01x27 - Raptor Round Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x27 - Raptor Round Up

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Martin.
And I'm Chris.

And we've got a creature
we want to introduce you to.

A creature you need a big,
thick leather glove to meet.

A creature you need a little
piece of meat

to persuade to come over
and hang out.

Now get ready
to meet an animal

from one of the coolest
creature families in the world:

the raptors.

Here he comes. Oh!

A Harris hawk.
A Harris hawk.


What a cool creature.

Oh, you are awesome.

What a representative
of the raptor family.

He's got everything that makes
a raptor a raptor.

Hey, let's take him
through the raptor checklist.

All right.

Number : the strong gripping
feet and talons

for catching prey.


Number :

a sharp beak
for shearing meat. Check.

Number :

eyes in front of his head
for focusing on prey. Check.


Number :
a hunter of other animals.


Oh, yeah. The Harris hawk
is all raptor.

And one other thing.

Raptors like him are living
relatives of the dinosaurs.

So that means I had
a dinosaur on my head. Cool.

Raptors are awesome.

Yeah, imagine if we
had the powers of the raptors.

Imagine if you could do
what the raptors do.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Oh, yeah.
Just what I needed.

Finally, a day to get all our
adventure gear organized.

Kayaks polished,
climbing ropes coiled,

down sleeping bags washed
and hung out to dry.

I know what you mean, Chris.

Today is my most
productive day ever.

I've already caught up
on my napping, my snoozing.

I've even got time left
for some beauty sleep.

I love birds.
All kinds of birds.

Today I'm going to take a break
from inventing

and just do a little



Nothing like a clear,
sunny day

to tune up
the solar power function

of the Tortuga
side panels.


So, what do I feel like
doing today?





You can't tell
the difference.

You're making this up,

No way. Check it out.

You can ID birds of prey from
their silhouettes in the sky.

Hawk has wide wings
and soars.

Eagle is very similar
but way bigger.

Falcon has long, thin wings
like boomerangs.

And a long, thin tail.



Wings are held up
and they wobble when they soar.

Yeah, right.

The only way I'd believe that

is if you rounded them up
and showed me.

That's it. Great idea, Koki.

That's what I want
to do today.



A raptor roundup.






Is that a raptor roundup?

Well, they're going
round and round.

And they have feathers.

Oh, hey,
this is the perfect time

to test out
my portable power fan.

(Both screaming)

Is it morning already?


And it's time for all of us
to get going

on a raptor roundup.


Looking for velociraptors?

I just started
on my time machine.

They'll eat us!

I can't get us back

to the age
of the dinosaurs yet.

I'm not even sure
you have to. Hey, look.

A raptor!



Oh, if Jimmy stuck around,
we could have told him

this isn't the dinosaur
kind of raptor.

Right. It's the bird of prey
kind of raptor.

And then we could have told him
this raptor here--

Looks like a dinosaur
with feathers.

Right. And it's called

the secretary bird.

Also known as
the hunter bird.

Yeah, let's call him
the hunter bird.

Yeah. I like hunter bird
better too.

Like all birds, it is the direct
descendant of the raptor.

But how exactly do you know
it's a member

of the group of birds
called raptors?

Because every raptor
has these features:

a curved, sharp bill,
eyes in front of its head

both pointed forward,

strong, powerful feet
with long,

curved claws called talons.

Raptors use these features
to hunt.

And that is what this hunter
bird is doing right now.

Only I, Gourmand,

Chef de creativity,

would ever think to invent
the meal roasted raptor.


You vultures.

I'll catch you too.

I will taste every raptor
in the world

and discover which one of you is
the most lip-smacking delicious.

Hm, and maybe it'll be you.

Wow, she really does
look like a dinosaur.

Yeah, and some dinosaurs
had feathers too.

Yeah. When you're looking
at a raptor,

you are looking
at the direct descendants

of hunting dinosaurs.


He found something.

Yeah: trouble.

And its name is black mamba.


That's the kind
of snack surprise

you don't want to find
in your lunch bag.

Unless, of course,
you're a hunter bird.

