01x26 - Little Howler

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x26 - Little Howler

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, we're the Kratt Brothers.
I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris.

And it might look like we're
just for a walk in the woods.

And we are, but this is
a special walk

because we're taking an orphaned
pup for her first stroll.

A wolf pup.

She's about weeks old
and this is the time

a wolf pup first starts coming
out of the den.


Are you ready
to explore? Huh?

It's hard to believe
this cute little pup

is gonna grow into
the top predator of the north.

It's a big world
out there.

You like
exploring the wild, huh?

Her fur is
woolly and warm

and ready to take on
the cold northern weather.


And her teeth are
pretty sharp, too, already.

And even though she's small,
not so tough,

and could never survive
on her own yet,

she's already
doing something very...



She can already howl.

And because howling is all
about talking to other wolves,

we've got to be those
other wolves and get her going.






Imagine if we could really,
really talk to wolves.

If we could talk to them so well
that we could join the wolves

and run
with the wolf pack.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪



That was the best
adventure yet!

You're back!

Oh, and wow about
that wolf pack?

Their long-distance
running power is so impressive.

But with no wolf powers,

running like that
can really tire you out.

I was tired
just watching!


But that cougar surprise
sure woke me up!




I didn't put this
in my backpack.


It's kind of round,
soft and fuzzy.

It's breathing!

And licking my hand?


It's a wolf cub!


(All howling)


I'm going to name him
Little Howler.

Aw! He's like
a ball of wool.


How did he learn
to howl already?

A wolf pup can howl
when he's weeks old.

And first come out of the den
at weeks.

Little Howler's
just weeks old.

When did he get
into your backpack?

How'd he get
into your backpack?

Why didn't we notice him
get into your backpack?

I have no idea.

Me either.

We didn't see a pup
in the pack.

Not that pack,
I mean the wolf pack.

Where did he
come from?

We've got a mystery
on our hands.

The Mystery of
the Little Howler.


Hmm. I know
how to figure out where.

Just like when Jimmy
loses the keys to the Tortuga.

To find,
just retrace your steps.

Okay, let's see.
It all started this morning...

when we were running
through the woods

getting started
on another adventure.




Chris, I think you put a little
too much "Ah" in your "Awwoo."

What are you talking about?
That was % wolf howl.

If I'm a wolf,
I'm not singing that song.

(Phone ringing)

Man, I had a dream that
some horrible howling zombies

were circling the Tortuga.

We were really howling.



Where are you guys
running off to

so early in the morning,

We're on a wolf run!

Wolves are
nature's best marathoners.

They just run and run until they
get what they're looking for.

And we're looking for wolves
by running like wolves!

So you're doing
a wolf marathon?

Trying to catch up

to the world's best long
distance runner by... running?

I think you'll be back
before breakfast.

Yeah, to "wolf down"
some breakfast.

That's the only wolf
we'll be seeing this morning.


Well, I've got
a backup plan.

Just in case we can't
catch up or keep up.

I've got the old trusty Plan B
right here in my back pocket.


A moose suit?

Uh, I don't know, Chris.
How'd that work out for you

with the gazelle suit
and the cheetah?




She tackled me so fast.

That was different.

The cheetah's a sprinter.
The wolf is a marathoner.

With the wolf, I'd have time
to deactivate.

Wolf track!

Definitely dog-like.

Dog claws always show up
in the tracks.

Four toe pads,
one heel pad.

inches from toe to heel,
inches wide.

Definitely too big
to be a fox or coyote.

Oh yeah,
it's definitely wolf!

And more than one:
a wolf pack!


I'd say about five
different wolves.


What part of the track
is telling you that?

Three silver ones,
two black ones...

What? Where do you
see that?

And one white one!

How in the world can you
tell that from these tracks?

Well actually, you kind of
have to look at the big picture.


that's a wolf pack!

Well, who would've
thunk it?

Maybe the best way
to find wolves

is just to be out in the wild
talking about wolves.

Come in, Tortuga.

This is Little Boy Who Cried
Wolf calling Tortuga.

Little Boy Who Cried Wolf
telling you

we found wolves.

Forget it, Martin.
Wolves on the move!

Okay, check that.

We're running
with the wolves!


And we're not
the only ones! Ravens!

are following them too!

It helps to have wings
to follow wolves

because they have
a fast pace, called a lope.

A wolf can lope along
all day long,

covering miles
with hardly a rest.

Now that's what
I call a marathon.

Hey, what do you
call it

when they pick up the pace
even faster?

More tiring?

A chase!
An all-out run.

They're after something.


(Pack howling)


Where do they
get that kick?

I know they can marathon
all day

and then sprint
when they need to.

(Rhythmic thudding)
Do you hear a horse?

Sounds bigger
than a horse.

