01x34 - Zig-zagged

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x34 - Zig-zagged

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's the Kratt Brothers.
I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris.
And these are quarter horses.

Horses are amazing creatures.

They're strong.

They're fast runners.

And there are
a lot of different kinds.

These horses are domesticated.
They live with people.

But there are a few
wild types of horses.

Which one do you think is
the most abundant wild member

of the horse family
in the world?


Hey, that's coming from outside.

Let's go! Look out!



Hey, Martin, a zebra!

A zebra. Hey, how are you doing?

Sorry to drop in on you
like that. Good to see you.

Look at all these stripes.

A zebra has stripes
all over it's body.

And every zebra has
a different stripe pattern.

They're kind of like
our fingerprints.

Everybody's is just
a little bit different.

And check out this mane. A zebra
even has stripes on its mane.

Yeah, no doubt about it,

a zebra has one of the coolest
patterns in the creature world.

But the question is, why are
zebras striped like this?

Patterns are so important
to a lot of creatures,

including the zebra.

Whoa, these guys can move.

Yeah, it's like a blur
of black and white stripes.

Imagine if we could
join a zebra herd

and experience what
zebra stripes are all about.

Yeah, then we'd have the zebra's
power of stripe defense.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Whoa, check it out Martin,
a whole herd of zebra.

Oh man, I'm glad
we decided to head south

at the fork of the river.

Yeah, those stripes are awesome.

That's got to one of the coolest
patterns in the creature world.

I wonder how many stripes
they have?

. Okay, I have no idea.
Let's count them.

Oh yeah, we'll get right in
there with the herd.

And be the zebra!

Ah, but wait a second Martin.

How are we going to get
that close to the zebra herd

without scaring them off?

Leave it to me, Brothers Kratt.
I've got just the thing.

Nothing like repelling down
from the sky

on to the African savanna.
This is working great.

We came down right in the middle
of a herd of zebras.

Almost too great. We could have
landed right on top of a zebra.



Careful, Martin. If they hear
or see anything unusual,

we might scare them off.

Lucky for us, Aviva's cloud
camouflage worked like a charm.

I'm going in. You with me?

Oh, right behind you, bro.


Now that is one amazing
maze of stripes.



I'm already getting dizzy
from all these stripes.

Me too.
But I can still see that zebras

are actually black
with white stripes.

You mean white
with black stripes.

No, black with white stripes.

Check out their
black noses and lips.

Their skin is black and the
white hairs grow out of that.

Yeah, you're right!

Hey, I bet this herd
is migrating.

Zebras have to keep moving
to find lush green grass.

Looks like they're headed
across the river.

Jimmy's coming down
for a landing.

Ah, easy does it, JZ.
Nice and quiet so you don't--

Scare the zebra herd! Run!

I think the herd thought
they were being att*cked

by a giant turtle!

Whoa! All the zebra stripes
are blending together.

If you were a predator,
how could you single one out?

That's one of the reasons
zebras have stripes,

to keep predators,
like lions, guessing.

Confusion camouflage,
and it works!

You can't tell where one zebra
ends and the other begins!

Stripes, lots of stripes.

Woo, that zebra herd
sure got out of here in a hurry.

Hold it. Is somebody crying?

Oh, it's a little zebra foal.

He got left behind
in all the confusion.

I bet he got scared from
the sound of the loud landing.


Poor little guy has lost
his migrating mom and the herd.

Sorry, I never landed
the Tortuga

surrounded by
sky camouflage before.

It's okay, Jimmy. We just need
to get him back to his Mom.

Don't go yet! The little guy's
striped pattern

is perfect for our new
Wild Kratt crew jackets!

Looks more like
a fun maze to me.

Hey, I'm going to call him Maze!

No time for jackets and mazes.
We've got to move fast.

Don't want his herd
to get ahead of us.

I'll just snap a few photos of
Maze's pattern to work from.

I want the fabric to look
exactly like zebra stripes!

Thanks, Maze. I can cut Martin
out of the photos easily.


Come on, Maze. Let's catch up
with your herd.

What could be better than
Zebra-striped crew jackets?

Mother nature is
a world class designer.

Should we put stripes
on the front or back?



While you girls are doing that,

I got to check out
the Tortuga's flight simulator.

That crash landing
can't be all my fault.

I'm sure it isn't, Jimmy.

Plus, Koki and I need you
for a very important job first.

Pepperoni tester?

