingy stuff

And it hurts more
and then...

( Gasps )

How about we stop
for ice cream?

We get ice cream?

This cutted thing keeps
getting better and better.

( Kids giggling )

Isn't this funny?

I need a sticky here, phillip.

I think you need two stickies.

And six for me!

But my pretend boo-boo
is bigger than yours.

I'm opposed
to be the doctor.

I get to decide
whose boo-boo is bigger.

Here, tommy,
for your pretend boo-boo.

I don't want to play.

Why not, tommy?

Because he's got a real
boo-boo, you dumb babies.

Oh, tommy, I just
heard about your cut

And I was so worried
about you.

You were?

Sure, tommy.

Only us kids that got cutted

Know what an awful
'sperience it is.

When it happened to me...

But you probably don't
want to hear about that.

we do! We do! Yeah,
tell us, go ahead!

Well, there I was minding
my own busy-ness

Playing on mommy's
stair-climbing machine.

I thought you weren't
opposed to play on it.

Was it my fault that
I fell off it

And cutted my knee and
lots of blood came out?


It sure wasn't tomater soup.

Ooh, was there lots of it?

Oh, it got all over
mommy's dress

I was accidentally wearing.

They had to wrap me up like a
mummy to keep all my blood in.

And then they took me
to the hospital

So I wouldn't get an inflection.

What's that?

It's when germ bugs fly in

And swim round your blood

And pretty soon you get


Ohh, that sounds bad.

Oh, it is !

You turn all orange
and your legs fall off.

I didn't get tangerine
'cause I had stitches.

What's that?

Like when aunt didi
sewed your teddy bear

After spike ripped its head off
and the stuffing fell out.

They sewed you up
with a sewing machine?

No, silly, I was too big.

You could probably
still fit, though.


Oh, tommy,
don't worry

Not for this
widdle boo-boo.

I mean, for...

Next time.

( Devilish laugh )

( Groaning, moaning )

( Nightmarish carousel music )

( Twins grunting )

come on in, tommy.

Come out and play.

( Grunts )

( Whimpering )

Can we get a sewing
machine out here?

( Devilish laughter )

( Gasps )

( Kids yelling, playing )

Hurry, phillip, there's lots
of sick dollies out there.

Hey, guys, what are you playing?

Ambulance; want
to be the driver?

Um, okay.

( Twins imitating siren )

( Heart beating loudly )

I'll be okay, I'll be okay.

I'm kind of busy
today, angelica.

Are you sure
you need me

To sew cynthia's
dress right now?

Oh, yes, cynthia needs
to wear it to a ball

So she can meet prince chairman
and live happily ever after.

Oh, well,
if it's for romance.

( Screams )

Tommy? What's the matter?

( Bawling )

I know what he needs--

Some fresh air.

Come on, champ, let's go
to the park.

( Kids giggling, laughing )

Want to slide, tommy?

Uh, no thanks, guys.

I'm just going to look
in my book.

( Barking )

Good boy.

( Barking )

Tommy, spike's
getting away!

He's going to get

( Barking, squeaking )

( Bike bells ring )

It's worser
than the big shoes.

What should we do,

Um, i... Um... I don't know.

( Wailing ):
poor spike! I can't look!

Me, either.

( Tommy whimpering )

( Squeaking )

( Growling, bike bells ringing )

( Squeaking )

( Barks, bells ring )


Wow, you didn't even
save your own dog.

Maybe he's sick?

Let's go play
on the jungle jim

Before he frows up.

( Spike whimpers )

he wouldn't play at all.

I couldn't get
him to swing.

Think he's coming
down with something?

He feels normal.

Hey, you think
he misses chuckie?

Stu, that's it!

Oh, poor tommy.

Well, it's a good thing
chuckie comes home tomorrow.

I thought they put
more of these in a box.

And I didn't even mind

When grandma squished me
and when she hugged me

'Cause we had lots of treats
and my grandpa got me this!


I can't wait to show tommy.

I don't know, tommy's been
acting kind of funny.

What do you mean?

Shh, here he is!

Hi, tommy.

Hi, chuckie.

Boy, I'm glad
you're back.

