02x11 - Bugs or Monkeys?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x11 - Bugs or Monkeys?

Post by bunniefuu »

Wild Kratts!

We're here
in Central America,

in the lowland
tropical rainforest.

Hey, I'm Martin!
And I'm Chris!

We're the Kratt Brothers.

And the lowland rainforest
is the place to be

when you're on the trail
of spider monkeys.

There! Yeah!

Quick! The camera!

Got him, got him.
Oh! Lost him!

There! Up there!

The big problem
in filming spider monkeys

is we're way down here
on the ground,

and they're way up there
in the rainforest canopy.

Ah, with all these leaves
in the way!

These trees tower over
feet above the ground,

and that makes it really hard
to film these guys!

Hey, check it out!
The cliffs!

If we get up on those cliffs,
we can get higher up

and get
a better view of them.

Let's try it.

here they are!

Oh, yes,
this is the best view yet.

Oh, check it out!

She's drinking
from a hollow in the tree.

Spider monkeys almost never
come to the ground;

they even
drink in the trees.

Check out
that climbing action.

Spider monkeys have pathways
through the treetops

just like we have
trails on the ground.

Oh, and that's just a glimpse
of the arm-swinging style

of the spider monkey.

Imagine if we could get up there
and climb around

as easily and as freely
as the spider monkeys.

Then we'd be able to see
so many

spider monkey behaviors .

And who knows what else?

New species of insects.

Imagine if we
could climb up there;

imagine if we could
swing with the spider monkeys.

What if?

♪ On adventure
with the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready
it's the hour ♪

♪ Gonna save some animals today
with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
with Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
wild, wild ♪

♪ Go wild, wild
Wild Kratts ♪

Whoa, there are so many amazing
creatures hidden in the green.

Where do we even begin?

How about with bugs?

Never seen
this one before.

A peanut head!


And in just one football-sized
area of rainforest

there can be over ,

different species
of insects!

And many that only live
way up there in the canopy

and are still undiscovered
by science.

That sounds like
a good place to start.

Any reason to climb,
eh, bro?


It's a giant
five-legged spider!

Ah, a spider monkey!

Look at the way she climbs.

above the forest floor.

Oh, wow!

Let me see.
Hang on.

I didn't even
get a good look at her.

Oh, she was
really cool-looking.

Hmm. The Tortuga!

Come on! We can get
a good look from up there.

(Video game beeping)

Spider monkeys!

Spiders? And monkeys?

No, spider monkeys. We can
see them from the roof. Come on!

What? A monkey that
looks like a spider?

Uh, no thanks.

Oh, no,
they're really cute.

She's right. And they have
really funny hair.

Come on,
check it out!


Can't really tell from here
if they're cute.

But look at
that arm swinging.

Just casually swinging
from branch to branch,

and stretch and hang.

If only I could
brachiate like that,

What, like who?

Brachiate. That means
swing arm over arm.

Like a spider monkey does.

Wow, that is one impressive
Creature Power.

Hey, give me those.


Hey, they are cute!

Okay, so there we have it.
Spider monkeys are cute.

Now let's get back
to checking out insects.

Like this one.

And do a super
bug-sized adventure!

Are you kidding me?

There's a spider monkey
swinging above our heads

that is one of the best
brachiators on the planet.

We've got to swing
with the spider monkeys.

Bug-sized adventures'

Swing with
the spider monkeys!

adventures' better!

In fact...

Where's Chris?

Where else?

He's climbing.

Hey, bro, we can fly around
through treetops

and get the most incredible
up-close and personal look

at all sorts of bugs.

Like this bug here!

Oh, check it out!

When you're bug sized,

you can get a really good look
at his face.

He has a long,
straw-like proboscis

that he spears into plant stems,
and then he sucks the juice out.

So now what
do you think, bro?

Do you want to do a bug-sized
adventure or what?

Nope, we're swinging
with spider monkeys!

Come on!

