01x26 - Gut Grinder

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x26 - Gut Grinder

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]

[ penguins wenk ]

[ all cheering ]

[ screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end ♪

♪ lt's Adventure Time ♪

Jake! Jake!

Jake? Hmm.

[ sour notes playing ]

[ groans ]


[ screaming ]

[ blubbering ]

[ grunts ]
That sounded horrible, man!

l don't know how to play.


[ viola tuning ]

[ shouting in distance ]

Huh? Let's go.

Oh, wait up.

l got to finish tuning my viola.

Soft People, why are you all in a tizzy?

The Gut Grinder --

he's back!

The Gut Grinder?

Yes, the Gut Grinder
is a gold-eating monster.

ln the past, the soft people
of this village

enjoyed piling our gold
in the center of town

and dancing wildly around it.

lt was awesome!

[ chuckles ]

But then the Gut Grinder came
and stole our pile of gold.

So we adapted and learned
how to hide our gold

using a big cup.

And it worked!

The Gut Grinder didn't come back.

But recently, and admittedly
it was probably a bad idea,

we took our gold out from
under the cup,

and we put it in the center of town...

[ chuckles ]

'cause -- 'cause we really like
dancing around it.

But, boy, oh, boy, was that a mistake.

You know what happened?

Uh, it came back and ate all your gold?

[ crying ]
Yes. Oh, yes.

Aw, don't cry, soft old man.

l'll find this monster and bring
peace to this village.

l swear!

Swear to what?

l swear to justice!


He swears to justice.

Okay, so, what does he look like?

Oh, it's so scary.

We usually close our eyes and go wee-wee

when he att*cks.

But he left this footprint.

[ thudding ]


Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!

[ shudders ]

His paw matches the footprint.

[ indistinct shouting ]

l'm so scared!

l'm gonna go wee-wee!

No, no, no, no, no!

Calm down, everybody.

This is my friend --
Jake the dog.

Oh, thank goodness.

Yeah. l almost wee-weed.


You were gonna wee-wee
if l was the Gut Grinder?

Oh, yeah.

We're terrified of him.

Then l am the Gut Grinder!

l'm gonna wee-wee!

[ crying ]

[ both laughing ]

That guy wee-wees weird.

l'm just kidding, everybody.

l'm not the Gut Grinder.

Jake the dog.



He's just a cute, little dog.

- Hey, l'm not cute!
- Doggy!

- Huh?
- Pet, pet, pet.

[ giggles ]

Oh. Mmm.

[ chuckles ]

[ purring ]

- [ scoffs ]
- What?!

l didn't say anything.

People of the village of soft people --

l, Finn, and my buddy Jake

will find this
monstrous monster and slay it!

[ all cheering ]

Come on! Let's go, Jake!

[ sighing ]

What?! No!

[ groans ]

Bye-bye, doggy.

Bye, Soft Village.

Hey, Finn, my feet
fit these prints pretty well.

Hmm, what if l really am the Gut Grinder?

[ chuckles ]

Dude, your paws will fit anything.

[ laughs ]

That is true!

Check this out.

"l'm Finn the human,

and I stink at viola."

"l'm Jake the dog,
and I put my nose in poop."

There's a lot of interesting smells in poop.


[ shouting in distance ]

Hey, Cube People, what's going on here?

The Gut Grinder stormed into our village

and ate all of our gold.

Wait. What happened?

Aah! The Gut Grinder!

Whoa! No, no, no!

He's not the Gut Grinder.
He's my friend.

We saw the Gut Grinder,
and he looks exactly like him!

[ laughs nervously ]

That -- that's ridiculous.

Jake, back to your normal size!

Oh, yeah.

[ humming ]

♪ l am not the Gut Grinder ♪

♪ Ooh, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Aww, he's just
a cute, little dog.

Hey, y'all are the ones
who are cute!

l'm hot!

Aww, look. He's all mad.

Even cuter.

[ growls ]

So cute! Oh, so cute!

l'm not cute!

l'm -- ooh!

We are also seeking
the Gut Grinder.

Me and my friend Jake
will find it and slay it.

Tell us what he looked like.

Exactly like him,
but bigger.

[ purring ]

[ barking ]

Which way did he go?

Jake! Hey, come on!

- What? Where am l?
- Thanks, guys!

l'm not cute.
l'll mess you up.

Uh, Finn,

w-what if I am
the Gut Grinder?


What if i'm, like,
stealing gold in my sleep?

You can't be stealing
gold in your sleep.

l watch you while you sleep.

