01x37 - Seasquatch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x37 - Seasquatch

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, we're the Kratt Brothers.
I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris, and we're
creating an underwater world

in a saltwater aquarium.

There are so many
awesome habitats

all over the creature world,

like the seas surrounding
the Galapagos Islands

where we swam with marine
iguanas who dive underwater

and eat algae
that grow on the rocks.

Oh, and then we even bumped
into a whale shark,

the largest fish
in the world,

who let us swim with him
for over two hours.

And don't forget
about the Pantanal.

That was one awesome
underwater world

where we splashed around
with crocodiles,



and giant anacondas.

And most underwater worlds
need the same basic things:

a substrate,
like rocks and gravel,

for creatures to crawl around
and hide in.

And water, of course,

for the creatures
to swim and breathe in.

And, don't forget about a source
of light...

And warmth and energy.

But there are underwater worlds,
like the deep sea,

where there is no light,

where bizarre and
unusual animals live.

Imagine if we could swim

with the little-known creatures
of the deep sea.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

I love a good game
of squid tag.

Now, where'd you
disappear to, Chris?

Behind a cloud of floating
plants called phytoplankton.

It's amazing how these tiny
plants absorb the sun's energy

and carbon dioxide from the
water, and combine them

to create sugar
which is food for themselves.

Phytoplankton are plants
that get energy from the sun,

just like grass does
on land.

And after a phytoplankton
makes food for itself,

this tiny plant becomes food
for other creatures.

Tiny animals called
zooplankton eat them

and the food chain

One creature being eaten
by another creature:

That's the food chain.

Holy Squid!
I didn't see that coming.

Or that!

Or this!
You're it!

Okay, you got me.


Check it out.
All this sea life begins

with these tiny phytoplankton
getting energy from the sun.

And then those plants
are eaten by an animal,

who's eaten
by another animal,

all the way up to the biggest
creatures in the ocean...

The whales!

Uh-oh. There's the top
of the food chain in the water,

a squid-eating
sperm whale!

Probably not the best time
to be in a squid suit, bro!

Yeah, tell me about it.
Hey, wait a sec.

I know that whale.

It's Bumper's mom!
But where's Bumper?

Whoa! Ugh!


Hello to you too,

All right!

And the winner is the
Squidtacular Martin!

Next time we're playing
whale tag, and I'm the whale.

Then we'll see who's the top
of the food chain.

Deal. Gimme
a high ten, dude!



Hey, come on!

Aviva, this new shrinkwrap you
put on my controller is sweet!

The shrink wrap will protect
it from all the salty air

and corrosive sea spray.
Nothing can damage it.

Hey, hey!

Did you hear that, buddy?

You don't have to worry
about the big salty ocean.

Nooo! No! No! No!

It's okay, Jimmy.
Martin'll get it.

I'm on it! Squid power
to the creature rescue.

Only one problem.

I'll become
part of the food chain,

the main course
of a whale's breakfast.

The squid suit
could get Martin down there,

but it could also get him
eaten like that.

Sorry Jimmy, but I gotta return
to the surface

before that whale spots me.


That was close!

I'm not used to being
the catch of the day.

But what am I going to do
without my controller?

It'll be okay, JZ. My super
shrinkwrap will protect it,

even at the deepest depths.

I hope.
I heard that!


Oh controller,
I can still remember

the fresh factory smell
when we first met.

Our late nights
playing video games.

Don't worry Jimmy, Aviva's
shrinkwrap will protect it.

And as soon as
the Amphisub's ready,

we'll go down
and retrieve it for you.

Koki, do you have a track
on it?

I've got it!
Passing , ft.

, .

Wait a minute,
I've lost it.

It disappeared
into a hot zone.

Wow, I'm getting
some strange heat readings

coming from the bottom
of the ocean.

What could it be?

I'm not sure what it is.
It's not on any map or chart.

It looks like
an unexplored trench.

Unexplored trench?

That could mean
undiscovered creatures!

An unexplored trench?

Oh, I'm gonna miss you.

No, you won't, Jimmy because
we'll be bringing it back.

Oh, yeah.
We're Wild Kratts.

