03x17 - Under Frozen Pond

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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03x17 - Under Frozen Pond

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're here
in North America,

up here in Canada.

In the eastern woodlands
of the great north.

And it's the middle of winter.

It's us,
the Kratt brothers!

I'm Marin!
I'm Chris!

And it is freezing out here!

But we're okay, because
we've got our winter gear

to keep us warm.

But what
about the animals?

How do they deal
with the winter?

Well, for starters, some
animals just get out of here!

They live here in the pond

in the spring and
summer when it's warm,

but when fall comes,
they fly south.

All sorts of birds
and butterflies too,

take flight looking
for warm weather,

open water,
and green vegetation.

(Geese honking)

And right now they're relaxing

in the warm weather down south.

They avoid this harsh,
freezing environment.

But a lot of animals stay,

because they have
the creature power

to tough it out
through the winter.

That's right.
Out in these woods,

you've got deer,

red fox,



These animals
have enough feathers,

fur, and fat to keep warm.

And they know how to find food

and feed themselves
in the winter.

What about in the pond?

Yeah, what about
the pond creatures?

The frogs?

The turtles?

The beavers?

The fish?

What do they do
when the pond freezes?

How do they survive
under the ice?

Imagine if we
could get mini-sized,

go down under there,
and find out.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ (Wild Kratts)
Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ (Wild Kratts)
Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild,
wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

(Breathing deeply)

Oh, it's a perfect winter
day for some outdoor fun!

So, what does everybody
want to do?

Play hockey!

Build a snow creature!



Hey, Aviva,
you've got my boot on.



I thought my foot grew!


How about sledding?


I'm in!

Me too!


These sleds are amazing!

The snow's just
right for sledding.


And we're not the
only ones who think so!

It's Slider!

Look at him go!

It's like he is a sled!

An otter's definitely
nature's most awesome sledder!

Yeah, he's a natural sled

that has built in legs

to get to the top
of the next hill.

Let's keep up with him!

And then when he comes
to the next downhill,

he tucks those short
legs against his side

and belly slides off again.

This is the way an
otter gets around in winter.

He slides down every hill.



Whoa, now I'm really
sledding, otter style!

Hey, Slider.

How can Slider
slide like that

without his tummy freezing?

See, an otter has thick
oily fur on the outside,

like a waterproof snow jacket.

The soft warm
fur on the inside,

next to his skin,
keeps him super warm.

He really doesn't
feel much cold at all.

Now, that looks cold.

They're standing
on the ice in bare feet!

How come their
legs don't freeze?

They almost do.

But geese don't feel a thing,
and here's how they do it.

They take all the
blood out of their legs,

so they don't
lose any body heat.

So, their feet
get freezing cold,

but the rest of
their body stays warm.


Well, anything a goose
can do, I can do better.

It w-would be a n-n-nice

P-power to have!




But most of the water birds

don't stick
around for the winter.

They fly south
to warmer places.

Remember in the summer how
this pond was full of animals?

Oh, yeah.

Now Slider's
the only one here.

Where did all
the other animals go?

A lot of them
are still here!

Really? I don't see them.

Yeah, where are they?

Down there.
Under the ice?

Under the ice.

How in the creature world
do they survive down there?

Hey, to find out,

let's take a Creature
Adventure under the ice.

After can we play hockey?

Uh, sure.

But first...

Ready for
teleportation, Jimmy?

Ready. Teleporting now.

The Amphi-sub!

And... miniaturize!

All aboard
who's coming aboard!

All right, let's get
this adventure started.

I always wanted
to get miniaturized.

It's going to be so cool.


And miniaturizing!


(Miniaturizer whirring)


We can't forget to
lock up the Tortuga.

You never know when Zach
is going to come poking around

and try to steal
our technology.

Then I think we'd better
engage camouflage too,

Miniaturizer included.

Set to snow cloaking
and activate.


All right, let's see
what's going on down here,

under frozen pond.

(All cheering)

Here we go!

So, where can we meet for this
year's Annual Villain's Meeting?

