01x03 - Let the Good Times Troll

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x03 - Let the Good Times Troll

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in the village doing all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Sofia: "let the good times troll.

" Sofia! Watch this kite trick! It's a loop-de-loop.

Over, down and up.

Watch this.

Uhh-- Ohh! It's headed towards the water! My kite! ( gasps ) Oh no! At least it's not in the water.


Where are you going? To get my kite.

I wouldn't go down there.

That's where the castle trolls live.

There are trolls in the castle? Under the castle.

They live in a cave by the water, And they're green and creepy Or so I've been told.

It's okay, sofe.

The trolls never come out during the day.

I'll go get your kite.

That's all right.

I'll go.

There it is! Ohh.

It's torn.

( distant clatter ) huh? What's that sound? ( clatter continues ) Aaah! A troll! Hey, wait! Your forgot your kite! Miranda: Okay! Who's ready for some jiggly-wiggly pudding? I am! Me too!!! Dad, what do you know about the castle trolls? Why? Why do you ask, sofia? Well, I saw one today, and-- You saw a troll? The castle has trolls? You don't know about the trolls? Surely you've heard the story of king gideon and the castle trolls.



Can I tell it, dad? Sure.

Go right ahead, james.

One night long ago, When our great-grandpa king gideon was king, He heard a loud thumping outside the castle, So he went out to see what it was.

And right in the courtyard He saw a bunch of green, bug-eyed trolls Banging their clubs.

(gasps) trolls! Clubs! Guards, come quick! We must protect the castle! The guards bravely charged the trolls And chased them all the way back to their cave.

And no one's seen a troll Outside the cave ever since.

Whoa! That night, King gideon proclaimed that the trolls must stay down in their cave, And we stay up here-- that's the castle rule.

It's safer that way For everyone.

( snoring ) ( soft thudding ) Ohh ( thudding ) Huh? (gasps) my kite! Yeah, that's the kite.

You seem surprised to see it.

I am.

How'd it get back up here? I don't know.

I left it by the troll cave yesterday.

(gasps) that troll I saw must have brought it back! You saw a troll? And he fixed it, too! Maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all.

I'm gonna go thank him.

Well, that's the polite thing to do--w-wait! You gonna do what?! Well, I'm off to the cave.

Sofia, are you sure that's a good idea? Clover's right.

It is the polite thing to do.

See you soon! ( chirping ) Hello? Mr.

Troll? Anyone? Hello? Come out, come out, wherever you are! Is anyone in here? ( boards creaking ) Mr.

Troll? ( creaking louder ) Anyone? Careful, princess! Some of those planks are really loose.

Oh! You're the troll I saw yesterday! Hi! I'm sofia.


Pleased to meet ya, sofia! Did you get your kite? So it was you! I knew it.

I felt bad about scaring you yesterday.

It's all right.

Thanks for fixing my kite.

So is this where the castle trolls live? Right through here.

Come on! I'll show you.

Wow! It's beautiful! These stairs are a little steep.

Watch your step.

Whoa! I've never seen anything like this before.

This is our grotto.

Those crystals look just like stars! That's why we put them there.

They remind us of the stars.

Well, hello there! What's your name? Teeny.

Nice to meet you, teeny.

The sun is too bright for our eyes, But starlight is just right.

We love watching them twinkle and sparkle.

Me too.

But why look at pretend stars When you can go outside and see the real ones? We're not allowed.

Not allowed? Why not? One night long ago Our great-grandtrolls went up to look at the stars.

It was such a beautiful sight, All those twinkling lights shining in the night sky.

The trolls were so happy! But then old king gideon came out of the castle.

He got very angry.

Guards! After them! The king had his guards chase the trolls All the way back to the cave for no reason at all.

And ever since, we're not allowed to leave the cave-- Not even to see the stars.

I've never seen real stars-- only these.

I heard this story.

King gideon thought the trolls were attacking the castle.

Attacking the castle? No! We were just looking at the stars.

But you were banging your clubs.

We bang our clubs when we're happy.

It's our music.

Your music? Let's show her.