We eat unexplored trenches
for breakfast! Ha!

The sub has been

so you'll be able to go
deeper than ever before.

Another added bonus is,
it's solar powered.

Just like
the phytoplankton!

Let's hope we don't get
gobbled up like them, though.

The smallest amount of sunlight
will power up the batteries,

giving them a full charge
for hours.

But you need to
keep a close watch on it.

Oh, yeah. Got it.
Keep a close watch on it, yeah.

Wait, what am I watching?

The energy levels.
If they get low,

you'll need to come back up
and recharge

cause if you run out,
you'll be way, way, too deep

for my robot arm
to save you.

We'll keep an eye
on it, Aviva.

And we won't be
needing the robot arm.

Yeah, they don't call us
Wild Kratts for nothing!

We eat robot arms
for breakfast, too.


Let's go!

Hang tight, Jimmy needs to
miniaturize you.

It's the only way

I could get the sub
to handle the extreme depths.

Okay, Jimmy, the guys are ready
to go to the deepest depths

to find your controller.


Remember when we got
the million point

quadruple bonus?


I'll take this one.

See you later, little bitty
Chris and Martin.

Be careful.

Have a good trip.

New species,
here we come.

I think we should call
our first life form discovery

Martin of the sea!

Nice, but I was thinking

Martin of the sea
is way better.


Martin of the sea.


Hey, how about, whoever
discovers it gets to name it.

Deal. Let's find
some new life forms.

Wow, it sure did
get dark out there.

Yeah, very little sunlight
can shine

through the water
this deep.

We're officially
in the twilight zone.

I'm switching from solar power
to battery power.

Whoa, cool!

Look at all the lights.

Let's go out
for a deep-sea dive.

Oh ho,
I got to check that out.

Let's scuba up!

What is that?

Where'd that go?

Martin? Martin!

I'm still here.
Where'd you go?

I'm over here,
the flashing light.

Okay, I can see you.
Coming over.



You're not Chris;
you're an Anglerfish.

Wow, those teeth
are awesome!

Some of those fangs
are so big,

they don't even fit
in your mouth.

Wow, clever fish.

Most of your teeth
are tilted inwards

so it's easy for your prey to
swim in, but not out.

Pretty cool.

Careful bro! She's a dangerous
predator, so watch out!


Martin, watch out!

Whoa, you can't
catch this!

(Singing rap tune)


Wow, look at this.

The light is actually millions
of glowing bacteria

trapped inside
this little sack.

She uses it to lure her prey
close so she can catch it.

Like it tried with me, but
I'm way too good of a swimmer.

Swimming's my thing.


You can't catch this!
Woo hoo! Yeah!

Hey, where are you going?


Oh dude, I think
it wants to meet you!

More like eat you!


Faster, Chris!

Yeah, faster!


Ah, a Deep-sea shrimp!





That Deep-sea shrimp

has the best
defense mechanism ever.

When it feels threatened,
it sh**t out a glowing glue

that confuses
its predator.

While the predator att*cks the
glue, the shrimp slips away.

Well, I'm covered
in glue.

Oh, I'm like
a glow-in-the-dark target.

Yeah, we better get you cleaned
up before you get gulped down.

You're passing
through the twilight zone

into the midnight zone.

You two better stay
inside the sub now.

Yeah, who knows
what's lurking out there.

There are lots of--

(Radio static)
Koki, you there?

Chris, Martin?

Something's messed up
your communication link.

It might be because
you're getting very, very close


To the--


Whoa. What is this?

My controller?
Did you find it?

Sorry Jimmy,
I was talking about those.

That must be what's causing all
those strange heat readings!

You're right,
those are hydrothermal vents.

Black smokers.

How do they
get like that?

Inside those cracks
in the sea bottom,

lava is superheating water that
sh**t back out full of minerals

and when it mixes with the cold
water, the minerals build up...

Creating black smokers.

Wow, I'm getting some
off-the-chart heat readings

down here.
Is that right?

Yeah, the water around you
is so hot it could boil an egg,

plus it's full
of toxic chemicals.

I don't think you're gonna
discover new life there, guys.

