02x17 - Gila Monster Under My House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x17 - Gila Monster Under My House

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

Hey, we're creature-adventuring
in North America,

in a special region
known as the Sonoran Desert!

It's us, the Kratt brothers!

I'm Martin.
I'm Chris.

When you're mountain-biking
in the desert,

you gotta keep your eyes
on the trail.

And on the cactus!

And on the gila monster!


I don't believe it.

A gila monster!

He's sunning,
getting warmed up for action.

He's on the move!
Let's go.

This is the largest lizard in
the United States and Canada.

And one of the only
venomous species of lizard

in North America.

But don't worry,
they won't attack you.

They're more defensive.

And it's okay for us
to hang out with him,

as long as we give him
his space.

Gila monsters stay hidden
in their underground burrows

for most of the year.

And only come up after summer
rains, or in the spring

when food is abundant,
to find a meal.

And he's looking for a meal.

This gila monster
is searching for a nest.

See that tongue
tasting, tasting.

The gila monster can follow
the trail of an animal--

a bird or a mammal--
right to the nest.

And when it finds a nest, it'll
gobble up everything inside--

eggs and young.

And he only has to eat
three or four meals,

and he's good
for the entire year!

Not only is the gila monster one
of the coolest-looking lizards

in the world, he also has
fantastic creature powers.

A powerful lockjaw...

With a venomous bite.

And a bumpy skin with bony
beads of armor inside.

And sharp claws
with the ability to dig

in the rocky Sonoran earth.

Imagine what it would be like

to have the creature powers
of a gila monster.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


A gila monster!


(Phone ringing)

Incoming creature alert,

coming from right here,
in the Sonoran Desert.

Wild Kratts, come in!
It's me, Javier.

There's a gila monster
under my house and I'm scared.

A gila monster?

A gila monster?

Yeah, he's sitting under
my porch and won't go away.

What do I do?

Hang on, Javier!
We'll be right there!

B-but we were just leaving
the Sonoran Desert.

We have to get resupplied.

There's a Wild Kratts kid afraid
of a really cool creature.

We've got to
straighten this out.

And plus there's still a lot for
us to learn about gila monsters!


Creature Mission:
To learn the truth

about the misunderstood
gila monster.

There's a gila monster
under my house and I'm scared.


There's a gila monster
under my house and I'm scared.

There's a gila monster
under my house and I'm scared.

"There's a gila monster under
my house and I'm scared."

It's those Wild Rats.

Hmm, let's see
where they're going.

Zachbot, put a tail on them.


I didn't mean literally!

"Put a tail on them"
means follow them!

And spy on them!


Martin! Chris!
Over here!

Hey, Javier.
You okay?

Yeah, but I'm glad
you're here.

Where's the gila monster?

R-r-right under there.


My grandfather told me that
if a gila monster bites you,

it won't let go
until the sun goes down!

Well, it's true
that gila monsters

have a very powerful bite

and jaw strength
like a power wrench.


Jaw strength
like a power wrench?

But even a gila monster doesn't
hold onto a bite all day.

There are a lot of
misunderstandings and myths

about the gila monster, and you
are lucky enough to have one

living under your porch

so you can get to know
the real gila monster.

Jaw strength like
a power wrench?

Hmm, and the boy said

they'll hold on till
the sun goes down.

I've just had
another brilliant idea!

I'm going to produce a line
of gila monster power wrenches

and sell them in hardware stores
all over the world

and make billions of dollars!


And this is what my gila monster
power wrenches will look like!

Now I just need gila monsters.

Okay, a gila monster
is nobody to be scared of.

For starters, a gila monster
spends % of his life

just resting in the entrance
of a burrow.

And you are just about
the luckiest kid

in the Sonoran Desert

because this gila monster has
chosen your porch as his burrow.

I don't want a gila monster
under my porch.

Uh, okay.
How about this?

Gila monsters are one of the few
venomous species of lizards

in the world
with a poisonous bite

but their venomous bite
is a defensive bite.

Gila monsters just like to
hang out and be left alone.


I'm telling you, Javier,
gila monsters are so cool.

I don't want a gila monster
under my porch.

Oh, this is going to be
a tough nut to crack.

I know.

He is a big lizard.

And to a little kid like Javier,
he must look scary.

