03x15 - Opossum in My Pocket

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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03x15 - Opossum in My Pocket

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

We're here in south-eastern
North America,

in the amazing Cypress Swamps
of Florida.

It's us, the Kratt brothers!
I'm Martin.

I'm Chris, and we have a little
friend right here in this box.

She's a creature
who was injured,

but now a wildlife center
took care of her

and she's healthy
and ready to go home.

She's one of the most unusual
creatures in the swamp.

Can you guess who she is?

They only live up to two years
old in the wild.

Their babies are only as big as
a honeybee when they're born.

They carry sticks around
in their tails.

And they have a built-in pocket.

Think you know the answer?

Well, let's see if you're right.

An opossum!

She's moving around

getting used to her new

This isn't too far
from where she grew up,

so it's all pretty familiar.

She's on her own now
to find food to eat.

She'll eat berries,
snails, slugs, worms,

even carrion--
that's dead things!

Basically, an opossum will eat
whatever they can find.

Oh, there are many strange
features to this creature,

and behaviors, too.

Opossums are the only marsupials
in North America.

A marsupial is a mammal
with a pouch, like a kangaroo.

Check out that tail!

An opossum's tail is naked
like a rat's tail,

but a rat's tail can't hold onto
things like opossum's tail can.

There she goes,
she's back home!

Living free and in the swamp.

Good luck, opossum!

Imagine if we had the unusual
creature powers of the opossum.

One of the strangest creatures
of the swamp.

What if!

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


Ha-ha, this is awesome!


What a great way to get around
the Cypress Swamps of Florida!

I know!

There's no place
these Buzzbikes can't go!


Around trees!


Away from gators!


There's no obstacle
we can't dodge!


Except maybe
falling cocoplums.

Launched from- oof!--
that tree.

All right, who's in there?


An opossum!


The only marsupial
in North America.

Also known as the only pouched
mammal in North America.

That's what I said.

Yeah, just different.



Whose hands were those?

She's got a baby in her pouch!

And another!

You're a mama, Jill!


Well, she's definitely
a jill.

You think so?

I know so.

Lady opossums are called jills,
guy opossums are called jacks,

and baby opossums,
they're called joeys.

Jack, jill, and joey.

Oh, yeah.

So, Jill it is.

And you're Joey!

And that makes you Lil' Jack...

Hey, you can be JoJo!

And you're Jillybean!



I need a few more hands if I'm
going to hang with you guys.

Yeah, about three more.

Let's see, she's got two hands
that are grabby like ours.

Plus, two feet that each have an
opposable big toe,

like our thumbs,

which makes them
just as grabby as hands.

Great for hanging
onto the tree branches.

Plus, this tail!

A prehensile tail
that can wrap around

and grab things like a hand can.

So, that makes five.

Five grabby things!

Having feet like hands,
that's pretty cool, Jillybean.

I wish I had those.

Oooh ooh! Gah!



Easy, Chris, you don't have
a prehensile tail!


That's much harder than it
looks, you know.


Chris, we got to go!

We promised the g*ng
we'd get back before sunset.

It's a race against the sun!

And we can beat it!

Bye, opossums!


They're not going
to make it, guys.

The sun's going down!

(Martin and Chris laughing)


Tortuga, here we come!


Ooh, barely made it on time.

It's about time, Aviva.

Yeah, we've been waiting

Uh-huh, you guys almost missed
the ice cream run, you know.

I'll start the engines!

Mr. Ice Cream Man,
here we come!

Put your backpacks away, guys,
we're taking off.

About that...

Where's your backpack?

Funny story.

We found some opossums,
real cute,

and I kind of
left it at the tree.

What's that?

Oh, they are super cool.

The only marsupial
in North America.

People are afraid of them
and think they're ugly,

but they are really very cute!

We'll get that backpack later
and show you.

No way!

We've got to get it right now.

That backpack is full of
valuable inventions:

night-vision goggles,

creature scanners,
you name it.