It's way more tasteful
than that.

What could be more tasty
than tasting pepperoni?

You'll see, senor.

Over there, Martin! A herd of
zebra just crossed the river.


Hey, wait for us!

Wouldn't it be great
if Maze belonged to that herd?

We could take the rest
of the day off.


Hmm, maybe there's a way
to cross this river

without swimming it.


Whoa, bro!

It's okay, Chris.
Maze's safe with me.

See you on the other side!

Martin, wait!

We need to keep our eyes peeled
for predators like--

Did you forget that
I'm a great swimmer?

Uh-oh. Martin, you can't
out-swim a crocodile!

A crocodile?
I don't know. Maybe I could--

No, Martin! Look behind you!

Ha, just kidding.

I'm sure you're a way better
swimmer than I am.

Swim, Maze, swim!

Whoa. I know you could eat us
in one second, Mr. Croc, sir.

But if you could reconsider,
we'd really appreciate it.

Hurry, Maze.

Martin, the croc's
gaining on you.

Got to slow down that croc.

Boy, I hope this works.

If it doesn't, I'll be croc food
right along side you, bro!

Easy, Croc.



Way to lasso a croc, Chris!

Thanks. But I'm not sure
who lassoed who!




I'll be going now.


Whoa! You had to get in
one last bite. Typical croc.

I've never been
so happy to see land!

This is how Christopher Columbus
must've felt.

Maze looks okay, Chris.

Hey, and thanks for saving
my hide and Maze's stripes.

No problem.
You'll get me next time.

Aw, you're welcome, Maze.

I'm liking being part
of his herd.

Me too. But as much as
I like being a herd member,

we still have to cross that
river to find Maze's real herd.

With a hungry croc
watching our every move.

Hey, is that rock moving?

That's no rock!
It's a hippopotamus.

No lasso is going to tame
a croc, but she sure will!

Hippo, here I come.


Nice to meet you.

You make a mighty fine hippo,

Hi, guys. Chris does look great
in that hippo suit.

I love how hippos have
that pink hue under their tummy.

It's a perfect addition
to our crew jackets.

Uhh, Aviva, as much as
we'd like to talk pink hues,

that's not why Chris
decided to go hippo!

It's not?

Hippos are tough.

They're the only creature
in the river

that'll make a croc back down.

I just hope this hippo Creature
Power Suit is convincing enough.

Of course it is. I designed it!

Well then, let's give this thing
a try, hippo-style!


That might be the best hippo
impersonation I've ever heard!

River's all clear for swimming!

Come on, Maze.
Follow that green hippo.

All right, woo!

We did it!
Made it!

You made it, guys.

Just another day in
the creature-rescuing life

of the Wild Kratts.

Proud keepers of
a safe animal kingdom.


Who else could find
the most beautiful creatures

to inspire our crew jackets?

I never knew hippo belly pink
would be so pretty!

So, you're using stripes
and pink?

I can't remember the last time
I wore pink.

I can. Never.

Don't worry, guys. It's going to
be very African savanna.

If you say so, Aviva.

Okay, we're off
to find Maze's herd.

If you come across any other
animals with amazing patterns,

let us know!

Uhh, we'll let you know
if we find Maze's mom too?

I was going to say that next!

Should we be paying more
attention to finding Maze's mom

and less on the crew jackets?


But if anyone can find a missing
zebra herd, it's a Kratt.

You're right about that.
Ready to get back to designing?

I'm on it like zebra stripes
on a collar and cuffs.

Maybe too much.

Maybe not!



Do you girls think I could work
on the flight simulator now?

Of course you can, right after
you finish your important job.

One of the most important jobs
in fashion is the mannequin, JZ.

Well, this mannequin is hungry.

You can have lunch after we're
done adding hippo belly pink

to the jacket prototype!

Hippo belly pink?

I don't know about you, Chris,
but I could sure use a rest.

I don't know about you, Martin,
but this tree looks good to me.


I never thought leaning against
a tree could be so comfy.


Unbelievable! We were leaning
against a giraffe!

It's long legs and body looked
exactly like a tree trunk!

Oh, that is one long neck.

' long, to be exact.

And perfect for
reaching way up high

to pick leaves off
of Acacia trees.

None of the other creatures
can do that.

And they have blue tongues!
Pretty puncture proof too.

The thorny acacia branches
don't even bother them.

And that spotted pattern
helps giraffes

blend right in to the landscape.