Yo, Finn, that is creepy, man.

l can't help it.
l take pictures.

Well, when do you sleep?

Justice never sleeps.

Well, there's got to be a time

when you're not watching me --

that -- I-l might be
stealing gold unconsciously.

You are not
the Gut Grinder!

[ alarm blaring ]

City in danger.
City in danger.

Let's go!
Oh, wait.

What if these guys think
you're the Gut Grinder?


[ snaps fingers ]

Got the perfect thing for you!

Groucho glasses.

l love it!

[ smooches ]

Launch in 3... 2...1 !

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

[ all chattering ]

Oh, man.
These people are a mess.

ldentify yourselves immediately.

l am Finn the hero!

l'm Groucho.

We're on a mission to catch the Gut Grinder.

[ gasps ]

l am the mayor of this village.

Our gold has just been stolen

by the very monster you speak of.

[ grunts ]
l hereby vow to catch that thief

and bring your gold back.

Our people thank you.

l present to you this photo
of the Gut Grinder

to help in your mission.

Oh, thanks.

What? Finn, it's me.

Well, duh, it looks like you.

We already knew that.

lt's just one of those weird coincidences,

like how my belly button looks like your face.

Yeah, l-l know you think it does, Finn,

but this is different.

l'm scared, Finn.

Jake, stop it!

[ groaning ]

Oh, it's the Gut Grinder!

[ indistinct shouting ]

No, no, no, no, no!
He's not the Gut Grinder.

l swear on my good name and justice

and Jake's cute face.

His face is weird.

The truth is obvious.

Your friend is the Gut Grinder!


You are under arrest for stealing our gold.

l'll get you out of here --

No, Finn.
l belong behind bars.

Look at the evidence.

l really am the Gut Grinder.

Buddy, listen to me.

You've been my best friend
for as long as l can remember.

That's enough evidence to prove to me

that you're not a monster.

Then why am l in jail?

Only Gut Grinders go to jail.

l'm in jail, and l'm not
the Gut Grinder.

[ moaning ]

l'm here for the free grub!

[ cackling ]

Wait! I got an idea!

[ cackling stops ]

Hey, Gut Grinder, l got some
gold here that you missed!

[ echoing ]
Come and get it!

- [ squeaks ]

Whoa. You're the Gut Grinder?

[ growling ]

[ laughing ]

Oh, Gut Grinder.

Gut Grinder.

[ growls ]

You're a little cutesy.

Little cutesy wutesy.

[ thinking ]
Am I the Gut Grinder?

All the clues fit.

l must be the Gut Grinder.

And I want gold!

[ growls ]

[ yelps ]

Whoo-hoo! Yeah! We got him!

Thanks for saving me, Jake.

[ growls ]

l'm not Jake!

l'm the Gut Grinder!

Now give me that gold tooth!

What? Jake?



[ growls ]

Now give me that tooth!

lf I give you this stupid tooth,

will you stop being a crazy jerk?!

[ laughing evilly ]

Uh, what the -- Jake,

you never turn into a monster
when Iwant you to.

lt's always "not now, Finn.
l have a headache."

Oh, Jake,

your viola is all l have now.

[ sour notes playing ]


Stay away from my viola.

You remember your viola!

l also remember that
you stink hard at playing it!

And dookie is radical, man!

l don't care what anyone says!

Wow. Huh?

What?! Where am l?!

Finn, is that you?!

Who else would it be, baby?

Guess l went nuts.

You are so crazy, man.

Like -- like actually crazy.

[ belches, laughs ]

lt's good to have you back.

lt's good to have you pat my back.

Man, if l'd known you were so easily manipulated,

l would have eaten more of your ice cream.

Cut it out!

[ laughs ]

Cut open the Gut Grinder's belly!

Let's get our gold back.

What the? What the?

Sharon, what are you doing
in the Gut Grinder?

That's the mayor's wife!

That's not the mayor's wife.

And the Gut Grinder's skin
is not skin at all.

lt's cloth.

Sharon, have you been sewing?!

Yes, Cameron!

l've been stealing gold.

Why, Sharon?!

Because l like to buy things, Cameron!

l like to shop!

And I dressed up like Jake
because l think he's hot!

[ gasp ]

You have been a naughty girl, Sharon.

Guards, throw my wife in jail!

Finn and Jake,

thank you for saving my spiky village.

No problem, mayor.

Now give us a hug.

[ laughter ]

No! Don't do that! Don't hug us.

Ow! Hey!

Don't touch us!

[ screaming ]

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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