01x39 - Googly Eye: The Night Guru

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x39 - Googly Eye: The Night Guru

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's the Kratt
Brothers here.

I'm Chris.

And I'm Martin.

And somewhere
in these trees

is a really cool
night-loving primate.

Primate, that's
a group of creatures

that includes the lemurs,
the monkeys and the apes.

Chris, you see anything?

Not yet.

He's got to be around
here somewhere, though.



A slow loris.


Look at these eyes.

They're massive.

We might not have seen him,
but he definitely saw us.

Those big eyes gather
a lot of light.

That's what helps
him see in the dark

without any flashlights.

See the dark
center of my eye?

That's a pupil.

It opens wide
when it's dark

to let in as much
light as possible.

An eye needs
light to see.

So, it has to get really
wide at night.

The loris' huge eyes
and big pupils

let in lots of light.

And they're able to see

in much less light
than our eyes can.

Look at him go.

He's an expert climber.

His arms and the grip
of his hands are super strong.

These guys are part
of a whole group

of mysterious
nocturnal animals

like bushbabies, lemurs,
lorises and tarsiers.

Imagine if we had their
incredible night-vision powers.

And could keep up with them
in their nocturnal world.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Martin over here!

He went this way!

Whoa, he's bouncing around
like a ping-pong ball!

Oh, this Indonesian
rainforest is thick!

But fun
to climb around in.

With awesome creatures.

Who was that anyway?

We got to keep up
to find out.


behind the leaf.

He's gone.

He disappeared.

We're dealing with
a creature magician.

Where'd he go?

If only we had
better night-vision.

Yeah, like some
kind of giant eyes

that work well
in moonlight.


Like those.

Those giant
googly eyes.

We finally
caught up to you.

I'm so much bigger than you

that if I had
eyes like that,

they'd be as big
as grapefruits.

You're like a little
alien creature.

Whoa, I don't believe it.

The shy and elusive--

Rainforest dwelling--

Night prowling--

Tiny primates
of the rainforest!

The tarsier!

Hey, little buddy.

Let's follow him.

Hey, googly eye,
wait up.

Googly Eye,
that's a perfect name.


Hey, Jimmy, can you
give me a hand?

Uh-oh, I don't really
like when you say that.


Because it usually
ends bad for me.

No, take
a look at this.

It's a model mechanical
eye that I made.

I'm using it to help me with my
latest and greatest invention,

these high-powered
night-vision goggles.

I think the reason
I can't quite get it to work

must have something
to do with light gathering.

Light gathering?

Who gathers light?

An eye does.

It needs light
to see things.

That black center
is the pupil.

It opens and closes
to let more or less light in.

Right now, there's
lots of light in here,

so the pupil doesn't
have to be open very wide

to let enough
light in to see.

But if I turn
off the lights...

Now there's only
a little bit of moonlight,

so the pupil has to open

to let as much of that light

into the eye as it can.

Because an eye always
needs light to see.


So for these night-vision
goggles to work,

first I have to make sure they
can let in a lot of moonlight.


It's eating me!

I'm getting eaten
by a giant eyeball!


Low light!

Pupil opens.


I have got a stop helping
these inventions.

It hurts too much.


Wait up, Googly Eye!

We want
to learn about you!

Your customs
and traditions!

Whoa, he can get through
this darkness no problem!

Without any lights!

Just pure tarsier
nocturnal eye power.

Uh-oh, my light!

I can't see anything!


(Both groaning)

You hear that weird howling?

Sounds like trouble.


Yeah, that one's name
is Chris and--

(Martin groaning)

That one's
name is Martin.

Double trouble.

Note to self,

always charge
head-lamp batteries

before a night

That looks painful.

What happened?

We were following
this really cool

rainforest ping-pong ball-y
leaping creature.

MARTIN: A tarsier.
Yeah, a tarsier and--

And our headlamp
batteries died.

Of all of the times
for our batteries to go--

We were just starting
to get to know him.

We'll just get these
batteries on recharge

and get back out there.

Well, guess what,

Yet again,
I've got the answer

to all your creature
adventure dreams.

You do?
You do?

Yeah, see?

I'm back to work on
my night-vision goggles.

They're not quite working right
yet, but I am getting closer.


They'll help us
find Googly Eye!

Yeah, either that or that
googly-eyed creature

will help us finish
these goggles.

