02x02 - The Enchanted Feast

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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02x02 - The Enchanted Feast

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in the village doing all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me - I'm so excited to be - sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way, it's an adventure every day - it's gonna be my time - sofia, sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first [sofia.]

"the enchanted feast.

" Ah, one roast turkey a la cedric.

And perfectly cooked, wormy.


One more spell and we'll be ready.



I know that knock.

- Hi, mr.


- It's sehhh-dric-- wait.

You got it right! - Got what right? - My name.


Cedric Was I saying it wrong before? Oh, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy preparing for the enchanted feast? - Feast? There's a feast tonight? - Not for you, furball.

The king has invited all the kings and queens In the tri-kingdom area to see me, the royal sorcerer, Put on a display of grand illusion While everyone eats their dinner.

So what are you going to do? I am going to conjure a royal feast That will dazzle the eyes and the taste buds! Then, I shall turn the entire room into a hall of morpho-mirrors.

- What are morpho-mirrors? - Behold.

Mirror, mirror in my hand multiply at my demand Morpho-chango, let us see All our flights of fantasy! - Wow! - Yes.

Now look at your reflection.


It's like I'm a totally different person in each mirror! Nothing is what it appears to be.

Fun! Oh, yes, it will be, if you ever leave and let me finish.


See you tonight.


is it the amulet? Is it? It is, all right! The amulet of avalor! I thought it looked familiar the last time I saw the princess.

If you can get that amulet, you'll be the most powerful fairy in the world! And everyone will finally make way for miss nettle! How are you going to get it? I mean, princess sofia knows what you look like, And that you're up to no good.

She won't just give you her amulet.

Fear not, dear rosey, for I have a plan.

Tonight is the enchanted feast.

And the castle is going to have a surprise guest, - Sascha the sorceress! - Never heard of her.

Well, let me introduce you! Sascha the sorceress, at your service.

How perfectly wicked! Sofia will never know it's me Until it's too late! [chuckles.]

you're brilliant! Now let's go make some royal friends.

- [grunts.]

- and there it goes.

- I win again! - Excuse me, your majesties.

We have an unexpected visitor.

May I present sascha the sorceress! Thank you, my good man.

I have come to pay my respects to the great king roland.

Such a noble ruler deserves the finest scepter.


That's very kind of you, your Sorceress-ness.

Oh, please.

Call me sascha, your majesty.


And such perfect children must be the result of a kind, loving queen.

Oh! Why, thank you.

That's very impressive.

I know.


Have we met before? Your laugh sounds so familiar.

No! I would have remembered meeting such a charming young princess With such a beautiful amulet.

Of course, I have gifts for all the children, too.

- You do? - What kind of gifts? Why, anything you want, dear.

anything you want I'm happy to deliver tell your little princess there is nothing I can't give her anything at all just tell me your desire no order is too tall for sascha to acquire what you want what you need satisfaction is guaranteed anything you require ask ol' sascha and by gosh ya get all you desire I can fill your wrist with gems and jewels and bangles how can you resist a suit of gold that jingle-jangles? and for you my sweet let's be a bit excessive I'll swap that darling necklace for something more impressive what you want what you need satisfaction is guaranteed anything you require ask ol' sascha and by gosh ya get all you desire all you desire ask ol' sascha and by gosh ya get all you desire yeah Allow me to introduce myself-- Huh? I-I mean Allow me to introduce myself.

Cedric the sorcerer at your service! Asps.]

the cedric the sorcerer? It is an honor to meet the greatest sorcerer in the known and unknown worlds! The honor is all mine.

And you are the most beautiful sorceress I've ever seen.

Dad, does something seem Not right about this sorceress? She seems perfectly charming to me.

Sascha? How would you like to be our special guest at the enchanted feast tonight? I'll be performing.

I humbly accept.


It's time for us to get ready for the feast.

But please make yourself comfortable.

Our castle is your castle! - [chuckles.]

you're too kind.

- See you soon! Princess sofia! - Huh? - You left your new necklace behind.



Thank you.


Don't you want to try it on? I can help you take off your old one.

Oh, I never take off my amulet.

My dad gave it to me and I promised to never take it off.

But your new necklace is so much sparklier.

If you don't want it, I'll take it.

- Ok.

- Oh! Thank you! - Oh - C'mon, sofia.

Let's go get changed.

See you at the feast.

Oh, you almost had it! No, I didn't.

There's no tricking that princess.

She's too smart.

So plan a didn't work.

