01x36 - Birds of a Feather

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x36 - Birds of a Feather

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's the Kratt Brothers.
I'm Martin.

I'm Chris. And we're here in
the salt pans of the Caribbean

looking for a very
special creature.

Oh, this creature
comes here by the thousands

to feed in the salt pans and
to do their courtship display.

Oh, over there.

Wow, there they are.

All right.

Flamingos. There must be
hundreds of them.

They're on the other side
of the lake.

Let's go around.

Oh, yes! There they are.

You can't miss
those pink feathers.

For flamingos,
those pink feathers

help show other flamingos
that he's healthy and strong.

They get that pink color

from the tiny brine shrimp
they're eating.

So if you're a flamingo,

you have to be well-fed
and healthy

to have those
really pink feathers.

Lots of birds have
beautifully-colored feathers,

especially male birds

who try to impress females
with those colors.

Birds are some
of the best-dressed creatures

on the planet.

Another way that lots
of male birds attract females

is with impressive
courtship displays and dances.

Flamingos do one of these
courtship dances too.

So do wild turkeys,


Don't forget
birds of paradise.

They have an incredible
dance too.

Imagine if we could have
the dancing powers

of some of these
amazing birds.

Then we'd understand what
courtship in the creature world

is all about.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

It's a perfect day
for a skydive.

And this is the perfect way
to land

in the dense New Guinea
rain forest.

To find as many species
of the amazing bird of paradise

as we can.

Okay, Jimmy's going to put
the Tortuga down

in that clearing up ahead,

so try to land there too.



Oh, New Guinea is awesome!

The world's biggest
tropical island.

And home of the beautiful
birds of paradise.

My vote for the prettiest
birds around.

Beautiful birds of paradise,
here we come.

Uh, Martin,
speaking of here we come,

where did Aviva say
that clearing was?



Perfect landing, dude.

Back at you, bro.

Besides, if we're looking
for birds of paradise,

the trees are a good place
to look.

With different species just
waiting to be spotted by us.

(Birds chirping)

I hear jewel-babblers, pittas,
and that's a whistler.

So far,
no birds of paradise in sight.

Hey, these cutnuts aren't bad.



So you're saying you don't see
one species of bird of paradise?

What about a Count Raggi.

I mean, it is the national bird
of New Guinea.

Oh, no.

Not even a Count Raggi.

Uh, I'm sure
there's one somewhere.

You just can't see it.


You're getting colder, Chris.

No, I'm not.
I'm getting hotter.

Rain forests
are super humid.

I mean, Count Raggis
sometimes like to hang out

in the lower branches.

Oh, bingo!

A raggiana bird of paradise,

also known as the Count Raggi.

How long has he been there?

Oh, as long as it took me
to eat cutnuts.

I would love to see
one of these guys display.

Believe it or not,
birds of paradise

have some of the greatest
dances in the creature world.


What do you mean
dancing birds?

Yeah. Male birds of paradise
have colorful feathers

so females will notice them.

Then they dance
to show the females

that they are healthy
and strong.

Yeah. Each type
of bird of paradise

has a special dance move.

I mean, these guys
can really groove.

I have a special
dance move too.

Me too.

Chair dancing.


Here's my special dance move.


Nice hand landing, Chris.

Now watch my feet
if you can.


(All laughing)

Hey, Aviva, join in.

Yeah, Aviva.

Uh, well--

Come on, dancing is fun.

Actually, I, um--
I can't dance.

Sure you can.
Everyone can.

Dancing can be
whatever you want.

Yeah, it doesn't matter
how good you are.


Or if you make a mistake.

All that matters is that you're
having fun with your friends.

Well, I, uh--


Oh, hey,
look at the time.

I've got to do that maintenance
on, uh, everything.



Hey, Martin,
I think the bird of paradise

might be just the guide
to give Aviva

a little dancing inspiration.

Yeah, just watching them

will make her want
to get up and dance.

Uh-oh. The
Count Raggi took off.

Oh, no.
Well, there's got to be

another bird of paradise
around here somewhere.

Let's go.

Oh, so many beautiful birds
of paradise to choose from.


Look at the feathers
on this one.

I must have them all.

My new line
of feathery gowns

will be the talk
of the town.

Oh, that's good hair.

Give me that.


Very jungle chic.

Don't I get
a pretty hat too?

Oh, but of course,

Now get me those birds!

No. There's got to be
another bird of paradise

around here somewhere.

(Bird squawking)
That didn't take long.



It's the superb
bird of paradise.

He's calling out
to the female

to let her know he's about to do
his courting dance.

Oh, the superb might not be the
most colorful bird of paradise,

but this guy has talent.

He can sing and dance.

Oh, and he's about to put on
his show for the female

to prove he's healthy
and strong.

The show's
about to start.