I got lots of stuff
to tell you about.

Me, too, tommy.

I saw all kinds
of neat stuff

And my grandpa
got me this pinwheel.


( Whirring in air )

( Buzz saw cutting )

( Yells )

( Boys grunting )

( Yelling )


help, tommy!


( Grunts )

( Grunting )

( Both boys yelling )

Oh, tommy,
you saved my life.

Oh, tommy, you
got a boo-boo.

Oh, it was worth it,

Even if all my
blood comes out

And I shrivel up
or get an inflection.

( Gasps )
why would that happen, tommy?

'Cause I gots this boo-boo

When you were at your grandma
and grandpa's house.

Now I gots this one.

Tommy, tommy, listen.

I had a boo-boo
just like that once.

Let me show
you something.


Why'd you do that?

All the blood's
going to come out!

No, it won't.


This one's almost gone.

Then, this one's
going to be okay, too.

Look, guys!

It's a mir-a-ble!

My cut's gone!

a mir-a-ble!

Wait, didn't we have
pretend boo-boos?

Oh, yeah.

( Gasps )
oh, no, tommy's
got another cut.

I wonder why
he's not crying.

Now, let's not
alarm him.

Hey, snookums,
can mommy see
your finger?

( Gasps )

Good thing we got that fancy
first aid kit.

( Tweeting )

( Kids grunting )


I think it's
the shiniest spinny toy

In the whole world.

( Grunting ):
I think it's full
of candy.

( Grunting ):
I think it's
a rocket ship.

I think... I think...

( Yelling )

( Sighs )
I think it doesn't matter
what it is

Because we're never going to be
able to reach it anyway.

would you give me back

My conflab newspapers?

I'm recycling them, pop.

You can't just let them
pile up in your room.

I've been saving
the gardening sections

For a year now.

I figure I've gathered up

Just about every technique
there is

For growing giant vegetables.

Oh, no, not the county fair
thing again.

Yup. This year lou pickles
is going to grow

The biggest crook-necked squash

This county has ever seen.

I'll show you how an expert
makes something grow.

Hey, you guys.

I got an idea.

If grandpa can make
his crooked squatch big

Maybe we can make one of us big
enough to reach the spinny toy.

I don't know, tommy.

Maybe we should just wait
till we're grown up.

We'll be big enough
to reach it

Without having to stand
on phil's head.

Well, I kind of like that part.

Wait till we're growned up?

But that's going to take
a gabazillion years!

Who knows if the spinny toy
will even still be up there?

So who are we going
to grow, tommy?

Um... Chuckie.

Me? Why me?

Because you're already
the closest to the sky.

I figure when
chuckie's tall enough

To see over these papers

We'll be able to reach
that spinny toy.

And all's we got to do

Is grow him the same way
my grandpa grows

His crooked squatch.

Come on.

( Gasps )

( Grunting )

( Doorbell buzzing )

Hi, uncle stu.

Hi, angelica.

Hey, bro, what you got?

Oh, it's angelica's
cappuccino cafe.

The espresso machine is
on the fritz.

( Sputtering )

Hey, no problem.

Let's bring it downstairs
for a look-see.

The kids are out back.

I'm sure they'll be
excited to see you.

He doesn't look
any bigger.

I think the dirt in his hair
made him a little taller.

What are you babies doing?

Playing hide and seek
in a gopher hole?

We're making chuckie bigger.

That's the dumbest thing
I ever heard.

You can't make him bigger.

He's always going to be just
a little, shrimpy baby.

( Laughing )


How in tarnation
did you get so dirty?

Get out of those wet clothes
before you get a chill.

( Rattling )

( Grunting )


( Gasps )

Hm. Must have used
a little too much soap.

Extra hot.

That should do it.

I swear, you kids
are getting bigger

By the minute.

There we go.

You sprouts
stay out of trouble

While I finish cleaning up
that laundry room.

You look funny.

Yeah, chuckie.

You look like
you're all squished up

Inside your clothes.

They fitted me okay
this morning.

Hey, if chuckie's clothes
fitted him this morning

But now they're too small
for him

It means we made chuckie big!

( Cheering )

This should soak up the rest
of that soap and water.

