02x07 - Neck and Neck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x07 - Neck and Neck

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here in Africa,

on the eastern
Savannah grasslands.

Hi, I'm Chris.

I'm Martin.
We're the Kratt Brothers.

When you're heading out
on a creature adventure,

you have to make sure
to pack all your gear.

Like headlamps.

CHRIS: Water bottles.
MARTIN: Granola bar.

Everything you might need
when you're in the bush.

Because if you forget something
while you're out there,

you could be in trouble.
Uh, Chris...

Whoa, a giraffe.


That's the longest neck
in the world right there,

sticking its head
right in the window.

This is one way to start
a giraffe adventure.

Wow, this giraffe's neck
is longer than my whole body.

We got to get out there
and check it out. Come on.

All right, we'll be
right outside.

Don't go anywhere.

Oh, wow.

Yeah, look at them all.

Giraffes of all different ages.

We're, like, puny
compared to these guys.

Even the newborn babies
are taller than we are.

That one was born
just a week ago.

And that baby giraffe
is only two months old,

and look how huge he is.

A baby human, two months old,

would be only about this big,

and wouldn't even
be able to walk.

These giraffes can walk
minutes after they're born.

A young giraffe will stay
with his mom for about a year,

and then head off
on his own.

It'll take him four more years
to grow as tall as his mom.

Eighteen feet tall.

The tallest creature
in the world.

But why?
Why is a giraffe so tall?

Why the long neck?

Imagine if we could
try it out.

Find out what it's like to have
the long neck of a giraffe.

Then we'd really figure out
the power of the giraffe's neck.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


(Whistling softly)


What? Where? What?


That was a wild
wake-up call.

Martin, Chris.
What happened?

Something spun my hammock...
like her.

Don't look all innocent.
I know it was you, girl.

A giraffe?

No, look at her.

She's just out
for a morning stroll.

She's the only one tall enough
to do it.

Yeah, that's the tallest animal
in the world right there.

Up to feet tall.

That's taller than three
grown-up people.

Wow. Just her neck
is much longer than I am.

Why do they have
such long necks, anyway?

Scientists are still working
on the answer to that one.

There we go,
all finished.

These new retractable windows
I installed

will give us
some fresh air.

You know, I bet I know why
giraffes have long necks:

To reach tasty leaves
high in the trees.

Oh, yeah? Well, I heard
it had something to do

with how they fight
each other.

Kind of like elk have big
antlers for fighting.

Neck fighting? No way.

Who fights
with their neck?


Well, why would they need
to get leaves up high

when there's much more food
lower down,

like grass and bushes?


Ow! What?



Chris, Martin.
You're the creature experts.

Tell Koki she's wrong
on this one.

Tell Aviva she's telling
a tall tale about giraffes.

Well, actually it's not really
that simple....

Why don't we find out
for ourselves?

We'll figure out the mystery
of the planet's longest neck

with an experiment.

Do you have a giraffe disc
we can use?

Oh, right here.
Of course not!

I can't just make this stuff out
of thin air, you know.

Sorry, didn't mean
to be a pain in the neck.

Get it?

Neck? Giraffe?


Hey! Well, I thought
it was a good one.

Okay, so we'll get out there
and figure out

what the giraffe's long neck
is all about,

while you guys work
on the giraffe suit.

Sounds good.

Whew, it's good
to get out of there.

Yeah, it was getting
kind of tense.

Wow, for the world's
tallest animals,

giraffes are sure hard
to find.

I know. We found endangered
frogs that are easier to spot.

There's got to be some giraffe
around here somewhere.

Oh, hello.
Martin, we found a giraffe.

What? Where?

Right there.

Ew! Oh, there.

You mean he found us.


First things first:
If we're going to understand

what a giraffe's neck
is all about,

we got to know
how it's built.

Great, let's get
a measurement.

All set, Chris.

Seven feet.

That's taller
than most people.

A neck as long as a person:
that's incredible.



(Both crashing and grunting)

Just a little
tied up here.


That's a good name.

Mind if we call you

Guys, stop messing around.

I need to know
how that neck's built.

We're on it.

I can see that.

But I need to know
what's in it.

Scanning neck and uplinking
image feed.

Neck inspection complete.

Incoming scan image.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven.

Same number of neck bones
as we have.

Only the bones are much longer
than ours or a gazelle's.

And what's that?

Special valves

on the blood vessels.

