01x06 - The Shy Princess

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x06 - The Shy Princess

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in a village doin' all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm findin' out what bein' royal's all about sofia the first makin' my way it's been adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first All right, class.

It's time to finish up your paintings.

We've been so lucky to have Such a majestic model pose for us today.

( snorts ) Looking good, minimus.

Maybe just hold your head up a little bit higher.

Oh sofia, I don't know why anyone would want to paint me.

I'm not very tall, my mane needs a trim I've been hitting the oat bag pretty hard lately, too.

( giggling ) oh, minimus.

What's so funny? Oh,nothing.

Lovely work, children.

Just lovely.

I think that will do, sir gilliam.

Thank you, minimus.

( chuckling ) good boy.

Phew! How'd I do? You were great, minimus! Oooh, I must be having a good mane day.

Now let's move on to our next art project: Building your very own dream castle.

Class: Ahhhh.

Think about what you would want in your perfect castle-- It can be anything and everything! Let your imaginations run free.

Then you'll build a model castle-- And bring it into class-- For "show and tell.

" And because this is such a-- Big project.

We're going to pair you up! Because working with others makes everything more fun! Now our partners will be Umm Oh, dear.

Where did I put my glasses? Oh! Thank you, flora.

All right.

( clears throat ) Hildegard and amber.

Both: Perfect.

James and zandar.

Clio and hugo.

( sighs ) Jun and rupert.

And finally, sofia and Vivian.

Princess vivian? Who's that? Uh-oh.

( giggling ) Probably hiding behind her easel.

Vivian? Hi.


Vivian? Hi, I don't think we've really met before.

I'm sofia.

Hi, sofia.

So, do you wanna come over to my castle to work on the project? Um, well, no, I don't think so.

I could go to your castle instead.

Well, I guess we have to work on the project somewhere.

Great! How about this afternoon? Today? Okay, sure.

I gotta go.


See you later.

Sorry you got stuck with vivian, sofia.

She is Strange.

I've even heard that her parents are gnomes.

And she lives in a cave full of glow-in-the-dark bats.

I heard she has a pet dragon.

Really? How do you know that's true? Well, we don't for sure.

Because vivian never talks to anyone.

And no one has ever been to her castle.

Good luck, sofia.

Hey! Are you guys working on your dream castle? Yup.

We're not sure what we're going to make yet-- But whatever it is, it's going to be really, really huge.

And when we're done, we're going to knock it all down! Brilliant! ( giggling ) Oh, sofia, there you are.

Here I am.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

The coach is waiting to take you to vivian's.

I know.

But I think james and zandar need me.

Right, guys? Nope! We're good.


I guess I'm ready to go then.

Whatever we do, our castle has to have a cannon.

A big one.

So Is there a reason You don't want to go to vivian's? How did you know? Because moms know everything.

Well Everyone at school says vivian is strange.


Why do they say that? I don't know.

No one really knows her.

Well, have you tried talking to her? Mm-hmm.

But she barely said a word.


Well You're not going to know what vivian's like Until you get to know her better.

Maybe you're right, mom.

I'm glad we agree.

Now go on and get your things.

You don't want to be late.


What do you even bring to a castle That's full of bats and gnomes? What you need is some back-up, princess.

I'll go with you.

( all laughing ) Do you know how little you are? And how soft and fluffy you are? Hey! There's a lot of toughness Crammed into this soft, fluffy package, missy! I really would feel better if your toughness came with me.


Just don't let the bats and gnomes Scratch clover behind the ears.

( laughing ) Man: Whoa! ( horses neighing ) Here we go.

Don't worry, princess.

I got your back.


This is definitely not a cave.

( clover gasps ) Here come the gnomes! Ahh! Welcome, sofia.

I'm cecily, vivian's mother.


We're so delighted you're here.

( quietly ) you're not a gnome.

What was that, dear? I said You have a lovely home.

Oh, thank you.


Why don't you show sofia your room? Okay, mom.

Follow me, sofia.

Clover: What are those? They're just statues, clover.

I hope.

Clover, you can relax now.

No cave.

No bats.

No gnomes.

I don't think any of those stories are true.

Okay! ( gasps ) What's that? Oh! It's just my pet rabbit.

I hope it's okay that I brought him.


I have a pet, too.

What Kind of pet? A dragon.

A dragon!? ( yelling ) Whoa! She's adorable! Thanks.

