02x08 - Speaking Dolphinese

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x08 - Speaking Dolphinese

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

We're here off the coast
of North America,

in the Great Bahama Bank
of the Caribbean Sea.

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt brothers.

I'm Chris.
I'm Martin.

And we're in search of one of
the smartest creatures

in the ocean.

So smart, they even have their
very own special language

of clicks, whistles,
and body postures.

Do you know who
we're talking about?


Spotted dolphins!

It's a group of wild
spotted dolphins.

They're bow-riding,
having a great time.

Let's get a closer look!
All right.

Wow, there must be about
in this group.

Hey! They're coming right up to
us and swimming with us!

They're so curious!

These intelligent creatures are
as curious about us

as we are of them.

Two young ones, and
they really want to play.

Just like human kids, young
dolphins are really playful.

(Dolphins clicking)
Did you hear that?

When we go under, listen for
those clicks and whistles.

That's the dolphins

talking to each other.
Come on.

(Dolphins squeaking
and clicking)

It's a whole language
of clicks and whistles,

mixed with different
body postures

that scientists are still trying
to unravel and understand.

I wish we could understand
what they were saying.

Are they talking to us?

Trying to tell something?

Imagine if we had the power
to talk to dolphins,

to speak "Dolphinese."

Then we could discover
so much more

about the secret lives of these
intelligent sea creatures.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Parar, Jimmy.

Aqui, aqui es perfecto!


Sorry, JZ.

Sometimes I think in Spanish.
It's my second language.

Okay, are you guys ready
for my surprise?

Are you kidding?
I love surprises!

Especially when it
involves presents.

Does it involve presents?

Well, sort of.

It's an invention
I've been working on.

It's not done yet,
and that's why we're here.

But when we finish it,
it'll be incredible!

Okay, I can't stand it!
I like surprises and presents,

but the best part
is finding out what they are.

Spill it, Aviva.

What is it, Aviva?
What's this mission?

Okay, get ready to hablar un
idioma de los animales!

Hablar un idi- what?

She's speaking Spanish again.

Idioma: language.

Yes! We're going to
speak a creature language!

Talk to animals!
Who? How?

With this, my first creature
language invention!

The Dolphin Decoder.

Dolphins! Yes!

I've been waiting forever
for a dolphin adventure.

You kidding me?
Here's my list

of everything I've always wanted
to say to a dolphin

but didn't know how.

Well, this could be our chance.

But first, we have to figure out
the language.

The sounds and words
of Dolphinese.

Who's going to teach us those?

They are.


Bottlenose dolphins!

(All cheering)

You guys take
the hydrophone part.

I'll take the receiver
to program the sounds.

Dolphin dive!

Ha ha!

Dispatching Amphipod.

Good luck, Team Dolphin.
Make a splash!


Hello, dolphin pod.

It looks like this one has about
dolphins, young and old.

(Dolphins squeaking
and clicking)

(Martin chuckling)
A couple -year-olds.

I think they're talking
about us, Chris.

Yeah, I hope they're saying
nice stuff.

(Dolphins squeaking
and clicking)

What are they saying?

Click, whistle, whistle,
click click.

Oh, that's not good.
It's not?

I have no idea!

It's all Dolphinese to me.

Okay, well let's try
this thing out.

Listen up dolphin pals,
we've got something to say.

I'll pick a whistle
from the database

and see if we can
figure out what it means.

How will we know?

From their reaction.

Here goes.


(Grunting softly)







So, have you
figured it out yet?

No! Not yet!

Well, that whistle definitely
meant something.

Yeah, like, "Let's take these
guys on a crazy ride

"till they can't see straight!"


Stop! Slow down!



(Dolphins squeaking
and clicking)


Or they could be saying
something a little simpler,

like, "Let's play."

They are one of the most playful
creatures in the world.


Okay, so we get it, we get it.

Now we know what
that click-whistle means.

Yeah, the dolphin word
for "let's play"

is this one right here.