Yeah, from far away, he just
looked like another tree trunk.

And when lions are around,

that's the kind of
camo protection

that comes in really handy.

You know, my brother looked like
a tree once, an oak tree.

Oh yeah, those were the days.

I miss being a tree.

I'm growing roots?
A stem? Leaves?

I'm growing into an oak tree.


That's got to be my favorite
Creature Power Suit malfunction.

Mine's got to be
the Tasmanian devil suit.

Even garbage tasted good.

Oh yeah, T-Bone.
I smell that too.

Rotten carcass somewhere
around here. Got to find it.


Oh yeah.

Hey Aviva, what's your favorite
Creature Power Suit malfunction?

Aviva? Koki? Jimmy? Anybody?

Where is everybody?
Where is everybody?


Hello? Anybody in the HQ?

Are you seeing this amazing
giraffe we thought was a tree?

Kratt brothers on important
Maze-saving mission

calling all Wild Kratts crew

who should be watching us
right now. Come in!

Oh, hi there, guys!

What a beautiful pattern
on that giraffe!


I feel a new creature fabric
for the crew jackets coming on.

How could we not use it

when giraffes have
such gorgeous spots!

I can see it now: zebra body,
hippo arms and giraffe collar!

I can see it but I'm not sure
I want to wear it.

You sure you want to use every
animal the Kratt bros ever met?

Mannequins don't talk, Jimmy.
They just look pretty.

I think I'm with the guys
on this one, Aviva.

Might be too many creatures
for one crew jacket.



Cut it out, Martin!

I can't track the zebra tracks
if you keep bumping me.

Maze, you got to give me
a little space. I'm right here.

But I won't be if you trip me
and I fall down the hill.

Yes, stripes,
lots and lots of stripes.

We found a herd!

Looks like there are
three harem herds.

Each herd has one male

and four to seven females
and their babies.

Whoa. That's a lot
of migrating moms.

Maze's mom must be in there!

All we have to do
is join the herd and find her.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

That everything tastes better
dipped in chocolate?

The last time we joined a herd,
we almost got trampled.

I remember it
like it was yesterday.

Uhh, it was today. Okay, so we
better zebra-up this time.

Then we'll really fit in.

Activate zebra powers!
Activate zebra powers!

Hey, I look good in stripes,
don't I?

Not as good as me.
Galloping through!


Okay, we've got to be careful
as we approach.

Male stallions can be protective
of their female herd members.

Is that what you meant
by protective?


Uh-oh. I think
he wants to beat us up.

There's only one main stallion
in every herd.

And he makes sure
it stays that way.

Think we can outrun him?

Let's just try blending in
with the crowd!

I think it worked, bro.

Wait a minute. He wasn't even
after us! He was after that guy.

Another stallion, an outsider.

He's trying to convince that
female to join his herd.

Not for long.


Woo. He's saying
"Stay away from my herd,"

and trying to chase
the other stallion away.

Whoa! The Stallion
stands his ground!

And the interloper
is out of here.

Hey, Martin.
I don't see Maze. Do you?

What? I don't see him anywhere!

Maze? Buddy? Where are you?

Oh no, Martin. We lost him!

Come on. We've got to find him.

Maze, where are you?

I can't see Maze, Chris.
All the stripes look the same.

They might look the same.

But every zebra pattern
is different.

Yeah, not exactly the same,

but I still can't tell
one from the other.

I think I can help with that.

I took a picture
of Maze's pattern

for the crew jackets, remember?

I just sent it
to your Creature Pods.

Looks like he has a zigzag
marking on the side of his neck.

Yes. You and your crew jackets
just saved the day.

And hopefully Maze.

Okay, this guy doesn't match
the stripe pattern,

so he's not Maze.

This baby doesn't match either.
And mom's right here.

I'm getting dizzy already
and we just started.

Okay, Chris. I'm coming.
Just seeing stripes.

Okay, okay, stop pulling
on my shirt, Chris.

Ah, that's not me, Martin.
But it might be...


It's a match! Three thick black
stripes on his head: check.

Two thin white stripes
on his ears: check.

And the zigzag marking
on his back: check!

We found him!

Hey, little buddy!

That's the good news.

The bad news is
all these Mom's have babies.

So, we still have to
find Maze's herd.


That's a classic zebra warning
cry if I ever heard one.

Something spooked them
all right.

And that something's name
is Hyena!


Oh no! The hyenas
have Maze surrounded!