Sounds like
it has antlers.

How can you tell that?

From that moose
charging towards us!



Oh, so that's what
woke us up!

Yeah, so much
for sleeping in.

Aw, Chris and Martin
were screaming

because they were being chased
by the big bad moosie-woosie.

That's right, moosie-woosie
woosie-woosie woo.

And when I looked
at the screen,

the moose was almost
on top of you.

A moose
is on the loose!

(Wolves growling)






(Wolves growling)


Okay, so let me
get this straight.

So the wolf pack
was starting to surround you--


Was he
with the pack then?

No. At weeks,

he's too young
to go on the hunt.

Well, he's attacking
my controller!

Come on, Jimmy. His teeth
are just coming in.

He's got to try them out
on something.

Well, all the adult wolf teeth
were already in

and I didn't want any
of the big dogs

trying those out
on my moose behind.

So I knew, before they
closed the circle around me,

I had to do something.

Chris, deactivate!

Get out
of that moose suit!


Hooves don't work
that way!

Well then work them
the way they work. Run!

Sometimes these Creature Power
suits are too...


But remember,

a moose can't outrun
a pack of wolves for long.

You'll have to
think of something else soon!


Can't run anymore.

Think of something else.


Could they be the w*apon
against wolves?

Antlers work
on one wolf.


But not on a pack.

Because moose
only have antlers on one end.

And wolves can surround a moose
and attack from all ends.


Oh...but a moose
can swim!

Are you okay?

(Ravens cawing)
What are you doing?

The moosie paddle!

The moosie paddle?


Good one, bro!
The moosie paddle.

Oh, come on, guys.
Give me a little rest.

Chris, while you cool off,
I'll track the pack!

Wait up!

Oh no, moose hooves.

How am I going to deactivate
with moose hooves?

So where were you
during all this...

Little Howler?

Well, if we keep following
the trail of the story,

you're going to
pop up somewhere.

How'd you get out
of the moose suit, Chris?

Well, it wasn't
looking too good

until I got a tip
on a twig...

From a moose!

Well, look at that.

A moose can grab
and hold sticks with its lips.


Back on wolf patrol!

What was going on
with you, Martin?

Well, I had fallen way, way,
way behind the wolves,

and when I finally
caught up with them,

I discovered they had
caught up with a moose.


Whoo! Hey, guys.

What did the wolf say
to the ravens?

Howl's it going?


You like that, huh?


What? I am not slow!
I don't have wings.

Must be nice to be a raven;
at least you can fly.


Oh, I get it:

You warn the wolves
if anyone approaches.


And they take you
to lunch.


Wolves and Ravens
make a great creature team.

Oh, you've got to be
kidding me.

You wolves just ran miles,
pulled down a , lb. moose,

devoured it,

and now you're off
and running again?

Okay, I'm coming.


What were you
whining about, Chris?

Who was whining?

I wasn't whining.


It's Little Howler.

I think he's hungry.

We'll need a special formula
to feed him.

I'll look it up
in the database.


Hurry, Koki.
He's breaking my heart.

Oh. Pobrecito.

Here it is:
wolf formula.

I'll mix it up.

Check it out. I'll cheer him up
with a creature joke.

Hey, Little Howler,

what did one wolf puppy say
to the other wolf puppy?

Howl's it going?



Ugh, you've got to be
kidding me.

Wolf humor. It's funny!
Howl ya doin?


I still don't know how you could
ever have missed him out there.

Well, it was one thing
after another.

Nature was really keeping us
on our toes.

Where did Little Howler
come from?

Well, after
a lot more running...

I followed the wolf pack
to their den.

And when I got there, they were
all snoozing with full bellies.

Did you see
any puppies?

No. There weren't
any puppies around

and the wolves were all
lounging around, snoozing,

and I just sat down
to rest for a second

and I guess I must've
fallen asleep for a while

because when I woke up,

Chris was snarling at me
like a cougar!


I wasn't snarling
like a cougar.

I was trying to
wake you up and tell you.

A cougar! A cougar!





A never-before-seen face-off
between a huge cougar--

Or you could call him
mountain lion--

Or panther.
Or catamount.

We've got to film it.

(Creaturepod beeping)
All taken care of.

The Creaturepod is recording.


(Cougar screaming)

No wolf alone
can defeat a cougar.

But together they have
the power of the pack.



Hey, quit fighting
my Creaturepod!


He's gonna
k*ll that Creaturepod.


Hey, Martin, didn't you say
the Creaturepod was recording?


Play it back!
Maybe there's a clue.

Okay, okay. Here,
fight this monster.

(Making growly noises)

Got it.


Fast-forward it.


Do you see that?

Yeah. It's...

Little Howler!

So that's when
you got into my backpack!

