01x23 - Rainy Day Daydream

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x23 - Rainy Day Daydream

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on,
grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog ♪

♪ And Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ lt's Adventure Time ♪

[ birds chirping ]

[ laughs ]


[ chuckles ]

[ deep voice ]
Oh, yeah.

[ laughs ]

Jake, get ready for
a slap in the jowls!

[ laughs ]

Seriously, though,
get ready...

[ continues laughing ]

...for a day filled
with adventure!

Whoa, really?!

Yeah, man!

[ laughs and snorts ]

l wrote on my arm this
"To Do" list of cool junk.

Number one --
Backflip off this

bridge and do the splits.

Number two --
Track down and slay

a Goblin Horde.

Number three --
Storm clouds?


[ gasps ]

Finn, it's a knife storm!

[ laughs and snorts ]

lt's rainin' knives, man!

Come on!

l've never seen a
knife storm before.

lt's beautiful!

Looks like we're staying
in today, kid.

Well, what are we gonna do?

Who wants to
play video games?


What's on the menu, Beemo?

l've created a new game
called "Conversation Parade."

Start it up, Beemo.

All right!

♪ What do you think about
the stars in the sky? ♪

lt's okay, I guess.

Yeah, they're cool.

♪ That is an interesting response ♪

Battery low! Shut down.

- Boo!
- Beemo, that was weak.

What now?

Hey, ooh, ooh, dude,

l know something totally
rockin' we can do!

Whoa! What?

Let's use our of imaginations, man!

Barf that!

lmagination is
for turbo nerds

who can't handle how
kick-butt reality is.

l'm a kick-butt
reality Master!

l would rather die
than be imaginative.

l mean that.

Eh, your loss.

Aah! Lava!
Lava all around us!

[ shouting ]

Lava on the floor!

Shut up, man.

Seriously, man, there

must be an enchantment
on the house or something!

l'm not playing your
child-style games, guy.

Watch and learn
as l master...



[ sizzling ]


[ shouting ]

Jake, what the hay-hay?!

l was just playing around
with my imagination,

and then everything got intense.

lt's like...

Whatever you imagine
becomes real.

That's bananas!

Don't imagine blowing
apart my own brain!

Don't imagine my
eyeballs coming

alive and flying around
with rocket packs!

Dude, imagine that

Beemo invented
a better video

game and that he
has new batteries.


But first,
stop imagining lava!

[ grunts ]
l can't!

My imagination's
too amazing!

lmagine turning
your imagination off.

l can't, dude.

But l think l can imagine an
imagination-turning-off machine

that is upstairs, surrounded by
a crudload of traps, ghosts,

monsters, and poison fountains

and -- and girls!

Cute girls and hamsters!

Can't you make it easier
to get to that machine?

You can't hold
this baby back.

That's bad parenting, Mama!

Then it's up to me to take
your imagination Downtown!

Let's go to the den
and suit up!


Grab that m*ssile.


And get that
Cosmic Gauntlet.


There's a better one
over by the desk.

[ grunts ]

Ow. What did l just hit?

l'm imagining a wall.

You can just go around it.


That's it?

There isn't any invisible,
angry troll or anything?

Well, there's one now.

- [ troll growls ]
- Look out!

Aah, l can feel
it on my foot!


[ troll grunting ]

l'll k*ll you, Troll!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

You're kicking
too high!

He's shorter than you!

[ grunting ]

All right!

You're getting him, man!

[ grunting ]

Uh-oh. Now you're
upper-cutting his family.

[ woman shouts ]

[ laughs ]
You just kicked his wife in the face.

[ woman shouting ]

She's coming back
for revenge.

Cram this!

We got to book it to your
imagination machine!


The knife storm, remember?!

[ both grunting ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ sighs, breathing heavily ]

Oh, boy.


[ chuckles ]

Finn, I found some candy.

[ munching ]

Mmm! Mm-mmm!

lt tastes like banana candy, man.

[ slurps ]

Here, man. Try some.

[ munches ]

Okay, try to imagine some kind of...

Steel umbrella over
the bridge so...

We don't get knifed.

[ grunts ]

lt is done.


[ laughs ]

Hey, you did it, man!

Hold, voyagers!

To cross this bridge, you must

first pass the test of the riddle.

An imaginary Riddle Master?

[ laughs ]

[ sighs ]

Ask me your riddle,
Riddle Master!

l accept your test!

Then brace yourself, fool,
for this riddle comes from a

mysterious, faraway land.

Lay it on me!

Yes, um...

The riddle --
uh, it cometh,


l-I can't imagine a riddle.

Dude, just make it super easy.

The riddle cometh!