( Gasps )

see, chuckie?

Now you're bigger
than the whole pile of papers.


( Grunting )

( Clinking )

So, how's it going there,
big chuckie?

It worked, angelica.

We made chuckie grow big.


Yeah, I guess
you do look bigger.

In fact...

( Gasps )

I think you've got a case
of giantitis.


Yup. And you know
what that means, don't you?

Well, you'll just
keep getting bigger

And bigger and bigger.

And pretty soon

You won't be able
to ride your bike

Or wear your shoes

Or even fit inside
your house anymore!

But... But I don't want
to get that big!

Too late, chuckie.

I bet you'll be
the biggest giant baby

In the whole wide world.

( Gasping )

You babies better watch out.

He might squish you!

( Giggling )

( Gasping )
giant baby?

Giant baby?

I don't want
to be a giant baby.

Um, well... Maybe
it won't be so bad.

Um, being a giant
could be fun.

Yeah... Unless you hit your head

On a airplane.

Or birdies fly up your nose.

Oh... I knowed
we should have just waited

Till I growed up.

Now what am I going to do?

We're the ones
who made you big.

We'll just find a way

To make you regular size again.

Thanks, tommy.

( Sighs )

Now, you guys go.

I think I better stay here

To make sure
I don't squish nothing.

Oh. Okay, chuckie.

Come on, guys.

( Cackling )

Cynthia, you and me are going
to have a little fun

With a big, dumb baby.

well, maybe I'm
a little bit bigger.

But I'm, I'm not a giant baby.

I'm sure it's just
my 'maginiation.

But that table
sure looks real teeny.

And those chairs
sure look small.

And that...

( Gasps )

Oh, no, I am turning
into a giant!

Help me, guys!

( Crashing )

Oh, no, chuckie.

You squashed me!

( Chuckie gasps )


( Gasps )

What have I done?

( Screaming )

( Cackling )

Guys, guys, help!

( Panting )

Help, you guys!

I squished angelica.

You didn't squish her
on purpose, chuckie.

And even if you did...

That's okay!

Don't worry, chuckie.

We'll find a way
to make you regular-sized again.

( Sighing )

( Chuckling )

If squishing me scared chuckie

Wait till he thinks
he squished all the grown-ups.

what's the ice
going to do, tommy?

well, one time I had a really
big boo-boo on my leg

And my mommy put ice on it,
and it got smaller.

I bet it will work
on chuckie, too.

( Gasping )

What the...

( Screaming )

( Yelping )

There's ice in my pants!

I'm freezing!

I'm cold! I'm freezing!

There's ice in my pants!

Ice.. Cold! I'm freezing!

That's it, you babies.

You're in even
bigger trouble now.

Pour ice on me, will you?

what in tarnation

Is going on?

( Gasps )
my squash!


Pop, what happened?

Well, looks like

I'm never going to get
another trophy.


( Laughs nervously )

Yup. Sad thing when a man's
glory days are behind him.

Wait just
a gourd-picking second.

There might be a way
to recycle that squash

Into something even better!

I assume you had something
to do with this, young lady.

( Whining ):
but, daddy, it wasn't my fault.

The babies made me do it!

I suppose
you're going to tell me

The babies made you
do this, too.

There'll be no more cappuccino
for cynthia

Unless you march in there

And make this up
to your grandfather.

Yes, daddy.

( Gasps )

( Grunting )

Chuckie stopped!

You guys, look!

Oh, my gosh!

The papers!

The growing must have wore off.

I'm little again.

yay, chuckie's little again!

( Sniffing )

Mmm. That smells good.

What are you making this time?

crook-neck squash casserole.

Since I won that trophy
for my crook-neck squash pie

I been thinking I might do me
a whole book of recipes.

Ready to try
the casserole, sweetie?

Yes, grandpa.

wow! That sure is a shiny
new toy my grandpa got.

It's not a toy.

It's a giant cupcake.

It's not a cupcake, lillian.

It's a flying sausage.

Well...( Giggles )

I guess we'll just have to wait
till we're growed up

To find out.

( Giggling )

Right, guys?

Uh... Guys?


I squished angelica!

that's okay.
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