We've got to do something.

We have the power of
confusion camouflage, bro!

I'll zig, you zag!

Together, we'll have
the hyenas seeing stripes.


Go, go, go, go.

I think the confusion camouflage
move is working!

Zebras have stripes
so predators have a hard time

figuring out where one zebra
ends and the other begins!

And it works!

Come on. Let's get back
inside the herd.

The more stripes the better!

Woo-hoo! Yeah! We confused those
hyenas and they gave up.

Yeah! Our maze of stripes
saved Maze's hide, and our own!

Have a great migration!

Nice camouflaging with you!


Nothing personal, Maze,
but I don't know

who's going to be happier when
we find your mom: you or me.

This could be
Maze's mom's herd, Martin.

Calling all zebras. This here's
Maze. Are any of you his mom?

Or his aunt? Family friend?

Whoa, that zebra's
coming right at us.

We can't handle one of
those high-kicking fights

with a stallion.

I don't have any energy left to
stop him from biting my ankles.


Ah, you're right, Maze.

The Wild Kratts never give up

until every animal
on the planet is safe.

Thanks, Martin. I needed that.

Just go easy on us, huh?

We're just trying
to find this foal's herd.

It's Maze's mom! Yes!

We finally found his herd!

That's because we didn't give
up, bro. Way to go. Yes!


Now that's the stallion.

He spotted us.

Let's get galloping, Chris.
Catch you later, Maze.


Jimmy, hide! I don't want
the guys to see you yet!

Hey guys!

We're almost ready to show off
the new Wild Kratt crew jacket.

Couldn't be more excited.

We're excited too!
Maze is back with his mom.

It took a lot of croc fighting
and neck biting but we did it.

And we saw the amazing way

animals use their patterns
for camouflage.

Yeah, like the giraffe.

From a distance, they look
exactly like a tree,

especially when you're tired.

And zebra stripes are used
for confusion camouflage.

They confuse the predator
with a maze of stripes.

So, which creature pattern did
you use for the crew jackets?

All of them, at first.

I was so inspired
by all the creature patterns,

I may have gone
a little wild with the design.

A little? It looked like
an African clown suit.

No offense, Aviva.

And now, without further ado,

I present the brand new
Wild Kratts crew jacket!

Mr. Mannequin, you're on!

It's blue, my favorite color.

It's green like me!

With a zebra striped collar!

And check out
the giraffe spotted back!

What a cool Wild Kratts
crew jacket!

Love it, Aviva.

And I just want to say that
Jimmy was the perfect mannequin,

and may have a future
in runway modeling.

And I might have a future

in African creature
clothing design.

Just kidding! Creature Power
Suit design suits me just fine.


Patterns are everywhere
in the creature world.

Sometimes they're used
for defense

like the zebra's
confusion camouflage.

Sometimes as a warning
like the stripes on a skunk.

Sometimes to look like something
or someone else,

like the eye-spots
of a butterfly.

Sometimes to hide
for both predator and prey.

Hey, where'd Chris go?

Shh, I'm using
this spotted leopard pattern

to sneak up on Martin.

This is how a predator
uses camouflage.

Lie motionless,
so the prey doesn't see you,

like the leopard, hidden from
the unsuspecting impala.

Zebra and other herbivores
have to look around

every now and then to make sure
there are no predators coming.

Graze for a while,
they'll look up, listen, look.

And if the coast is clear,
they get back to grazing.

Now, where's Chris? I don't see
him anywhere. Do you?

Guess not.

And when the prey looks away,
the predator moves closer,

always trying to hide her
approach by moving behind things

that will blend
with her coat pattern.

Then freeze. The leopard
is a master at this.

Head up, freeze.

So, when the prey looks down,
the predator moves.

For a predator, even a cheetah,
it's so much about camouflage

and getting as close
as they can without being seen.

When they hang together
in a group or herd,

the prey animals
have more eyes and ears

on the lookout for danger.

But if that fails,
in the case of the zebra,

their confusion camouflage
defense kicks in.

When the predator's close
enough, he goes for it.

Where'd he go?

Hey, what kind of stripes
are those?

Zebra stripes!

Got you, Chris!

All right.

Creature patterns are the best.

Yeah, whether you're a big
creature, small creature,

mammal, insect,
predator or prey,

patterns are everywhere
in the creature world.

So, keep your eye out
for spots and stripes

and all sorts
of cool creature patterns.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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