Especially with no sunlight
to start the food chain.

I'm seeing something
that looks like life to me.


In tubes.

Tube worms!

And check out
all those clams and...

Who's that guy?

A furry crab!


Most crabs have smooth or even
spiky shells, but hairy?

And white.
He's like...

the abominable snow crab!

Yeah, I think we just discovered
a new crab species!

Oh yeah! I'm calling him
Seasquatch of the Sea!

Seasquatch for short.


Yeah, seasquatch!

You're too late guys.
Somebody else found him first.

He was discovered
a few years back.

He's actually called
a Yeti crab.

Aw. Seasquatch
was way cooler.

But Yeti crab's
not bad.

If the environment down there
is so extreme--

no sunlight, toxic chemicals,
superheated water--

how does Seasquatch and
all those creatures survive?

That's what
I want to know.

What's that thick layer
covering the ocean floor?

What is that
red mucky stuff?

Hmm. It's not muck at all.

It's actually bacteria, millions
and millions of bacteria.

And it's a busy bacteria.

It's taking the chemicals
from the superheated water

and mixing it with oxygen.
It uses this mixture

to turn carbon dioxide


Sounds tasty.

Wait, these bacteria
are making...


It doesn't start with plants
getting energy

from the sun down here.

The bacteria change
the volcanic energy into food

for themselves and then
all these other creatures--

the tube worms, the clams,
the Yeti crab--

eat the bacteria.

Yeah, the bacteria is the start
of the food chain down here.

There must be
pockets of life

all over
the deep ocean floor, then.

Wherever there's hydrothermal
vents, there will be!

Where are you?

Okay then, so what does
Seasquatch eat?

Hey Seasquatch!
What're you up to?

He's doing, like,
a weird deep-sea dance.

Who knew crabs dance?

Now, why are you
doing that?

Aviva, we need a Creature Power
disc that'll give me the powers

to get out there with him
and find out.

Way ahead of you, MK.

I'm already taking my basic crab
programming and specializing it

with Yeti crab features

and modifying it
for extreme conditions.

What happened? Hello?

Are you guys still there?

(Powering down)

Uh-oh! Tortuga,
we have a problem.

The main batteries
are completely dead!

We got a reserve
power source

but that won't last us
very long.

We're stuck down here.

You've got to power the sub back
up to the surface.

How much energy
do you have left?

(Jimmy muttering)

Almost nothing.

Check it out. I think Seasquatch
uses his hairy arms

to collect bacteria.

The hair filters the bacteria
right out of the swirling water.

The power bar's
in the red now.

It's not gonna be

I think we need to focus
on our energy problem, bro.

But the Yeti crab might be able
to solve our energy problem.

Like other animals down here,
I think he gets his energy

from the bacteria.

The Yeti crab collects bacteria
in his hairy arms

to eat for energy.

Am I missing something?
How is that gonna help?

Oh, Chris, if the Yeti crab
can collect energy

out of its environment,
why can't we?

Of course!

We can retrofit the sub
to use the bacteria's energy

and power you back up
to the surface.

Great idea, Martin!

It was, wasn't it?

Oh, it's Nature's idea,
not mine.

But the sooner I can get
one of those Seasquatch suits,

the sooner I can collect
some energy-making bacteria.

I'm almost there.

And I can guide you
through setting up the sub

to use the bacteria
for energy.

Sounds good,
but we need to hurry;

the power bar is reaching
dangerously low levels now.

Okay, what's the secret
of collecting bacteria?

Hair. Silky blond,
but it's not like normal hair.

It's bristly so it brushes
the bacteria from the water.

You need to hook up
two tanks,

one oxygen
and one carbon dioxide.

Okay, got it.

Once the oxygen mixes
with the bacteria,

you'll add the carbon dioxide
and that will create the energy!

Well let's hope it works.
It might be our only chance.

Yeti crab disc complete!

Just finished. I'll get Jimmy
to teleport it.


Too soft.

Too tight.

Too loose.

Ugh, terrible buttons.

None of these work!

On second thought,
I better do it.


Anytime now, Aviva;
I'm ready.

Huh? I'm a little rusty
at teleporting,

but it should be there
by now.