You'll just come up with a brilliant plan b! How about plan z, for "zip-it, so I can think"? Hmm, I need to get sofia alone so I can force her to hand over the amulet.

But how? [gasps.]

I've got it.

What are you doing? You know how much I deplore daisies.

Well, you'll only have to put up with them until tonight.

Because during the enchanted feast You will sprout into slithering vines That will wrap up princess sofia and trap everyone else! Am I genius or a super-genius?! But what about that royal sorcerer of theirs? He could undo your spell with a flick of his wand! Oh.

Right I know! I'll have to make sure his wand is out of order.

A few sprinkles of my crazy crystals should do the trick.


super-genius! I'll be right back.

Don't grow anywhere! [chuckles.]

Excuse me, mr.

Cedric? I need to ask you about sascha.

Ohh, enchanting, isn't she? I'm not sure.

I get a bad feeling around her.

And since you're a sorcerer, I thought you might know if she were up to something.


fear not, princess! If there was evil lurking in the castle, I would most certainly be the first to know about it! Well if you think she's ok She's more than ok.

All right, I guess I'll see you at the feast.

And so will sascha.

[all chatting indistinct.]

How terribly gracious of you to let me sit with the royal family, princess amber! It's the least I could do after all the jewelry you've made me, miss sascha.

What do you think, sofia? They're really nice, amber.

Don't you worry, my little jewel.

I'm going to conjure up something special for you in just a little bit! [door opens.]

hello, your majesties! As the royal sorcerer of enchancia, I, cedric, welcome you to the enchanted feast! But where is the feast, you may ask? Appetizio! - [gasps.]

well, yes.

- [laughing.]

- Wonderful! - Cedric! Bravo! [gasps.]

Oh, my - Ah! - Whoa! Oh, my.

I meant to do that.

Just a little joke before the main course Of magic! All right, bring it on! Mirror, mirror in my hand Multiply at my demand Morpho-chango, let us see All our flights of fantasy [all gasping.]

I saw him do this trick earlier.

It's amazing.

Please step forward and behold your reflection in my morpho-mirrors! - Oh! - Ooh! Not to worry.

It's just a little glitch.

Reverso! [yelling.]

- Ohh! - Allow me.

Mirrors, mirrors on the wall Disappear for once and all [laughing.]

magnificent! Well done, sascha! Mm-hm! Oh, thank you, thank you.

You're too kind.

Your majesty.

I don't know what went wrong, but I'll get it right this time! That's all right.

I think we've had enough magic for tonight, cedric.

But What about the enchanted feast? Oh, if it's a feast you want, then dinner is served.

[all gasping.]

Oh, it's a real turkey, everyone! - Brava! - Yeah! - [all cheering.]

And if it pleases the king and queen, I could put on a show while you dine.


Why, that would be wonderful! But, dad.

I think we should give mr.

Cedric another chance.

He had his chance.

I'm afraid amber's right, sofia.

Hmph! Mr.

Cedric! Oh Wait! You'll miss the show! - What do we do? - Plan c.

Take care of the family first.

Then sofia.

Lords of earth and wind and light Bring my spell to life this night Where this single rose here lies An enchanted garden now will rise Oh, beautiful! - Oh, my! - [all gasping.]

Brilliant! Yes Grow, grow, grow! Mr.

Cedric? Where'd you go? Mr.

Cedric messed up all his spells at the feast.

- What else is new? - That's not all I keep getting a bad feeling about the new sorceress.

But everyone else thinks she's great.


I don't know, maybe they're right And I'm just worrying about nothing.

Hey, sof.

Your amulet's, you know [both gasping.]

Look at that! Is that Snow white! - Whoa Wow! - Why, hello there.

- [giggling.]

- sofia Why did the amulet bring you here? There's nothing wrong.

Are you sure about that? Once, an old woman came to my door offering an apple But she turned out to be my wicked stepmother in disguise.

- And the apple was poisoned.

- She was in disguise? People aren't always what they seem, sofia.

So you have to be careful and trust your feelings, no matter what anyone else says.

You know, sof, you said that sorceress is giving you the heebie-jeebies.


She is.

Then it's up to you to do something about it.

Before it's too late.

You're right.

Hey, where'd she go? I've got to warn mom and dad about sascha.

Wait for me.

- [all cheering.]

- amazing! My, what a marvelous spell, sascha! Sascha? Where'd she go? I don't know rollie, is this part of the trick? Hmm - [man.]

the doors are all stuck! - [roland.]

sascha, I am not amused! - Miss sascha, what's going on? - Ah, you've come just in time.