( whistles ) Yahoo! Wahoo! All: Huh! ( clubs thumping) ( beating clubs in time with music ) sometimes I'm feeling happy and there's lots I'd like to say start to speak, knees go weak 'cause the words get in the way life's full of happy moments like being here with you so ask us how we're feeling now and this is what we do ( trolls laughing ) Yee-hoo! when you can't find the words for your joy make some noise! make some noise! the beat that you repeat is your voice make some noise make some noise feelin crazy, what do you do? make some noise make some noise almost feels too good to be true make some noise make some noise make some noise ( thump thump ) make some noise! we're noisy when we're happy and even when we're sad because we found that all that sound makes things not so bad so if we start to worry and something makes us frown we start a groove and start to move and turn that frown around! dee-bah boo-pah dadda-dah-boo make some noise make some noise doo-bah doo-dee dadda-dah-boo make some noise make some noise feeling crazy, what do you do? make some noise make some noise almost feels too good to be true make some noise make some noise make some noise make some noise make some, make some noise yeah make some noise some noise noise boo-dah bee-dah dah-ta! ( all laughing ) ( grunting ) Take that! And that! AndThat! James! I need your help.

With what? I met the trolls, and they're really nice.

You went down to their cave? And they didn't bonk you with their clubs? No.

They gave me one.

But-- but what about king gideon's story? It was all a big misunderstanding.

Trolls never att*cked the castle.

They just wanted to see stars, And they were only banging their clubs to make music.

Like this.

See? It's music! I want one! You can have this one.

But first you have to help me show everyone That they don't need to be afraid of the trolls.

Whoa! Hey, baileywick! Why are acrobats here? They're performing for you And the rest of the royal family after dinner tonight.

That's it! What's it? We'll have the trolls play their music for mom and dad tonight! Then everyone will see how fun they are.

Great idea! Let's go tell the trolls! Wait.

We're going to their cave? Now? We have to.

It's almost dinnertime.

Brilliant! Gnarlie: We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle.

How will we even get inside without anyone seeing us? Uh, we'll sneak you in.

How? Good question.

I know.

James and I will come get you While everyone is eating dessert.

We have to miss dessert? Arghh! Then we'll sneak you in through the back And hide you until it's time to perform.

And you think playing our songs Will make them like us? I do, teeny.

I really do.

Okay, we'll do it.


Can I have my club now? Here.

But you still have to help me.

You got it.

After tonight, we'll all be friends.

I promise.

Roland: Ah! Jiggly-wiggly pudding! Grrreat! Mmm.

Dinner was dee-licious! But I'm stuffed.

Me too.

Can I be excused? You don't want dessert? Well, yeah, but But we're full.

Can I go too? All right.


Mmm! (gasps) someone's coming! We're all very excited to see your performance.

I'm sure you'll find the king and queen to be a most agreeable audience.

Psst! And the children are-- Psst! Hmm.


The coast is clear.

Come on, come on, come on.

Where should they hide? There.

This is perfect.

You guys wait back here.

After the acrobats finish performing, I'll tell everyone we have one more surprise.

Then you start playing your music.

Are you ready? We're ready.

( trolls chattering ) They're coming.

Shhh! Oh, hi! You two really want to see those acrobats, huh? We, uh, can't wait.


You two are up to something, and I want to know what it is.

It's nothing.


Baileywick: Your majesties, May I present tonight's entertainment! Whoa! Amazing! Look at that! Marvelous! Brilliant! Magnificent! Bravo! James.

(whistling) James.

It's time to open the curtain.

Oh, right.

Go! Baileywick: That concludes this evening's entertainment.

For your majesties' pleasure, Refreshments will be served on the terrace.

But there's one more surprise for everyone tonight.

There is? Not on my schedule.

Some very special musicians who are Also our closest neighbors.


I wonder who that could be? Drum roll, please.

( percussive music begins ) hmm.

Sounds lively.

( gasps ) roland: Trolls? In the castle?! ( laughing ) These trolls are kind of fun! Uh-oh.


