02x19 - Road Runner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x19 - Road Runner

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're creature adventuring
in North America.

In a really special wild habitat
called the Sonoran Desert.

It's hot and dry
and filled with cactus.

And us,
the Kratt brothers!

I'm Martin.

I'm Chris, and these
are saguaro cactus.

They're the kind of cactus

that give the Sonoran Desert
its special look.

And you know who really
loves saguaro cactus?


All sorts of birds
perch on saguaros.

Gila woodpecker!


Morning dove!

Cactus wren!

Ah, and check it out!
The saguaros are in bloom.

Right on the top
are beautiful white flowers.

And that's what's
attracting the birds.

The birds are sipping the nectar
out of the saguaro flowers.

Hey, where's the roadrunner?

Over there!


He's the fastest-running bird
in North America!

We better get a close look
at him before he races off!

The roadrunner is a bird
born to run.

Oh, everything about him
looks fast.

He has a long neck
and long tail

that balance him perfectly
over those long legs.

And when he runs, he can stretch
out like an arrow.

When a roadrunner
stretches out those long legs

in a running stride,

he can cover three times his
body length with each stride!

His feet have claws that
dig into the desert turf,

giving him traction
for expl*sive speed.

And when he's done fluffing up
those head feathers,

he can tuck them down

A racer all the way.

There he goes!

Yeah, but where'd he go?

That's one of the problems

with trying to keep up with
a lightning fast birdie!

He's gone in a flash!

Oh, but imagine if we had

the running abilities
of a roadrunner!

Imagine if we could race
across the desert

as fast as a roadrunner can!

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

What kind of lizard
is that?


We'll find out as soon
as we catch him.


After that mystery lizard!





Ha ha ha-- oh!

(Chris groaning)


Whoa, whoa!


(Rock cracking)



(Groaning, coughing)


And we only have two good tires
for the Createrra left.

We need to replenish our stocks
of solar panels.

I've got a big list.

We really have to go to the
nearest town to get supplies.

Like, now!

Ay, Martin and Chris aren't
going to be psyched about that.

You know
they'll say something like,

"But we just got here
to the Sonoran desert,"

and "We've only met a few of
the creatures who live here!"


But we can't wait any longer,
and that's the point.

We're in a desert and we're also
running out of water.


Hey, why don't we just take
the Createrra?

(Chomping, munching)

That way,
we get the stuff we need

and the bros can keep

Did you see this list?

We need too much stuff.

It's time for our giant annual
Tortuga resupply!

Yeah, come to think of it,

I am running low on a lot
of important materials

for Creature Power Suit

Uh oh, and what if
we run out of snacks?!


(Coughing, gasping)

Water... water...

We need water!


The desert is giving us
a beating.

(Gulping water)





(Gulping water)

Guys, knock it off.

We have to conserve!

This is our last bottle
of water.

Aviva and I have just decided

we have to leave now and go
to town and get resupplied.


But we just got here
to the Sonoran Desert.

And we've only met a few of
the creatures who live here!

I told you.

I know, but we've run out
of so many things and--

Oh no!

This is the last bag of nachos,

and we have no more salsa!

Oh yeah, you do have to have
salsa for your nachos,

especially when
you're adventuring

in the desert Southwest.

Wait a second,
we can't go now.

We're just on the tail

of that speedy little mystery
lizard over there.

Leaving now is against

the Wild Kratts Creature
Adventuring Code of Conduct.

Yeah, you're right, bro.

Got to stay until we know

exactly who that
mystery lizard is.

Whoever it is, it'll be a new
animal for our Life List.

Seeing through binoculars
doesn't count.

We have to see it
up close and personal

to add it to our Life List.

I know, but at least
we'd know

what we're trying to get
a closer look at.




It has two tails,
three eyes and--

Uh, Martin?


The binoculars are broken.

Now we have another reason
to head to the nearest town:

new binoculars.

Come on, guys, get packed up
and ready to go.

just five more minutes?

Oh, come on!

We just have to get close
to that speedy mystery lizard!

Just five more minutes.


Fine, I have to still realign
the Tortuga's hover thrusters

before we take off.

I can give you...
half an hour.

All right!

All right!

Thanks, Koki!

Yeah, we'll be
right back!

Sure you will.

All right,
this will be great.

As soon as I spot the lizard...

I'll let you go,

and then you'll go
flying after him.

And I can grab that mystery
lizard as I fly by.


I should've activated Bear
Powers or something strong.

You see the lizard?

Not yet.

Could be a while.

Oh, there he is!



It's... it's... it's a...




