02x07 - King for a Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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02x07 - King for a Day

Post by bunniefuu »

sofia: I was a girl in the village doing all right then I became a princess overnight now I got to figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Sofia: "king for a day.

" Roland: These pancakes are delicious.

Could you pass the fruit, please? Violet, please refill everyone's water.

Where's james? He said he has a surprise he wants to show everyone.

What's the surprise? That he's late? Because, oh, that's no surprise.

Look, everyone! I had the servants put wheels on my shoes.

So I can get around the castle faster.

That's very clever, james.


I call 'em rolling wheelie shoes! What do you think that? Great idea, james.

If you watch where you're going.

When I'm king, I'll make sure Everyone has a pair of rolling wheelie shoes.

Luckily, that won't be any time soon.

You know, james.

Being king is more than just having fun.

It's about being responsible.

And generous, brave, polite.

I'm totally all of those things! I can't wait! Hmm, maybe you won't have to wait.

What do you mean, dad? How would you like to be king for a day? Brilliant! What? But how would that work, dad? You're the king.

Well, your mother and I Are going to the ever golden glades today To do some phoenix-watching.

And sketching! I cannot wait to draw the fire-tipped phoenix.

( giggles ) So, while we're gone, You can rule the kingdom, james, For one day.

Boom goes the canon.

But, daddy, doesn't know how to be king! Besides, I should get to be queen For a day first! I am older.

By seven minutes.

All of you will get a turn.

Really? Isn't that great, amber? I should still be first.

Baileywick, let everyone in the castle know That james will be in charge.

Oh, and, uh, summon cedric.

Right away, your majesty.

Remember, james.

Being king is a big responsibility.

I know, I know.

This is gonna be so much fun! You summoned me, your majesty? Ah, cedric.

James is going to be king for the day.

You're putting a boy in charge of the entire kingdom? Yes.

And I want you to help him out.

I have to take orders from prince james? Correct, today, whatever james says, goes.

Oh! Ah, there it is.

I hereby crown you, king james, for the day.

Brilliant! I hope you rule wisely, son.

I will, dad.

Shall we, miranda? Did you hear that, amber? Whatever I say, goes.

Oh, daddy.

Can I go with you? Sure, why not? Why, certainly, amber.

Oh! Why are you leaving? You're gonna miss a fun day.

Oh, I'll be back sooner than you think, king james.

Because I know you're going to make a huge mess of the kingdom And I'm going to make sure Daddy gets back in time to see it.

Then he'll wish he made me queen for a day first.

Have fun at the glades! Toodle-doo! We will! See you later! Okay, baileywick.

Let's do us some kinging! Right this way, your majesty.

( frustrated grunts ) This is beyond insulting! Me, the greatest sorcerer in the kingdom, Reduced to nothing more than a royal baby-sitter! James: Cedric? Where's my royal sorcerer? ( groans ) Coming, your majesty! We have quite a lot on today's to-do scroll.

All right, baileywick, what you got? These proclamations need approval.

Uh, no problem.

I approve them! Oh, no, no, no.

You need to read them first, And then stamp them with the royal seal.

I have to read all of them? That sounds like home work.

It's king work.

That could take all day.

Oh, it doesn't look that bad.

And you have to choose a new coat of arms For the royal scribes.

Half of them want a dragon holding a pen And half of them want a dragon holding a scroll.

Uh, let's come back to that one.

And the castle servants have too much to do And not enough time to do it all.

( sighs ) I know how they feel.

Is that it, baileywick? Not quite.

There's an old, abandoned house in the village That might fall down any minute.

What am I supposed to do about that? Well, that's for you to decide, james.

You're the king.

Excuse me, your majesty, we have visitors.

Hi, sofia! Hi, sofia! Guess what? James is king for a day! Whoa, you're king now? Yep.


Because we have a giant problem.

We found this by a cave outside the village.

There must be a giant inside the cave.

A huge one! Is he causing trouble? No, he's asleep.

But that's the problem.

He's snoring really loud.

Like this ( snores ) Mi-mi-mi-mi.

( snores ) Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi.

Then he stops.

( snores ) Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi.

Then he starts up again.

And it keeps everyone in the village up all night! Including us! Okay, then.

I'll add it to the list.

Snoring giant.

This is ridiculous.

No one told me being king would be so hard.

There are so many problems.

I don't know how to fix any of them.

Come on, james, You always come up with great ideas.

Like your rolling wheelie shoes! Those ideas are for having fun, sofia Not solving royal problems.

Who says your ideas can't do both? Solving problems can be fun! You just have to do things your way.