It takes so much effort
for the giraffe to pump blood

all the way up to his head,

that he has
an extra-large heart

and special blood vessels
to keep the blood

from flowing all the way
back down.

Wow, with all these
special features,

a long neck is definitely
important for something.

(Clearing throat)

Reaching leaves.

Neck battles.

Anyway, this scan
is what we need

to replicate the neck
for the Power Suits.

If we just adjust the
programming in a few places,

it should work.

Okay, disc maker engaged.

All set.


Is the suit done yet?

Just finished the disc.

Putting the suits
back together now.

Hurry. We don't want to lose
this giraffe.

Okay, okay, I'm going
as fast as I can.

Now are you done?

Okay. Easy, guys.
I mean, really.

Wait, did I install
the deactivation module?

We can't wait!

Uh, okay, okay.

Yes, I'm done.
There. All set.


Zap it!

Whew. Pulled that off
in record time.

No problem.

(Both panting)


A mixed herd
of herbivores.

This is great.

All these different-looking
creatures eat grass and leaves,

but do they all eat exactly
the same plants or what?

We need to get in the middle
of the action to find out.

I'll stick with Necktie.


Maze. Hey, buddy.


And I'll go zebra.

Activate Creature Powers!
Activate Creature Powers!

Whoa! Heads up.

Zebra Power.

Giraffe Power.

Herbivores, here we come.

Whoa, whoa!
Oh, oh, ah!

You go ahead.

I got to figure out
how to balance this neck.



The gazelles are nibbling
on the delicate, tender grasses.

They're not eating the thicker,
tougher stuff.

Ah, but the zebras are.

They eat big mouthfuls
of the thick, tough,

hard-to-digest grass.

It all looks like
a bunch of grass,

but the herbivores are naturally
splitting things up.

It's nature's know-how
at work again.

And if the grass-eaters
are doing it,

maybe the leaf eaters,
like the giraffe,

are doing it too.

Martin, we've got
a breakthrough here.

Yeah, me too.

Look, I got this long neck
balancing thing down.



Thanks, Chris.

Whew, everything looks different
from way up here.

Everything's so small,

like those cute little kittens
over there.


Right there.

Behind those...


Wait a second.
Those aren't kittens.





Add another benefit
of a long neck to the list.

A giraffe's-eye view
for spotting danger far away.


Oh, no.
A classic lion ambush.

Have one lion
hide up ahead,

while two others push the prey
straight towards them.

They do that on purpose.

(Lions roaring)

Whoa! A hoof kick.

That's a dinner plate-sized hoof
right in the face.

Yeah, with enough power
to k*ll a lion.

Oh, they've had enough.
They're out of here.

Whoa. Okay, okay,

that's enough herbivore action
for now.

Deactivate, dude.




I can't deactivate.

Oh no, oh no, I'm stuck
in giraffe mode.

I'm a sitting duck
out here like this.

Easy, bro. It's probably
just a little glitch. Hang on.

Aviva, come in.

What's going on, guys?

Did you prove my theory?

Not yet.
Little problem.

Martin's suit is jammed
in giraffe mode.

Little problem?
You mean big, long problem.

It won't deactivate?

Oh, no.
The deactivation module.

What? What about it?

Oh no, I thought I might
have forgotten something.

But it's-- It's gone.

You lost it?

You mean my suit
can't deactivate?

I don't know
what happened.

It was right
on my work station,

and now it's gone.

But don't worry.
I have the plans right here.

I always keep the plans.

I'll just make a new
deactivation module,

install it into your suit,
and problem solved.



I had a real lump in my throat
for a while there.

Great, so now we can get back
to the mystery

of the giraffe's long neck.

Whoa, Martin's really having a
hard time with that long neck.

I'd better get to work
on this.

Hm? Uh, the plans.

Did you guys take them
or something?


We should probably hurry up
with this experiment,

because I'm getting a crick
in my neck.

A what?

A crick.
A sore neck.

Ah, I'm telling you,
this suit is a k*ller.

Well, being a giraffe
will help with the experiment,

so it's all good.

Yeah, no problem.

I love being att*cked
by lions.

Just work on that hoof kick
and you'll be fine, bro.

You mean like this?


Giraffes should play soccer!



Okay, great.
This is where we've got to be.

The trees.

If only we could
start our experiment

with trees that hadn't been
eaten by anyone at all.

