02x06 - Happy Turkey Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x06 - Happy Turkey Day

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here on the continent
of North America.

In a habitat known as
the Eastern Woodlands!

it's the Kratt brothers here.

I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.

This is a great place
to mountain bike.

And a great habitat
to meet all sorts of creatures.

In order to find the creature
we're looking for,

we have to be very careful.

Be quiet...

And keep a low profile.

Because the creature we're
looking for...is wild.

It is highly intelligent.

And has tremendous
creature powers.


Oh, yeah.

The wild turkey!


Wild turkeys have incredible
creature powers?

Are we sure about this?

I think I'm sure.

I thought I was sure.

Now I'm not so sure.


Wild turkeys have to have
creature powers.

Every creature
has something cool.


Like the power to disappear.

Wild turkeys are really smart,

and that can make them tricky
to get close to in the wild.

Whoa...hey, buddy.

Wild turkeys are always
on their toes.

They're good at not being seen,
and when they are,

they're great at escaping.

One of the fastest running land
birds in North America.

Imagine if we could keep up
with the wild turkeys,

and discover their
creature powers.

What if?

♪ On adventure
with the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today ♪

♪ With Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild Wild Kratts,
gonna go wild wild wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild
Wild Kratts, Wild Kratts! ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts
gonna go wild, wild ♪

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild wild Wild Kratts ♪



All right.

We're all set.

(Grumbling in sleep)


What're you waiting for?


Quick, Martin!

Extreme creature question:

What's the heaviest flying bird
in North America?


Wild turkey!

Nice try bro, and close!

But no drumstick.

The heaviest flying bird
in North America

is the trumpeter swan!

Aw, I knew that!

The second heaviest is
the California condor.

And the third heaviest flying
bird is the wild turkey.

Nice try bro,
but I got you that time.

Only because that water
was so cold.

It gave me a brain freeze.

Plus, we're in the habitat
of the wild turkey,

so naturally I...

Waking up this early?

Ha, you're both turkeys!


Uh, okay...

I don't think she means
turkey definition # .

"Turkey: A North American
gallinaceous wild bird

that is now domesticated

I think she means the second
definition of turkey.

"Turkey: a silly person."

Oh, come on!

No way.

That definition
is bogus!

And totally unfair
to turkeys!




Okay, we just figured out

what we're going
to do today.

Prove to the world,

that when you call somebody
a turkey,

it should actually be
a wonderful compliment,

because wild turkeys
are one cool creature!

Yeah, up and at 'em,

Today we're on
a creature mission

to discover the true powers
of the wild turkey!

What powers?

Turkeys can't even fly.

Jimmy, weren't you
even on

our Blue and The Grey


We saw them fly into an oak tree
to eat acorns.

You got that right, Chris,

except for one detail
that oak tree,

was me!


Anyway, come on Chris.

We've got to defend the honor
of the wild turkeys!

And that means that first,
we've got to find some.

Oh yeah.




What are you doing here?

I was just going to ask you
the same question!

Well, he asked you first.

Um...I was just out
for a nature walk!


Oh, yeah?

Well, so are we!


Gourmand does know a lot
about the wild

and loves the great outdoors,
I-- I guess.

Although his number one favorite

is devouring it!

So it's a good thing
he doesn't know

we're looking
for wild turkeys.

It's a good thing
they don't know

I'm looking for wild turkeys!

Heh heh.





Oh, it could take us forever

to find wild turkeys like this!



Do we have any Wild Kratts kids
around here?

Great idea, Martin.

Nothing like using
local knowledge.

Here we go.

Wild Kratts kids Gavin
and Ronan, really close by.

(Beeping from computer)

It's the Wild Kratts!

They're calling us!


Hey, glad you Wild Kratts kids
are home!

Is that Gavin and Ronan?

And Aidan too.

We're having a sleepover!

Well, get out of bed,

because we need some help
finding wild turkeys!

Do you guys know
where any are?

Yeah, lots of them.

We know their favorite place.

They're there all the time!

When we were little, there
weren't any turkeys.

Yeah, like when we were three,

when we were four,
and when we were five.

And then suddenly last year
they showed up!

And now there's lots!