The james way.

your crown is brand new it's weighing heavy on you you've got a kingdom to run and a lot you have to do but if you rule the way that you like to play your fun ideas will help you seize the day you'll see what you can bring when you're being your own king you can fix anything you'll soon get in the swing if you can be your own king just get creative be innovative then get a little bit authoritative take the lead I'll take the lead and you'll succeed Very impressive.

Now what shall we do about the servants? I have an idea! Yes, your majesty.

Holota podrota! And boom goes the cannon.

Problem solved, the james way! Now the servants can move twice as fast! What a great idea, james! All hail king james! Why does he get all the credit? I'm the one who made it happen.

they'll see what I can bring when I'm being my own king you can fix anything I'll soon get in the swing with your own song to sing they'll see what I can bring if I can be my own king you got to be your own king I'm gonna be my own king You're right, sofia.

I just have to make everything fun! I'll be the king of fun! I'm not sure that's what she meant.

Since you give such good advice, How would you like to be my royal advisor? I'd be honored, king james.

Then it shall be so! Now what's next, baileywick? The abandoned house in the village.

And the snoring giant.

Come along, my royal advisor.

The king of fun is on the job! Oh, thank goodness.

We no longer have to take orders From the king of fun.

James: Cedric! What're you waiting for? Come on! ( groans ) There.

It's a fire-tipped phoenix.


Amber: Daddy! Mother! Oh, there you are! ( sighs ) Amber, shh! Why do we have to be so quiet? Because loud noises startle the phoenixes, Which causes them to burn up.

Roland: But luckily, the birds rise again From their ashes.


Oh, I hope it'll be that easy to put the kingdom back together After king james is done making a mess of it.

Maybe we should go back early and check in on him.

Amber, we've barely been gone an hour.

I'm sure everything's fine.

( snoring ) What's that sound? That's the snoring giant.

No wonder no one's getting any sleep.

We've been up all night.

I know what to do.

I knew you would.

We'll have a party! What? A party! To cheer everyone up.

It'll be super fun.

It does sound fun, But I don't see how it's going To stop the giant from snoring.

Or help fix the abandoned house.

Uh, the house, right.

I know.

I'll have cedric turn that house into gingerbread.

So no more dangerous house And we won't have to worry about Baking enough cookies for the party.

Boom goes the cannon.

Two problems solved and double the fun.

James, I think these ideas might just cause more problems.

Don't worry, sof.

The king of fun knows what he's doing.


Please turn that house into gingerbread.

You want me to make cookies? I suppose next you'll ask me To turn the pond into chocolate milk? Yeah, that sounds great! Do that, too.

Your wish is my command.

Zim zowie zee, zim zowie zed, Lacto cocoa, gingerbread! Brilliant! You're the best king ever! Yeah, ever! I just might be.

And again, no credit.


We'll also need balloons, streamers, Musicians and refreshments.

I'll arrange everything, your majesty.

People of dunwiddie! I, king james, declare it party time! ( overlapping cheering ) ( snoring ) This is so much fun.

I can't wait until you're king of every day! Me, neither.

Excuse me, james? The giant's still snoring.

( snoring ) Hmm.

Got it.

Crank up the music, guys! That way we won't hear the snoring.

Ta-da! The king of fun strikes again.

Yes, but it's just covering up the problem, Not solving it.

What's the difference As long as we don't hear the snoring? ( snoring ) We need something louder than music.

Like fireworks! Fireworks? But that could wake up the sleeping giant.

You don't want to do that.

You never want to wake up a sleeping giant.

Why not? If he wakes up, he can join the party.

Cedric! What is it? King james would like some fireworks, please.

Fireworks? Are you sure that's a goo-- yes.

I want the biggest, brightest, Loudest fireworks you've ever conjured.

As your royal advisor, I advise you not to do this.

Do it.

( gasps ) One set of dazzling fireworks, coming right up.

Fireworks appear on high.

Crack and boom across the sky! All: Oh! Ah! Oh! Ah! I have a bad feeling about this.

I have a worse one.

Kinging isn't so hard after all.

( gasps ) Oh! ( sighs ) What is it, amber? I just had a horrible thought.

You know how james always goes, "boom goes the cannon"? Well, what if he starts making the real cannons go boom? Oh, I don't think there's any need to worry, amber.

Why don't you sketch with us? Or maybe we should head back and check on james.

Uh, rollie, the whole point of making james king for a day Is letting him be king for the whole day.

We have to let him do this on his own.

It's the only way he'll learn what it takes to rule a kingdom.

You're right, I'm being silly.

After all, he's only in charge for a day.

What's the worst that could happen? ( snoring ) There, now we can't hear the snoring at all.

Good news, everyone! The king of fun has solved the snoring problem.