You're coming with me.

Wha-- Hey!



Well, spider monkey powers

will make a magnificent
Creature Power Suit.

We'll be with those
spider monkeys in no time.


Only one problem with
your brilliant plan, Chris.

You're zip-lining down and the
spider monkeys are climbing up!

Aww. Oh, no!

(Grunting and panting)

You're a great climber, bro,

but when compared
to spider monkeys, not so much.

They are just super-climbers,
aren't they?

Yeah, and there's no way we
can keep up with spider monkeys,

but we could have found, oh,
about cool insects by now,

if we were doing
a bug-sized adventure.



Horses in the trees?

So now horses can climb better
than me too?

Not horses, Chris.
Those are spider monkeys.

And if I remember my
spider monkey language lessons,

that means they've found
a fruit tree.



My turn. Finally.

Okay, so there's a father
and two teenage monkeys,

but no sign
of a mother.

Okay, now, this isn't fair.

You make me come on a "Swing
with the Spider Monkey"

adventure and now
I can't even look.

But I don't even see
a mother or a baby.

Here, let me see. I'll find
a baby spider monkey.

Come on, bro, give me!

Martin, you're more
annoying than a mosquito.


Uh, Chris,
I think I founthem.

Knock it off,

I'm not giving you
the binoculars.

Chris, help!
I'm being monkey-napped!

Aviva, come in!

Martin's been

And taken into the realm
of the spider monkeys,

where humans can't climb.


I've heard of cat-napped,

but never monkey-napped.

How can a human get kidnapped
by a monkey?

Martin is bug-sized,

Uh-oh. Let's go!


(All grunting)

Chris, why don't you just
climb after them?

I might be able to get up there,
but those spider monkeys

can move through the treetops
like the ultimate acrobats.

I can't
keep up with them!

How about Buzz Bikes?

Oh, yeah!

Well, this is one way to keep up
with the spider monkeys!

It's amazing how
these monkeys can brachiate,

just swinging
arm over arm.

Arm swinging is as easy for them
as walking is for us.

Uh, hello to you too.

Wow, are you cute!
How old are you anyway?


Hmm, only five months old.

Telling from how you're starting
to arm swing around on your own.

Ah! Yep.
I thought so! Whoa!

I think you spider monkeys
might possibly be

the best climbers
we've ever encountered.

Ah! You're welcome?



Unknown canopy bug!

Whoa! Excuse me, pardon me,
coming through.


I can't
let that bug get away.

I think it's
an undiscovered species

that only lives
in the highest treetops

and never ventures below.


Okay, you win.

Spider monkey
adventure it is.

Did Chris
put you up to this?

And I think
I've got a name for you.






Martin's GPS transponder
is indicating

that he should be
right below us somewhere,

although due to the thick cover
of vegetation,

it is difficult
to get a precise reading.

Let's go in there!

I'm with you!

Take evasive maneuvers!

Mayday! Mayday!




This is why I tend
to stick to inventing.


Okay, fine.
Have it your way.

Jeez, what I put up for in the
quest for creature knowledge.

Your fingers are so long
and thin, and your thumb is--

Wait, you don't have
a thumb.

Ah, spider monkeys
don't have thumbs.

Your hand
is a natural hook.

Hook hands.

That's a great feature
for arm-swinging.

Oh, got to text Aviva!


I just
got a text from Martin.

He says: "Hi, Aviva.

"Make sure you put hook-hands
with long fingers

"that hook onto branches into
the Spider Monkey Power Suit.

"Oh, and there is no thumb

"so it doesn't get in the way
when we arm swing.

Thanks, Martin."

Hmm, interesting.

Uh, Aviva, may I remind you
we're in a tangle of vines

feet above
the forest floor?

Oh, yeah.

Not for long! Keep talking so we
can get a fix on your location.

You know,
this isn't fair.

I'm the climbing brother,

and here I am,
stuck in a tangle of vines,

and Martin is off
swinging through the treetops

with the spider monkeys!