Uh oh!
You said it again!




While they're having fun,
we've got to get to work

on getting the sounds we know
into a Dolphin Power Suit.

Well, see the blowhole that
the dolphin breathes from?

Right beside it are chords.

They vibrate
like a guitar string

to make the special clicks
and whistles.

That makes sense.
Vibrating things make sounds.

So if I incorporate those
structures into the suit,

we should be able to reproduce
the special dolphin sounds.

Whoa, whoa!

Remember us??

How many special whistles and
clicks do dolphins make again?


At least!


Whoa-- ah!


No problem.


Okay, you two win.

You're definitely
the most playful creatures

we've ever adventured with.

Yeah, even adult dolphins play.

One of the only animals
in the world

that still plays
when they're full grown.

(Dolphins whistling
and clicking)

Whistle and Click. Ha!

That's what I'll name you two.

You're Whistle,
and you're Click.

(Dolphins whistling
and clicking)

Wait a second.

I've got to play that back.

(Whistle and click)


Martin, they already have names!

That whistle click
is his name.

You're right.
Dolphins actually have names--

personal whistle clicks that are
their very own dolphin names!

And is this your name, Click?



That's it all right!

Chris, we need dolphin names.

I'll be...


I don't think
they can say that.

Must be your Jersey accent.

Put a little more Dolphinese
into it.

Okay, how about this?


That's it. That's me,
Martin, in Dolphinese.

And I'll be...



Yes. I can't believe it.

We're talking to dolphins!

Aviva, Koki, we just made
friends with dolphins!

This is working
better than I thought.

Keep going, guys.
I'm uploading all the words

and their meanings
into the Dolphi-speak database.

Don't forget our names.




I've got them.

I think you've found
some buddies

that can really help us here.

Yeah, dolphins make lifelong
friendships with one another,

and Whistle and Click
are definitely best friends.

Try another one of those mystery
whistles in the database.

Okay, hang on.

Let's see.


Give me a second.

I just have to pick one.


Hmm... Got it!

How about we give
this one a try?

(Squealing twice)


Oh, what did we say this time?

Whatever you said,
they're interested.

Hey, I always have
something important to say

even when I don't know
exactly what it is.


Hey, wait for us!




Hm, I'm picking up some
clicking sounds from the pod--

but super high-pitched.

They're echolocating!

Hunting for fish!
That whistle I said

must have meant something like,

"Fish over here!"
or "Let's eat!"


Oh, Click's looking for Whistle.
She's calling his name.

Must want to hunt with him.


Well, we should help them
find fish,

especially since I'm the one
who said I was hungry.

Dolphin Power suit
coming up, guys.

A couple of quick adjustments
and you'll have the prototype

Dolphin Power Suit, complete
with echolocation power.

Yes, looks like the echolocation
works pretty much the same

as the bat and sperm whale.

They send out a super
high-pitched click sound

through this part
of their head, the melon.

The sound bounces off objects,
like schools of fish

or other prey,
then bounces back,

and the dolphin
picks up the sound waves,

making a picture of what's up
ahead or out of sight.

Great, so I modified the bat
and sperm whale echolocation

and that should do it.

Dolphin discs are ready guys,
with echolocation

and click-whistle
Dolphi-speak features.


Okay, Click, ready
for a couple more dolphins

with suped-up
Dolphi-speak power?

Activate Dolphin Powers!

Oh, yeah!

Now, this is what
I call swimming!


The suit's working.

It's picking up the clicks
just like the hydrophone.

We still have to figure out
what they mean, though.


A school of mullet fish.

I bet that whistle means,
"I found food. This way!"

Follow those dolphins!


Hey, are you getting
any of this?

No, but it seems like they're
making a plan for the hunt.

Problem is, they're doing it
in Dolphinese.

Well, how hard can it be?
Let's just follow their lead.



What's wrong, Click?


Huh? What?

You're saying Whistle.

What about him?


That must be some kind of
distress call.

