00x00 - Diamonds and Lemons

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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00x00 - Diamonds and Lemons

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪
Season 10 Episode 14

Episode Title :
"Diamonds & Lemons"

Synchronized by srjanapala

You sad mobs.

Y'all wish you had
this sweet dang bucket!



It's mine time!

Get beat, dead meat!

My tool!


Oh, a little
zombie carrot.

I should have
washed it.


Grow! Grow!


- Heads up!
- Oof!

I got that bucket of pure
river water you asked for.

Thanks, dude.

Whatcha doing
down here, anyways?

Digging up diamonds
for a little project.

I'll help, buddy!


Vanilla no mods!

Vanilla no mods!
Vanilla no mods!

Vanilla no mods!

What the heck, man?

It's such
a senseless waste!

Au contraire,
mon friend.

I'm extremely senseful.
See this bucket of water?

It's case I fall in the lava
and catch fire.

You could make something
really good with these...

like a
better sword for your best bro.


I'm gonna take this shiny boy
and show you the way.

You do you, buddy.

I'm sure you'd get it
if you just took a moment

- to think about it!
- Uh huh.

Look, guys.
It was totally epic.

I wrecked the library's
glass ceiling, like, NBD.

Then, I pushed
a creeper down there,

and all the stupid, smart dorks
cried like tiny stupid babies.

- Wenk, wenk.
- That's small potatoes!

We should do
something big.

I've got a storage
full of live dynamite.

Hey, we should grief
Finn and Jake!

We could plant a tree
on the tree house!


Ugh, it's totally obvious
you've never griefed anybody.

That's only
technically true.

And, not to be that guy,
but it's actually "aggrieved."

You better grief
someone, quick,

if you want to stay
in the Gravel g*ng!

Only cool
mean girls allowed!

I'm ice-cool, LSP.

Call me by my g*ng name!

Gravel Gal.


Yes, of course.


No groooooowth!

Who here
loves windmills?

All right!

Now, get to work.

Yo, Marcie.

- That's a real nice windmill.
- Thanks.

When it's done, I'm gonna grind
up a whole mess of bone meal.

What's that, boss?

Keep working, buddy.

So, whatcha got there?

A little lump destined
for something big.

Just like your butt!

Good one. But no,
I want to turn this diamond

into something complex and
awesome, to really "wow" Jake.

Well, I recommend
building a windmill.

A diamond windmill.

No, that's silly.

You need something
more science-y.

Diamond, lapis, some
gunpowder, juicy nugget.

Add the star to move
gunpowder and paper.

There! I'm positive Jake
will appreciate it

for both its fleeting
sensation of beauty

and its false sense
of purpose.

Up top.


Aw, blocks.

He's been at it
all day.

I should help him.
See ya later, Finn.

All right.


- Nyargh!
- Hey.

Hey, it's okay, buddy.

Can't... tree!

You can't just hit something
with a shovel

and expect it
to do your bidding.

- Yeah, you can.
- What?

This is an oak sapling,
this is a jungle sapling,

and this...

this is a lot
of bone meal.

Courtesy of Marceline
the Bone Meal Queen.

Now, we don't actually
need the bone meal,

but it'll help
speed things up.

And as for the space
requirements on the ground,

it depends on the species.

How many aces
do you have?

I got five.

Oh, sh**t.
I only got two.

- Hey, y'all.
- Finn.

I was just
passing through.

But I could sure go for one
of your famous apple pies.

Say no more.

I'm no expert, but that kind of
looks like a pumpkin.

Sorry about that.
I'm just plumb out of apples.

But I got lots
of pumpkins...

Too many pumpkins.

Hot pie.

Uh, this might
sound a bit weird,

but I'm kind of tired,
and it's a long way home...

Say no more.


Bye-bye, boys!


You know, you could just
tell me where to go.

[ Dude, stop. Enderman.
Don't look at it, and we'll...

What the heck
is that?!

Oh, glob.


- Hey!
- Wee, wee, wee! Wee, wee, wee!

Enderman! Fight me!
Oh, no.


So, uh...

Do you have, like,
another job,

or is this what
you do full-time?

I saw you carrying
that block back there.

You into
building stuff?

I bet endermen have hobbies
just like everyone else.

Ooh! Mm-hmm,
mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


Good work!
Let's call it a day.

Meh, hmph.

Beans? Beans.
That noise.

Finn, I'm trying
to sleep!

Hey, LSP.
Don't be scared.

What are you even doing,
just looking at this guy's toes?

I have to.

I don't get it.

Does this guy
even have toes?

Are those his toes?

I don't think I've ever even
seen a toe, come to think of it.

What am I even
talking about?

Thank you! I've been
stuck here for so long!



You're all smelly
and wet!

Get out of here!

Fair enough.

But come
back after you've showered.

Yoink! Ha, ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!

- Hey!
- You got griefed!



I'm not looking at you!

I'm not looking!

Good morning. How dare you.

Lemon seed babies!

Oh, you shall be
my true heirs!

A apple?!


Oh, gracious.

Good job, Lemongrab.

Pie me!
Pie me for my apples.


You won't believe what
I went through to get this.

Oh, yeah. You were gonna
make something, right?

You did it!

You took the fruits of our labor
and transformed them

into something beautiful
and unexpected.

Oh, come on!
Diamonds are so hard to get!

Oh. Duh!

Beauty is in the
hard work itself

and the...
Oftentimes false...

Sense of purpose
we feel when doing it.

It's a fleeting sensation that
drives us to repeat our actions

in order to
capture it again.

That was supposed
to be fireworks.

I like this better.

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

This part is so crazy!
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