Chris, what are you
doing up there?

The mystery lizard
is getting away.

I'm kind of... stuck.

Oh, yeah.

let me get you down.

Wait, wait, care--

Ow, ow, ow, careful!

Oh great, I'm in the middle
of a tug of w*r

between my brother
and a saguaro cactus.

Grrr... oof!


We can't give up, but that
mystery lizard is so fast.

I don't know if anything
out here can catch him.


There he is.

He's a...

He's a...


Whoa, look at them go!

The roadrunner
is gaining!

Oh, no.

We have to find another
mystery lizard.

Wow, I never realized
a roadrunner

is as big as a chicken.

And twice as fast.

I got to see that again.

Okay roadrunner,
show us your stuff.

On your marks, get set... run!

Uh, run!

Race off!

Uh, roadrunners don't listen
very well.


We need a speedometer!


miles an hour.

That makes the roadrunner

one of the fastest-running
birds in the world.

Oh, and check out that
aerodynamic running posture.

But with his head down!

He's not running
with his head out.

I don't think he can see
where he's going,

because he's running
right into a...


Ha ha, of course!

We should've seen that

A roadrunner can fly,

but he just prefers to run
most of the time.

Ho-oh, I love how the roadrunner
uses vantage points,

like cactus or rocks to perch
and scan for prey.

And then when he spots
something, he runs off after it.

Oh, and what a great Creature
Power that would be to have.

Could you imagine?

Roadrunner Powers!

Are you thinking what
I'm thinking, brother?

Oh, yeah, I'm thinking
what you're thinking.

We convince Aviva--

--to secretly make us
roadrunner powers--

--then use them to catch up
with the mystery lizard--

--and get back to
the Tortuga--

--before Koki even knows
she was gone.



Hey Chris!
What's up?

Not so loud!


Hey, Chris.

Why are we whispering?


So we don't startle
this awesome roadrunner.

Uh, you should probably
whisper too.

Hey, why don't you come out here
and check out this roadrunner?

It is the fastest-running bird
in North America.

Oh, and don't forget,

never go anywhere without
your Mobile Invention Kit.


Why would I bring
my Mobile Invention Kit?

We're getting ready to leave,

Well, uh...

a good inventor
is always prepared!

Yeah, okay.


Where are you guys?

We're right over here
at the saguaro cactus.



Which one?

The one with
the roadrunner on it!

Oh, okay.

I'll be right there!

I mean, I'll be right there.

Aviva, you've got to see
this bird!

You got here pretty fast, but
this bird can run even faster.

Faster than any two-legged
creature out here.

Meet the super-speedy birdie...
the roadrunner!

Nice to meet you.

Hey, what's he doing that for?

Because he's curious,

but get ready for what
he's famous for...


Check out that
stretched-out pose.

Look at those legs move.

He is some impressive sprinter.

Aren't roadrunner powers

So Aviva, would you love

a Roadrunner Power Disc
or what?

Yeah, how about it,

You think you could
just make us

a roadrunner Power Suit
real quick?

Yeah, but...
Koki's all ready to leave.

Oh, with a super-speedy
roadrunner suit,

we could identify that
mystery lizard in no time,

and then be on our way!

I guess I could quickly modify
the peregrine falcon suit

and focus on the running powers.

The basilisk lizard is similar
in its leg action,

minus the water-walking


Okay, I'll do it!

But don't tell Koki.



Okay, it's time to go!

Oh, hi, Koki!

Could we have five
more minutes?

Five more minutes?

I already gave you
an extra half-hour!



Here's the thing, Koki.

Chris bumped into a cactus,

and it'll take us a while
to get all the spines out.


Well, okay, fine,
but hurry.

The Tortuga hub struts
could use a realignment.

I'll give you
another half-hour,

but not a minute more!

Oh, so that's what
you come up with?

Shoving your brother
into a cactus?

That's the first thing
I thought of.

Whoa, ugh!



It'll be perfect timing,

By the time you get
those cactus spines out,

I'll have finished programming
roadrunner powers!

And meanwhile, I'll come up
with a name for you.

Hmm, Speed Bump?




Almost there...



Got it!

Whew, no more spines!

I'll name you...
Speed Limit!

Programming complete!

But there's only one
blank Power Disc

to put the roadrunner powers on!

Koki was right, we really do
need to go get resupplied.

Martin, Chris.

You have to decide which
of your existing discs

you want to erase.

That's the only way both of you
get a roadrunner Power Disc.


Erase one of these?!

Gecko powers?

