01x04 - Tree Trunks

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x04 - Tree Trunks

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ C'mon grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very ♪

♪ distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog ♪

♪ and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time! ♪

Swords! Yeah, swords!

Oh, men and their swords...

You boys, stop horsing
around with my apples!

Aw, Tree Trunks!

Now, come on over!

I baked y'all an apple pie.

Yeah, apple pie!

I'm gonna eat it all before
you even get there!

Apple pie!

Don't let him eat it all!

Now, you boys sit down
and behave yourselves.


Shoo, fly! Get off my apple pie!

A fly landed on my pie.
That's no good.

Bye, pie!

Why are you throwing the pie away?

Flies wanted it?

They can have it.

Anyways, don't y'all worry

'cause the new pie is coming
in the wag of a lamb's tail.

New pie?

Pie, yeah!

Here you are.

Come on, go ahead.

What you think?

Best apple pie ever!

Oh, Jake...

Thank you, but that
ain't the best apple pie.

What are you talking 'bout,
Tree Trunks?

What can be better than your apple pie?

You ate all the pie...

Finn, what would you do
if you could do anything?


Well, I'd catch a sh**ting star,
travel to outer space

and fight space monsters!

I'd carve my face on the moon...

...so the moon...

...would look like my face!

What would you do, Tree Trunks?

I would go pick an apple.


I'm sorry. I mean...

It's just you pick apples every day.

This apple ain't like
the apples that I pick.

They say it's the apple of apples;

rarest kind of all.

Legends call it the Crystal Gem Apple.

That sounds awesome!

Where is it?

I've heard that it grows at the
deepest end of the Evil Dark Forest.

Tree Trunks you gotta go pick that apple!

What? Me?

Oh, no I'm just a cute little elephant.

I'm not cut out for adventuring.

Tree Trunks! This is your dream!

Think about eating that apple...

...with your own...


Or your trunk.

Imagine the flavor.

And your satisfied face.


You think I can handle
the Scary Dark Forest?


And we'll help you.

We love you, Tree Trunks.

Okay. I'll do it.

Call me...

...Adventurer Tree Trunks.

Tree Trunks!!!

I love being so high up
from the ground!

I can take you even higher
on my shoulders, Tree Trunks.

No, Jake. She has a weak heart.

Oh, yeah...

Why is this ground all squishy?

Whatever it is, I'm liking it.
Oh, yeah!

I wanna try!

Okay! I'm cool with you letting you
do whatever you want.

It's like some cookie dough!

Oh, hello there.

Uhh, Tree Trunks, stay away from that.

Ugh! You're gonna get it,
wall of flesh.

An eye...

...and a mouth!

Well, I think I got the perfect
thing for him or her:


Careful, Tree Trunks,

this thing is evil!

Here's a rainbow sticker.

And here's a scratch-and-sniff sticker,

smells just like a pickle.

Oh, and this one
is a holographic unicorn,

but it doesn't have a horn

Oh, now, whatcha doing?

Huh? Tree Trunks!!!

You better stay in that tree, baby.

Tree Trunks were you putting stickers
on that evil monster?

Yes, I thought it needed some
tender love and affection.

Oh, what a pretty butterfly!

Tree Trunks?

Jake, I just realized that Tree Trunks
is old and bonkers.

We can't take her through
this Evil Dark Forest.

Nah, she'll be fine. Everything's fine.

But the monsters?

It's fine. It's fine!

Are you sure? 'Cause she has zero
adventurer training.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
It's fine, she'll be fine!

It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.

Maybe it is fine.

Tree Trunks?

Where'd she go?

Tree Trunks!!!

We gotta find her, Jake!

Where are you, Tree Trunks?

And here's your teacup...

...and here's my teacup.

Tree Trun...Oh!!!

And here's your sandwich.

Oops, you dropped it.

Tree Trunks, run!

Oh, hey, Finn.

Time to call your mamas,
evil sign posts.

Patience, boys.
There's enough tea for everyone.


Oh, what a nice hug.

I'm not hugging you...Ugh.

I'm trying to...Ugh!

save your life!

There's too many!!!


Oh, Finn...

That tea party was crummier
than a big old biscuit.

Tree Trunks, I'm all jacked up
because of you.

Look at my jacked up face!

Are you mad at me?

No, I'm not mad.

You're too super-cute for me
to be mad at you,

and you're a top notch adventurer!

Now, let's go find and eat the heck out
of that crystal gem apple together.

Dang it!

You go fight.
I'll keep Tree Trunks out of trouble.


J-Jake I think Finn is getting
jacked up again.

Yeah, Finn can handle it.

He's 12!

I think I know a way to help him out.

Uhh, you should stay here, Tree Trunks.

But Finn said that
I was a top notch adventurer.

And my adventurer instincts

tell me to seduce that tentacle critter

with my womanly charms
and elephant prowess.

Uhh, no way.

Uh, what are you doing here,
Tree Trunks?

I'm helping you by tempting
this guy with my body.

It's not a guy, Tree Trunks!

It's a Snake Armed Ruby Brain Beast!

Even brain beasts get lonely, Finn!

Jake! You were supposed to watch her!

She got passed me, man.

I tried to stop her,
but she overpowered me.

Get her out of here!

Finn, k*ll it!

I can't find it's magic gem weak spot!

Oh, there it is.

I did it! I helped!

I'm the sexiest adventurer in the world!

Tree Trunks! You're not an adventurer!

You nearly got yourself k*lled,


Do you wanna die, Tree Trunks?!?

Is that what you think adventurers do?!?

Die and make all their friends feel
terrible 'cause they couldn't save you?!?

Whoa, man.

I'm going home now.

Tree Trunks...

Tree Trunks!

Don't follow me.

Oh, Finn...

You shouldn't yell at cuties that
just wanna help you.

Man, I feel horrible.

I was only yelling because
I care about her safety.

That's what happens when you care
too much, dude.

Tree Trunks!

Finn, I found the Crystal Gem Apple.

You're the man, Tree Trunks!

Tree Trunks, I'm a huge butt guy
for getting mad at you.

I'm a huge fart.

I was only upset because I love you and
I don't wanna see you get hurt.

That's precious, Finn.

And I'll accept your apology
if you let me kiss your cheek.

I don't know, I…

Whoa! Let her kiss your cheek, man.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Whoa! Let her kiss your cheek, man.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I don't know, I…

A crystal guardian!

Tree Trunks, stay out of the
monster battle this time.

I don't want you getting hurt.

Alright, I promise I will.


Back off you!

Back off you!

Stop copying me!

Stop copying me!


He's copying everything we do.

Hey! It's my butterfly-friend.

That's precious.

Whoo! Shake it, Tree Trunks!

Whoo! Shake it, Tree Trunks!

Gem-clam! Let's beat it up while
it's copying Tree Trunks!

Crud, this is barf dude.

Oh, man, I'm a total moron!

We gotta fight this one Tree Trunks style.

I'll get the make up.

Hey! Crystal Guardian!

Are you okay with Tree Trunks
taking a bite of that apple?

I'm okay with it.

I'm okay with it.

And I'm stupid.

And I'm stupid.

You heard the guardian, TT.
Bite that thing.


Whoo! How's it taste, Tree Trunks?

Yeah! How is it?
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