We can't just leave it
in the middle of the swamp.

Well, you know,

if I had a cool built-in pocket
system like those possums have,

I would never leave my backpack
behind in the first place.

Fine, you guys get
that backpack,

and I'll make you an opossum
suit with built-in pockets.

You got a deal!

Let's go!


What about my ice cream?!


The sweet smell
of swamp critters.


♪ Oh, I'm looking for
a beastie ♪

♪ For my late night feastie ♪

♪ A new, unusual taste ♪

♪ To bake, broil, or baste ♪

Heh, heh, heh.



Hmmm, what do we have here?


A genuine Wild Kratts-issue pack
and gear.

Night-vision goggles!

Ooh, these'll help me find
my dinner tonight.

Finders keepers!
Heh, heh, heh!

Yep, right about here.

This is where I left it.

Are you sure?

I don't see it.

Well, I know I put it
right here.

It couldn't have just



Did you come to help look?

Aviva, okay, meet Jill
and her babies

Joey, Lil' Jack,
JoJo right there, and--

Hey, where's Jillybean?

She's not in the pouch.


You're not looking for
my backpack are you?

She's looking for Jillybean!

Her baby is lost?


I can just imagine
what must've happened!

Jillybean is happily riding
in her mom's comfy pouch,

when she sees thousands of
colorful balloons

rising through the forest.

Jillybean reaches for one and--


In the forest?

Well, I like balloons.

But maybe that's not
exactly what happened.

Right, yeah, maybe I got
a little carried away.

Okay, more like this.

Jillybean's happily riding
in her mom's comfy pouch.

She decides to reach out
for a nice ripe cocoplum,

and she falls right out
of her mom's pocket!

Problem is Mom doesn't notice

because everyone else is
crawling all over her.

And she heads off on her way.

(Thunder rumbling)

And little Jillybean is left
all alone, by accident.

Oh, no!

Jillybean could be anywhere!

This search just got
a whole lot more challenging.

Everybody fan out.

And keep your eyes peeled for
a backpack and an opossum!


(Flies buzzing)

These night-vision goggles
are perfect for this search.

Here, Jillybean!



Where are you,
little possum pal?

Here, backpack with my
inventions inside!


Here, tasty swamp critters!


I have night vision and smell.

No creature can escape me now!

Heh, heh, heh!


Hmmm, that's a different smell.

Never smelled that before.


Hmmm, there's a critter
around here, but where?



Hmm, not that way either.



What are you?

A swamp rat?


Hmm, unique.

Very unusual.

Just what I was looking for!

And you'll go nice
with some Cajun spice.

Heh, heh, heh, heh!

Here little opossum!

Possum! Possum!

Here, possum, possum, possum!


Is that you?


Thanks for the little
fur sample, Jill.

This'll help me make
an opossum disc

for the Creature Power Suit.

And pronto!


I'm sure you have some amazing
night-time powers

that'll help us with our search!

Even though we don't exactly
have time

to find out what they are first.


Chris, Martin, first one here

gets to search
with an opossum disc.

Me, me, me, me!

Oh, me!

Ooh, that's a tie.

No way!

Martin's not touching
home base!

Hey, he's got a point.

Whoo-hoo! Yes!

Aww, that's a rip.

But it doesn't matter.

I've got two discs.



Just getting you here
a little quicker.

Activate Opossum Power!

Whoa, opossum eyesight is
definitely not the best.


But I can smell!

Whoa, can we ever.

Opossum smell and hearing
is awesome.

Follow the nose.

With you, bro!

And then I'll throw it in here
and then I'll catch--

Oh, ho-ho, yeah!



Ahh, yes, opossum pizza pocket.

This will be so tasty.

(Chris sniffing)


I knew I smelled a rat.

No offense to rats.

Now for the filling.

Da, da, da, da!

Yes, these flavors
will go well with possum.

Zucchini, tomato, egg,
and papaya!

And got it!

Opposable thumbs in your feet:
that's a cool opossum power.