I'm sorry if I was acting a little nervous before.

I was, well Afraid to come over here? No Not at all.

Maybe a little.

The girls at school told me some stories-- About the gnomes and the bats And the caves and the strange noises? Just the gnomes and the bats.

How did you know? I've heard pretty much all the stories.

They don't even realize I'm standing right next to them When they're talking about me.

If you know they're making up stories, Why don't you tell them the truth? Well I, um, see-- I have a hard time talking to new people.

I guess I'm a little Shy? Yeah.

That's okay.

I understand.

So, should we get to work on our dream castle? Yes, great idea.

We can work in my room.

Come on in.

Clover? Why don't you and crackle get to know one another While vivian and I work on our dream castle.

Great! See you soon.

( sniffing ) Hi! ( gasps ) Hey.

I'm crackle! And I'm really excited to meet you! ( roars ) whoa, sparky! What's with the flame throwing?! Oh, sorry! I breathe fire when I get excited! Yeah, well, don't.


Let's just calm down, take a deep breath.

( roars ) yow! There's nothing more exciting than meeting someone new! Don't get me wrong-- I love vivian, But I also love-love-love making new friends! ( roars ) whoa! Let's do everything together.

Let's run in the grass And have a picnic and chase our own tails! Wait, did you say picnic? As in with food? Uh-huh.

I'm in.

Woo hoo! Now I'm even more excited! Uh-oh.

Ay! Sorry! Sorry! Hey, you gotta watch where you do that.

You could hurt someone.

And by someone, I mean me! I'd never hurt you, clover.

Because you're my new best friend! ( nervous chuckle ) uh, yeah.

Let's see If I could put anything in the world in our castle, I'd choose a sorcerer's workshop for sure, And a butterfly garden And a huge stable for flying horses.

How about you? What do you want to put in our castle? Oh, well.


Um Well, maybe Hmm.

Hey, what if you show me your favorite places in your castle? We can start there.

This is my music room.


It's my favorite spot in the castle.

Well, really, it's my favorite spot in the world.

Can you play all of these? Uh-huh.

Well, not all at the same time.

( chuckles ) Mandolin is my favorite.

I love the mandolin.

You do? Will you play something for me? Now? I'll sing if you play! We can sing about all the things we'd put in our dream castle.

Well, I guess I could.

( gently strumming ) to build the castle of our dreams may be simpler than it seems if you feel a little shy here's something we can try I'll just sing a little song to get us going strong you can strum I can hum 'til you want to sing along it's on the tip of your tongue just waiting to be sung so follow me take my lead a brand new friend may be all you need in our castle I would float with the dolphins in the moat I'd paint all the towers blue but the next part's up to you let's have slides instead of stairs giant trees with koala bears every seat will play a beat 'cause we'll have musical chairs it's on the tip of my tongue just waiting to be sung I'll follow you take your lead Both: a brand new friend may be all I need all you need we'll just sing a little song to get us going strong I can strum I can hum and then we'll sing along I'm so glad we found a way to make this the perfect day I'll follow you I'll take your lead a brand new friend may be all we need all we need Vivian, you're really fun to work with.

I've never overheard anyone say that before.

That's just because they don't know you.

You should try talking at school more.

I don't know.

I just get so nervous I freeze up.

And then sometimes I run away.

WellI always run away.

I noticed that.

Clover: Sofia! Sofia, we gotta go! Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! Wait for me! I think I better get going.

But I'm glad I came over today.

And I'm really glad we're partners.

Me, too.

See you at school tomorrow! ( groaning ) I had the greatest day ever! Come back tomorrow! Yes, yeah.

I'll have my princess call your princess.

( grunts ) Best friends forever! YeahOkay! Bye! Wow, seems like crackle really likes you.

Yeah But, it's not really going to work out.

Why not? She's a nice dragon and all But, we're just too different.

Because you're a rabbit and she's a dragon? Because she breathes fire and I don't like being on fire.

What if, instead of a drawbridge, We have giant sea horses that you can Ride across the castle moat? No, mermaids! No, hippos.

No, mermaid hippos! Let's have all of them! ( laughing ) ( door opens ) Oh, no.

They're coming over here.

It's okay.

This is the perfect chance To show them what you're really like.

You mean Talk to them? Just be yourself and everything will be fine.

Really? You can do it.

I can't do it.

Yes, I can.

No, I can't.

Vivian, wait! Oh, no.