But if we were littler
than him...

And we weren't scared...

Then maybe
he wouldn't be scared either.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking, bro?

I think so.

The Miniaturizer?!

You got it, buddy!

And we're going to
get mini-sized.

And go under your porch
and prove to you

that humans don't need to be
afraid of gila monsters.

All right,
let's go visit a gila monster.

Be careful.

You said
he's got a venomous bite.

He doesn't want to
bite anyone.

He just wants to be left alone
and asleep in his burrow.

Wow, look at that color.

Most gila monsters
are orangey-peach and black,

swirled together
into really cool patterns.

And that color
is a bright warning

letting other animals know

that this gila monster
has a toxic bite

so they don't mess with him.


A bobcat!

The gila monster's sleeping!

A wild cat
can take advantage of that.

Wake up! Wake up!


Whoa, gila monster
held him off.


The gila monster is a creature
who makes peach a tough color.

Ewww, what kind of monster
is peach color?

I'll just paint
my gila monsters

to be more red
and tough-looking.

That's better!

So you see, a gila monster
can be tough

and does have a venomous bite

But having one under your house
is nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I guess
I am kind of lucky.

No, I'm really lucky.

You've led me
to my next big thing:

Zach's gila monster wrenches!

Now I just need
the gila monsters to power them.

Hmm, but I'll leave that one
to distract the brothers.

Get out there, Zachbot.

Collect all the gila monster
lizards you can find.


See, Javier, he just likes to
have his peace and quiet.

Yeah, he's pretty cool.

Told you.

He's on the move.
Let's give him some space.

let's see what he's up to.

Come on, Javier!

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.
It'll be fun!


This is so rare to see
a gila monster on the move.

Gila monsters only come out
a few months of the year.

In the spring--
March, April, and May--

they come out
for a spring feast

of small mammals, birds,
reptiles, and--


A gila monster only has to eat
three meals like this,

and he's good
for the whole year.

I have to eat three meals
every day!

He's swallowing them whole!


Gilas really pack it in!

Wow. Gila monsters
are pretty slow walkers.

Hey, why hurry
when you don't have to?

(Humming to music)

Hmm? Uh-oh.
Hey, Koki, Aviva.

I just thought I saw a Zachbot.

Do you see anything up there?

I'll go look.

Yeah, I got one over here!

And over here!

What do you think,

Let's find out
what they're up to.

I'm with you.


Get back here
with those gila monsters!

Zach's capturing
gila monsters, but why?

It says here that
in the Sonoran Desert,

there are only several thousand
left in the wild.

Well, whatever he's doing,
the gila monsters are in there.

Let's go!

Now, that's my good Zachbots.

You brought me
lots of gila monsters.


But you also brought me
two Wild Ratts!

Bad robots! Bad!

Zach, put those
gila monsters back!

Or we'll put them back
for you!

Oh, of course, you're right.

I'll get right to that
after I...

fire disrupto beams!




Ugh. I do not like seeing
my inventions destroyed,

especially by Zach!

Okay, now I'm mad.

Well, if he wants
gila monsters,

let's see if he can handle
some gila monster Power Suits!

Great idea, Koki.

Come on, time
to do some inventing.

We're almost back
to my house.

Yeah, he's heading
for the shade under your porch.

Hold on!

Another gila monster,
twelve o'clock!

Look out, both are males.

When they meet,
I think we're going to have

a rarely-seen-before
creature moment.

A gila monster battle!

Gila monsters may be slow,

but when they strike,
they never let go.

These are one of the heaviest
lizards in North America,

and they are throwing
their weight around.

This makes it easy.
I'm going to name him Lockjaw!

Because when he bites,
he locks on.

But which one's Lockjaw?

He's the one that lives under
my house, and he's awesome!

Whoa, he got a hold!

And he got a hold!

They both got a hold!

Wow! Gila fight!

Okay, now this is some power

that can easily
take on Zachbots.

Powerful bites and tough, beaded
skin to protect from bites.

Add those muscular limbs,
impressive claws...

Which give the gila monster
his fantastic digging powers!

This is exactly the kind of
information I need

in order to make
my gila monster power suits.

Oh, yeah!

Okay, today it's a tie.

This is springtime and Lockjaw
and the other gila monsters

are most concerned
with filling up their bellies.