Green Grape!
Why, you...

Oh, you looking for these?


Get these veggies off me!

Five things that grab.

Opossum power to the rescue.

Have opossum, will travel.


Give me that back!

Oh, ugh!


You won't get away that easy!

Oh, yeah,
it looks like her den.

Opossums make dens in rock
piles, stumps or hollow logs.


But no sign of Jillybean
in there!


It's Chris!
What've you got?

I've got an opossum
in my pocket!

On my way back with Jillybean!


And perfect timing,

because we found
Mama Jill's nest.

And she's getting soft leaves
and grass to make it extra cozy.

It'll be ready
when you get here!

Over and out.


Now that is one of the most
useful tails I've ever seen!

Not just for balance
or a safety line when climbing,

but a bundle carrier, too!


The opossum is one-of-a-kind!

A pouch, grabby feet, a grass-
collecting tail, what's next?

Hey Jill, I've got this
nest-building covered,

if you want to take
a snack break.

Opossums'll sometimes leave
their babies in a den

while they go off
and find food.

Better than piggybacking them
everywhere you go!



You'll be home soon, Jillybean.


This is cool how an opossum

can tighten and loosen
the opening of her pouch.

Don't worry, I've got you
in there nice and snug.



Heh, heh, heh, heh!

Hey, Gourmand.

That's Jillybean.

I'm bringing her home.

She belongs in my pocket,
not yours.

Come on, give her back.

Oh, look at that empty pocket!

Here, hold onto this.


See if you can catch me now!



Martin, Aviva!
We've got a problem.




Oh, hey, Jill!

Ever have this problem?

Yeah, I guess not.

Aviva should be here soon
to get me out of this mess.

And Martin's gone after

Opossum food!

Worms, slugs, insects, lizards,
berries, nuts,

any kind of carrion
or dead thing.

I mean, basically an opossum
will eat just about anything.




That's one of the opossum's
worst natural predators.

I got to help her.


Oh, but I can't!

Jill, look out!

(Jill hissing)

Whoa, she looks pretty tough,

but opossums are all bluff
and bluster.

They're really not very tough
at all.

Aww, I wish I could help her.

Of course!

The amazing opossum trick
defense: play dead!


Oh, no! Jill!

Don't worry.
She's okay.

She's playing dead.

And it works.

By pretending she's dead,

the opossum shuts off the
coyote's predator instinct.

Most predators would
rather not eat

something that's already dead,

so they end up leaving her

You're kidding.

Now that opossum deserves
an acting award.

Actually, she's not exactly

It just happens automatically
when the opossum's in trouble.

She couldn't stop it
if she wanted to.

He's gone.

Wake up, Jill.


You can't wake an opossum up
from this.

They have to just come out
of it themselves.


Uh, could I get a hand
with this rock?

Uh, uh, gah!










That's a relief.

Chris, look,
she's waking up!


Whoa, she's back up
like nothing ever happened.


Aviva, do you think
the Creature Power Suits

have every opossum behavior?

They should.

Oh, that's what I was
afraid of.

We've got to find Martin,

Ha, ha.

Who has the possum now!

Me, the greatest woodsman chef
of all time, that's who!

Heh, heh, heh!

Ha-ha, now I've got an opossum
in my pocket.

Cinch up the drawstring muscles
like an opossum can.

Safety first, you know.

Let's go!

Opossums aren't
the fastest creatures,

but we can get around on land,

in the trees,
and even in the water!



Now give me back that possum!

But-- but--

I... whew...

Um, hello?

Hey, Blueberry?

Hey, sleepy head!

Hmph, strange time for a nap.

While he goes night-night,
we've got a date with my pot.

Heh, heh, heh!


Brother, wake up!

Wake up!

I think he's coming to.

Martin, you in there?

Oh, hey guys.
What's up?

What's up?

You were down! Out!

Playing possum!


Er, heh heh!

The suit kind of has that
opossum instinct built right in.

And just like an opossum,
you don't really control it.