The mamba can't get a bite
on his skinny legs.

Plus, they're covered
with hard scales

that protect them
from the fangs.

And there are talons
on the feet.

And the hunter bird
uses those talons

to stomp snakes.

Yeah. Stomp.

That's Stomp's specialty.

Stomp is an incredible
snake predator.


That was totally

Raptors rock!
Raptors rock!

Okay, I'm in on this
raptor roundup.

Me too. Even though they're like
living dinosaurs,

they're too cool
to be afraid of.

And they must have all sorts
of amazing creature powers.

Great. That's one raptor found.

And only to go.

Oh, uh, that's how many
species of raptor

there are in the world:

Well, check this out.

Our hunter bird has led us
right to a few more.

A chanting goshawk.


Peregrine falcon.

A spotted eagle owl.

A white head vulture.

And a martial eagle.

Let's confirm
they're all raptors.

Curved, sharp bills?


Eyes on front of head
for hunting?




Well, when the raptors
round themselves up for a drink

at a water hole,
a raptor roundup is a breeze.

I like the owl the best.

The eagle could eat me.

Falcons are my fave.


MARTIN: Huh? It's Gourmand.



What a move.

Go, Stomp, go!

Get out of here!

Yoo-hoo! Got you!

Oh, but he got the rest.

Oh, were you wondering
which raptor to have for dinner?

When I've tasted them all,
I'll let you know.



What's he up to now?

Don't know for sure,
but I bet it involves

barbecuing our raptors.

Guys, get the Tortuga
ready for takeoff.

Come on, Chris.

We'll track Gourmand.

Raptor amandine.

Vulture bouillabaisse.

Eagle Gorgonzola.

Ooh, owl étouffée.

And falcon fritters.


Well, tenderize my tongue.

Why didn't I
think of this before?

I love chicken wings.

How boldly delicious
would this be?

Raptor wings.


That doesn't sound good.

Let's get a closer look
and see what he's up to.



(Groaning and coughing)

Ew. I love warthogs.

Yeah, but not warthog breath.

(Both groaning and coughing)

Okay, I think he's gone.
Come on.

Coast is clear.

Let's get hopping.


Okay, we get the point.

Come on, bro.

Let's get this raptor
roundup rescue back on track.

(Both gasping)

These raptors have already
been rounded up.

Yeah, and our raptor roundup

has now turned into
a raptor rescue and return.

To their natural homes,
living free and in the wild.

(Gourmand humming)

Gourmand. He's back.


♪ Oh, who knows who will be ♪

♪ My favorite delicacy ♪

Oh, no.
They're all looking at us.

They're going
to give us away.

Don't look at us.

Over there.
Look over there.

♪ Which one of you
feathery things ♪

♪ Flies with the most
tasty barbecue wings? ♪



Okay, let's make a plan.

(Whispering indistinctly)

Hey, what are y'all
looking at?

Activate Falcon Powers!

Hello, Gourmand.
What's for lunch?

Well, lookie here.

The green grape has grown
himself some wings.

Yeah, and they're great
for flying.

You mean great for frying.


No, I mean great for flying.



Great for flying off
with your cooking utensils.

(Gourmand screaming)

So you won't be frying anything

Get back here with those.

All going
according to plan.

While Chris distracts Gourmand--

Come back here with my fill kit!

--I'll return
you raptors home.

Uh, the only thing is,
you come from different places

all over the world.


Okay, here we go.

Initiate Operation
Raptor Roundup.

Papa Raptor, call Wild Kratts.
Papa Raptor here.

Wild Kratts come in.

Papa Raptor?

Who's Papa Raptor?

It's me, Martin.

Gather up your welder gloves,

Bring oven mitts,
hockey gloves,

anything that'll protect
your hand and arms

from sharp raptor talons.

Did you know
a harpy eagle's talons

are as long
as a grizzly bear's claw?

And she can squeeze them
clear through your arm.


Grab those gloves
and come on down.

We've got to round up
these raptors

and get them out of here fast.

We're on our way.

(Gourmand panting)

Get back here
with my cooking utensils!


