01x12 - Evicted!

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x12 - Evicted!

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ lt's Adventure Time ♪

And as it waded through
the carnage it had wrought,

the vampire smashed their skulls
just for the fun of it!

No way!

Yes way! It did!

And, also, the vampire
hunched over its victims

and breathed their vaporized blood mist!

[ warbling ]

Ah, geez!

Jake, is this stuff
you're saying true,

or are you just
trying to mess me up?

You have to be honest.

Oh, it's true, man.

l heard it through a reliable source.

Reliable? Rats.

Yeah, some say
it haunted this very tree!

- This tree?!
- Good night!

- Jake!
- [ warbles ]

You're full of it, Jake!

[ warbling ominously ]

[ creaking ]

[ grunts ]

[ croaking ]

[ gasps ]

[ warbling ]

No worms on the bed!

[ warbling stops ]

[ sighs ]

[ tapping ]


[ tapping ]


[ thunder crashes ]

[ screams ]

Jake! Jake!

l saw someone outside the window!

lt must be the vampire,
and I think we're unprepared, so l --

Relax, buddy.
l made that story up.

l was just trying to scare you.

But you said you heard it
from a reliable source.

[ chuckles ]

l made that up, too.

l was trying to scare you, and it worked!

[ laughs ]

[ screams ]

[ breathing heavily ]

No one's outside.


lt was just the wind,

l wasn't scared.
Iwas singing.

l was singing my scream song.

♪ Aah, aah, aah! ♪

You're a total wuss, man.
[ both gasp ]

[ chuckles ]

- [ gasps ]
- [ hisses ]

[ both scream ]

Hey, guys. What's up?

l'm Marceline the Vampire Queen.

Are you gonna smash my skull
and breathe my blood mist?!

Don't suck our blood!

[ laughs ]

Calm down, weenies.

l'm not gonna do that.


You don't suck blood?

Sometimes l do, but it's not
the blood that I like.

lt's the color.
l eat shades of red.


[ slurps ]

[ sighs ]

[ laughs ]


[ laughs ]

[ yawns, sighs ]

Wow, I'm exhausted.

l've been traveling all over
the Land of Ooo,

and I've seen some stuff

that would reallymake you say,
"like what?"

[ muffled ]
Like what?

l found a School of Goldfish Beasts.

Yah! Yee-haw!

And I fooled around
in the Fire Kingdom.

[ laughing ]


Oh, and check these out.


Oh, these aren't just
ordinary nuts.

[ grunts ]

[ all warbling ]

[ screeches ]

[ warbling continues ]

[ laughs ]

You're wonderful.

Yeah, uh, thank you
for not sucking our blood.

You guys seem cool, too.

[ yawns ]

But as you can imagine,
l'm really tired,

so you two should probably
get going.


[ sighs ]

"M" for "Marceline."

Oh, man.

l carved it in this tree
years ago --

long before you two
rascals started squatting here.

But seriously, guys, thanks for
keeping the place warm for me.

Like, really great. Thanks.


Good night!

Come on, Finn,
let's get out of here!

She can't kick us out
of our house!

No, Finn, wait!

Get down here, lady,
and fight me!

She's a vampire, dude!

[ laughs ]


[ slurps ]

[ sighs ]

[ grunting ]

[ laughs ]

l'm gonna k*ll her!

Dude, if half the stories I've heard
and/or made up are true,

vampires willkill you.

There's no question.

[ hisses ]
[ laughs ]

But what about our home?

A vampire took it!

Ah, we should go house hunting --
bag us a new house.

But l like our home.

Finn, house hunting is wild!

You got to try it!


Yeah, man. lt is so nuts!

You always know what to say.

Blah, blee, bloo, blah,
blah, bloobity, blah, bloop!

Okay, I'm convinced.

Let's roll!

Sweet, things are gonna
start going our way.

Hey, look. See? What did l tell you?

[ birds chirping ]