And we know their
favorite place!

Right on the edge of the woods,

the meadow, and the cornfield.


Well, we're right here
at these GPS coordinates.

Can you find us?

Can wild turkeys fly?

We'll be right there!

Don't leave!

It's amazing how wild turkeys
have made such a comeback!

years ago
they were everywhere-

one of the most plentiful birds
in all of North America.

And then
when the Europeans arrived,

they kept hunting
the wild turkeys,

until by ,
there were hardly any left.

But then they were protected

and now they're making
a comeback,

and are starting to show up
in the country,

backyards, and parks.

Where do you want me to park?

Oh, there's good.

All right.

Got the Mobile Invention Kit.

This will be
the most challenging

Creature Power Suit yet-
trying to program--


--turkey powers.

It's hard to say that
with a straight face!

We're here!

We made it!

We'll show you where
the turkeys are.

This way!

All right!

Hey, wait for me!

(Turkeys gobbling)


You weren't kidding.

You guys nailed it.

Way to go.

How do you know
they're wild turkeys

and not just farm turkeys
that got loose?

Well, it can be hard to tell,

but wild turkeys tend to be
a lot leaner and lighter

and the dead giveaway
is that farm turkeys

can't get off the ground.

But wild turkeys can fly!

There's no way those big birds
can fly.



Oh, they know what that coyote
wants to do.

(Turkeys clucking)

Yeah, exactly.

Gobble you up.

See, wild turkeys are smart too.


And they even speak English.

Gobble, gobble, gobble.
Gobble, gobble, gobble!


We're not buying it.

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Gobble, gobble,
gobble, gobble-- ooh!

Turkey stampede!


They're not going
to get off the ground!

Oh yes they are!






Okay, I'm buying it.

Wild turkeys do fly.

Heh heh... whew.

Oh, and by the way,
coyotes aren't really dangerous

to people, regardless of how
the news media

likes to portray them.

But that's a whole other
adventure. Look at that poult!


That's what you call
a baby turkey.

A poult!

Oh, he's lightning fast
for a little guy.

He's so cute!

I've been hit by
a poult of lightning.

Huh! And that's it!

Your name's Lightning Poult!


Maybe just Lightning
would be better?

Yeah, you're right.

Lightning it is!


That must be Lightning's mom
coming back!

So then that must be
Lightning's dad.

No, that's...

A goshawk!

They hunt birds.

Yeah, and he's after Lightning!



Maybe there is actually
such a thing as turkey powers.

They can run fast and fly fast,
with pretty decent

through the forest.

Plus they're capable
of aerial combat.

This could get interesting.


Gobble, gobble, gobble!

The secret to finding turkeys
is to speak their language.

Gobble, gobble, gobble.


No, not "caw."

I said "gobble, gobble."

When I pretend to be
a wild turkey,

I can lure in another male
turkey to meet the challenge.

I'm going for
the biggest turkey today!


Are you done yet?

What are you talking about?

I just started!

I think I can modify parts
of the Blue Jay Suit

but I need to add specific
turkey features.

Come back in about ten minutes.

I'm busy.



I know Martin, turkeys gobble
and you can too.

I said come back in ten minutes,
not ten seconds.



Hey, it's a--

Tom turkey!

Uh...Tom Turkey?

Chris, maybe you should
leave the naming to me.



That's what a male turkey
is called, remember?

Oh yeah. Whew.

I though that's what
you were naming him.

No, but he is super friendly,

and in places where turkeys
aren't hunted,

they get really used to people.

And then you can get
a really good look at them.

And this tom turkey has some
really wild features.

Look at that awesome fan
of tail feathers,

and the bright red and blue
colors on his face

the red part is called
a snood.

Why is his hair growing
out of his body?

That's a turkey beard!

Those are feathers modified into
a long ponytail-like feature

that hangs from the chest.

Female turkeys
think it looks cool,

but they really like that
awesome fan of a tail.

And that's what all these
features are designed for-

to attract females!

Uh, but he's not the only one
who thinks he's good looking.

Oh, I get it.

It's a competition.


They wrap necks and push.

Which tom is more powerful?

That one!

No, that one!