Ugh! Close, anyway.

(Aviva giggling)

Okay, okay, okay,
you found me.


We're going to have to think of
another way to find Martin.

Yeah, I like you too,
but twenty-four kisses?



never-before-seen bug

that lives way up here
in the treetops.

I've got to get
a closer look!

Oh, no, not again.
Goodbye, bug!


You know, I really
like you too, Grabsy.

I'm just not sure
I like being your dolly.


Hey, there is something special
about these shoulder joints.

Spider monkey arms
can rotate in any direction,

and that gives her
arm maximum swing.


Another message
from Martin!

"Hey, Aviva, make sure
the shoulder joints

have degree
swivel action! M.K."

Oh, so that's
how they do it.

Aw, Martin's
living the dream.

Swinging with
spider monkeys.

I've got to get up there!


Hey! What Creature Powers

from the Central
American rainforest

do we have that can climb?

How about a bird? Then you
can just fly up there.

Great idea.

We don't have any bird powers
from this region.

What about
the peregrine falcon?

They're all over the world.

True. They're
in Central America,

but not in
dense forest habitat.

We won't find a peregrine falcon
around here for activation.

The only Creature Power Suit
we have

from this particular rainforest
is...Basilisk Powers!

Uh, they run on water,
don't they?

but they can climb too.

Not as incredible
as spider monkeys of course,

but it just might be good enough
climbing to get me close.

I've got to get up there!

Now I just have to find
a basilisk lizard!

Hey, these little figs
are good.

You know, a lot of animals
only see in black and white,

but this is why most monkeys
and apes see in color,

to be able to spot colorful
fruits amongst all the green.

Oh, wow.
If only we could get to those!

Of course!

A prehensile tail,
a tail that can grab.

With a pad on the end
that even helps it grab better.

A tail that can grab,

that increases
a spider monkey's reach

and her overall
ability to climb.

This could be the greatest
Creature Power Suit yet!


"Don't forget
prehensile tail."

Okay, we're almost there!

Harpy Eagle.
Look out!


Whoa, there go the largest
talons in the world.

Close call. Huh?



Yes! The old
leaf-glider trick.

Never fails.

Hey, Grabsy,
I can't see.


Get your hands--




Beach monkeys to Tortuga.

Beach monkeys
far away from the trees.

Come in, Tortuga.
Sending location.


Okay, that's a slight change
in plans,

but the basilisk lizard
can still help me get there.

All right,
finally a little climbing!

Okay, have it your way.



Oh, this is just great.

I'm the climbing brother, and
I want to be high in the trees,

swinging with
the spider monkeys.

And where do I end up?
On the bottom of the river.

And Martin's the swimming
brother, not me.

But wait a second,
the basilisk will never

see me coming
from down here.


Activate Basilisk Powers!

To the Creature Rescue!

Hey, if you can't brachiate
through the treetops,

running on water
isn't so bad.

Is this your first time
on the ground?

Of course.

A lot of spider monkeys
can go their whole lives

hardly ever
touching the ground.

It's okay, Grabsy,
you can do it!



Hey, I'm pretty good
on the monkey bars,

but you know, I never
even knew I was brachiating.


"Did I mention really,
really, really long arms?

"So long, they drag
along the ground when you walk

so you have to dangle them
over your head."

Hmm, all right,

let's stretch out the arm
program by a factor of . .

Got it!

Lengthening arm function
for maximum brachiation!


I'm good.

Hmmm, the prehensile tail
will be a challenge.

(Chittering morosely)

Okay, fine, I'll carry you,
but here's the deal:

when we get to the trees,
you have to carry me.


Uh-oh, jaguar!

She hasn't
seen us yet.

Don't move.


Okay, she's seen us now.

Change in plans.
Back to the river!





Oh, no, I forgot.
Spider monkeys don't swim.

She doesn't have to!