Uh, it's not here.


It's here.

Give me that.

Activate Creature Power!


Okay bro, you gotta
get out there!

I'm on it
like a Yeti crab!


We're running on zero battery
power now. Hurry up!



Martin to Wild Kratts team.

This place is like
another world, an alien planet.

Hey, Seasquatch. Come on,
time to show me what to do.

Give me the
Energy Collection Tour.

Hey, slow down! I can't walk
that fast underwater.

Whew, it sure is
getting hot down here.

Don't get too close!

The superheated water that's
coming out of those vents

reaches temperatures
up to ° F!

Water boils at ° F.

No wonder why I feel like
a crab in a cook pot.


Oh, I get it. You're waving
your arms near the vent

so your bristly hairs
can collect the bacteria.

Let me try.

It's working! Whoa!





Hey! What gives, Seasquatch?
That's my swirl of bacteria.



Okay, then.





Use your arms!

Oh, yeah. These hairy arms
not only look good

and filter bacteria, they've got
some muscle power in them too!

See what I mean?

(Rumbling, muttering)

That's not you,
that's an earthquake!

get out of there!

All right. Arm hairs
covered in bacteria.

Ready to get out of here!


Jimmy's controller!

There's no time!

I can get it!


Sweet crab legs!



Martin! Look out!

Almost there!

Chris! Did he make it?

Are you there?
Martin? Chris?

Come in,
Wild Kratts!

Martin, come in.

Bro, where are you?

Aw, it's no use.
I can't see anything.



I'm okay,
and loaded with bacteria!


In this case,
that's a good thing.

Plus Jimmy's controller.

My buddy!

You're not
out of the woods yet;

those were just

to an enormous underwater
earthquake. Hurry up!

All right, we got to get
all this bacteria off you

and mixed
with these two tanks, and fast.

bacteria energy production.

I sure hope this works.

(Powering up)

Come on, Amphisub,
come on.





Get us out of here,


We're entering
the sunlight zone.

Solar power engaged!
We made it!

My controller!
You guys did it!

Well, thanks to
the Yeti crab.

And his awesome
Creature Powers.

Goes to show you again,
animals can take you anywhere

in science,
and back again.

Hey Martin,
you need a hair brush!



Okay, things are almost ready
with our underwater world.

The mixture of salt and water
is just right.

The temperature is feeling
really good.

And now we're ready to start
adding fish and other creatures.

All right, guys.

Are you ready to populate
our underwater world?


Let's do it!
Come on around.

Look what
we got here.

Now we have to make sure
that the fish are ready

to go into our t*nk.

by acclimating them
to the t*nk water.

So we take some water
from the t*nk

and we pour it in
to where the fish are.

We have to introduce
all these creatures

into the same conditions
that they're used to

so they don't get
a shock.

As this t*nk's water mixes with
the water that they're in now,

they're gonna be used to
the water they're going into

and be ready to enter
their new world.

One final test
of the water.

Have a look.

Oh, yeah!
It's perfect.

All right. Now it's time
for the fish!


Okay, let's get them
in there. There you go.

A Flame angel.
That is one beautiful fish.


Now we're gonna be a little
extra-careful with the fish

and what we're gonna do
is put them into bags

and then float them
in the t*nk

so the temperature
inside the bag

will turn
to the same temperature

as the temperature
in our t*nk.


Oh, Clownfish!


They look like twins.
Can you tell them apart?


He's called
a Sailfin tang

because his fins spread out
really wide like a sail.

Wow that's cool.

Chromis. Let's get them
in there.

They're gonna love
their new home, I think.

A Yellow tang.

As soon as the temperature
inside the bag

is the same
as the t*nk,

the fish are ready to be
released into their new world.

Here comes the Hippo tang.

BOY #:
Wow, that's
a really cool fish!

Here we go.
Swim free.


There they go.

, , , ,
, , , , .

BOY #:
It's so cool how the Chromis
stay together

and don't leave each other.

Yellow tang
heading your way, guys.

All the fish are exploring
their new world.


How awesome.

All right,
way to go.

We created
an underwater world.


See you
on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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