Miss nettle! What are you doing here? I've come for the amulet of avalor! And now that there's no one to stop me, you will hand it over.

Or else.



Run for it, sofia! Rosey! Use your vines to seal up the castle! With pleasure! Mr.

Cedric! You've got to come quick! We have a magical emergency! Well, then I suppose you should ask a real sorcerer like sascha.

She's not a sorceress! She's miss nettle.

- Who? - An evil fairy.

She's after my amulet! What?! No one can have that amulet but me I mean You, princess! - Wait.

Let me help you.

- I don't need any help.

- Mr.

Cedric! - [cawing.]

Stay out of my way, fur ball.

How 'bout you stay out of my way, bird brain! Both of you, just be nice! We all need to work together if we're going to stop miss nettle.


He started it.

Just try to get along, ok? So you aren't a sorcerer after all.

I guess that makes two of us.

I am a very powerful fairy, though.

I'd be careful if I were you.

- Frizacto! Huh? - My turn.

- Have some bouncing bluebells! - [yelping.]

Oh, boo-hoo.

Having trouble with your spells, are you? Maybe it's those crazy crystals I sprinkled on your wand when you weren't looking! [laughs.]


Well, I'm off to fetch my new amulet! Ta-ta! [laughs.]


Cedric! What happened? She hexed my wand! That's why all my spells weren't working! - I Can't Get These - Hold still.

I'll help.

Hop aside, sof.

I got this.

Oh, rabbit drool.

Rab I shoulda left him tied up.

So what do we do now? We go back to my workshop and get my spare wand! [gasps.]

she blocked the stairs.

Is there another way to get to your workshop? Yes, there's a back door outside my tower.

Follow me! She blocked those exits.

And the stairs, too! Oh! It's no use! [all grunting.]

Those vines won't budge, your majesty.

She locked us in.

But why? I don't know.

But sofia's out there.

We have to get those vines off the doors.

Guards use your swords.


Do you think you can fit through the hole in those vines? Perhaps.


It's too small.

Clover! What? It's tasty.

If wormwood carries you up to the window, And the two you can fly to mr.

Cedric's workshop And get the wand! [scoffs.]

no way I'm lettin' him put his claws on me.

He'd probably just drop me in the harbor.

He's right.

I could see me doing that, yes.

- See? - This is really important.

We can't let miss nettle get the amulet.

I just need you two to get along for one night.

Just one night.

- All right.

One night.

- If I must.

Yay! Ow! Do ya have to dig in like that? If you don't want me to let go.


Don't eat too much.

You're heavy enough as it is.

You ready to fly now, feathers? - Look! No vines! - Excellent.

- [grunts.]

- sorry.

Grab a wand! - Which one? - Any of them.

Where is that pesky little princess? Oh Where are they? [grunts.]

you and I are gonna have some words later.

- You got the wand! - My wand? - Mm-hmm.


- Great job, guys! Oh, that fairy will be no match for me now! - Wait.

- What is it? You need my help.

Now that I have a good wand, I'll be fine-- No, mr.


You have to listen to me this time.

I beat miss nettle before and I know what it takes.

- What's that? - We have to outsmart her.

And we have to do it together.

All right, what do you have in mind? Hmmm I know.

You can do your morpho-mirror trick.

But how will that stop her? Because nothing is what it appears to be! - I don't follow.

- You'll see.

Come on! Oh! There you are.

You want my amulet, miss nettle? Come and get it.


Oh! - Uh, what? - Oops.

Guess again.

You think you can outwit me with a party trick? Here I am.

No! Bad guess.

That was just a reflection.

We did it, mr.

Cedric! Don't move, miss nettle! Ok, let's go free mom and dad.

Flora vanisha! No! Nooooo! Your majesty, look! Mom! Dad! Oh! You're all right.

Cedric! You saved us? He sure did! Bravo! Now, where is sascha? Right this way, but she's not who you think she is! - Where is she? - Look! - Is that miss nettle?! - Yes! She disguised herself as sascha the sorceress So she could try to steal my amulet.

You were right about her all along, sofia.

At least we got to keep the gifts.


It was just an illusion.

Like everything else about her.

Now, I believe we have an enchanted feast to finish.

They haven't seen the last of miss nettle.

Yes! As soon as you find a way to untie your hands, Get a new wand, and come up with a new disguise, You'll be unstoppable! [all giggling.]

- I'm a mermaid! - And I'm a clown! Yes, james.

We know.
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