No way, I'm not going
to erase my ability

to walk upside-down
on glass.

Oh, and forget about erasing
orangutan powers.

Do you remember what we had
to go through to get this?


There's no way we could erase

one of our Creature Power Discs
for a new one,

even if it is roadrunner powers
we're talking about.

But we could share

one roadrunner Power Disc
between us.

We could!

One of us will try to catch the
lizard with roadrunner powers.

The other one can help with
another desert animal power

that they have encountered that
would prey on lizards, like...

rattlesnake powers!

Great plan!

(Tapping keys, beeping)

All right, guys, it's ready.

And I'll start with the
roadrunner powers.


Hey, no fair!

Why you?

Because I'm the one
whose brother

bumped him into a cactus!


He did get me back.

Now that you have
roadrunner powers,

you better identify
that mystery lizard,

and fast!

And then get back to the ship
so we can get resupplied.

Hey, Speed Limit,
wait up!

Okay, rattlesnakes,
where are you hiding?

Don't be late.

Don't get me in trouble
with Koki.

Oh, how am I going to catch up
to this bird

when he has roadrunner powers
and I don't?

I have an idea!

The old Creature Pod
projection trick!

(Electricity zapping)

Activate Roadrunner Powers!

Thanks, buddy.

Now, where's that
mystery lizard?

Which way did he go?



No sign of him.

Nothing but desert.

Where are you, mystery lizard?

That lizard's got to be
around here somewhere!

I'll catch up with him somehow!

(Rattlesnake hissing, rattling)

Don't worry, buddy.

I'm hearing you rattle me
a warning,

but I'm just going to grab
your shed skin!

You don't need this anymore,

I mean, you shed your skin
every four months.

And I must say your new skin
looks spectacular.

(Hissing, rattling)

Are you kidding me?

I wasn't going to touch you,
but I am going to...

Activate Rattlesnake Powers!


(Snake rattling)

Oh, okay, okay, I get it!

I'll find my own place
to ambush a mystery lizard.

There it is!

Another mystery lizard!

Yep, makes perfect sense.

The roadrunner is so fast,

his hunting strategy
is to run down lizards,

even really fast lizards
like the mystery lizard.


He's trying to lose me
in those furry plant st*lks.



Hey, I'm sure I remember
from somewhere

that roadrunners are simply
too fast for coyotes.

Now where'd I hear that?

The Albuquerque Zoo?

No wait, maybe the Hoboken
Wildlife Center?

Or did Martin tell me
about that?

Hmm, wherever I heard it,
I'm pretty sure it's true.


Sounds kind of familiar, but
I don't think I told you that.

Coyotes can catch roadrunners,
so watch your tail!

Yeah, I kind of
figured that out.


Sorry about that.

Hey, don't worry, Chris.

I'm used to covering for you.

Right now, though,

I've got an unsuspecting
mystery lizard heading my way.

Hey, where are you going?

I didn't even strike yet!



Oh, I knew that roadrunners
ate reptiles,

but roadrunners eat

Give me that!

Okay, this is easy.

I'll try an awesome rattlesnake
rattle-and-strike move

to scare this hungry
roadrunner away.

How about this?


So, you're not going to listen
a warning?

Then... strike!


Wow, you roadrunners are quick
on your feet.


And I definitely didn't know

that roadrunners could hunt
in teams.

Wha-- what?



Or whip... snakes...

back... and forth...

to subdue them!


Uh, okay, now that
hurts a little.

And you said you were
covering for me?

Well, it would be
a little easier

to find that mystery lizard
if I had roadrunner powers.

My turn!

Here you go.

Activate Roadrunner Powers!

Hey guys, you feel like catching
a mystery lizard?

Well you'd better start running,

because I plan
to catch him first.

(Watch beeping)

Okay, guys, your second
half-hour is up.


Aviva, you programmed them
a new creature power?!

Sorry, Koki.

They said they would be fast.

Ho-ho, I am fast!

A roadrunner can run
miles per hour.

And that's faster than
any lizard out here.

There, a lizard!

Hey, wait a second.

You're not the mystery lizard.

You're kind of round and chubby.

Your legs are short and I doubt
you're much of a runner,

and with all those beads

and really cool
black-and-peach pattern...

I'd recognize you anywhere.

You're a Gila monster,

a venomous lizard who eats
small birds and mammals.




Ah, those are some strong jaws.

I can even feel the pressure
through my boot!

Gila monsters are also one

of the most venomous lizards
in the world,

and Martin's been bitten!

Uh...Koki, wait.

A venomous bite
from a Gila monster!