I'm sure he can teach us
a few cool dance moves.

Whoa. Look what he can do
with his feathers.

He's dancing circles around her.

Wow. With a huge blue
happy face.

That's impressive.

I'm going to name him

because of his big,
blue smile.

Oh, there goes
the female.

Guess she thought Smiley
needed more practice.

I got to try
some of those moves.


Oh, nice trip.

See you next fall.

Oh, that's harder
than it looks.

(Both laughing)

MARTIN: Hey, Aviva,

did you see Smiley dance?

Sure did.

But I still don't think
I can dance like that.

I'll stick to the stuff
I know I'm good at.

Like making
a bird of paradise disc

for your Creature Power Suits.

I collected these beautiful
feathers outside the Tortuga.


Over and out.


Whoa! Oh!

KOKI: Hey, Aviva.

You okay?

Fine, Koki.

Just bumped
into something.

Or my feet bumped
into each other.

Dancing just isn't my thing.


Smiley was
a pretty good dancer,

but he didn't impress
Aviva much either.

Well, there are other
birds of paradise out there.

If we can find them,

maybe they'll be more
Aviva's dance style.

(Both grunting)

These bugs are really
starting to bug me.

Yeah, bug me.

What are you, a parrot?

No, I'm a Dabio.

Oh! Why am I the one
who's always getting bitten?

Ooh! Because you're sweet?

I am kind of sweet,
aren't I?

Yeah. Kind of.


Oh, this nature
is cramping my style!

Meet me back at the jet with all
the pretty birds of paradise

you can catch.

I want feathers from
every last one of them.

When I'm done, there won't
be any left in New Guinea.


Ow! Ow!


Ow! Ow!

Dancing birds of paradise,
where are you?

Oh, hey, Martin. Look.

It's the Lawes's parotia.

I hear they're a better dancer
than all of the birds

we've seen so far.

Maybe can inspire Aviva

to find her dance move.

What's he doing?

Hm, he's tossing sticks
out of the way.

Why is he clearing
the ground?

Because he's making
his own stage.

Sure looks like it.

Wait, it's a lek.

You're right.
the Lawes's parotia

creates a dance floor
called the lek

to prepare
for his courting dance.

And looks like fun.

I'm going to clear
a dance floor for us too.

A bird that clear his stage
before he starts.

Now that's an animal
who takes dancing seriously.

I'm going to name him


You're throwing twigs
at me, Chris.

Hey, I'm just tossing back
the ones you're throwing at me.

Check out the guys, Aviva.

They're cleaning the floor.
Never seen that before.

We're not cleaning, Koki.

We're clearing.

Making our own lek,
just like our pal.

These guys love
being on stage.

Right, Hip-Hop?

I've always been a little shy
about being on stage.

I can design Creature
Power Suits all day,

but put me in front
of an audience

and I'm as quiet as a mouse.

Not me. I kind of like
being on stage.

All the way in the back

which is where I was
when I played a tree in Hamlet.


Here come the girl parotias.

They never miss
a courtship display.

Oh, and they all
have a bird's-eye view

perched up in the tree.
Sounds like a good idea to me.


Oh, I can see the show
perfectly from up here.

I can see it perfectly
from down here too.

And I got a whole bag
of coca chews for the show.

This is going to be
a massive performance

with lots of dancing
male parotias.

But the females
outnumber them.

They're here to watch
a bunch of dances

and switch between the leks

to see which male
they're most interested in.

That's fine with me, because
I've got lots of popcorn.

But I just ran out
of snacks.

Aviva, come in.

Go, MK.

Aviva, you got to get out here
to see Hip-Hop dance.

And please
bring more snacks.

Uh, I don't know, Martin.

I'm kind of busy.

Come on.
It'll be great.

Besides, aren't the bird
of paradise discs done by now?

Well, as a matter of fact,
they are.

Come on, Aviva. You can't miss
Hip-Hop's courting dance.

I bought you a ticket.

(Aviva laughing)

Okay, I guess it would be fun

to see Hip-Hop
do his little dance.

But that doesn't mean I'll
follow in his footsteps, guys.

Dancing birdies.

Yes? Hello?

Stop dialing on me.

Hello? Donita?

Uh, this is Dabio.

Oh, I never
would have guessed.


No, not really.

Have you found
the birds of paradise?


And have you caught them?

Uh, no.



I collect them all now,

That would be terrific.

And hurry. I need lots
of colorful feathers

for a feathery
full-length frock.

Hey, Aviva.
Hey, Aviva.

Right on time.

Two bird of paradise discs
coming up.

I've already programmed them
into your suits.

Looks like Hip-Hop's

ready to go.

Watch and be amazed
at the courting display

of the male Lawes's parotia.

Check it out.

He totally transformed
his feathers.