Yeah. No giraffes,
no impala, nobody.

A blocked-off
set of trees.

No problem.
I've got a place like that.


It's my special place.

My favorite spot.

You know, if I need
to get away to...

To get some sleep.


But it's kind of scary
out there sometimes,

so I built a fence
around the trees

to keep the lions
and hyenas out.

That's great.

So you already started
the experiment.

Yeah, well, you know.

I do it for the team.

Where's the spot?

I'll send
the coordinates.

Actually, Jimmy and I
will meet you there.

I want to be there
when you prove I'm right

about the mystery
of the giraffe's neck.

Besides Aviva needs more time
to look for the...


What? Time to look
for what?


The plans, uh, we sort of
can't find the plans.

You lost the plans too?

Oh, my neck hurts again.


But don't worry.
There's still one last solution.

We can use the deactivation
module in Chris's suit.

Koki and Jimmy
can bring back the suit,

I'll take it out
and then reinstall it in yours.

Whew. Okay.

Hang on, JZ.



I'm up to my neck
in problems today.


Just up there.

That's it.


Hi, Chris.


Perfect rock
for my naps.

Yup, and nobody can reach those
trees, not even a giraffe.

Ah, and look how different
the trees are now.

They haven't been touched
by any herbivores,

so there are branches growing
high, low and everywhere.

So if we take away the fence...

Well, that was easy.

Never said I was a professional
fence builder.

We can see what happens

when we let all
the leaf-eaters back in.

Yeah, and I'm wondering
what's going to happen

when that guy gets here.

He doesn't look
very friendly.



Got Chris's Power Suit.

Better bring it back
to Aviva.

Gotta go.

MARTIN: Is it just me...

...or is he coming
straight for me?

Uh, Martin.

I think you might be about
to test Koki's theory

that giraffes use
their long necks for...

For fighting?
Oh, man.

How come it was my suit
that got stuck?

Where'd he go?

It's Necktie.
That's who he's after.

And Necktie is with
a female giraffe.

That's who these two
are fighting over.

They're showing off their necks,
trying to say,

"I've got a long, strong neck;
don't mess with me."

Ooh, and he's not kidding.

He connected,
ramming his horn-like ossicones

right into Necktie.

But it's not over. Go, Necktie.

Those hits can break bones.

These battles
are serious business.

Ooh, Necktie's got
some moves.

Bam! Whoa!


He's turning
the tables.

Oh, left hook from Necktie.


It's not as easy
as it looks.

Necktie did it!

And guess what?
He has the longer neck.

In battles like that, a longer,
stronger neck is an advantage.

Hmm, so Koki
could be right.


Oh, yeah!

Not so fast.

Look at this.

Hello, everybody.

Different sized leaf-eaters
eating at different levels.

The shorter creatures eat from
the lower branches of the tree.

And even though giraffes
can eat from lower

if there are leaves there,

they are the only ones that can
get to the tallest leaves.

The lower leaves will be
eaten away in no time,

but the giraffe will always have
leaves up high

where no one else
can reach them.

Right, Necktie? Whoa!

A purple,
puncture-proof tongue

that wraps around
thorny branches

and strips
the leaves right off.


Awesome. Aviva, are you
getting this?

It looks like our experiment
just proved

that you're right too.

Aren't you going
to celebrate?

Oh, yeah.

That's great.
Giraffes are so cool.

That long neck?
Martin, you're lucky.

(Laughing nervously)

I wish I had one.
Right, guys?


Wait a second.


Why are you guys acting
so weird?

Well, I...

Well, I think you might

be in giraffe mode

(Both gasping)





What happened now?

Your Creature Power Suit's
gone. It just disap--

My Power Suit? Gone?

You mean no more
Cheetah Racing Power,

no more Kangaroo Jumping Power,

Yeah, and no more
deactivation module.

So Martin's stuck
in giraffe mode.



Everything just keeps

It's like there's
some kind of black hole.

I mean,
I never lose things.

I'm not Martin.

Oh, that hurts.

I'm already going to spend
the rest of my life

with this freakishly
long neck.

At least you get one
Creature Power.

Me, I'm finished.

I'm thirsty.

Oh, are you kidding me?

That's what drinking's
going to be like now?


Here goes nothing.


Almost there.

Just a little more.


Hey, it's not so bad, bro.

Look at it this way:
you can beat anybody

in a neck battle now.