The hens look like
they're just eating corn,

but I think they're watching.

Look out!

They're bringing out
the leg spurs.


This match ends in a draw.

It's over.

And I'm done!

I have no idea
how you'll ever use these,

but we've got...turkey powers!

Haha... I still can't say that
with a straight face.






Activate Wild Turkey Powers!




This colorful head gear
is great!

And look at this snood!

Haha, snood.

Whoa, and check out
the tail fan!

I love these tail feathers.

These suits can move!

Hey, wait for me bro!

Ready for takeoff!

I'm flying!

Hey, does this turkey power suit
look cool when it flies?



Don't answer that.

Oh man, I lost a tail feather.

Hey Jimmy, what are you doing?

Collecting stuff for lunch.

(Gourmand humming)

It's Gourmand!

(Humming continues)

We can't let him know we're
hanging out with turkeys.


It won't deactivate.

I must've busted mine
in the crash.

♪ Turkeys, turkeys, turkeys ♪

♪ Always a delicious dish ♪

♪ The only thing to figure is
what I stuff them with ♪

♪ Oyster breading? ♪

♪ Acorn pudding? ♪

♪ Dandelion brie? ♪

♪ The only thing I know
is that soon ♪

♪ A turkey will be
stuffing me! ♪



Oh no!

This might not be the best day
to be stuck in a turkey suit!

It's the last Thursday
in November!

It's Thanksgiving!

That's why Gourmand
is creeping around the woods.

He's hunting for
a wild turkey dinner!

And I'm the biggest, fattest
turkey in the woods!




Oh no, six more
tail feathers gone!

I guess everybody likes
a little taste of turkey.


You're stuck like this
for a while,

until we can get you back
to the Tortuga.

But first we've got
to find out

exactly what
Gourmand's plan is.

We'll find out.


That's right.




What are you doing?

Uh, I'm out for a walk.

Are you hunting
for wild turkeys?

Well, uh-- yes.

Why are you hunting
for wild turkeys?

Because I'm looking for
the biggest wild turkey

to make my biggest turkey feast,
for big, hungry people,

and you little people
aren't invited.

Why are you
going to hunt them?

They just came back after
a hundred years!

We like having wild turkeys
in our backyard.

Don't you want wild turkeys
in your backyard?


Get away from me!


That was kind of fun.


He wants to make
a big turkey feast

for big hungry people

and is looking for the biggest
wild turkey in the woods.

Oh, great.




Gobble, gobble, gobble!


I've only got two feathers left.

Give me those.


Gobble, gobble, gobble!


Now that is what I call
a big turkey!




He can't steer right
without tail feathers!


I've got to distract Gourmand

and get him off
this turkey hunt.

I've got a plan!







Where are you birdie?

Gobble, gobble gobble!



Where's my big turkey?

Oh, you're looking
for a turkey?

Why don't you go to a local
organic family farm

and buy a free range, organic,
hormone-free farm turkey.

I'd rather have
Zach's arm strength

than cook a farm turkey.

I'm hunting
for wild turkeys!

And a big one!




Oh, hey Gourmand.

Back so soon?

Where's my turkey?!


What turkey?

I didn't see any turkey.

I'm just, uh...

collecting these butternuts.


Oh, how about some gravy
for your butternuts, huh?



Aw shucks, I guess
you won't be able to use

your Creature
Power Suit today.

Heh heh heh.

Okay, I'm out of action!

And Gourmand's hunting your way!

Okay, we read you.

I don't think
I can deactivate this

until we get back
to the Tortuga.

Well then, do you think for now

you could at least program it to
grow me some more tail feathers?

Are you kidding me?!

I'm trying to get you
out of the turkey suit!

Gourmand will cook first
and ask questions later.

Here he comes!


Hmm? Hmm?

Hey, Martin,
I know what you can do.

You can hide in our corn maze!

Yeah, here's the map.

You can get out,

but Gourmand will get lost
in there.

It's huge!

He'll be stuck in there
all day.

Then he can't get
to the turkeys.

And the wild turkeys
will be saved.

Did somebody say corn maze?

This way!

I'm in.

Me too.

I'm there.

Come on, Martin.


I'll get Gourmand
and I'll be right there.