It's like he's wearing
a ballerina tutu.

He looks like a spinning top.

How did he do that?

Oh, whoo!

Nice moves.

Oh, wow! Yeah!

Hip-Hop sure knows
how to impress the girls.


Now he's swaying.

Now he's bobbing up and down.

Then a few steps forward,
a couple steps back.

Oh, this guy can move.

And he finished frozen
in a cool stance.

Hip-Hop sure is a show-off.

Mother Nature is the best
creature outfit designer ever.

And a world-class
dance teacher.

Did you see Hip-Hop go.

Try it, Aviva.
It's easy.

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Yeah.

Come on, Aviva.

You can even use my Creature
Power Suit if you want.

You might like
the bird of paradise suit.

That's a great idea.

Using the parotia disc will
definitely help you get started.

It couldn't hurt.

Thanks, Chris.

Last one to the lek
is out of luck.

I really do wish
I could dance,

but I'm just
not good at it.

You're a great dancer,
aren't you, Lawes's parotia?

Can't say the same
for myself.

Watch this.


Told you.


See you, Lawes's.

(Martin laughing)

Way to work it, Chris.

Nice bird of paradise
boogie, bro.

Maybe Chris is right.

I should at least
give it a try.

If I put on this suit,

the parotia's moves
might rub off on me.

A little big,
but what a clever design.

I need your DNA so I can find
my dancing feet, Lawes's.

Thanks for the help.

I like it.

Now, let's see
if I can dance.

Oh. Oh.



(Twigs snapping)

Whoa. That's a big birdie.

Whoa. Hey, Martin,
where did Hip-Hop go?

I didn't see him leave.

And, where'd Aviva go?

She's not here, Chris.

She's not over here either.

Aviva's gone.

Aviva, where are you?

Do you think she just flew
the coop without telling us?

No way. She wouldn't just
take off,

even if she didn't want
to dance.

Koki, come in.
Is Aviva there?

Please tell us
Aviva's there.

I thought she was
with you guys

watching the parotia
do his hippity-hoppity thing.

She was here
for a few minutes.

Then she took Chris's
Creature Power Suit

and we haven't
seen her since.

Hip-Hop is gone too.

Male parotias
would never take off

during the middle
of a courting dance.

Yeah, but who would want
to take a bird of paradise

out of the forest?

A mean,
exotic bird salesman?

Koki, Jimmy.


Hang on, Brothers Kratt.

I think I hear
Aviva's voice.

Aviva, can you hear me?
Where are you?

Koki? Hello?

Okay, I've pinpointed
her location.

She's feet above us.
Not okay.

She's transmitting
from the dreaded pink blimp.

Donita Donata.



I brought the pretty
dancing birds.

Enough for my gown?


Guys? Come in.

Can you hear me?

Aviva, are you okay?

I'm fine, but I got
to talk fast.

Dabio snatched Hip-Hop
and other male parotias.

He thought I was one too.

Donita wants to use
our feathers for a gown.


Okay, just hang tight.

We're on our way.

Just stay out of Donita's way.

Okay, guys. I'll try.

Dabio, why did you bring
all these boring black birds

when I asked for pretty
plumed ones?

Oh. My mistake, Dabio.

This one is gorgeous.

Reminds me of something.

Or someone!

You're no
bird of paradise.

You're Aviva
from the Wild Kratt crew.

Hm. Interesting suit design,

Of course it is.
That's what I do:

engineer the most amazing
animal abilities and features

right into
the Creature Power Suits.

Oh, yes, but you really should
be using them for fashion.

Touch of fox: fox coat.

And for evening,
touch of mink: mink coat.

You should give one
to me, Aviva.

Ha! That's the last thing
I would do, Donita.

They're for science.

Dabio, is that cage locked?

Uh, let me try that again.

Good. Now get back out there

and collect the pretty birds
this time.

No more of these
boring black ones.

I need to pack some things
for my trip, Donita.

I got sunglasses, hair brush,
hair gel.

Oh, what else?


The bag to catch the birds?

Are you ready now, Dabio?

What's happening?


My Irmez Irmez chaise.

I thought you said
the lock was locked.

Hey, the birds aren't so boring
anymore. Right, Donita?

They're making a mess
on my desk!

Stop them!




Okay, we need a plan

to save Aviva.

Right. We still have
your power suit.

So you fly in and distract
Donita and Dabio

while I sneak in and release
Aviva and the other parotias.

And the perfect way
to distract Donita

is by looking like a bird.

Hey, where'd all the male
parotias go?

Okay, let's do this, bro.

We're off to save Aviva.

Hey, I've never
said that before.

Yeah, usually we're the ones
in trouble.

All I wanted was pretty birds
to make a feathery gown.

And now all I've got
are kooky birds

messing up my jet!

This is all your fault.

