01x09 - My Two Favorite People

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x09 - My Two Favorite People

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

p*ssy cat! Come here!



Don't worry!

His spells never last long.
[ clank! ]

[ thud ]

Who are these guys?
This is a great fight!

Yeah! You never fought them?

They come out every day
at 4:00 on the dot.

[ twinkle! ]

l guess that's because
l meet Lady Rainicorn

every day at 4:00 on the dot.

Oh, sh**t! I'm late!

You should stay, man.

At 5:00 every day,
l chop both their heads off,

and they grow them back
for the next day.

Aw, man, that sounds awesome!

l do want to stay and fight those guys,

but l also want to hang out
with my girlfriend.


[ sighs ]
l should probably go.

l'll see ya later, buddy.



[ laughs ]
[ grunting ]

[ swords clashing ]


[ panting ]

Sorry! Sorry l'm late.

Finn and l were fighting
this shark and science cat,

and I lost track of time.

Anyway, l'm here now, Milady,

and I have brought to you
half an orange.

[ slurping ]

[ speaking Korean ]

[ twinkle! ]


Now make that green!

[ twinkle! ]

Ha ha ha! Yeah, that's good.

[ yawns ]

[ speaking Korean ]


But we were supposed to play viola together!

[ speaking Korean ]

[ sighs ]

Sorry again for coming so late.

[ speaking Korean ]

[ sighs ]
Good night.

Hi, Jake.

Oh, hey, Shelby.

Why you looking so down in the dumps?

[ sighs ]

No response, huh?
Guess you're good.

- I'm, fed up, Shelby!
- Hmm?

Whenever l hang out with Lady Rainicorn,

l miss out on fun times with Finn.

And then when l hang out with Finn,

l'm missing out on Lady Rainicorn!


Hey, Jake, why don't you
just hang out with both of them

at the same time?

And then l won't miss anything!


My problems are solved.

Ah, isn't this great?

This is totally great, isn't it?
- Yeah.

lsn't it?

[ speaking Korean ]

Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

What? What did she say?

She said she also thinks it's great.




Hey, did you know that you both

have an awesome sense of humor?

- We do?
- Yeah. Anybody have a joke?

Oh, l have a joke!

Ha ha! Okay, okay.

Knock knock.
- [ speaking Korean ]

She said, "who's there?"

- Diarrhea.
- [ speaking Korean ]

[ speaking Korean ]

[ slurps ]

Did she say, "diarrhea who?"

Uh, no.

No, she didn't say, "diarrhea who?"

She didn't... say it.

Lady, how about youtell a joke?


[ speaking Korean ]
[ gasps ]

[ speaking Korean ]

[ laughs ]

[ speaking Korean ]

[ both laughing ]

What's the joke?

Uh, well, the joke
doesn't translate very well.

[ sighs ]
Man, l-I might leave.

ls it okay if I leave?

l kind of want to go fight something.

No! Don't leave.

lf there was only some way

you two could talk
to each other directly.

Oh, dude! I just remembered!

There's a universal translator device

at the bottom of Lake Szelezon!

The lake guarded by evil Lake Knights?

Yeah, l can't remember
why l threw it in there.

Let's all go and get it!

Whoa, Jake!
You're inviting Rainicorn?

No offense, but isn't she a little too sweet

for deadly adventure?

Trust me, Finn, she's the Rowdy Queen.

She can do anything.


All right. Trust pound.

[ thud ]

[ whoosh! ]

[ cheering ]

[ sparkle! ]

Underwater camouflage.

[ splash! ]

[ suspenseful music plays ]

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All right!
[ laughs ] Yeah!

Lady, you are incredible!

You should adventure
with us all the time!

Heh, heh, heh.

All according to plan.

[ speaking Korean ]

Uh, what?

Here's the translator.

Let's see here.

Voice options are...

Old man...

Nerdy alien...

or nightmare?

Try sayin' something, toots.

[ croaking ]

[ elderly male voice ]
Then, I ate all the peaches in the orchard.

And that farmer was so angry.

[ laughs ]
l like this voice.

[ speaking alien language ]

[ laughs ]

[ elderly male voice ]
And that's the end of my story.

[ sighs ]

Well, at least with old man option,
we can understand him.

l mean, her! l mean you, sugar.

Hop on my back,
and I'll give you both a ride home.

[ laughs ]

Whatever you say, grandpa. Rah!

Come on, my darling.

Wrap your legs around me.

[ sighs ]

l remember why l drowned
that translator now.

Hey, grandpa, how are you able to fly

if you don't have wings?

Well, light travels from the sun,

then bounces off of our planet
and back into our eyes

so we can perceive color.


My body can intercept that light
and dance around on it.

Baby, it's a little rocky
in the back seat, here.