Do you know why we always
keep the location secret

until the very last minute?

So those pesky Wild Kratts--

who always
interfere with my plans--

don't find out
about it! That's why!

We need some place remote,
inaccessible, with no animals.


Ha! Perfect!

No animals can live in those
harsh winter environments.

Take me there! Engage!

Whoa! Ow!

hours. Our exploration
of how pond creatures

survive the winter is underway.

Hey, a rainbow!

It's... it's...

rainbow trout!

There's two. No, three.

They're hardly moving.

Yeah, the fish slow
way down in the winter

and they don't need to eat much.

But they don't hibernate.

They move down deep where
the water doesn't freeze.



It's Slider!


The trout still
looks pretty fast.

You're right,
but just a little slower

and easier for the otter
to catch in winter.

He caught it!

He'll take
the fish to the surface

and eat it up there!

This frozen wasteland
will be the perfect location

for our secret meeting.
Drop me down for a closer look!

What? Whoa!

I didn't mean literally!



I meant drop the plane
down with me in it!

Now, let's see what else
is going on down here.

Anybody up for heading

to the pond bottom?


This is perfect!

A lifeless, frozen wasteland!

Not an animal in sight.

The Kratt Brothers
would never come here.

Drop the plane down!

Uh, slowly and not on me!


(Phone dialing, ringing)


Dabio, phone!


Speak, darling.

Donita, I have found
the perfect location

for our secret meeting.
Can you patch Gourmand in?

Zachary, tell me you
know how to use a phone.

What? Of course I do!
(Chuckling nervously)

I got to just--
what's that button?

(Phone ringing)
If I-- oh!


Gourmand? I have found
our secret locale.

Sending the coordinates now.

(Beeping, dial tone sounding)

Uh, hello?

We are here.

Uh... not much
happening down here.

Doesn't that mud hill
look kind of like a frog?

Bringing sonar imaging online.

(Sonar beeping)


It is a frog!

It's a hibernating bullfrog.

Wait a second, bullfrog's
breathe air, he'd drown.

Of course, in the summer
bullfrog's breathe air.

But in the winter,
their bodies slow down so much

that they absorb
the little oxygen

they need from
the water into their skin.

A frog can breathe
through his skin?

Yeah, you could say that!

A pond's reptiles and
amphibians have the ability

to absorb all
the oxygen they need

directly into their
bodies without breathing

for the entire winter.
Now, that's creature power.

Uh, frogs and turtles can
breathe that way, but we can't.

With all these people aboard,

the Amphi-sub only has
about five minutes of air left.

Whoa! Then we've got to go!
Prepare to surface.

What was that?

Uh-oh. The hole in the ice

is covered by
a big piece of metal!

How are we going to get out?

We'd better figure
it out, and soon.

We're running out of air.

Uh, where does
the beaver get air?

We can't go looking
for a beaver.

But he's right there!

You're right, Katie.

He'll know where to get air!

It's a good thing beavers
don't swim too fast.

Yeah, beavers are slower moving
partly because they don't hunt.

They're vegetarians.

Vegetarians? But where
do they find vegetation

to eat in the dead of winter?

Good question.
We're following him,

so let's find out.

But we've only got
two minutes of air left!

Oh, perfect!

Put us down on
that ski hill, Dabio.

Yes, Donita.

Hmm, it's about
time they showed up.


I knew you'd do that.


You did it again!

Well, we're definitely not

having the meeting
out here in the snow.

Let's go inside!


But park it out here!

What's our status, Koki?

Less than a minute
of air left!

Uh-oh! Maybe this
beaver can hold his breath

for longer than we thought!

Um, Chris, Martin,
what's that dark tunnel?

I don't know,
but he's heading up!

Prepare to surface.

(All sighing)

Where are we?

Inside the beaver's lodge.


There's a whole
beaver family in here!

Hey, we know these beavers!

It's Timber.

And Sticker.

And Buddy.

And Twig.

These are the same
beavers from the summer!

You're right Gavin, they are.

When it was warm,
and everything was green,

and they were eating
the leaves and twigs.