This is working like a charm.

Hey, Gourmand,
flying is great.

You should try it

Maybe I will.

Ooh, a jet pack.


Come here, green birdie.

Oh, I should never
underestimate Gourmand

and his adventure skills.

Ah, but I should also
not forget

I have Peregrine Falcon Powers.

Dough balls.

Taste this!

I have before,
and I don't like it.

And this!

And this!

Evasive maneuvers.

Side order. Ha!



All right, Stomp.

Get those long legs
out of here.

Chris'll keep Gourmand
distracted as long as he can.

But we've got to move fast.

So let's round up these raptors
and get them out of here.

Okay, Aviva,
you gather the falcons.

But which are the falcons?

All of these raptors
have similar features.

You're right. But the different
groups of raptors:

hawks, eagles, falcons,
owls and vultures,

each have special features.

Falcons have long,
thin wings

and black patches
under their eyes.

On it.

Koki, could you handle
the hawks?

Sure I could.

If I knew what one
looked like.

Like her.

Shorter, broader wings
and wide fan-shaped tails.

Mm-hm, mm-hm.

And Jimmy, can you
sort out the owls?

Easy. They'll be the ones
that hoot

before they sink their talons
in my face, right?

Well, some hoot,
but all owls have round faces

and the biggest eyes.


And I'll wrangle the eagles,

the biggest and most powerful
birds of prey.

Let's go, Wild Kratts.






Now that's what I call
a raptor roundup.

We've got eagles.




Uh, that's .

But didn't you mention
basic groups of raptors?



We forgot the vultures.

Come on, everybody.
Grab a vulture.

Here, birdie, birdie, birdie!

I hope Chris
and the Falcon Powers

can keep Gourmand distracted
a little bit longer.

GOURMAND: Come here!
CHRIS: Come and get me.

Yeah, over here.

Vultures secure.

Let's fly out of here.

What about Chris?
He'll be fine.

He's got Peregrine
Falcon Powers.

Take that!
And, that!

If I tuck
into a super stoop,

(the peregrine falcon's
fastest dive)

I can out fly Gourmand's
dough balls.





(Gourmand grunting)

Bon appetite.


Mayday! Mayday!

I've been hit!
I'm going down!

Chris needs help.

All right.
We've got to help him.

But we can't show up
around Gourmand

with a truck full of raptors.

First we'll let
all the African raptors go.

Martial eagles away.

So long, spotted owls.

Be free,
chanting goshawks.

Hasta la vista, vultures.

Fly away home, falcon.


Not so fast, Aviva.

I need to borrow a little speed
from this falcon first.

Activate Peregrine Falcon Power.

So I can zip back
and rescue my bro.

Sounds good, Martin.

We'll get the rest of these
non-African raptors

back to the Tortuga
safe and sound.

All right, Chris.

Get ready
for a raptor rescue.

So, fly boy.

Can't move so fast now,
can you?

That was just a lucky shot,

Well, one thing I know
about birds:

they can't fly right unless
their feathers are just so.

And I'm not talking about
so muddy.


It'll take you forever to clean
off your Creature Power Suit.

And by that time, I will have
surprised your blue brother

and the rest of your friends.

And I will
recapture my raptors.


I can't even find
my Creature Pod to warn them.

All right, buddy.
Thanks for the escort.

But you'd better get
far away from here now.

Because knowing Gourmand,

he could be hiding behind
any one of these clouds.

Now to get an eagle eye
on the situation.

Because all raptors
have awesome eyesight.

Engage falcon vision.



Is now really the best time
for a mud bath?

Oh, no.

He's stuck.

And he's no falcon;
he's a sitting duck.


Okay, a falcon
has feathers.

So it takes me an hour
to clean each one.

Then I'll be here until
next Tuesday?

(Lion roaring)

(Chris gulping)

Nice kitty.

I've got to get there,
and fast.



Rocketing from the sky is maybe
the most awesome raptor power,

but it's nothing
without talon feet that grab.



Whoo! Nice save, bro!


Can you fly a little higher?


Sorry, Chris.