Guards! Guards! Seize those trolls! No, wait! Don't seize them! They're just making music! Listen! Whoa!!! Get out! We gotta go! Leave them alone! They're my friends! ( panicked shouting ) Hurry! Help me! Get that one! Over there! ( shouting ) They're getting away! Gnarlie.


How did trolls get into the castle?! I brought them.

We'll talk about this later.

Miranda, could you take the children to their rooms Until we make sure the castle is safe? Of course.

Come along, children.

Miranda: Sofia.

Even if sofia let them in, the trolls broke the rule-- They stay below, we stay above.

Yes, your majesty.

Tomorrow morning I'll place a guard outside their cave So this never happens again.

Good idea, baileywick.

I was only trying to help everyone get along.

The trolls aren't like everyone thinks.

That's one of the things I love about you-- You always want to see the good in everyone.

We can talk more about it in the morning.

But for now, you need to get some sleep.

I love you.

Good night.

So, how did it go? I tried to make things better, and I only made it worse! I'm sorry.

What are you doing? Tomorrow they're putting guards outside the trolls' cave.

This may be my last chance to see gnarlie! I have to tell him I'm sorry and say good-bye.

Yo, hold up, princess! We're goin' with you.

We're what?! Mia.

But it's too dark to go out there, robin! Well, we'll just have to bring a nightlight.

Hey, flicks! Yo, I need a favor, buddy.

A firefly lantern.

Great idea, clover! Where is she going? No! Gnarlie? Gnarlie! Well, looks like they're not home.

Let's come back later.

Yeah, I'm with you.

It is spooky in here! Where are you, gnarlie? It's me, sofia! I need to talk to you! Gnarlie! Gnarlie? Oh, where is he? Roland: Sofia! Dad? What are you doing?! You shouldn't be down here! We must go back at once.

It's not safe.

( boards creaking ) Aaah! Aaah! We need to get help! Sofia, are you all right? Uhh, I think so.

Sofia! You knew about the rule.

Why would you bring trolls into the castle? Because everyone's wrong about them! They're not mean.

Then why were they banging their clubs? Because that's how they make music! That's what they were doing the night king gideon saw them-- Making music.

If he listened to them, he would have heard.

But he didn't.

And neither did you tonight.

And now they'll never see the stars.

The stars? They love to look at the stars, dad.

If only you had listened.

( rumbling, rocks falling ) We have to find a way out.

Quick! Grab my hand, your majesty! Aaah! Gnarlie! You know this troll? Yeah.

We're friends.

Okay, your majesty! Pull! ( trolls grunting ) pull! ( all laughing ) Thank you! You're safe! You had me worried, kid.

I'm okay now, clover.

All these years we thought the worst of the trolls.

Yet tonight, you risked your lives to save ours.

You showed as much courage as my bravest knights.

I humbly thank you, And I'm truly sorry for how you've been treated.

But I intend to make it up to you as best I can-- starting tonight.

Please, come back up to the castle.

Us? Yes, all of you.

It's about time we changed some rules around here.

I'm going to make a royal proclamation.

A what? (laughing) well, well.

And who do we have here? I'm teeny.

You sure are! Well, teeny, a proclamation is a big announcement That only kings get to make.

And I know just where you should make it, dad! ( whispering ) Yes! That's perfect.

Whoo-hoo! ( royal fanfare plays ) Roland: It is time to correct a great misunderstanding.

The trolls are, and always have been, our friends.

From this day forward, they shall be treated as such! Yay! All right! Yeah! Brilliant! A-ha Oh.

Heh heh.

Um, pleased to meet you.

And our new friends are welcome to come above And look at the stars whenever they like.

Or they could come here.

What does the king mean? Why will we come here to look at stars? Look up.

( machinery whirring ) (gasps) stars! Gnarlie: Oh! This is the observatory.

It's where we come to study the stars.

Oh! May I? Mm-hmm.

Oh! I'm so glad it worked out well.

But promise me you'll never go into a dark cave alone again.

Okay, mom.

(giggles ) Thank you for helping us see the stars again, sofia.

They're beautiful.

Yes, they are.

NowLet's make some noise! All: Yeah! whoo-hoo-hoo!
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