But now it's cold,
and everything's snow covered,

and no leaves are growing.

So, what do these
vegetarians eat in the winter?

Well, whatever they have
in the fridge, of course.



No, I'm serious.
Beavers have a fridge.

Of course,
that's right,

a natural fridge.

Beavers collect branches with
leaves and twigs in the summer

and they store them
in the cool water

right at the
entrance to the lodge.

The chilly water keeps the
sticks fresh all winter, and...

it's all right there whenever
a beaver wants a snack.

A natural refrigerator.

That means the hard working
beaver has collected

and refrigerated all
the food the whole family needs

for the entire winter!

Can we just hang out with
them and warm up for a little?


This year once and for all,

we've got to find a way
to get rid of the Wild Ratts.

Uh... aren't they
called "Wild Kratts?"

Whose side are you on?

I am so sick of them
helping the animals.

It always ruins my inventions.

And my meals!

That crab would have
been a culinary delight.

I did not particularly
care for the time

they let the dracos
fly from my jewelry either.

Uh... don't those
lizards glide, not fly?

Whatever, Dabio.

They-- they are
just so annoying!

So is your whining!

I'm not a whiner!

Yes, you are, Zach.
Am not!

Oh, yes, you are!
I've known you for a long time.

(Zach jabbering angrily)

Hey, Timber, thanks
for warming us up.

You know, you might
have the warmest fur

in the creature world?

Yeah, but it's
time to get going.

Uh, bro? We're frozen
under the ice.

Uh-oh, and in here.

But there must be air holes
so the beaver can breathe.

You're right!

All we have to do is find
an air hole and then we're out.

And then can
we play hockey?

Yeah, okay.

Whoa, this beaver lodge really
is an impenetrable fortress.

And every air hole is too
tiny for us to get through.

I've got it.

Beaver power built this lodge,
so beaver power can get us out.

Hey, my Beaver
Power Disc is missing!

Did you borrow it, bro?

I don't think so.
I can't find mine either.

Hmmm... oh!

Hey, I found mine!

Oh, and yours!

Why in the world did you put
your Creature Disc in my boot?


Activate Beaver Power!

Let's get these
beaver teeth chewing.

Wow, awesome!

See ya, Twig.
Bye, Buddy!

Goodbye Timber!

Later Sticker!


Beaver powers
built this lodge...

And beaver powers
chewed us out!

Hey, guys, come quick!


What in the world is that?

Yo no se, but I bet
it's the same thing

that blocked
the hole in the ice.

We'll never be able to tell

what it is from way down here.

Yes, you are.
Am not, am not.

Yes, you are, Zach.
No, I'm not, am not.

You're a whiner.
No, I'm not!

Simmer down!

Now, don't let
your pots boil over.

We need some
fresh air to cool off

and give us some fresh ideas.

Yes, you are.

Am not.
Oh, yes, you are.

Am not, am not!

(Both chattering)

We've got to make it
back to the Miniaturizer

and get back to real size.

That's the only way we'll be
able to tell what this thing is.

Uh... that looks
really far away.

It's going to take
forever for us to get there.

No, it's not!

Let's hitch
a ride with Slider!

Hey, wait!



Time to go real size!


(Miniaturizer whirring)

Wild Ratts? What are
they doing here? See?

Now, they're trying to
sabotage our annual meeting!


Oh, so you're the ones
who trapped us under the ice.

We're here checking out
the pond creatures in winter.

There are no animals here!


(Chuckling nervously)

Come back some other time

because this
is our meeting place.

Yeah, we were here first!

No, we were here first.

Prove it.

Okay, I will.


See how sneaky they are?


We were just on
a Creature Adventure.

That's your problem.

Well, only one of us can stay,
so we have to settle this.

I know! A hockey game!

We could have some
kind of a contest.

A hockey game!

Loser leaves,
winner gets to stay.

A hockey game!

The contest can
be a hockey game!

We did promise him
we'd play hockey later.

Why not?

Okay, how about
a game of pond hockey?