Those look like they're pretty
close to being done, Aviva.

Can't we just
use them now?

Sorry, there's a bug in them
that I'm still working out.

I'll need to finish
them in the morning.

But we've got
to find Googly Eye now!

Look, they're not ready.

No way.

You guys can't
use them yet.

I've been working on this all
day, and I need some sleep.

I'm not nocturnal,
you know?

We'll find them
in the morning, bros.



If we wait, we might
never see Googly Eye again.

I know. And, look!

These are % done.

That's pretty
much there.

I mean,
what could go wrong?


And we at least
have to test them out.

Yeah, we'd be doing
Aviva a favor.

Right, a favor.

I'll just leave her
a little note.

Let's go!

Googly Eye, here we come!

Pepperoni ice cream.


These are awesome.

Yeah, with the iris
open all the way,

and the light-sensing
cones on high,

the moonlight lights up

All right, so where
are you, Googly Eye?

Uh, Martin, do you feel
like we're being watched?

Yeah, like from
back there.

Hm, nothing.
Hm, nothing.

Hm, let's keep going.

Hm. What?

What do you
mean, what? Huh?

Huh? What?
Huh? Who?

Hey, who?

Who? Where?

Where? What?


Googly Eye!
Googly Eye!

Check it out.

We have googly eyes too.

Hello, little
alien creature.

We come as friends,
googly eyes one and all.


Follow that tarsier.

I wonder where
he's taking us.

I don't know
but he sure seems to.

This tree?

What is so special
about this tree?

Hey, Martin, you know, we're
pretty deep in the forest now.



Yeah, who knows where
this tree is on the map?

We better mark
our route on the GPS.

Pass me my Creature Pod.

What do you mean?

You have the Creature
Pods. Don't you?

No, you were supposed
to grab them off the charger.

I was?
No, you were.

I'm pretty sure
it was you.

Um, nope.


So what you're telling me

is that we're deep
in the Indonesian rainforest

in the middle of the night
without our Creature Pods,

a tiny elusive primate

with nothing
but these experimental

night-vision goggles
that could fail at any minute?

Uh, yeah, pretty much.


Now, where did
Googly Eye get to?

He's on your head.

He's on your head too.

Wait a second.

More Googly Eyes!
More Googly Eyes!

Wow, a whole
family of tarsiers.

You took us to your home
tree, the great fig.

Hello, strange
little creatures.

We come in peace to learn your
customs and tarsier traditions.

Googly Eye, teach us
the ways of the tarsier.

(Jimmy snoring)

Pepperoni pancakes.

Ugh, gross.

Pepperoni Popsicles.

But I wish I could
sleep like him.

Might as well finish my
night-vision goggles, so--



Where's my pepperoni?

Hey, who's messing
with my sweet dreams?

I don't believe it.

They didn't!

Who didn't?
Didn't what?

Those brat brothers!

Read it.

"Aviva, we borrowed
the goggles.

"Be back soon.




That's it? "Thanks"?

I told them those
goggles weren't ready.

Wasn't the iris

Yeah, they might seem like they
work, but only for two hours.

Then they'll shut down.

Leaving Martin
and Chris in the dark.

I'll get them to get
back here right away.

Call them on
the Creature Pods.

You mean these
Creature Pods?

And look. They left
their flashlights too.


Oh, brothers.

They were in such a rush
to get out to that tarsier;

they didn't even
take their Creature Pods.

This could be bad.

I just hope they get back
before those goggles die.

Good luck, Chris!

Okay, Googly Eye.

I'm ready to learn
tree leaping from the master.

Whoa, the spring
in your legs is unbelievable.

It's the long legs,
isn't it?

They're longer
than your body.

Okay, let's do
this, Googly Eye.

So you use those
frog-like legs

to leap off
the branch like this! Yeah!

I did it.

I love this vertical
clinging and leaping.

I'm ready for more.




Farther! Yeah! Ugh!


Well, human legs
definitely can't leap

as far as tarsier legs.

Uh-oh, got to
break his fall.

Chris, vine coming at you.


Yes, oh, thanks, bro.

That was good-- Ugh.



I'm good with
the leaping for now.

What's the next
tarsier tradition?

Well, it looks like
they're getting ready

for something
really important.

Everyone is leaving
home tree, even Googly Jr.