( crying ) All: Huh? What was that? That is why we can't hear the snoring anymore, james.

We woke up the giant.

Oh, no.

It's not just a giant.

It's a baby giant.

And you never ever, ever want to wake a sleeping baby giant! If that's the baby, I don't want to meet the parents.

What do we do, king james? Does anyone have a really big pacifier? Oh, no! Here he comes! Mr.

Cedric! Is there a spell you can cast to stop him? Who? Me? Yes, maybe you can, uh, shrink the giant.

Then he won't be able to trample anything.

Right, I think I remember a shrinking spell.

( clears throat ) Gigantus-- oh! Shrinky-dinkus! Oh! My wand! Uh-oh.

We need to find shelter.

Now! Oh, right.

Uh, everyone in the gingerbread house! He's heading this way.

And this house isn't very sturdy.

I was told to make a dessert, not a fortress! We have to do something.

King james will figure it out.

I will? You have to.

You're the king.

But I'm not a real king.

I'm just the king of fun.

( blows raspberry ) ( squealing ) Everyone over here! It's not as crumbly.


I know I told you to do it the james way, But being king isn't just about having fun.

It's about doing what's best for the kingdom, Whether it's fun or not.

That's what makes a good leader.

I guess I got a little carried away.

A lot carried away.

We've got to find a way to get the baby giant Back to sleep.


You're my royal advisor.

Do you have any ideas? ( gasps ) James, you know how we sometimes have a snack To make us sleepy before we go to bed? Uh-huh.

Maybe we can use the gingerbread walls And the chocolate milk pond To make a bedtime snack for the baby giant.

That's a great idea, sof.

Baileywick! We need to fill a wagon with giant gingerbread cookies And a barrel of chocolate milk.

But first we have to distract that big baby Before he knocks the house down.

What if I get him to chase me back to his cave? Then all of you can meet me there With the cookies and milk.

But he can outrun you.

( blows raspberry ) True.

But can he out-pogo me? Now that's an idea fit for a king.

Hey! Bet you can't catch me! Come on! I'm getting away! ( gasps ) He did it! ( sigh ) Now let's make that giant-sized bedtime snack.

I found this gigantic cookie In the ginger-barn.

Henchmen: Great! Oh, that's lovely, miranda.

I'm almost done.

I just have to finish the tail.

I made a sketch, too.

Why, it's our castle! Yes, the way it looked before james was king for a day.


I hope that's not what the castle Looks like after james is king for a day.

Amber Surely, it couldn't hurt to hop back to the castle For a minute, just to see how he's doing? Well, I finished my sketch.

So if you really want to interrupt our nice, Relaxing afternoon and spoil james's big day-- Whoa! Great! Let's go! Here comes james! I hope this works.

Me too.

Hey! Big baby! Look, it's a beddie-bye snack! Just for you! Mmm! I think he likes it.

( yawns ) He's getting sleepy! I just hope it's sleepy enough.


Can you guys play a lullaby? ( yawns ) Do you think he's sleeping? There's only one way to find out.

He's asleep! Hip, hip, hooray! Shh! Hip, hip, hooray.

What's going on down there? Oh, I don't know, daddy.

But it doesn't look good.

Coachman, land here, please.

Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! All hail king james and princess sofia! What is going on here? Well, there was a baby giant who woke up.

But we got him sleeping again.

Well done, james! It sounds like you handled yourself Like a true king today.

Thanks dad, But I wasn't a very good king at all.

Yes! What do you mean? Sofia is the one who solved the giant problem.

Not me.

She was the real leader today.

But james bravely distracted the giant And led him all the way back to his cave.

Well, it sounds to me Like you'll both make excellent leaders one day.

Maybe you can be queen for a day next, sofia.

What? I'm supposed to be next.

Your majesty? Yes, baileywick? I thought you'd like to know that prince james And princess sofia Took care of every problem on the to-do scroll.

( snoring ) Almost every problem.

I have an idea.

Cedric? Yes, your majesty? Cedric's been helping me all day, dad.

He's the best royal sorcerer.

He is? I am? No one would hear the snoring if that cave had a door.

Can you conjure up a really heavy door? Well, a-a-as king james wishes.

Porto existo! Small wand, small door, you see.

Presto gigantica! Good idea, king james.

Thank you, royal advisor sofia.

Shall we head back to the castle then? Thank you, cedric.

Good job.

You're, you're welcome, your majesty.

I really thought you'd break the kingdom, james.

I guess you turned out to be a decent king after all.

Thanks, amber.

But I'd still be better.

Oh, rollie, I told you we didn't need to come home early.

You were right.

I think james is going to make a great king one day.

Oh, look out! James? But not today.
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