♪ So, Finn and Jake ♪

♪ Set out to find a new home ♪

♪ lt's gonna be tough ♪

♪ A kid and a dog on their own ♪

♪ There's a little house ♪

♪ Aww, Finn's sticking his foot in ♪

♪ That's a bad idea, dude,

'cause now that bird thinks
you're a jerk, Finn ♪

♪ Now they're chilling on the side of a hill

and thinking living in a cloud
would be totally thrilling ♪

♪ Unless they find something inside,

like a mean cloud man
and his beautiful cloud bride ♪

♪ A beehive -- oh, no ♪

♪ Don't put your foot in there, guy ♪

♪ Y'all tried that before,

and you know it didn't turn out right ♪

♪ Big shell -- go inside ♪

♪ Look around, it seems all right ♪

♪ A frog jumps out and barfs a tiger,

throwing down a potion for food and fire ♪

♪ You know you should have stayed ♪

♪ And fought that sexy vampire lady ♪

♪ But Jake was feeling terrified ♪

♪ He was super scared of her vampire bite ♪

♪ Which is understandable ♪

♪ 'Cause vampires are really powerful ♪

♪ They're unreasonable and burnt
out on dealing with mortals ♪

♪ Oh, Marceline ♪

♪ Why are you so mean? ♪

♪ l'm not mean, I'm 1 ,000 years old ♪

♪ And I just lost track of my moral code ♪

♪ Oh, Marceline ♪

♪ Can't you see these guys are in pain? ♪

♪ No, l can't ♪

♪ l'm invested in this
very cute video game ♪

♪ So, there go our boys ♪

♪ Walking on the icy ground ♪

♪ Heading towards their destiny ♪

♪ l'm sure they'll figure something out ♪

This is weak!

l don't even like
any of these places.

l want to go home.

Finn, let me tell you a little something

about what "home" really means.

♪ La la la ♪

♪ Home isn't a place ♪

♪ Let me give you a clue ♪

♪ Home is anywhere
where people care about you ♪

l don't want to hear a lecture, dude.

l just want to go home.

♪ But home is where your heart is, Finn ♪

♪ And where is your heart, Finn? ♪

♪ Well, it's right there inside you ♪

♪ Well, l'm sitting right here beside you ♪

With your lucky stars
to guide you from above.

[ fiddle playing ]

[ both chuckle ]

Yeah, l guess l'd rather be out here,

wrapped in your ear,

than be in some
awesome house all by my...


l'd rather be dancing with some babes.

Shut up, dude!

Gross. This place looks gross.

And abandoned.

[ echoing ]
And abandoned. And abandoned. And abandoned.

[ both scream ]

[ gasps ]
Whoa, bro!

Want to just live in here?


♪ So, they cleaned the cave

and built a house inside the cave ♪

[ sighs ]

So, what do you think, man?

We did pretty good for ourselves.

Yeah, we did.

So, uh, what should we
do first in our new digs?

Let's trash it and throw a party!

[ mid-tempo music playing ]

[ indistinct conversations ]

[ sighs ]

This is it.
Feeling good.

Feeling -- l'm feeling like we did it.

l'm feeling, like, completely satisfied.

Nothing else can go wrong,
you know, Jake?

- Yeah, man.
- Oh, yeah. I know, too.

Hey, Finn.
- [ gasps ]

She's back!

Wow, pretty awesome party you got here.

What do you want, Marceline?

Oh, l just want to show you something.

This cave belongs to me!


Thanks for fixing the place up for me.

You -- you can't take our home twice!

♪ Yes,
l ca-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n ♪

Aah! lt's vampire-fighting time!

Finn, no!

Vampires will killyou, remember?

But she's taking our home again!

We're home as long as we're together!

Blah, blah, blee, blah, bloop, remember?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, Marceline,
l'm gonna let you keep this cave,

but only because
Jake is my home.

And he's way better than all
yourhomes combined!

You know, you're right.

l guess l'll take him, too!


l'll bite him a little...


...maybe turn him into a zombie.


- Let go of Jake!
- Make me.

[ grunts ]
You okay, pal?

[ hisses ]

No one... makes me...

let go of Jake!

l'm not scared of you!

[ laughs evilly ]

You're pathetic, little boy.
[ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

You're pathetic!

[ hisses ]

Get ready for an uppercut, you dog!

Make me.

[ laughs evilly ]

Blah, blah!


got to help my buddy!

Your blood is mine!

[ warbling loudly ]

[ grunting ]

- [ gasps ]
- Uh-oh.

[ laughs evilly ]

[ screams ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ screams ]


That... actually hurt, Finn.

[ laughs evilly ]

[ shrieks ]

[ laughs ]

W-Why you didn'tjust k*ll me?

'Cause that was fun!

Whew, I haven't fought
like that in years.

Thanks, Finn.


A-Aren't you dead?

Nah, before she bit me, l used my powers

to shrink all my guts and blood
over to my thumb, see?

[ clears throat ]

You two are pretty hard core.

l can appreciate that.

So... so does that mean
we can have our old house back?

Yeah, keep it...

as a gift from me!


[ both screaming ]

[ laughs ]

Yeah! Huh?

[ all croaking ]

[ all warbling ]

Did you guys get on the bed?

l told you, you're not allowed!

Oh, hey, guys.


Come here, friends. Hug me.

[ warbling ]

Oh, yeah. Hug me.

[ warbling ]

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪
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