It just happens.

You mean I was playing possum?



That defense may work against
the opossum's natural predators,

but it's probably not
the greatest power

for a creature rescue!

We need to double
the opossum power, bro.

Let's go!

(Gourmand chuckling, humming)

Whew, we're not too late.

Yeah, but do you see


And my backpack!

Let's get her.

(Singing happily)




Stay away from my possum.

Listen, Gourmand.

This isn't your possum.

And that's not
your backpack, either.

Finders keepers.

I found them both just lying
around in the swamp.

Now, leave them alone.


Sorry, Gourmie.
No can do.

(Leaves rustling)

Hey, he has another creature
in there, guys.

We'll take this one too,

Oh, no, you won't.

Oh, yes, we will!

Got it!

(Snakes rattling)


Diamondback rattlesnakes!

What's wrong?

You don't like snakes?


Uh oh!

Heh heh heh,
I thought you were going?



Look out, Jill.

They're poisonous.

(Hissing, rattling)


Are you kidding me?

It's like she doesn't even care

that a poisonous snake
just bit her.

Of course!

Opossums are immune
to snake poison.

It doesn't affect them!

A rattlesnake bite is no worse
than a bee sting for an opossum!


Now that's an incredible
creature power!

Are you looking for her?

Our suits!

They've got all
the opossum's powers,

so that means rattlesnake
immunity, too!


Only with a real
Creature Power Suit, bro!

And professional creature
adventure experience!


(Snakes hissing, rattling)

Wait up, Jill.

Pardon me,
we're with her.

Oh, excuse me,
nice to see you.

just passing through.

Wait, wait, get back here!

Fine, keep your weird little
pocket rat!

(Truck starting)

I'll get you next time,
Wild Kratt croutons!


Look who's home!


They sure look happy
to see her.

Yep, mission accomplished!

The opossum family is back
together again.

And we've got
your backpack back, too.


Thanks to opossum power!

What a unique mix
of creature powers!

Snake venom immunity,
built-in pocket storage,

five grabbers instead
of just two

and that super cool
"playing dead" defense.

It's a strange combination,
but it works for opossums.

It's what they need to survive
here in the swamp.

Living free and in the wild!

So, opossums have a collection
of features and behaviors

that make them truly one-of-
a-kind in the creature world.

That's why lots of people
love to help opossums

whenever they find them
sick or injured,

or in need of a helping hand.

Hey, Joanna!

Hey guys!

This is our friend Joanna!

And she and her team are taking
care of some baby opossums

that were brought to the center
when their mom was hit by a car.

Wow, look at them,
they're so little!

They're just about
two months old.

I've got a little girl right

You can see her pouch
right there

in the middle of her belly.

They're marsupials,
so we keep them in a pouch

where they feel safe and secure.

It's just like their mom's
pouch, nice and cozy.

Even at this age,
you can see the opossum's

incredible grabbing
creature powers.

They can hold on tight
even when they're sound asleep.

Their hands can clench on to
mom's fur while she's running,

and these little babies
can hang on.

Plus they have
that prehensile tail

that increases
their grabbing powers.

These little possums will never
have to learn how to do

that incredible "playing dead"
opossum creature power.

It's totally instinctual.

So when these guys go back
into the wild

after they're cared for here
at the center,

if a predator comes after them,

their bodies will just naturally
fall over and play dead.

Now, these opossums

are only two weeks older
than the last group,

but look how much bigger
they are!

It really shows you
how fast possums grow.

Look at that,
the grip has increased.

Grabbing on,
look at the strength

these opossums have developed
in a mere two weeks

So, the people here at the
wildlife rescue center

will take care of these
baby opossums

until they're about
four months old

and then they're ready
to head back into the wild.

And remember, if you ever find
any baby orphaned animals

or injured animals,

tell your parents to call
a center like this,

where the possums can get taken
care of in the best way.

Keep on creature adventuring!

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

We'll keep hanging out
with these opossums.

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