Hey, Aviva, thanks
for getting started

on those gila monster powers.

Whoa-- oof!

And don't forget, gila monsters
have bumpy scales!

Whoa-- oof!

It's going to be fun
to try those suits out.

Uh, fun will have to wait.

We forgot to mention
we've got a creature crisis.

While you've been observing
this gila monster,

Zach's been collecting others
all over the Sonoran Desert.

And we're not sure
what he's up to.

I've got some good observations
to start with,

but I need my inventing
equipment, pronto.

Jimmy, can you bring the Tortuga
over to Javier's house?

Sure thing.

Great. I'm on it!

Hey Aviva, when you're
programming the creature powers,

don't forget about
tremendous bite strength.

And scales like round beads.

A powerful strike.

Warning colors.

Ooh, venom!

I've got it!
I've got it!

Look! The gila monster's
going back to my house!

Hey, how'd you guys do that?

He really likes
the gila monster now.

How'd you change his mind?

It wasn't us.

It was the coolness
of the gila monster!

And as the day gets hotter,

the gila monster has to find
a cool place to rest.

He's got that scaly skin
to keep the moisture in,

but even this lizard can't stand
the intense heat

of the high desert sun.

That's why he likes it
under my porch.


But what does Zach like
about gila monsters?

Okay, now
this cold-blooded lizard

is the height of creature cool.

There is no way we can let
Zach collect them,

and we've got to rescue
the ones he's already caught.

But what could Zach be up to?


Walk much, bro?

I tripped.

Over sand?

No, over something
in the sand.


Gila-monster eggs!


I have gila monster eggs
under my porch?!

And there aren't many
gila monsters left.

Every egg-- every gila monster--
is precious.

We've got to stop Zach and
return the gila monsters back,

living free and in the wild.

Koki, Javier-- you guys stay
here and protect Lockjaw

and the eggs
so Zach can't get them.

Got it.

If Zach tries to mess with the
gila monsters, I'll bite him.


And we'll go
rescue the others.

Real size!

To the creature rescue!

Uh, we're definitely off
on a creature rescue,

but where are we going?

Where's Zach's plane?

Uh... good point, bro.
I have no idea.

But there's always
a good way to find out!

Hey Koki, can you give us
a location on Zach's plane?

Well, sure I could,
if I was in the Tortuga.

But I'm under a porch
guarding a gila monster.

Oh, yeah.

Hm. Okay, if I were Zach,
where would I hide?

Hey, JZ, can you give us
a location on Zach's plane?

You're right on track, guys.

Keep heading north.


We've got him!

Bros, I've got good news!

The gila monster power discs
are complete!

Heads up, Jimmy!



Gila monster powers.
I can't wait to use them.

Production of the gila monster
power wrenches

is going as planned.

I am harnessing
the gila monster's bite

to power wrenches
with incomparable grip!

It works!

Zach's monster-power wrenches
are going to be

the greatest power wrenches
in the hardware stores!

And I'll make billions!

How are we going to
get past that bot?

He's blocking the entrance.

How about the old "video
projection of a creature" trick?

Ho-ho! Great idea, bro.

He's falling for it.

It doesn't know it's a video.

It thinks
it's an actual gila monster.

But if you keep moving
slow and natural like that,

he's going to catch it
and find us out.

Hmm. Let's speed things up.


The Zachbot doesn't know gilas
walk slow on four feet.

So how about two?

Fly away, little lizard.

Fly away!


Okay, okay.
Pull it together, bro.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know:
we're on a creature mission.

The coast is clear.

So what's Zach up to
this time?

I can't stand how Zach
uses animals as spare parts.

Yeah, and no better way
to turn the tables

than rescuing our lizard friends
with gila monster powers!



He's just reacting
in his natural way.

True, but he's giving us away.


Activate gila monster powers!

Ready for
some gila monster combat?

Oh, yeah.

Engage bite power.





I figured you two would show up
and try and mess up my plan,

so I have a surprise
for you

while you're standing
right there.




Oh no.
This is going to hurt!


And just so you can't mess
with me further,

I'm prepared to go underground!

Hey, I've got to admit,
that's pretty impressive,

except that Zach should have
been paying closer attention

to gila monster powers.

Gila monsters can dig!