And now we know
where he came from.

Mystery solved!

Yeah, there must have been a den
hidden in those rocks.

And a mother
who's looking for him, too.

All right. Now we've got
a new Creature Mission.

Yeah, we've got to figure out
how to get Little Howler

back home without a whole pack
of wolves being mad at us

for taking him
in the first place.

Okay, let's get going,

we're at the coordinates.

Yeah, a mile away
from the den site

so the wolves won't be scared
by a giant flying turtle.

Here, take
the wolf power discs,

hot off
the Creature Power press.

Thanks, Aviva!
Do they have marathon power?

Oh, you'll be able
to run, all right!

And run and run
and run and run.

We are!

But the door's
not opening.

Oh, yeah. I locked it
for flying mode.

Little Howler's mom
must've been in the den.

Maybe Little Howler has brothers
and sisters in there, too.

Yeah, the mother wolf will spend
most of her time in the den

with the pups
for the first two months.


The coast is clear.

Great, we won't
get into any trouble.

The pack must be
out hunting.

I can't wait to see
what's going on in there.


There's no mother wolf.
No pups.

Why did they all leave?

That's why.

Because they knew

that huge mountain lion
had discovered their den site

and was a danger
to the pups.


Let's get out
of here.

Wait! Don't run.

Right. She'll see us
as prey.

Nothing triggers a predator
like prey on the run.


We need the power
of the pack.

Activate Wolf Powers.

Nobody's gonna mess with us
in our Wolf Power Suits.

Tell that to the cougar!


for the hair brushing.


(Cougar screaming)

We can't beat her
in the short game for long.

to marathon running!

On your mark,
get set, go!

She's tiring.

A sprinter like her
can't keep up the pace for long.

Now we've got
the cougar beat

because we wolves
are marathoners.

Wow, I feel so light,

like I could run
like this forever.

That's the power
of the wolf!


Amazing. We've only been wolves
for two minutes

and already
a raven has found us.

Well if he found us,
he can find other wolves.

And maybe lead us
right to Little Howler's pack!


Follow that raven!

Follow the wolf brothers
following that raven!

This is awesome.

It's like I'm Wolf Man
and the raven is my sidekick.

Maybe the raven thinks
it's the other way around.

But either way, because
wolves and ravens are so tight,

I don't think it'll be too long
before this raven leads us

right to the pack's new...

den site!

Uh-oh. We forgot to consider
one very important point

of wolf behavior.

A wolf pack
doesn't like strange wolves.

Our only hope
is to speak wolf language.

Howl's it going?

Bro, that accent
won't do it.

Well, what--


Roll over!

Pet tricks?

How're pet tricks
gonna save us?

Body language.
Wolf body language.

Yeah. By acting submissive,

a wolf can turn off an attack
from another wolf.

If they recognize us
as one of their own.

And because we activated
touching Little Howler,

we smell familiar,
like a pack member.

We are in.

Oh yeah.

Chris! Martin!

What about Little Howler!?


Now we're talking.


Howling: that's what wolves do
to keep the pack together.

With our little wolf puppy
howling free and in the wild!


(Tortuga crew howling)

Hey, it's me,
Chris, again.

And Martin, and
here's someone else you know:

Little Howler!

Except she's a lot bigger.

Look at her go!

Two months older
and ready to run.

She's changed completely.
She's huge!

Wow, she used to be
just this big

and then in two months,

She's a big, romping
-month-old wolf pup.

Are you ready
to run?

Look out!

Let's do it!

Time to run
with the wolf!

(Martin laughing)

She loves chasing.

Whoa, she's speedy.

I'm gonna catch you.

Guess not.



Remember when Little Howler
was just a puffball?

She was just weeks old,

the age wolf pups
first leave the den.

Okay, you're gonna need
a little help getting up there.

Want to
climb this mountain?

There you go.

There you go. You're almost
at the top.

You're almost--
you did it! Yeah!

That was then.

Now she's a long, sleek,
running wolf

who can get around
on her own.

Check it out.
Her whole face has changed.

She once had a short,
round snout...

and now it's long
and pointed.

Little Howler's months old
and a lot bigger

but she's not strong enough yet
to run with the pack

on a long-distance,
wolf-style marathon.

She won't be ready
for another few months.

Then, she'll look like this:

an adult-sized member
of the wolf pack.

And then she'll be able
to keep up

with the pack
on their hunting missions.

The wolf is a top predator
of the North.

That means everyone
has to be on the lookout

when a wolf pack is around--

small prey like porcupines
and badgers...


All the way up to huge animals
like the moose

which the wolves have to work
together as a pack to catch.

To learn how to hunt,

a wolf pup
runs and plays,

but also has to
get enough rest

so she can grow up
to run with the pack.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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