I think she's worried
about Whistle.


Uh-oh, I'll check it out.

Okay, we'll stay here and
decode this hunting stuff.

Okay guys, let's do this.

Catching fish, dolphin-style!

(Dolphins click-whistling)
Got it. That click whistle

must mean something like,
"Circle the fish!"

No problem.
I'm with you, guys!

Sorry, wrong way.

This way, right?


Ha! I got this now.

We're herding the fish
into a tight ball--

a bait ball! This is genius.

Talk about a smart creature,
and by communicating

you can cooperate
and work together.

(Clicking rapidly)

Oh, up. Got it!

That whistle means move them up.

You're pushing them right
to the surface, aren't you?

So they'll have nowhere
to escape to.

Ha! Brilliant!

Oh, now the feast begins!

Dinner time for dolphins!

No wonder they're one of the
smartest creatures on earth:

a language,
smart hunting strategy,

and one of the largest brains
for their size.

(Squealing in distance)

I hear it too.
Come on, let's check it out.



There he is!

Whistle, we found you!


Come on, Click.
Let's go, let's get him!


What's wrong?

Okay fine, I'll get him.


Oh, that's what that little
click-whistle meant.

Couldn't you have just
said... Shark!

I've never swum so fast!

So maneuverable!

I'm like a torpedo!

Guess I was too much for him.



Ah-- whoa!



Just kidding.

Nice sharky.




A sea sponge?

What are you up to now?

Buddy, you're acting strange.

Why are you stuffing a sponge
into the sand?

A dolphin who likes to clean up?
That's a first.

Weird, it's almost like she's
poking around for something.

Looking for something.

Hm... echolocation engaged!

Who can find it first--
whatever it is.

Nothing but sand
underneath more sand.

You sure there's something
around here?


Amazing! That sponge she uses

is to protect her nose when
she shovels in the rough sand.


I was just about to
find that fish.


Communication alert!

We're having trouble getting a
read on Martin's location.

I had a signal,
but it's disappeared.

How is that possible?

I don't know, but last I picked
it up, it was to the east.

Let's head in that direction,
see if we can find him.

Yeah, we'll spread out;

I'll head out this way
with an echolocation search.

He's still out there,

I know, sharks and orcas.

They're your only
natural predator,

especially for baby dolphins.

I'm still not able to transmit
from inside this wreck.

Maybe if I can just get out
in the open a little bit...

Whew... or maybe not.

Oh, so much for my Creaturepod.

(Squeaking and clicking)

Oh, good idea, Whistle!

Maybe dolphin communication
will help us get out of here.

Let's just hope
someone hears it, and soon.

We're picking up a sound.

It's a dolphin call.

Amplifying sound.

That could be a distress call--

a dolphin in trouble,
saying, "Help!"

That's Whistle's name.

It's Whistle calling for help!

And it's coming from down there.

From that shipwreck?

Aviva! Koki!

Over here!

We see you!
We're coming in to get you!

Oh, nice work, Whistle.

Look out!

Ah! Shark!

No kidding!
We gotta get out of here! Quick!

Martin, we can't get past him!
He'll crush our little Amphipod.

Oh, great!

This shark's never gonna let us
get out of here.

Uh-oh, I'm running out of air.

And so are you.
It's been about minutes,

and that's about as long as
you can stay down

without coming to the surface

to breathe
through your blowhole!

If we don't get to the surface
soon, we're in big trouble.

Hm, nothing in this direction.

Chris, we found them,
but we need help.

They're trapped by a huge Great
White and running out of air!

Uh-oh. I bet the pod knows
how to deal with sharks.

If only I could tell them
what's going on.

You can.
Talk to them!

You know Dolphinese.

Yeah, but not that well.

I mean, the whistles, the
clicks-- it's confusing stuff.

You've got to try.

Head west. Hurry!

Okay pod, listen up.

We've got to talk.

All right, let's see.
Which whistle click?

Uh, here we go.

