05x10 - Babysitting Fluffy/Sleep Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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05x10 - Babysitting Fluffy/Sleep Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Phone ringing )

( Screams )

( Ringing )


Charles, charlotte.

Oh, hi.

We're going out of town
for the weekend

And we need you to watch
angelica's cat.

I don't
really think...

Stu and didi
can't watch fluffy
because of spike

And betty and howard
are not cat people

So that leaves you.

But I'm allergic
to cats.

I knew you
wouldn't mind.

But I'm resurfacing
my... Driveway.

( Doorbell chimes )

( Growling )

( Sneezes )

But, charlotte

I don't know anything
about taking care

Of a ca...( Gasping )
( sneezes )

What's to know?
It's a cat.

Just feed it
and leave it alone.

And this is fluffy's
pretty kitty brush.

You got to brush her at least
a zillion times a day

And be sure and pet her
for two whole hours.

And don't forget to tell her
she's beautiful.

That's her favoritest thing.

( Jingles )

What's that for?

It's her toy mouse,
of course.

If she gets bored

You have to carry it
around in your mouth.

She thinks that's funny.


If you say so.

Bye, fluffy.

I know you're going
to take

Extra special
good care

Of my beautiful kitty.


Oh... Yes, angelica.

Don't worry.

I'll do everything
just like you said.

I'll be the bestest
baby-sitter ever.

It's going to be fun.

Right, fluffy?

( Screeches )

I'll be right outside,
little fella.

Now, be nice
to the kitty.

( Sneezes )

We're okay, fluffy.

Angelica says I'm supposed to
pet you two whole hours a day.


I don't think that
was two hours.


Hi, fluffy.

I've been looking for you.

You can come out now.

Well, I guess I could
come under there.

You know, angelica said
to tell you

You're the prettiest,
most beautifullest cat

I ever seed.

( Choking )

You're the most

( Sighs )

This isn't going so good.

So today's the
big day, huh, chaz?


But I admit
I'm a little nervous

About this
do-it-yourself job.

Don't worry, chaz.

It'll be a breeze.

Let me drop
tommy off

And I'll give you
the benefit

Of stu pickles,
handyman extraordinaire.

And then angelica asked
for me to baby-sit fluffy.


What if I mess up?

Don't worry, chuckie,
you'll do great.

And I'll be right
here to help you.

I know lots about aminals.

You do?


I've taken care of spike
my whole life.

But spike's a dog

And fluffy's a kitty.

How different can they be?

( Squeaking )

Go on, fluffy, fetch!

Come on, fluffy, you can do it.

( Growls )

Here, fluff.

I'll show you how.

( Panting )

( Panting )

I think fluffy's tired
of this game, tommy.

Maybe we should
do something else.

Time for your bubble bath,

I even brought you
something to play with.

( Growls )


( Fluffy screeches )


( Chuckie moans )

( Meowing )

What's she
doing, tommy?

Well, when spike does that

It means he wants
to go for a walk.

Where's her leash?

She doesn't have one.

But I know something we can use.

What's that stuff?

Some kind of rope.

I think my dad ties up his teeth
with it

So they won't fall out.

Too bad my grandpa didn't know
about this stuff.

( Growling )

( Panting )

( Panting )

( Growling, kids panting )

oh, kitty, kitty, kitty.

( Grunting )


Holy toledo,
what's going on here?


I seem to have run
into a little snag

With the driveway.

( Yelps )

Ah, for pete's sake

You guys are doing it all wrong.

Here, let me put
the pups inside

And I'll show you
how it's done.

And that's when she
knocked the flowers
off the table

And they almost hit me
on the head.


( Meowing )

Sounds kind of fun.

I don't think it was very fun
for fluffy.

Of course not.

You guys is doing it all wrong.

we are?

You're opposed to be

And fluffy isn't even wearing
a diaper.


here, nice kitty.

( Kids giggling )

( Fluffy screeching )

I don't think I like cats.

( Lil humming )

Come on, fluffy.

Time for your bottle.

Be careful with her.

( Fluffy screeches )

I think we're opposed
to burf her now.