You'll be able
to reach things really high up,

maybe taste
your food longer.

And you'll look pretty cool
in a turtleneck sweater.

Hm. Hey, what's that?


It's a strange-looking giraffe

with a really lumpy neck.

Hey, that's my Power Suit.

And your
deactivation module.

And the plans!

It's the answer
to all our problems.

Follow that giraffe!
Follow that giraffe!

Nice giraffe run, bro.

Thirty-five miles per hour,

and using that neck
as a counterbalance.

Oh no, she's going
into that thicket.

She's in here somewhere.

Here, Necklace.


Yeah, she must like

I mean, that giraffe
had lots of bling.

Okay, okay, we got to keep
our eyes peeled.

Even though giraffes are big,
they can disappear

into dappled thickets
like this,

looking like just
another tree trunk.

Here, Necklace!

There she goes!

That way!

Oh. Hi, Necktie.

You know her?

Easy, Necktie.

We're just trying
to get our stuff back.

See, Necklace has our gear.


Look, I think
what we have here

is a genuine


Ow, that's a good shot.

Necktie, come on, look,

we get our stuff,
Martin transforms back to human,

you go off with Necklace,
everyone's happy.


You're definitely tougher
than me, buddy.

I give.

Whoa! Oh!

I give. You win.


Martin, you did it.

You helped Necktie
lure Necklace in

by showing his strength.

Oh, great.

I just can't reach.


Too high.

Martin, wake up.

Now's our only chance.

Wake up. Wake up, bro.

We need your
Giraffe Tallness Power

to reach our gear
before it's too late.




Wait. Come back.



Oh, yes.

Yes. Yes.

Woo-hoo! Our stuff.

We got our stuff back.

Nice work, bro.
Nice work.


I'll have this
deactivation module

installed in no time,

Oh, thanks.


And while she's doing that,

who was right about
the giraffe's neck, Chris?

Well, we definitely found out
that giraffes use their necks

to reach food that no other
animal can reach.

And we definitely
found out

that long necks are important
in how giraffes fight.

Till scientists learn more,
it's a tie.

You both win,
in a neck-and-neck finish.

You're all set, Martin.

You're free to change
back to normal.

Whew. Thanks, Aviva.

But I'll do it later.

Hey, it's time for

the First Annual Giraffe
Soccer Tournament.

Ready, Chris?

All set.

Let the games begin.

Header. Oof!

That's another thing
a giraffe neck is good for.

Hey, somebody's stealing
the medals.

(Chris laughing)

All right, you can
have them, Necklace.

Come on, Aviva.


Yeah! Whoo!

So the giraffe's
super-long neck

is one of a kind
in the creature world.

Great for reaching
high leaves.

For serious,
swinging neck battles.

For seeing across the Savannah.

For camouflaging
like a tree trunk.

And over there within the trees:

Chris? Oh!

Going up.

Chest height.

Neck height.

And head height.

This is the only way we can get
to be as tall as a giraffe.


Giraffe eating height.

This is awesome.

And this is why giraffes
have such long necks:

To get up to those
tasty leaves

that other creatures
can't reach.

That cool look
of the African Savannah,

with those flat-bottomed
acacia trees,

that's because
of the giraffes.

That's as high
as they can reach.

And they can get leaves
that no other animal can get to

because of that long neck.

Whoa, there you go.


Now they all want the leaves.

Here, you want that?
There you go.

Oh, there's that tongue.

Wow, now that's a good close-up
look at a giraffe's tongue.

Eighteen inches long,
super slimy, and purple.

That purplish-black tongue
actually helps the giraffes

not get sunburn
on their tongues.

Yeah, it's true.
Every time it comes out

it gets blasted
by the sun,

so it's got that natural suntan
lotion, that blue pigment.

You know, this is a whole other
point of view on giraffes.

Usually you're looking
up at them,

but when you get up
in the trees,

you're in the giraffe's world.

And this gives a good view
of those ossicones,

those bony horns
on the top of their head.

That's what they use
for those neck battles,

to smash each other
in the neck.

And you know, they have big eyes
with long eyelashes.

Look at the cool pattern
on the Rothschild giraffe.

Now you can tell different
species of giraffe apart

from their patterns.

Giraffes are one gentle creature

with some really cool
creature powers.

Okay, see you later.

Giraffes are awesome.

Here's to the tallest creature
in the world.

Keep on creature

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

Hope there are no lions
around here.

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