We need an emergency
medical evacuation!

I knew something would happen if
we didn't leave on schedule.

(Alarm sounding)

We have to get Martin back
to the Tortuga

and give him Aviva's
anti-venom shot.

But Koki,
I wasn't really bitten!

I was-- he hasn't bitten
through my boot.

It's just that he won't let go
and... uh, Jimmy?

(Alarm sounding)


Oh yeah, this is an emergency!
A big emergency!


Hey, don't worry.

The Gila mo--


(Martin talking, muffled)

Oh no, he's mumbling!

We've got to hurry.

To the Tortuga,
ambulance speed!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait a second!

Martin's not hurt.

Martin didn't get any venom
from the Gila monster.

So he doesn't need
my anti-venom shot!


I've got to catch up
to them, and fast.

You might want to talk
to the roadrunner.

Good idea, Aviva.

You know what, Speed Limit?

To save my brother from getting
an unnecessary shot,

I need some speed.

I need to...
activate roadrunner powers!

Want a lift?

Ha-ha, sure.

Let's go!

Martin, do you know
your name?

What's your favorite color?

How many flashlights
am I holding up?

(Martin talking, muffled)

Can you feel anything
when I do this?

(Talking, muffled)

It's no use.

I can't understand him.

I'm not hurt!

Yeah, you are!

You were bitten by
a venomous Gila monster!

No, I wasn't.

He's delirious!

He needs Aviva's anti-venom shot
to stop the poison.

No, no, no, wait!

Look, the Gila monster didn't
bite through my adventure boot.

No bite.

No venom. See?


Stop! Wait!

Martin wasn't bitten
by a Gila monster.

We know.

Another thing I know

is I've got both Kratt brothers
back on the Tortuga,

and I'm not letting them go!


But Koki, we haven't completed
our mission

of discovering the identity
of the mystery lizard.

We can't leave
the Sonoran Desert yet.

Oh, yes, we can.

We are going to get
this Tortuga resupplied.

Engage flying mode.

Say goodbye
to the Sonoran Desert.

Uh, we can't say goodbye
to the Sonoran Desert.


What are you up to?

Oh nothing, it's just that

when I was running over here
with my roadrunner powers,

I kind of caught the...
mystery lizard!


A collared lizard!
Of course!

Way to go, bro.

And I brought it here
to show everybody,

but I didn't think we'd be
leaving right away.

You see, we can't take
this collared lizard away

from his wild desert home!

So, what you're telling me

is that we have to turn around
and go back

so that the collared lizard can
be living free and in the wild?


Okay, fine.

We'll go back
to the Sonoran Desert,

but only for five more minutes.

Okay, fine.


That's all we'll need!

Hey Chris, you ever wonder
why a roadrunner

is called a roadrunner?


I think it's because one of
the best places to see them

is running across a road
in the desert.

So let's hit the road!

If you want to understand
roadrunner powers,

you've got to get on your bike!

Because a roadrunner can run
as fast as you can ride a bike

at full tilt on a flat stretch.

Whoo! Ha-ha!

These birds have
expl*sive speed,

and they can run down
the fastest lizard.

There! There's one!

He doesn't stick around
for long.


He's gone in a flash!

A roadrunner has a phenomenal
success rate when he hunts.

When he starts out after a prey,
he catches it almost every time.

Maybe the roadrunner's favorite
prey of all is lizards.

Spiny lizards, whiptail lizards,
common side-blotched lizards.

Gila monsters!

Except maybe the roadrunners

won't go for an adult
Gila monster.

I mean, they are big and
they've got that venomous bite,

but all the other lizards
are on the menu.

Hey, roadrunner on the move!

What's he up to now?


Wow. He's also good
in the trees.

Check it out,
that is his sunning posture.

He spreads out his feathers
to let the sunshine and warmth

get down to his skin.

Yeah, and he puts his back
to the sun.

The sun rays are coming
right in, warming him up.

Nights in the desert
can get really cold,

so first thing in the morning,
as soon as that sun rises,

the roadrunner wants
to warm up.

And when he's warmed up,

down go the feathers,
sleek and aerodynamic,

and the roadrunner's ready
to hunt.

The roadrunner can fly,
and he uses it in hunting,

but when you get this bird
on the ground

he can chase down any lizard.

And that's a good place to look
out over the landscape

and spot for lizards.


All right, he's so cool!

Let's try to keep up
with him.

So, next time you're on the road
in the Sonoran Desert,

keep your eyes out
for a flash of feathers.

It just might be
a roadrunner.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you
on the creature trail!

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