( Deep, loud belch )

Excuse me.

( Fluffy screeches )

oh, no.

( Growling )

( All panting )

Hey, guys, look!

( Retching )

Oh, no!

She's going to frow up.

( Retching )

( Screeches )

Hey, I think
I do like cats.

What's wrong, chuckie?

Are you going to frow up, too?


It's this baby-sitting stuff.

It isn't working, you guys.

( Sobbing )

I wanted to be the bestest
baby-sitter ever.

But I guess I'm just nothing
but a...

What, chuckie?


( Bawling )

( All bawling )

( Grunting )

This just isn't working.

I've never seen such a mess.

Hey, what have you
got there, buddy?


What do you know?

This seems to be
a set of instructions.

( All bawling )

Where's phillip?

( Phil meowing )

Hey, look, you guys,
I'm a kitty.

( Giggling )

You look like fluffy
when you do that.

( Giggling )

Come here, fluffy.

( Laughing )

Ow, not so hard!

That's good.

Try it behind
the ears.

Nice kitty.

Oh, fluffy,
you are so beautiful.

Good girl,

( Purring )

Hey, guys, I think we finally
did something right.

( All cheering ):

"Be sure all wooden forms
are set even

"With adjacent surfaces.

Then spread the warm
asphalt evenly."

One for you...

And one for me.

And one for fluffy and...

Three for me.

one, eight,
100, 22...

A zillion.

All done.

( Fluffy meowing )

Boy, angelica's sure
going to be proud of us

And how good
we taked care of fluffy.

Well, all done, kids.

Look, isn't she a beaut?

( Fluffy screeches )

( Sneezes )

( Meowing )

( Doorbell chimes )

Hi, mr. Chuckie's dad.

I'm here to get my beautiful

Um, angelica...



Mommy's home!

I'm afraid we had a little...

( Angelica screaming )


now, don't forget, you got
to rub her skin every day

To help the hair grow back.

But don't rub
too hard

'Cause she don't
like that.

And be sure to tell her
she's a beautiful...

And, you know, really, angelica

If you go like this...

She still looks pretty good.

And be sure to wrap her
in a blankey

But not the fuzzy kind...

( Grunting )

( Both giggling )


What's wrong, chuckie?

What's wrong?

I got sand in my nose

Sand in my hair,
sand in my ears.

I even got sand

In my belly button.

A perfect day
to catch some rays.


It's not
sticking together

Like the sand
at the beach.

There must be
something missing.

We need to get it wet.

But I don't have to go, tommy.

That's okay, chuckie.


( Wind blowing )


( Panting )

Oh, no!

Come back.


( Grunting )


( Both laughing )

I appreciate your letting
chuckie spend the night.

I packed all
his favorite things.

Tv announcer:
we interrupt
this program

For a special weather bulletin.

Unusually high winds
are headed our way tonight

With gusts up to
30 miles an hour expected

To blast the area...
( Yelling )


Maybe I better
cancel my plans.

You can't cancel, charles.

What if chuckie
wakes up

In the middle of the
night, and it's windy

And the house is
making eerie noises?

I might... I mean,
he might be scared.

Oh, charles, stop worrying.

You'll only be
a couple of miles away.

Go on and have a...

Good time.

Well, okay.

But if you need to reach me

You can call me
at this number.


( Grandpa snoring )

There we go.

Now, how's about a bedtime story

Before we go to sleep?

Um, heard the one
about the sandman?

Let's see,
how does that go again?

Uh, well, yeah:
once upon a time

There were these two little boys

Who couldn't get to sleep.

Luckily, the sandman heard
they were having a problem

And came to their house
to help.

( Both babbling happily )

He went up to the boys' room

And sprinkled magic sand
in their eyes.

And, uh, before you know it

They were
fast asleep.

And then later

They, uh, probably lived
happily ever after.

Or something.

The end.

Uh, good night, kids.

( Chuckie whimpers )


( Yawns )
what is it, chuckie?

I, I was thinking
about the sandy man.

You mean
the one from the story?

Uh-huh, and what if
he comes to our house tonight

And then, and then he throws
too much sand on us?

We could get buried.