Here it is the corn maze!

That is so cool!

And fun.

Yeah, really fun.

Oh, and the corn looks
ready for picking.

I can't wait to run around
in there!

And we can follow our map
to get to the other side.

And that's where we parked
the Tortuga.

We go in as soon as Martin
gets here with Gourmand.

Okay, Gourmand.

Where are you?


Okay, there he is.

Time to channel my inner turkey.




Oh no! Huh?

Gobble, gobble, gobble!

You hold still!

Oh, you're a big one, alright.


Look, there's Martin!

Everyone into the maze!

Go, go, go, go, go!


Ha ha ha!

Nothing sweeter than sweet corn.

Hurry Jimmy!
Gourmand is right behind us.

(Raccoons chittering)

I'd cook you too,
if you tasted any good.

(Angry chittering)

Fine, I'll take
a different path.

If I go this way,
I'll catch them for sure.


Okay, okay...let's take a rest.

I think we might've lost him.

That way!

Come on!

We're almost out
the other side.


I think we really lost him!



Gobble, gobble, gobble!



Uh-oh. I found him!




Get out of my way, bear.

I am not in the mood.





Oh yeah, he's going to be
really lost.

Whew, it's tough
being a wild turkey,

especially when you're
on the menu.

Where is that big turkey?

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

He must've gone this way.

Gobble gobble?

Right about here.

Good job, guys!

You led us right to it.

The Tortuga!

Thanks for the creature rescue.

No problem.


You're welcome.

Talk about having turkeys
for dinner.

We've invited a whole flock!

You know how I like turkey
dinner as much as anybody,

but if I had to choose,

I'd rather have wild turkeys
living free and in the wild.

And in our backwoods.

And backyards.

Mmm, mm!

This is some sweet corn.


The sweetest.

Yeah, it's one fantastic feast.

And being turkey powered
is turkey-riffic,


can you grow me some new tail
feathers after dessert?

Hm...maybe after my nap
after dessert.


(Raccoons chittering)


No...no, no, no,
don't even think about it.

Don't you do it!

Oh, forget it.

Well, Martin, some turkeys got
it and some turkeys don't.


Will someone please pass
the apple pie?

Uh...sure, no problem,
dear brother.

Okay Lightning, you're on!


No I didn't.


Okay Chris,
extreme creature question:

Name the top three apple eating
creatures in North America.


Uh, let's see...

Mmm... delicious!


Nope, nope, and nope.

The answers are black bear,
white-tailed deer,

and wild turkey!

Ah, no fair.

I was distracted
by the apple filling.

Now this has been one delicious
creature adventure!


Happy Turkey Day!


No matter what you've heard
about some wild creatures,

make sure you look
a little closer

and you might discover some
surprising creature powers.

As far as wild turkeys go,

there are these essential things

you should tell everybody
about them.

First, turkeys are one of the
biggest backyard birds

in all of North America.

That's right.

These are the biggest,
heaviest land birds

that live in the woods, fields,
and meadows around here.

And because they are so big,

they're also one of
the favorite prey items

of big predators.

Everybody loves to eat a turkey,

including coyotes,




But, wild turkeys
are very smart.

Some people think they're in the
top five of the smartest birds

of North America.

Hey, a white-tailed deer.

What's he doing here?

Deer and wild turkeys live in
the same forests,

and eat some of the same foods.

They both like acorns.

Yeah, and another great thing
about wild turkeys

is their unique physical

See that red skin on their face?

That's one of the tell-tale
features of the wild turkey.

See the hanging skin under the
chin, that's called a wattle,

and the flap over the beak-
that's the snood.

A snood?

Yeah, a snood.

Do you see that beard
on his chest?

That hair?
That's a turkey beard.

It looks like hair, but it's
really made of special feathers

sprouting from the chest.

Nobody knows what it's for!

Except maybe turkeys.

Turkeys are also famous

for the way they can spread
their tail feathers into a fan.

The male turkeys use this power

to attract females.

And babies have a special name.


Yeah, not chicks-- baby turkeys
are called poults.

So tell everybody you know about
the coolness of the wild turkey

and the white-tailed deer.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you there!
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