01x24 - What Have You Done?

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x24 - What Have You Done?

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ with Jake the dog and Finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end ♪

♪ lt's Adventure Time ♪

[ penguins wenking ]

Our secret mission to capture
the lce King is under way,

though l probably shouldn't
say stuff like that out loud.

[ mumbling ]

[ doorbell rings ]

[ singsong voice ]
Who is it?

Zap! Zap! Zap! Zap!
Zap! Zap! Zap!

Oh, someone left me a gift.

Peanut brittle?

But l'm on a diet!

[ clatters ]
[ chuckles ]

Should've stuck to your diet!


Finn, you have destroyed my
faith in canned peanut brittle!

Oh, no!

My crown has all my powers in it!

Wrap attack!

How 'bout l swaddle you up
like a sweet baby?

[ muffled shouting ]

We finally captured the lce King!

Why'd we do this again?

Princess explained it all when she
sent us on the mission, 'member?

Go capture the Ice King and bring him to me.


She really didn't explain anything.

l'm sure she's got a good reason.

[ lightning strikes ]

Where is everybody?

Yeah, this place is deserted,
except for that guy.

lch bin hier, Finn.

[ both scream ]

[ exhales deeply ]

lt's me, der Princess.

Did you bring him?
- Sure did.

[ muffled shouting ]

So, what did the Ice King do to --

[ mumbles ]

No time! Now, quickly, with me!

[ thunder crashes ]


What's the password?

[ giggles ]

You got me!

Secret door!

This stairway leads to the dungeon
where we'll toss that lousy lce King!

What awful thing did he
do to get tossed in there?

[ scoffs ]

He didn't do anything --
not a thing.


lt's a long story, Finn.

You see, the Ice King --

Princess Bubblegum, you're
needed at once in the grand hall.


l need more time!

Gosh, l'm sorry.

All right, all right.

l have to go.

You two just guard the lce King until l return.

And be prepared to make him howl with pain.

You got it, Princess!

[ owl hooting ]

Oh, this is a total rook!

Settle down, prisoner!

We got to record your belonging.

One magical crown.

[ whispering ]
Probably stolen.

l didn't steal it!

l made that item --
made it with the magic that Isto/e!

So hand it over or
l'll strike menacing poses at you!

Cool it, inmate!

[ spluttering ]

Aah! Aah!

These bars can't hold me forever!

Hey, there's only like two of them.

You fools have no business guarding prisoners.

Oh, yeah?

Well, how about these helmets we found?

Andwe got the oculus of rehabilitation!


[ deep voice ]
Be better!

And the shelf of penitence!

[ crying ]

l'm sorry. l'm so sorry.

How about you just hand me my crown?

I'llcreate some ice bars.


No, Jake! lt's a trick!

l'm toying with you
[laughs evilly] psychologically!

[ laughs evilly ]


So, what am l being charged with?


Five counts ofjerketeering. Ha!


What does it matter?


Of course it matters!

The way it works is, first,

l transgress your meaningless rules,

and then you maliciously persecute me!

That makes sense.

You do bad stuff, l punish you.


You have disrupted that order for --

Are you ready for this?

l have committed no recent crime!

Really? Um...

[ cackles ]

l'm rockin' your world view!

Jake, he isstarting to

convince me we're
doing a bad thing!

Dude [slurps] be calmed by
my saliva and think of all

the terrible things he's done.


Yeah, you're still a jerk that
deserves to be in jail!

Oh, yeah?

You know who really
deserves to be in jail?

l will show you the true jerks!


[ wind whistles ]

Uh, it's too dark.


[ glass shatters ]


[ grunts ]

[ breathing heavily ]

Behold the true jerks!

The jerks is us?

Jake, am I going crazy?

lt seems like the lce King
is right about this.

But if he's in the right,
then that means we're in...

The Candy Kingdom!


lt means much,

On your feet!

ls it time for my hour in the yard, boss?


We're letting you go.

We decided that it's
wrong to imprison you.

This is a trick, huh?

Get out of here
before I change my mind!

There must be someone
waiting outside to beat me.

Ooh, is that my crown over there?