Tell me, voyager, what is
simple and yet also a riddle.

Man, that riddle sucks!

That is the wrong answer!

The penalty is...

Death by snakes!

Yeah, right!

l got a m*ssile!

[ shouts ]
- Nooooooooo!


You exploded the
snakes right at us!

l can feel them
all over my face,

l'm sorry, brother!
l'm sorry!

Let's just get to your
imaginary machine,

and we'll be okay!

Aah, a big bowl of baby
elephants, chain saws,

and doo-doo is flying
towards us! Jump, dude!

[ shouts ]

Here comes a
soul eater!

Snap its neck!

[ cackles ]

[ gasps ]

The Bazooka Goblin
has you in its sights!

Hey, don't sh**t us
with that bazooka!

[ cackles ]

Don't you do it!

[ cackling continues ]

Don't do it, man!

Heh heh-heh heh. Okay.

Oh, yeah!

[ both laugh ]

All right, use your
powers or something.

This poison is
about to k*ll me.

All right. Going up!

Check it --
My imagination-off

machine is left of the bed.

ls it clear?


l mean, there's a
bunch of cute girls,

but they shouldn't
bother you.


Uh, where...

Where is this? l can't...

Aw, man.

Oh, l found the
shut-off lever!

Cool, man!

[ girl giggles ]

Dang, girl,
if you weren't a

figment of my imagination,
l'd want to have your baby.

[ girl giggles ]

What are you laughing at?

All right,
l'm gonna turn it off.

[ growls ]
- Unh!

You said it was
clear of danger!

Dude, l can't see anything!

l must have imagined an
invisible monster!


Well, how do I k*ll it?!

Ugh! Aah! Oh!

l'm coming, buddy!

[ punches landing ]

All right, Invisibo,
eat a piece of this!

[ grunts ]
Hurry, Finn!

Get to the lever!



l'm doing it!

Aw, yeah!

The imaginary poison is gone, Jake!


[ moans ]

Hey, come on.

Wake up, man.

Hello, Finn.

l am awake and healthy.

Jake, what happened to your
bombastic personality?

l do not know what you mean.

l am perfectly bombastic.

Nah, man, nah.

Something's wrong.

Tell me something amazing.

But, Finn, I cannot tell
you something amazing as

there is nothing amazing
happening around us that l can

describe for you.

Aw, see, man?

You suck now!

lt's your imagination.

You need that thing.

[ sighs ]

[ violin drones ]

Jake, stop it, man.

You're just playing one
continuous note.

One note is all
that is needed.

[ scoffs ]

l'm gonna turn your
imagination back on.


Jake, your imagination on/off
switch has vanished!


Doth thou not remember
shutting down mine imagination?

l remembereth.

l am happy that my
imagination is gone.

lt was purposeless.

No, it was the opposite
of that stuff.

l know this now,
only too late.

Okay, man, l'm gonna try to
imagine an imagination-back-on

switch for you.

And so you know, if there's

anything dainty inside my imagination,

l'm gonna be...


lmagination go!

What the stuff?


This isn't so bad.

Nothing lame, at least.

Hey, and there's Jake's
imagination switch!

♪ Welcome to your
lmagination Land ♪

♪ l am your
imagination band ♪


Oh, maybe l can try
imagining something.


♪ lmagination cans ♪

♪ We can shake our
imagination cans ♪


[ laughs ]

Now for that switch.

[ British accent ]
Good morrow, Sir.

My name is Bellamy Bug.

Would you care for a crocheted
doily my daughter made?

She imbued it with her tears.

You see, she recently broke up

with a gentle dandy.


How'd youget in
my lmagination Land?!

[ laughs ]

l don't know,
my young fellow.

Youtell me.

Perhaps I represent your secret
desire to be civilized.

Represent this!

[ grunts ]
And this!

[ grunting ]

Oh, l say! Oh! Oh!

Ow! Ouch! Oh! Ow!

[ penguins wenking ]

[ chuckles ]

[ laughs ]

All right.

l hope this works, Jake.

[ gasps ]

[ laughs ]

[ fairy giggles ]

Hey, get away from that.

Don't push that
"Hyper Drive" button.


l can imagine everything!

[ grunts ]

Take a hike, Fairy!

Normal style!



Oh, man.

l imagined my mom naked.

Jake, you okay?

l think so.

Let me check.

Mm. Mm.

Yep, she's clothed now.

And, hey, man,
it's clear out now!

We can go on an adventure!

l don't know, dude.

l think we got all the adventure
we need right here with...

Lava on the floor!


Aah! Aah!

My legs are melting!

Just kidding.

[ both laugh ]

Good dog.

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪
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