Oh, yeah!
Nice Creature Rescue, bro!






what's with the hair?

Oh, yeah. This is the way
she likes it.

Come on, let's get to the trees
before the jaguar finds us.


Guys. The Spider Monkey
Power Disc is ready!

With super-long arms,
long hook-like fingers,

hyper rotational
shoulder joints,

feet that grab,
and a prehensile tail!

Coming at you!

Spider Monkey Powers!

Let's get to the trees
before the jaguar returns.




Uh, oh. Let's pick up
the pace, bro.

Yeah, we don't want
to get caught out

with Spider Monkey Powers
on the ground.




Wow, these hook hands
work the branches effortlessly.

And these long arms
give you maximum reach.

(Jaguar growling)

Shoulder joints rotate
in any direction.

Spider Monkey Powers
are awesome.

We are brachiating,


Oh. Even spider monkeys have to
watch where they're going!

Yeah, but prehensile
tails are also

a spider monkey's safety catch
in case they ever fall.


Hey, that's Grabsy's family,
but they're swinging away.

Let's get our climb on!

Oh, yeah, and put
these spider monkey powers

through their paces.

Oh, this is one of
the highlights

of my climbing career.

All right, Grabsy!

There's your mom
and the rest of the group.

It's been great
swinging with you, buddy.

Yeah, you and your kind
are the most awesome climbers,

and your brachiation, well,
you're an inspiration

to kids swinging
on monkey bars everywhere.

And don't worry,
I'll swing back sometime

and visit you again soon.

But right now, I think
your mom's looking for you.


All right! Creature Mission

Grabsy is back
with her family.

Swinging free
and in the wild!

Wow! I am really into these
Spider Monkey Powers.

And I think with
just a few adjustments,

I can make them brachiate
even better.

Whoa, look at that guy!

Oh, I am so ready
for a bug-sized adventure.

And now we can go through
the heights of the rainforest

searching for them
with Spider Monkey Powers.

Hey, but aren't you going to
do something about that hairdo?

Hey, this hair
has started to grow on me.

I think I'll keep it.


Not the hair!

Martin, get back here.
Oh, no, you don't.



What? Hey! No!
Hands off!

I need
my spider monkey powers back

so I can brachiate
out of here!

Spider monkeys are one of
the best climbers in the world.

They naturally have
what it takes to climb.

It starts with
the arms and the hands.

By the way,
which we have too.

Have you ever swung
on monkey bars?

Well, then,
just like a spider monkey,

you were brachiating too.

That's what brachiating is:
arm swinging!

And human kids
are great at it.

But the question is, would
you arm swing on monkey bars

feet off the ground?

Would you arm swing
in the treetops?

For the spider monkey,
the answer is an easy "yes",

because that's what
spider monkeys do

every day,
all the time.

They swing through the trees as
easily as we walk on the ground.

There it is! Brachiating!

That arm-over-arm swinging

that spider monkeys
are famous for.

The spider monkey
gets extra reach

dangling from
the prehensile tail.

Ah, that prehensile tail
is incredible!

He's hanging there
from nothing but his tail.

That leaves his arms free
to pick fruit and eat.

This grabbing tail
is like a fifth hand,

and it acts like
a safety rope.

And if you watch closely, you'll
notice that the spider monkey

always has that tail
wrapped around something

in case he falls.

But for us, even all these
ropes, platforms, and zip lines

are no match for
the acrobatic climbing ability

of the spider monkey.

But all that stuff will give us
the chance to see the rainforest

the way
the spider monkey sees it.

Let's zip, bro!


There are still so many
creature secrets

up here
in the rainforest canopy!


This is awesome!
Come on, Martin!

Ha-ha, I'm on my way!

Wow, it's a different world
up here!

Yeah, the world
of the spider monkey

is open for all kinds
of new discoveries!

Whew, that's the way
a spider monkey does it!

Love being
a spider monkey!

Keep on
creature adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

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