[ sighs ]

l'm glad that's all taken care of.


Not quite yet.


Sorry, but since we're the bad guys
this time, wegot to go to jail.

This sucks.

Hey, get out of my room!

Y-you're still here?!

J-just get out of here, man!


You're really breaking me out?

Like l said, it's wrong to imprison you.

You mean, you believe me?

Oh, can it be?

Has all the hatred between us somehow
transmuted into something more?

A friendship?

A best friendship?


[ laughs ]

Slaps in disgust, eh?

Ooh, let's call them "Slappy D's!"

Okay, see you later, my bosoms!

l am no man's bosom.

Cast "detect secret door!"

[ cackles ]

Sorry for the delay.

Man, there are a lot of
secret doors around here.

And now, Ice King,
prepare to howl with...


Wow, she's so proud we did the right
thing that she almost looks enraged.

Where is the Ice King?

Finally, freedom and friends forever!

What have you done?!

[ growls ]

What have we done?

l'll show you!

[ gasps ]

[ all moaning ]



Yep, even ol' Starchie's sick.

A plague of freezer-burn flu.

lce King did this?!


Yes and no.

lt happened three days ago.

[ chuckles ]

Hey, Princess, check out my new trick!

lt's snowing!

lt's snowing for you!

We don't think he was
tryingto spread disease.

But soon, the entire Kingdom was
infected by his beard flakes.

Through my research, I quickly
discovered that the only way to

cure my people was to obtain the
pained howls of the Ice King himself.

But when I pleaded with him directly...

Please, l beseech your aid in
the name of common decency!

So, let me get this straight.

You're hitting on me.


[ speaking Korean ]

l think l heard the word "virile" in there.

Oh, she's definitely hitting on me.


[ speaking Korean ]

Begone, you biddies!

He had his chance to help, and he did nothing!

Oh, my gosh.

Shecame to methis time!

l had no choice but to try
and take his wails by force.

By getting us to beat the tar out of him?

l can't just beat up the Ice King for nothing.

That's against my alignment.

l know! I know!

You're right!
[ sobs ]

But l'll get him to give
up those howls voluntarily.

l swear it.

Oh, thank you, Finn!


[ crying ]


Dude, how are we gonna get those howls?

Oh, l've got a plan to trick him,
but you won't like it.

That sounds ominous.

l don't like it!

lce King, come forth!

l'm coming forth!

ls that the voice of friendship l hear?

So, are you fellas ready for game night?

Game night?

Well, that's weird.

What? Why?

You do know how friends act, right?

You've had friends before.


Yeah, so you know how friends are
always howling in pain for each other.

Yeah. Right!

Everyone knows that.

[ chuckles ]

Will you howl for me, pal?

Ooh, of course, friend.

[ giggles ] Sorry!

Oh, l've got the sillies.

l couldn't possibly howl
without giggling uncontrollably.

l'm just so giddy
about you being here.

[ giggles ]

l'm a banana!
[ giggles ]

Don't slip on me!

We're out of options.

Let's just beat it out of him!

No, Jake, we --

Wait a sec.

There's a bug on you, friend.


[ grunts ]

Now's my chance!

You know, l carved these
game pieces from my own teeth.

Boohoo, boohoo, boohoo.




You hit me, Ice King.

l don't think l could live anymore,
knowing my best bosom hit me.

l was only saving you
from poo poo palms.

l'm dying because I know
you care not for me.



My -- my bosom!

What have l done?!

My friend!

My only friend!

Hey, what about me?




Starchie's feelin' healthy again --
a bit too healthy, if you ask me.

[ ice shattering ]

They're all getting better.

Finn and Jake did it!
[ gasps ]

[ speaking German ]

[ sighs ]

[ screaming ]

Oh, well.

Gunter, dispose of Finn's carcass.


Good job!

Those wails must have
reached all the way back to --

Did you see how fast he
dropped my lifeless body?

That's just mean.

Finn, if l came across
your lifeless body,

l'd clasp you dramatically
for a kajillion years.

Thanks, man.

Hey, why wait?

Play dead, Finn.


[ laughs ]


[ laughs ]


Adventure Time!

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪
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