06x18 - Wrestling Grandpa/Chuckie Collects

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x18 - Wrestling Grandpa/Chuckie Collects

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

I am b*ating up
the mega-diaper heroes!

that's what you think, rat face!

Ms. Invisible's
coming to get you!

And so is the bulk!

Changeling's losing
his powers.

He gots to find some light
and get strong again.

There you go.

Is that better?

Come on, let's get
that mean old rat face!

( Gurgling happily )

( Spectators cheering )

What in tarnation are you doing,
captain biff?

Gee, tommy, what's
your grandpa watching?

I don't know,

It's some
kind of show

About stooper heroes.

( Grunting )

Watch out, captain biff!

( Grunts )


Whew, that was
a close one.

You know, I had a lot
of close calls myself

Back when I was
in the ring.

Pretzel-maker pickles,
that's what they called me.

Retired a champeen, back around
when tommy's daddy was born.

But I'll tell you sprouts
a little secret.

When I heard conan "the crusher"
mcnulty was trying to cheat

His way to the senior division

I decided it was time to bring
the pretzel-maker back.

Tonight's the night I put on my
old suit and step into the ring.

But I got to keep
it quiet.

Didi isn't quite as fond
of the sport as I am.

Oh, well...

What on earth
are you watching?

You know I feel wrestling
is crude, violent

And completely
for children.

Upside-down gorilla press.

I used that move to get howard
to pop the question.

How about
watching the pups
for us tonight

So we can go see
a movie?

I can't watch 'em tonight!

Do you have plans, pop?

You see, I'm supposed to...

Clean out my billfold!
That's it!

But, hey, what's the rush?

I'd be glad to keep an eye
on the little squirts.

Whew, I almost spilled
the beans.

Well, sprouts, looks like we're
all going out tonight.

( Cheering... )

Tommy, does
this mean

Your grandpa
used to be a
stooper hero?

I don't know,

He's a pretty
amazing grandpa.

He does all kinds
of neat stuffs
people can't do.

Maybe "grandpa" is just
his secret idenemy.

And now he's
going to be
the pretzel man again

And save the world
from bad guys.

( Cheers, whistles )

( Grunts )

( Kids gasp )

Wow! This must be where all the
stooper heroes come to work.

( Growling )

( Howls )

( Shivers )
it looks like
all the bad guys

Come to work here,

I guess grandpa really
is a stooper hero.

Oh, look, margaret.

There he is,
pretzel-maker pickles.

I see him, mary.

Yoo-hoo, lou, dear.
Over here.

Hello, ladies.

Good thing you two
were coming tonight.

Now you sure you
don't mind

Keeping an eye
on the sprouts

While I go put
on my gear?

Those precious angels!

Oh, we'd be delighted.

Wouldn't we, margaret?

( Cracking )

Oh, no.

There goes my back.

Maybe you'd better
stay out of the ring
tonight, dear.

( Man chuckling )

And let that cheater run off
with the championship?

Fat chance!

( Cracking )

( Ladies gasp )

Think he still gots
enough power left

To fight a bad guy
like the cruncher?

You guys, I think we're going to
have to help him get more power.
Come on!

( Chuckie gasps )

( All gasp )

Do you think maybe light makes
him stronger

Like it does changeling?

Hmm, I don't know.

Let's try it.

What the...?



( All grunt )

Hey, guys, it worked!

Yeah, grandpa's stronger
than ever!

Don't waste your time
practicing, pickles.

I will crush you.

You couldn't crush ice
with a mallet, mcnulty.


This next match will determine

Our senior division champion.

Welcome to the ring

Conan "the crusher" mcnulty--

And pretzel-maker pickles.

Ooh, that's us!

Out of my way, pickles.

Ow, my conflabbed back again.

oh, no.

That must be
the cruncher.

And grandpa
still don't gots

Enough power
to fight him!

We has to help
him some more.

( Crowd cheering,
man crunches popcorn loudly )

( Loud gobbling )

When the bulk eats,
he gets the strength
of two mens.

Hey, maybe if we give
grandpa something to eat

He'll get stronger, too.

Come on, guys!

Look, there's lots
of food down here.

Preheat the oven, pickles.

Your goose is cooked.

Ooh, I'm shaking in my tights,

Gampee, gampee!

( Gurgling )

( Loud clang )


Oh, no.
The fight's starting

And grandpa hasn't
eaten anything yet.

( Crowd cheers )

Enough pussyfooting around.

All right, mcnulty,
let's get it on.

( Loud clang )

( Both grunting )

( Bell clangs )

For crying out loud.

Why don't you
make up your mind?

( Loud clang )

( Bell clangs repeatedly )


Forget the bell.

Let's wrestle!

pretzel-maker's having
one heck of a time tonight

Ladies and gentlemen.

He just can't seem
to hold onto the crusher.

( Snickers )
this one's in the bag.