We're right behind
you, Googly Eye.

No sign of the Kratt
Brothers yet.

Those rods inside
the goggles won't last forever.

Huh? What rods?

See? When the light goes
through the pupil,

it reaches sensors
called rods,

which are at the at
the back of the eyeball.

You mean like those
orange things?

Yeah, those are the rod sensors
from my mechanical eye,

and they work the same
way as a real eyeball.

When the light hits them,

the eye sees
what it's looking at.

The rods are great
at seeing in low light.

And tarsier eyes are loaded
with millions of them,

which is why they have the best
night vision of any primate.

Hey, guys, do you need
some more light in there?

(Jimmy groaning)




It's eating me again.

Sorry, Jimmy.

I got my eye
on you, eyeball.

And I've got my eye
on that clock.

Those rod sensors I put
into the night-vision goggles

will probably only
last another minutes.

Then what?

Then it's lights out
for Martin and Chris.

Where are we?

No idea.

But look.
They're parking Googly Jr.

That's it.

The tarsiers must be getting
ready to search for food.


Lots of animals
leave their babies

hidden away
somewhere safe,

like in a tree hole
while they go off to eat.

So it's breakfast time
for the tarsiers

in the middle
of the night.

Oh, yeah? Just in time
for my midnight snack.

What's for breakfast?
Berries? Nuts?

What is it?

You see something
over there?

Oh, a katydid.

Insects. Oh!

Of course, no berries
or nuts for you.

You guys eat insects,
lizards and even birds.

That's why you're the most
predatory primate in the world.

I think I'll pass
on breakfast.

Me too.

But we can see if we can
use our night vision

to sneak up on a few
katydids tarsier style!


Oh, yeah, this night vision
makes it easy to spot prey.

And to pick your way

quietly towards them

without giving
yourself away.

Until I'm close enough

to make one giant leap!

(Chris gasping)

Who turned out
the lights?


Martin, where are you?

My goggles
stopped working!

Whoa! Not again!

(Both screaming)

Chris, is that you?

Yeah, I hope we
land somewhere soft.

(Branches cracking)


Or squishy.

The goggles,
they're broken.

Maybe it wasn't
such a good idea

to borrow these goggles
before Aviva was done with them.

And without asking.

Pretty dark out here.

Where is here anyway?

Uh, Chris,
I think we're lost.


Nah, we're not lost.

We don't know
where we are.

And it's pitch dark and--
Okay, we're lost.


How are we ever going
to find them out there?

We got to do something,
except I'm not going out there.

No way, no how.

Hah, no surprise.


What are you doing?

We've got to go
search for them.

We'll fly the Tortuga
over the rainforest

and use this searchlight
to find them.

I'll fire up
the engines.

I'll get out the maps.

Don't worry, guys.

We'll find you.

Okay, so which
way is back?

Who knows?
Every way is black.

Without lights, we'll end
up out here all night.

Ah, the moon.

Thank you, moon.

That will help but we still
need to find our way

back to the Tortuga.

I think we came
in that way.

You sure it's
not that way?

No, but--
Googly Eye!

Is that you?

Our furry master
of the night.

Martin, do you realize--?

That all we have to do is...

Remember everything
Googly Eye taught us!

This is still the same forest
it was in the daytime.

Yeah, so let's just trust
the senses that we do have.

Yeah, already
my eyes are adapting.

The pupils are
getting bigger

and I can see better
in the dark.

Not as well as
a tarsier but better.

And listen.
(Insects chirping)

Those are all
familiar sounds.

The katydids. The stream.
(Water swishing)

The rumble of
my hungry stomach.

We have lots of senses
that we can use in the dark.


And maybe he knows which
way we need to go.

He's our only hope.
Come on!


It's no use.

I can't see anything
from up here.

Jimmy, come in.

I can't see anything through
the dense forest canopy.

I need you to take us
down into the forest.

You got it.

We're going in.

Any sign of the bros?

No, not yet.

Oh, over there.
It's Martin.

I'd recognize
that nose anywhere.


Oops, sorry,
proboscis monkey.

Hm, maybe not.

Oh, over there.
It's Chris.

Oops, well, at least it
wasn't a monkey this time.

We'll just have
to keep looking.

They've got to be
out here somewhere.