(Chuckling nervously)

I'm goalie.

I wouldn't mind
going for a skate.

Okay, fine, hockey.

Whoever scores
five goals first, wins.

This is your team?
Some little kids?


You just wait and see!


Oh, no.


Phew! One thing's
for sure, Donita can skate.

Don't worry, bro.
We'll get it back. Ronan!

Uh... I got it!

Ha! Goals aren't
on the menu tonight!


(Wild Kratts team groaning)



Wahoo! Ten points!

I think we're
in trouble.

I'd activate creature
powers right about now,

but I don't even know
what animal is good at hockey!

We're just going to
have to play like a team,

passing and
working together!

Come on Kratts,
let's go, let's do it!

Pass it!


All right!
Way to go Kratts!


Give me that puck!


Here she comes! Look out!





Hey, no fair!
You cheated!

"No fair, you cheated."

Oh, sorry team.

I'm not having
much luck in here.

None of us are.

We've got to think
of something else.

I got it!

I know what animal
would be great at hockey!

You can do it Wild Kratts!

Go Kratts, go!

And I know an animal that
would be great at goalie too!

Activate creature powers!

(Zach laughing)

Animal powers aren't
going to help you, Wild Ratts!


Come on, Martin!

Over here! Over here!




Woo-hoo! Yeah!

All right, good shot!

Way to go, Kratts!

Nice save!

Go you guys, go!



Ah! Ow!


Yeah! Whoo!

Wild Kratts! Wild Kratts!

Next goal wins!

I need a little
help out here, boys.

Hmm... I've got it.




Too easy.



Yeah, Martin!



Woo-hoo, yeah!

We won! Woo-hoo!

We won!
Great teamwork, guys!

Now we know which
creatures have hockey powers.

Thanks, Slider!

And you too, Timber!

Let's get out of here
and find someplace

that has no animals
and no Wild Ratts!

That's Wild Kratts!


This was a horrible
place for our meeting anyhow.

I've had enough of your
whining for one day. Dabio?

Yes, Donita?

Plane, now.

Who likes
frozen food anyways?

What a great game!
You guys were all awesome!

So, what do you
want to do now?

Let's play hockey!

Until springtime!

And then we can see
all the pond creatures again!

Great idea!
Great idea!


Over here,
over here.

I'm open, I'm open!

Let's go!

No doubt about it,

winter in the north
is a tough place to live

if you're a creature.

Right now, under
the kids playing hockey,

there are frogs aestivating,

turtles asleep in the mud,

trout swimming slow.

But up here, out in the forest,

lots of animals are still awake.

And to survive up here,

at this time of year,
in this kind of weather,

you have to have
some pretty special

creature powers to make it.

So, let's take a closer look

at how different animals
make it through the winter.

How about otters?

I love the way the otter
deals with the snowy world.

Sliding through the snow,

every hill becomes
a toboggan run.

They're perfectly
comfortable out here.

We think it's cold, the otter
is like, "What's the big deal?

"I'll dive into the water,
swim around, come out,

just dry off
and keep going again!"

Now, what about
the snowshoe hare?

Brown in the summer,

becomes the color
of snow in the winter.

Camouflage powers.
They can make it,

and they've got
lynx chasing them too!

Yeah! The lynx have those paws,

basically built-in snowshoes,
so they don't sink in the snow.

The lynx is the
wildcat of the far north.

Porcupines are
active during the winter.

Porcupines live all winter long
on one type of food: bark,

the inner-cambium layer.

One amazing creature that
stays out here all winter long

is the tiny, little chickadee.
Those feathers keep him warm,

and he's able to find
food right in the forest.

And you've got the blue jay,

the pileated woodpecker,
a lot of really cool birds

that don't take off
for warm, southern weather.

They tough it out through
the northern winter.

So, the winter creature
world is full of cool animals

and incredible
creature powers.

So get out there in the cold
weather, and check them out.

Hey, let's check out
this hockey game.

Now, that's a creature power,
skating on the ice!

See you on the
creature trail!

Keep on
creature adventuring!

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