( Loud panting )


are my eyes deceiving me, fans

Or did I just see
the pretzel-maker

Caught off-guard
by a reverse rooster strut?

( Chuckling )
oh, no tickling.

That's cheating!

oh, the tickle around the ring!

What will the crusher do next?

Tommy, we got to
do something!

Your grandpa's
getting b*at real bad!

We gots to help him.

Quick, let's give him
some of his food.

( Laughing wildly )

The crowd's going wild,
ladies and gentlemen.

This match has turned
into a free-for-all.

You're nothing but a slippery
scoundrel, mcnulty.

You don't know the half of it,

( Grunts )

( Crowd cheering... )

( Groaning )

The food's
not working, tommy.

Then we're going to have
to save him ourselves.

This is amazing!

Tiny wrestlers
are attacking the crusher.

There's never been
anything like this

In the history
of amateur wrestling.

get this thing off of me.


Margaret, don't those little
wrestlers look familiar?

They certainly do,

I believe the bald
one's named sneezy.

Jumping jackrabbits!

What are you sprouts
doing in the ring?

( Mcnulty grumbling )

Hey, give me back those babies!

Hey, guys, wait for me!

( Kids grunting )

( Yowling )

( Grunts )

I give up, I give up!

Stop the match!

It's a forfeit!

Pretzel-maker pickles
is calling it quits!

The senior division championship

Goes to
conan "the crusher" mcnulty!

I won? Yippee!
I won, I won!

Aw, poop!

After all that,
and the bad guy still won.

( Singing triumphantly )

What's this?

Motor oil?

You're a cheat, mcnulty!

No wonder I couldn't
grab you!

You're a greasy, old,
good-for-nothing cheat!

( Loud booing )

the crusher is disqualified!

We have a new champion:
pretzel-maker pickles!

Gee, tommy, your grandpa
sure is amazing.

I always knew that about him.


Wow, you sure
are lucky

Having a grandpa
who's a stooper hero.

He was always
the best-est grandpa
in the world anyways.

I sure hope I get to wear tights
when I grow up.

Good thing you sprouts
can't talk.

Sure wouldn't want didi
finding out

About our little rendezvous.

Yep, it's best if we just keep
this our little secret.

You hear that,

We can't ever tell no one

About grandpa's
secret idemnity.

It gots to be
a secret forever.


( Engine accelerates )

( Rhythmic, mechanical
squeaking )

( Breathing heavily )

And I found this beauty
in a secondhand shop downtown.

This hand-carved

Wooden inhaler was
once the sole apparatus

Available to
frontier asthmatics.

Starting this
inhaler collection

Has opened up a whole
new world for me.

What's that funny thing your dad
has on his face?

I think it's kind of like
a hat for your nose.

My daddy keeps bringing home
more of them.

Chas, I just don't get
the point of collecting.

Oh, there's a lot
of fun things about it.

Finding new pieces, making an
aesthetically pleasing display

And trading with
other collectors.

Other inhaler collectors?

Sure-- that's why I need you
to watch chuckie today.

I'm going downtown for the
inhaler's collectors convention.

Opening day ceremonies
include a tribute
to nostril hair.

It's really one of
the miracles of nature.

I am reptar.

( Giggles )

What you got there, chuckie?

A rock.

That's a nice one.

Let's see how far
we can throw it.


I like this rock.

It looks like
the moon, see?

Now can we throw it?

No, tommy.

It's my special rock.

And I take it with me

How come?

Well, it minds me

Of one night back

When I was just
a little kid...

( Wailing )

This scary looking tree

Was making spooky sounds
on my window.

( Branches scratching )

So my daddy let me
sleep in his room.

I was still kind of ascared,
so I didn't shut my eyes.

Then my daddy started making
this sound with his nose.

( Snoring )

But it wasn't scary.

it wasn't?

no, it was funny.

( Laughing )

All my sacreds went away

And I feeled good.

Right before I fall asleep

I saw this nice moon looking in
the window at my daddy and me.

I get it, chuckie.

That little moon-shaped rock
makes you think of your daddy.


And helps you not to be

Ascared sometimes.


Here, chuckie.

What's this for?

If one rock makes
you feel good

Then maybe
another rock

Will make you feel
even more good!

You think so?


Maybe two more rocks

Will make you feel
even better!

Hey, maybe, maybe I can
get a bunch of rocks

And have a collection,
just like my daddy!

Gee, tommy, this is the
firstest idea you ever had

That I'm not ascared of.

This is the one I found
by that bush

And this was in my shoe...

Well, why do
you want

So many lots
of rocks, chuckie?

What good are they
if you don't throw them?

Well, see, I got this one rock
that makes me feel good.

And so then I figured...

Here's some more rocks.

Oh, thanks,

And this one's really neat

'Cause when you squint your eyes

It looks like grandpa boris.

I think it looks like a monkey.

I think it looks
like a magic toenail.