Hey, Martin, do you think
Aviva will forgive us

for taking her goggles?

I just hope we get
back to find out.



Hold it right there,
Kratt Brothers.

It's the Tortuga.
We're saved!

(Tortuga humming)

Oh, oh, oh, are we
happy to see you.


Hand them over, Kratts.


I'll forgive you
this time!

But, hey, they worked
great for a while.

Then Googly
Eye saved us.

He was taking
us home.

He's the master
of the night.

We owe you,
Googly Eye.

(Tarsiers squeaking)

Googly Eye, wait.

A tarsier alarm call.

Something's wrong.

Googly Jr. must
be in trouble.

Uh-oh, the little tarsier must
have left his parking spot.

He's not supposed
to do that.

We got to help
Googly Eye find him.

Googly Eye helped us when
we were lost in the forest.

Now it's our
turn to help him.

Oh, but we'll never find
that little tarsier

without a lot
of search lights and--

Oh, yes, we will,
with tarsier nocturnal power.

I can use this little
bit of tarsier fur

and my nocturnal
eye programming

to add tarsier power
to your Creature Power Suits.

How long will it take?

Hah, you mean how
long did it take?

They're done!

Two discs
made to order.


Thanks, Aviva!

Tarsier powers, activate!

To the Creature Rescue!

Don't worry, Googly Eye.
We'll find Googly Jr.

Oh, these ears
are incredible.

They can hear even
the slightest noises.

Please make a sound.

Please make a sound.

(Leaves rustling)

Pays to say "please."

Rustling leaves
that way!

Nothing like
getting there fast.

Whoo! With these
amazing leaping legs!

Come on, tarsier eyes,
don't fail us now.

Chris, look, behind that fern.
(Leaves rustling)

It's-- It's--

Googly Jr.!

Googly Eye,
we found Googly Jr.!

Your baby is safe and--



A python!



mobbing the snake

to protect one
of their own kind.

Ooh, they're too much
for the snake.

They're coming at it
from all sides.

They did it!

All right, now Googly Jr.
is safe and sound.

And back with Mom.

Mission accomplished.

The whole tarsier family is back
where they belong, at home tree.

And we're back where we belong
at the Tortuga home base.

Yeah, thanks to a little help
from our nocturnal pal.

If it weren't for him, we might
still be lost in that forest.

At least we got
to find out

a lot more about
night-creature living.

And how their senses,
like extra good vision,

are such
important features.

Yeah, and I'm even
starting to like

this big old
mechanical eye.

Oh, here comes the sun.

Good night, tarsiers.

(Mechanical eye buzzing)

Oh, no, no, no, no!



Not again!

More light the pupil gets--

I know. I know.

The pupil
gets smaller.


So when you actually
shed some light

on these mysterious
nocturnal primates,

we find out that
their world

really isn't that much different
than ours, just darker.

And they have what it takes
for life in the dark.

Like those amazing eyes
that let them see at night

as if it's daylight.

A cricket.

Yeah, I think
the loris spots it.

Slow, smooth.

He spots it.

And he's going
to reach and grab.

Yeah, I love that style.

That pause and then "whoom."
Grabs the cricket.

Takes the cricket
totally unaware.

Let's see if he
likes raspberries.

I'll put it right here,
so he can see it.

Oh, he's looking at it.

He sees it.
Cocking his head.

Checking it out.

Here he comes.

He's stalking
the raspberry.

Slow and steady, just like
he approaches the cricket.

And he makes the grab.


He likes raspberries.

There you have it.

Lorises are true omnivores.

They like meat
and they like fruit.

That's one difference between
a tarsier and a loris.

Lorises will eat fruit.

Tarsiers won't.

Strictly meat
for a tarsier.

And there's another
very special thing

about a loris
right on his elbow.

There's a special gland that
secretes a poisonous toxin.

If he needs
to defend himself,

he licks his elbow,

the poison mixes
with his saliva

and then he bites
his enemy.

And the enemy is left
with a nasty wound.

A mother loris even
licks her elbow,

then licks all over her baby

to give them protection
against enemies:

a poisonous protection.

You are one cool
creature. Oh, yeah.

Hey, what are you doing?

It's almost morning.

The sun's about to come up.

Time for us nocturnal
creatures to get some shut-eye.


(Kratts yawning)

(Kratts yawning)

See you on
the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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