Let's show him how.

I've beaten them this time!

My plan is foolproof!



Except if the fools
you're trying to beat

have gila monster powers!

Release our gila monster
friends, Zach.

No! Forget it!

These slow-witted lizards
are totally under my control.

Uh, careful Zach.

Gila monsters
have a powerful bite.

He can't bite.
He can't even move.

I'm not talking about
that one, I'm talking about--


That one.

Zach, we warned you
to be careful.

Owee! Owee!
Owee! Owee!

Get it off! It hurts!

That's because of the venom.

The venom makes a gila monster
bite hurt worse than normal.

Some people just don't pay
attention to the warning colors

and the warning hisses and
have to learn the hard way.

Yeah, but even though Zach is so
annoying, we've got to help him.

I mean,
you've got to help anybody

with a gila monster
locked onto his behind.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Okay, Zach, we'll take you to
the Tortuga first-aid clinic

as soon as you release
the gila monsters.

Okay, okay, okay,
just hurry!

Owee-ow, ow, ow, owee!


You're free!

And so are you!

Get it off!


Uh, we can't.

A gila monster lets go
when he wants to.

But don't worry,
he won't hang on all day.

And we'll help you out.

Hey, everybody!

We've got a medical emergency!


How did that happen?

I'm sorry for
stealing your inventions

and calling you
"Little Miss Science Pants"

and capturing creatures.
Just please get it off!

Zach, quiet and don't move,

and the gila monster
will let you go.

Ow, it still hurts.

Yeah, that's the venom.

And here's my special antivenom.

No, not a needle!

Zach, I already
gave you the shot.

It should already be
feeling better.

It does feel better,
but it's still all your fault!


Why did you give me the idea

that gila monsters are good

for anything
in the first place?



They're dangerous.



Well, at least he won't bother
gila monsters anymore.

(Phone ringing)

The gila monster eggs
are hatching!

He's just like a big one,
but cuter.

Que lindo.

This is incredible.

When a gila monster
hatches out,

she is an exact replica
of her parents-- just smaller.

Yeah, gila monsters are the only
lizards in North America

that lay their eggs so
they develop over the winter

and hatch the next spring.

That's so that the eggs hatch
when food is abundant.

And she goes off on her own
to find her first feast.

I love gila monsters!

And I'm so glad
they live under my house.

So the gila monster
is one impressive lizard...

...with his bright
warning colors,

...his armored skin,

...his venomous bite
given by powerful jaws.

The gila monster
has enough defensive power

to move around freely
in the desert.

But he's not
completely invulnerable.

There are some predators
who can get at him.

How about hooded skunks?
They are pretty tough weasels.

Definitely would get a small
one. Maybe not a big one.

Yeah, but coyotes could.

Those wild dogs
are adaptable and smart.

And a cougar.

A cougar can pretty much
catch what it wants,

but even they would
have to be careful

around that bite
with the venom.

And from above, they've got to
look out for great-horned owls.

Oh, and golden eagles.

You might never see
those aerial predators coming

if you're a gila monster.

But one thing's for sure--

he's tough enough

for even the ultimate
predators to think twice

and be careful whenever
they see the warning colors

and pattern of the gila monster.

Our guy is a beautiful

and black color pattern.

But, depending on what part of
this desert you're in,

they can come in yellow, pink
or orange.

Oh, and the gila monster
has a close relative

that is mostly black
with just splashes of color.

It's called the Mexican
beaded lizard.

Whatever the shade, the gila
monster is a colorful character

that makes the Sonoran Desert
a special place.

And if you ever see one
on the surface, you're lucky,

because they don't stay
up here for long.

Gila monsters love rocky areas.
This is their habitat.

A gila monster searches
through the rocks

for burrows and nests
of other animals,

and it's also where
he'll make his own burrow

where he spends
most of the year.

The hot sun in the desert
can even get too much

for the gila monster.

I mean, he loves to soak up
those rays in the early morning.

But, by midday,
it's way too hot,

so the gila monster seeks shade.

This cactus is a great place
to hang out,

right at the base of it where
the ground's nice and cool.

Huh, I like it here, too.

The gila monster has to hunt,
and we have to go.

See you later, buddy.

Keep on creature-adventuring.

We'll see you
on the creature trail!

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