[ laughs ]

That forest wizard is giving away
free power rings!

Do you want to try getting some, Finn?





[ whoosh! ]

[ rustle! ]

Lady? Finn?

Y'all around here?
Dang it!

Whoa! Check it out!

Oh, did you see that?
[ giggling ]

This is, like, the funnest thing ever!

[ crash! ]
There you are!

Where were you guys?

Wait a minute --
you didn't fly down with us?

l thought you were behind us
this whole time.

No! I fell off your tail end.

l was shouting your name!

Oh, honey pot, we probably

couldn't hear you
because of the cloud density.

Jake! Check out these power rings!

[ twinkle! crackle! ]

Whoa. That's cool.
You got 10of them?

Yeah! Lady got some, too.

Oh, that's cool.

Uh, you want one of mine?

l've got so many.

Yeah! Thanks, man!

Oh, wait.

l can't take them off.

l guess they're cursed.
Still pretty cool, though.

Yeah, they're awesome.

[ insects chirping ]

[ laughs ]

[ laughs ]

All right, this time,

l'm gonna destroy you, Rainicorn!

Okay. That sounds nice.

Oh, l got the sword!

Hey, Lady, you want to go
play music together or something?

Uh, oh, uh...

l-I would, but, uh,
l'm in the middle of this game.


Hey, Finn, after this next game,

do you want to go adventurin' with me?

Lady and l are going to a party

in the Cloud Kingdom tonight.

You should go to that with us.

Hmph! Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!

[ sighing dramatically ]

Jake, stop sighing!
You're messing up my game!

[ groans ]

Jake! What's going on with you?!

[ groans ]

[ game beeps ]

Aw, dang it!

Man, Lady, you're too good at this.

Hey, it's time to party with clouds!

Jake, you coming?
- No.

Dude, l thought you wanted
to spend more time...

with me and Lady together.
- I do!

- Then come on.
- No, yougo ahead,

and you have fun with my girlfriend!


[ sighs deeply ]

...we're gonna head to the party,

but you should meet us there
and stop acting weird.

- [ both laugh ]
- [ sighs ]

[ sighs ]

They should be back by now.

[ dialing ]

[ telephone rings ]

Hello? Cloud Kingdom.

Uh, yes. Hello.

Um, I'm looking for
Finn the human and Lady Rainicorn.


Hello? Can you hear me?


Yeah. They left a while ago.

A while ago?!

[ crash! ]
[ panting ]

What the?!

[ screech! ]

[ laughing ]
[ twinkle! ]

[ both laugh ]
Yeah, now make that orange.

And make that purple.

[ laughs ]

[ gasps ]

Wow, Lady, hanging out
with you is the best.

l like you, too, Finn.


My girlfriend in the arms
of my best pal.

Well, two can play at that game,
sweet cheeks.

Let's see...
"Doug, Todd, Jerry, Dennis,

Reggie, Peter, George,
Larry, Luke, David, Benton,

Mike R., Mike H., Mike A.,

Gareth, Jennings, Mr. lnternational,

Mr. Outrageous, Captain Majesty,

the Flying Lettuce Brothers,

Pete the Punk."

[ gasps ]



[ laughs evilly ]

[ both laugh ]

Man, l wish Jake was here
having fun with us.

[ classical music plays ]

Hey, where's that music coming from?

Yeah, yeah, louder.

[ volume increases ]

[ gasps ]

Jake, what are you doing?

Oh, hey, guys.

l'm just sharing a tender moment

with my beautiful friend, Tiffany.

Stop! You're making Ladyjealous.

Well, l'm trying to make you bothjealous.

Why would l be jealous of Tiffany?

Because Tiffany's a boy!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Jake's mybest friend now -- forever.

[ gasps ]

[ growls ]



Jake, what's going on with you?

Oh, l guess l'm jealous

of how much you and Finn
like each other.

l'm hanging out with Finn

because you wanted us to get to know
each other better.

l know. Ugh!

Get out of my life, Tiffany,
and never come back!

Oof! No! Jake will be mine!

l'm sorry I'm an idiot, baby.
Forgive me?

Oh, sweet potato, I love you
becauseyou're an idiot.

You make me feel like a genius.

[ both laugh ]

You make me feel like
l'm hugging an old man.

lt's time to get rid of
this piece of crud.

[ zap! ]

[ chuckles ]

[ speaks Korean ]

Yeah, way better.

Beat it, Tiffany!

Go on -- get.

You'll never defeat me!

l will be Jake's best friend
because l'm Tiffany!


l'm sorry I was an idiot.
You forgive me?

Shut up, man.
l don't want to hear that stuff.

Let me get in there.

Let's never be stupid again.


Let's always be stupid -- forever.


♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪
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