Why did vivian run off? She's just shy.

But, trust me, you'd like her once you got to know her.

If you say so, sophia.

Shall we eat lunch, ladies? If your shy friend doesn't come back, Feel free to join us, sofia.

( sighs ) Clover? Over here! I'm worried about vivian.

She ran away from me at lunch, And I couldn't find her all day.

Oh, no, I see where this is going.



I'm going over to vivian's to see if she's okay.

And I think you should go with me.



Come on.

I bet crackle Will be really happy to see you again.

When she's happy, she breathes fire! Clover, you're her friend.









( sighing ) all right.

Yay! Sophia, it's so nice to see you again.

Hi, is vivian home? Crackle: Clover!! ( groaning ) you came back!?! You're the only one who's ever come back.

I can see why.

Come in, come in.

Oh, no! Sophia! You're coming with me! Ahh! You know, sophia, it's never been easy For vivian to make friends.

So, I know she's very happy to have made such a good one.

Even if she's too shy to tell you.

Surprise! Whoa! What's all this?? It's our picnic! I've been planning it Since the minute you left! Hmm.

Not bad Oh, here, allow me! Whoa! What are you doing?! It's better this way.





Nice smoky flavor.

I like it.

You do? You really do? Oh, that makes me so happy I could just Hey, crackle! Over here! Mmm.

Crackle, I'm starting to think this friendship could work out.

Whoo-hoo! Oof! ( whispering ) sorry.

Vivian, dear? You have a visitor.


What happened to you today? I wanted to talk to the other girls, sofia.

And I thought I could do it But then I just ran away.

Like always.

Well, you'll have another chance tomorrow-- At our dream castle show-and-tell.

Then everyone will get to know you.


I thought that Well, I was hoping that You were going to do the talking.

We both are.

It's part of the assignment.

How 'bout I do the "show" part And you do the "tell"? Vivian You're gonna have to start Talking to people sooner or later.

I choose later.

I'll be right next to you.

And we can take turns speaking.

You make it sound so easy But I know I'm going to get nervous In front of all those people I want to.

But I can't.

Please? I'm sorry.

Clover? It's time to go.

Yo, wait! Look at what crackle can do! Clover: ( laughing ) ta-da! S'more? ( laughing ) Thank you.

We've got roasted carrots and toasted almonds, too! I am so glad you made me come back here, princess.

'cause fire-breathing? Not so bad after all.

Turns out, it might be the greatest talent in the world.

Clover! That's it! Vivian's greatest talent.

What? I'll explain later.

I have to talk to vivian.

Keep eating! I'm on it.

Mmm, she's so talented.

Vivian! I have an idea! We'll sing about our dream castle-- Instead of talking about it.

What? I know you're scared to talk in front of all those people, So, play for them instead.

You can play the mandolin and we'll both sing.

Oh, I don't know When I first came over, you were shy Until you played your mandolin.

Then, you weren't nervous anymore.


But-- We'll do it together.

A friend may be all you need.

( sighing ) okay.

I'll do it.

I mean, I'll try to do it.

And that's the castle which is just for our gowns.

And this one is for shoes.

( applause ) Thank you.

Thank you so much.

What a lovely presentation.

Now it's james and zandar's turn To show us the castle of their dreams.

Ready? Behold! No one will even try to attack this castle.

Because of the cannon.

Boom! That's it.

( applause from princes ) Thank you, james and zandar.

It's a very nice cannon I mean, castle.

All right.

It's time to hear from sofia and vivian.

Are you ready? Yes No.

We can do this.

You're gonna be great.

I hope you're right, sophia.

Because there are a lot of people watching Hey, pretend it's just you and me in your music room.

Just the two of us.

( sighing ) okay.

Here goes ( vivian starts playing music ) in our castle we would float with the dolphins in the moat we'd paint all the towers blue now I'll hand it off to you we'd have slides instead of stairs giant trees with koala bears every seat will play a beat 'cause we'll have musical chairs ( music continues ) ( music stops ) And that's our dream castle.

( applause ) Marvelous! Flora: Well done.

You are such a good musician.

You should join the school band! Even though you only had one castle, it was still wonderful.

Oh, vivian.

I don't know why you've been hiding in the back Of the class, but we must get to know each other better.

Let's schedule a playdate right away.

( angrily groaning ) we should have made the cannon bigger.

You okay? I am.

I really am.

Thanks, sofia.


( applause )
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