(Clearing throat)


Oh no, I think I just told them
eating is dangerous.

Wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait.

Uh, I mean-- I mean this:


Ha, they understand!

I'm talking to dolphins.

That counts
as a full sentence, too.

Come on, I'll show you.


You know where they are?


Okay, lead the way.

We'll follow you,
before it's too late.

Okay, Whistle, we just can't
wait any longer.

We're going to have to
try to sneak up there.


What?! Is he crazy?!

We've got to do something.

Uh, distract the shark!

Yoo-hoo! Shark!

Giant amphipod over here!

I can't believe
we're doing this.

There goes the engine.

We've lost power!

Oh no!



To the Creature Rescue!

Use the shark defense!



Hoo! Yes!

That's dolphin power
to the Creature Rescue!

What a defense.

Just in time, bro.

How'd you round up
the whole pod?

Hey, when I talk,
dolphins listen.

Check it out!
Some of the dolphins circle

and protect the young ones
from predators.

While the other ones

When you have sharks and orcas
as your predators,

no wonder the dolphins
have a tough defense.


See ya.
We need air.


We did it!
We did it!

(Crunching sound)

Now we did it!
We're going down!

Guys! Help!

No problem, we know Dolphinese.

Okay guys:


Let's eat!

How can he be telling
the dolphins to eat

at a time like this?

Ooh, when I get my hands
on them...

(Clicking rapidly)

Good work, g*ng.
Going up!


The dolphins' feeding behavior
is saving us.

I had no idea
speaking Dolphinese

would get me out of a jam
like this today.


What an adventure!

Mission accomplished!

We learned Dolphinese
from the masters.

And even used it to talk
to the pod on a rescue mission.

And made some great new
dolphin friends,

Click and Whistle.

(Dolphins squeaking
and clicking)

We helped them,
and they helped us.

By the way, how do you say
"Thanks" in Dolphinese?

That one, right there.

Oh, okay.
Here goes.

(Clicking "Let's play")



What'd I say?

"Let's play."

You said, "Let's play!"


Ooh, I'm going to
get you, Chris!

Enjoy the ride!

With one of the most playful,

and just all around amazing
curious creatures on the planet!


Double spin!


So dolphins have a complex
communication system,

a type of language

that scientists are still
trying to understand.

And we're here
with our friend Kel

from the Dolphin
Communication Project,

who's trying to make sense
of the dolphins' clicks,

whistles, and body postures.
All set, Kel?

Hydrophones are set.

They'll record everything
the dolphins say.

All right, let's go!


Up there!

One dolphin touching the other
with his fin!

That's fin rubbing, a sign of
affection between two dolphins.

Those guys must be pals.

Kel and her team have put
together a picture database

of the dolphins,
and can tell who's who

by their different spot patterns
and scars.

That, plus the hydrophone

are used to understand what
the dolphin sounds mean.

Scientists have identified about
different sounds so far--

sounds that mean things
like "Danger,"

or "Come on, this way,"

or, of course,
there's always, "Let's play!"


It's fascinating that
some scientists now believe

that dolphins have their own
signature whistles and clicks,

or names.

I'm going to go try
and introduce myself.

I'll go with ee-whoo-ee-whoo.


(Dolphins whistle-clicking)

Nice to meet you.

Did you notice how the dolphins
are making sounds

but their mouths are closed?

That's because dolphins
don't talk with their mouths

like we do.

They make their sounds
out of their blowholes.

Dolphins have amazing
creature powers!

Speedy underwater, they can jump
out. They can talk underwater.

Dolphins are one of the most
awesome animals in the ocean.

Wow, that was incredible.

Two curious creatures, humans
and dolphins, swimming together,

and trying
to understand each other.

And the more people study their
communication, the closer we get

to really understanding these
cool creatures, right, Kel?

That's right,
and we'll look at this video

and the acoustic as soon
as we get back to the lab.

All right!
See you later, dolphins!

Keep on creature adventuring!


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