I'll make you into
a feathered hair clip

faster than I can say--


Another boring bird flew in
and flattened my hairstyle!

Get it! Get it before
it lays an egg on my head.


(Muffled screaming)

What'd you say, Donita?

Hi, Dabio.

How does the bird
know my name, Donita?

He knows your name, Dabio,

because it's Martino
in a bird suit.

Get him!

I flew over here, Dabio.

Whoo! Hey, missed me!

Aviva, come on.

We can get the parotias out
through the air vent

if we move fast.

Great idea, Chris!
Oops, too loud.

Oh, hello, Chrisangelo.

Your little plan to distract me
and release the birds is a bust.

Get him, Dabio.

And now I can get rid
of both you birdbrained brothers

in one fell swoop.

Did somebody say swoop?

Not this time, you don't.

Hose beam. There.

And there.

That's better.
Now I can think.

Look, Aviva. The males think
Martin's a female.

If you start
your courting dance,

they'll compete with you for his
attention and start dancing too.

Donita won't ever
be able to stop them.

Oh, how did I get myself
into this?

You know how I feel
about dancing, Chris.

And what if it doesn't work?

All you can do
is try, Aviva.

You got to try.

I've got you now,
birds of drabbiness.


Chris is right.

All I can do is try.

Hey, parotias. Look at me.

Dancing feet,
don't fail me now.


Hey, I think I'm getting it.

Oh, yeah. Aviva, I knew
you could do it.

Do what?
What is going on?


It's working.

The other parotias
want to display

and compete
for Martin's attention.

Let's see what you got,

(Birds squawking)

What's happening
to the birds?

What are you doing to them?


I'm dancing.
I can't believe it.

I'm impressed.

And I'm not even
a real female.

Watch this, fellas.



Stop dancing!

You're shaking the jet!


(Chris and Martin laughing)

Ah! Whoa!

Stop dancing! Ah!

Way to go, Aviva!
You did it!

Whoo! Ha!

If I ever see you
or another bird again,

it will be too soon.

Too soon?

(Both laughing)

Fly away, parotias.

Thanks for the amazing
courting dance.

And thanks to Aviva
for saving the day.

I couldn't have done it
without you guys.

And, of course,
my amazing Creature Power Suit.


Mission accomplished.

We saved Aviva
and the birds.

And I got to wear a Lawes's
parotia Creature Power Suit.

And pull off
some pretty sweet dance moves.

And boy, did we ever find out
a lot about birds of paradise.

The males might be pretty,
but they sure know how to move.

The best part was watching Aviva
come up with a special move

to get the males to compete
with their own displays.

And save the day
by making Donita's jet

start rocking.


Hey, Aviva, want to show us
your new fancy footwork?

Okay, but this time you can keep
the Creature Power Suit.


This signature dance move
is pure Aviva.




Hey, we all can't
be great dancers or geographers

or creature adventurers,

but as long as we try,
that's what matters.

Now who wants to shake
a tail feather?

I do!
Me too!

So courtship displays
and dances

are important
to birds of paradise,

flamingos and lots
of creatures.

And many creatures
have dances in other ways

to show off how healthy
they are.

The peacock is definitely

with those long,
colorful feathers

held up in a massive fan.

The male shakes his feathers
in front of the female

to get her attention.

That's a big flock.

And for flamingos,
courtship is a group dance.

The flamingo courtship dance
goes like this.

For starters,
male flamingos get together.

They stand shoulder to shoulder
and then they start to march.

They twist their heads
back and forth in unison,

standing tall
and looking strong,

trying to impress
the other females.

How are we doing, guys?

I don't think
they're that impressed.

But that's the courtship dance
of the flamingo.

Right now they seem more
interested in eating.

A flamingo uses that cool,
curved beak to feed.

He reaches down
with his long neck

and puts his head and bill
in the water,

swishing it back and forth,
back and forth.

As he pumps water
through his bill,

he filters out tiny little
brine shrimp

and ends up with a mouthful
of food.

See those little filters

on the edge of his beak?

That's how he collects them.

The brine shrimp, fly larvae

and other things
that a flamingo eats

can be so tiny you can only
see them with a microscope.

But that beak can collect

hundreds of these little things
so well

that it makes a meal
for the flamingo.

And those beaks are good
for taking care of feathers too.

Now, since courtship season
is about to start,

it's extra important that their
feathers are taken care of

and looking good.

The flamingos will perform

their courtship dance
throughout the winter

until they break off
into mated pairs.

Then they'll lay their eggs
in mud nests along these flats.

And in the spring, a new
generation of flamingos is born.

And that will be
a great thing,

because these flamingos
are endangered.

But hopefully they'll continue
to survive and keep on dancing.

Oh, I love how they look
when they fly.

See you later, flamingos.

See you on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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