Hmm, don't worry, chuckie.

There's no sandy man.

Besides, no one can turn into
sand and slip through doors.


( Clattering )

But just in case,
maybe we should go to sleep

With my mom and dad
in their room.


( Whimpering )

Well, okay.

As long as your dad

Doesn't tell us no more stories!

On three we'll make
a run for it.

( Gulps )

One... Seven... Elevendy...
Oh, let's go.

( Both screaming )

( Snoring )

( Yawns )

( Gasps )

Well, how in the world
did you two get in here?

Oh, poor babies.

Did the scary wind wake you up?

we have company.

Oh, look who's here.

( Yawning )

Why don't I take
you kids downstairs

And get breakfast
started, huh?

Stu, it's midnight.

And according to lipschitz

When a child wakes up
in the middle of the night

It's important that they fall
back asleep in their own bed.

He has a whole list
of suggestions here.

♪ And down
will come babies ♪

♪ Cradle and all. ♪

( No audio )

( sighing )

sleep is good.

I like to sleep.

So do i.

I'd like to go
to sleep right now.

( Snoring )

( Both snoring )

( Snoring )

Um, what are we
going to do now, tommy?

Who's going to 'tect us
from the sandy man?

Well, we'll just
have to go downstairs

And set a bunch of traps
so the sandy man can't get us.

( Lightning crashing )

( Glass breaking )




( Laughing nervously )

Maybe I better
go check on chuckie.

The sandy man comes in

Through the cracks
in the door.

So we'll need
some mushy stuff

To plug them all up.

Okay. How about
some smashed tatoes?

Yeah. And here's

Some applesauce
and chocolate pudding

And some...

well, there's no way
the sandy man

Can get in now.

( Yelps )
( phone ringing... )

Tommy, what if that's him
telling us he's on his way?

No answer.

The phone lines must be down.

Don't worry, chuckie,
daddy's coming.

( Tires squealing )

If the sandy man comes in

I'll scoop him
into my pail

And dump him outside
piece by piece.

What are you going to do,

( Doorbell buzzes )
( screams )

( Doorbell buzzing faintly )

( Stu snoring )

( Sighs )

( Grunting )

Come on, chuckie.

We got to be brave.

( Banging at door )
( gasps )

( Both blubbering )

( Banging at door )

Boy, stu and didi can sleep

Through anything.

( Screams )

( Rattling )

( Sputtering )

( Rattling )

( Yelling )

( Crashing )

Oh, my gosh!

We forgot to stuff up
the basement door!

Come on, chuckie.

Get the gooey stuff.

( Doorknob
rattling )

( Gasps )
( gasps )

( Rattling )



Did you hear that?

Did hear that?

He knows our names.

( Yelling )

( Groaning )

Hey! What's going on?


( Grunting )

Oh, I'll save you, tommy.

( All grunting )

Thanks, chuckie.
( Gasps )

( Panting )

( Screams )

( Groaning )

( Yelping )

( Crashing )


( Spluttering )

Tommy, the sandy man's
going to be mad

When he comes back up
those stairs.

We got to think
of something

To get rid of him
once and for all.

You're right.
I got it!

Member what happened
to our sand castle at the beach?


The ocean washed it away.

( Pinging )

( Grunting )

What in the world...?

( Whimpering )

( Grunting )

( Growling )

( Screaming )

( Blubbering )

Is he melted?

( Gasps )

it's your dad.

My daddy.

He came to save us.

Chuckie, look.

That's all that's left
of the sandy man.

Yeah, 'cause my daddy
did save us.

I always knowed
he was a hero.

( Gasps )



( Chuckie and tommy laughing )

( Snoring )

Wind must have
shaken them up too.

At least
it wasn't just me.

Good night, tommy.

Thanks for
keeping chuckie company.

Come on, chuckie.

Let's go see
if uncle stu

Has some dry clothes
I can put on.

I'm sure stu and didi
won't mind

If I spend the night.

And this way
I'll be right here

If anything frightens
my little guy.

( Both gasp )

( Crashing )

Or vice versa.

( Crashing )

( Chaz yelping )
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