You know, I got so many
neat rocks now.

I think I want to make a place
where I can look at them all

Like my daddy gots
for his collection.

Okay, chuckie.

We'll help you.

Wha... Oh, hey!

that's the prettifullest
collection I ever seened.

It is, isn't it?

Thanks, guys.

Hey, I think I want
to collect something.

Me, too.

Let's collect that tree!

( Grunting )

( Shouts )

It's too big, lillian.

Not for reptar
to carry, phillip!

You got your
collection collected.

You want to play in the sandbox?

Uh, I don't know.

Do you think my rocks
will be okay over here?

They'll be fine,

Now, come on.

Let's dig a
really big hole.



You okay, chuckie?


Oh, yeah. I'm fine.

What's the matter?

Um... I'm, I'm just
going to go make sure

I puted all the rocks
in the right place.

( Grunting )

Told you it was too big.

Well, maybe we can collect dirt.

Or maybe we could collect
the fuzzy stuffs

In our belly buttons.

I want
to collect dirt.

Fuzzy stuff.


Fuzzy stuffs!

( Gasps )

a bug collection!

( Both laughing... )

Hey, chuckie.

This hole's bigger
than we ever digged before!

Okay, I'm coming.

( Twins laughing... )


( Wailing )

Uh, it's not so bad, chuckie.

It's not like they breaked
or anything.

They're just rocks.

Just rocks?

They're not just any old rocks!

They're my collection of rocks.

And now they're spilled
on the ground!

Didn't they used to
be on the ground?

It'll be
all right, chuckie.

We can make them
all clean again.

All nice and clean.

Chuckie, look what
we found under spike.

We know we
maked you sad

When we spilled out
your rocks.

So we got you more to make
you feel better again.

Uh...thanks, I guess.

Don't you like them?

Yeah, it's just that...

Well, but it's... Um...

It's a lot to take care of!

I have so many.

Um, uh, maybe we should
just keep the round rocks

And get rid of the lumpy ones.

Good idea.

I'll just collect
round ones.

I guess I won't need this
little square one no more.

I can just throw it away.

Go ahead, chuckie.

Throw it.

Aah! I can't!

( Sighs )

It's a nice little rock.

You know, so it's not round.

So it's not like
the others.

I can't send it away
for being different!

What are we going to
collect now, phillip?

We never catched our buggie.

No, I got him.

( Burps )

Hey, we could
collect wet stuff!

Here's a wet leaf.

And here's two
wet snails.

Hey, chuckie,
can we have

One of your wet rocks?

Um, I don't know.

How about we trade
you a dry rock?

Well, my daddy said trading's
supposed to be fun.

Here's your dry one, chuckie.

That's an
awful big rock.

You gots all the
little rocks already.

It's a great rock, chuckie.

It's the kind you stand on
when you wants to be tall.

And the kind you find
wormies under.

( Laughs )

( Barks )

Spike is wet stuffs now.

( Chortles )

That was a good
trade, chuckie.

It's a nice rock.

I can't see the other ones now.

I got an idea. Come on.

( Grunting )

Are you sure your daddy
doesn't need this box?

It's okay.

He don't look

At these picture
books no more.

I think it's time to hook up
my sprinklematic 6000.

After all, there's a limit

To the amount of manual lawn
hydration any man can enjoy.

Come on, dilster.

Let's go enjoy the rewards

Of interacting
with a big screen tv.

( Barks )

Come back, spike.

You're wet stuff.

See, chucky.

Now you can see them
and they'll be safe.

( Laughing )

Hey, look.

My daddy turned on
the sprinkler.

Let's go play.

( Chuckie gasps )

I better stay here, tommy.

But, chuckie.

I gots to take care

Of my collection.

I'd be too sad if something
happened to my rocks.

That square one
you found by the fence.

And the one that looks
like a monkey if you squint.

And the little,
and the... Little...

Where is my moon-shaped rock?!

It's in the box...

Isn't it?

But I don't...

I don't remember
putting it in the box.

I don't remember seeing
it for a long time.

Oh, no!

Maybe I traded it
to phil and lil.

Maybe I lost it.


What'll I do if I don't have

My little moon-shaped rock?

And I hear a scary noise
and I'm all alone

Or I'm not alone,
but I'm still ascared?


But I don't have

My little moon-shaped rock

To make me think of my daddy
and make me feel good.



There it is.

That remote has got to be
around here somewhere.

Hey, my blocky and oxwinkle
comic books.

I forgot I had these.

Hey, dil

You're going to love these.

( Laughs )

( Coos )

What are you
doing, chuckie?

Well, I decided that
having lots more rocks

Didn't really
make me feel

Lots more better

So i, I'm putting them back.

So you're not going
to collect rocks no more?

Nope. I'm going to collect

All the rocks in the world.

I'll just leave them
where I find them.

Except this one.

( Laughing, shouting... )

( Crunching )

there goes my back!
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