No problem.

Hey, how about a little
spin cycle

to get that mud off
and get you flying again.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Falcon Power's
back online.


Hey, Gourmand.

You're going to have to do
a lot better than that.

Yeah, we're not going
to let you get

anywhere near those raptors.

We'll see about that.

It's a trap!

Oh, caught in an invisible
miss net.

Well, well, well.

Look who got caught
in my trap again.


You'll never get away
with this, Gourmand.

Yeah. Aviva, Jimmy and Koki
will stop you.

Oh, yeah, right.

And orange juice and toothpaste
taste good together.


Martin, your beak.

What's wrong with my beak?

Nothing. That's the point.

Oh, yeah, the point.
The falcon beak is really sharp.

We can cut our way
out of here.

(Both grunting)

Okay, Createrra's loaded.

Raptors are comfy and cozy.

Now we just have to wait
until Martin and Chris get back,

and then we'll return
all you raptors

back to your natural homes.

Harpy eagles
back to South America.

Wedge-tailed eagles
back to Australia.

And bald eagles
back to North America.

(Alarm sounding)

Intruder alert.

It's probably just
Chris and Martin

coming in
through the window.

Nope. It's a shell breach
from Quadrant .


Time for a plan.


There are my secret


Soon the taste test
for the tastiest raptor wings

will begin again.


Got you!



This is no raptor.

That's right, Gourmand.

They're my guinea fowl flappers.


I thought I'd send you
on a little sightseeing trip

to the one place on earth
where there are no raptors.


Then maybe you'll think about

what the world
would be like without them

and start appreciating raptors
for what they are.

Take him out of here,

With pleasure.

(Muffled screaming)

Got to love raptors.

Fantastic flyers

with powerful talon feet.

Direct descendants
of dinosaurs.

Who still fly the skies today.

Raptors are one of the most
awesome creature families

on the planet.

They're not meant
to be fried or fricasseed.

They belong living free
and in the wild.

All right. Well, we've done
our raptor roundup

and a raptor rescue.

Now it's time
for a raptor return.

First stop: South America.

Lift off, Jimmy.


Whoa! It's really
raining now.

We are getting a bird bath,
huh, guys?

Oh, this is a mixed bag
of birds.

Oh, yeah.

All right, are you ready
for the raptor challenge?

Yeah, let's put our raptor
knowledge to the test.

Let's see if we can
sort these birds

into the right raptor groups:

owls, falcons, hawks,
eagles and the vultures.

All right. Well, you look like
your basic hawk,

with nice broad wings.

I red-tail hawk.

And there's the red tail
that gives him his name.

See the reddish-brown?

We'll put you
with the hawks.

Oh, look at those
broad wings.

Whoa, you are big.
Much bigger than a hawk.

You must be an eagle.

Believe it or not,
this is a bald eagle.

He's an immature one,
a baby,

so he doesn't have
his white head yet.

And this little guy
is not an eagle.


Check out those black lines
under his eyes.

Malar stripes,
the telltale mark of the falcon.

Yeah, this little falcon
is an American kestrel.

Another falcon.
Super thick malar stripe.

This is a peregrine falcon.

A hawk.

A ferruginous hawk, the largest
hawk in North America.

Oh, we got an owl!

The round, dish-like face
for good hearing,

the soft feathers
for silent flight.

This is a barn owl.
The night hunters.


I got an owl too.


Yeah, there it is.

The round face,
the soft feathers.

A great horned owl.

And last but not least,
the most beautiful of all.

The vulture.

Bald head,
weak feet with dull talons.

Vultures are scavengers.

And this
is a turkey vulture,

the only raptor
with a sense of smell.

Who's got waterproof feathers?

Everybody except the owls.

All right!
All right! We did it!

You got them all sorted out.

The eagle.

The hawks.

The owls.

The falcons.

And the vulture.

And the great thing
about raptors

is no matter where
you live.

Or what
the weather's like.

Raptors are flying
all around.

So get to know the raptors
that live around you.

Keep on
creature venturing.

And keep on identifying--


See you on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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