02x03 - Loyalty to the King

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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02x03 - Loyalty to the King

Post by bunniefuu »

- Save me, Finn and Jake.
- Shh!

- Save me, Finn and Jake.
- We are.

- Save me, Finn and Jake.
- Why does she keep saying that?

I think she's traumatized, dude.

Don't worry, princess.
We're gonna get you out of here.

What was that?
Darling, are you all right?

I thought I heard a...

Oh, I see what happened.

She broke up with me.

Well, it's your mistake, missy!

This ice king's gonna be fine!

Why did she leave?

I put so much cool stuff
in her little prison!

Come on, old boy, keep it together.

Maybe she called me!

Please, please, please.

No, no messages!

This is where
she used to do her business.

I'm so tired of looking at this face.

Not bad.

And now for some healthy exercise.

I'm forgetting
about that silly old break-up already.

All right, let's fly!

You fool, you can't fly
without your beard.

- I'm going to be alone forever.
- Hi!

Beautiful princess.

Excuse me for approaching you, sir,
you just seemed so approachable.

That's funny,
usually my looks put people off.

Is someone paying you to do this?

Tell me about yourself.

Well, there's not much to tell, really.
I'm an ice king.

A nice king.

No, no, dear, you misheard me.

I'm not a nice king, I'm...

... a really nice king.

And I'm single.

Oh, my gosh!

Yeah, guess what.
Slime Princess is in the park.

And she's like,
talk to a new nice king

And he's like totally single.

By the way, don't tell anybody.

And I was like "Leave him alone!".

And he was like "Make me!".
And I was like "Okay!".

And then he was like "Arg! My head!".

- Dude, what are you doing?
- I try to get signal.

It's like everyone in Ooo
is on their phone or something.

Oh, man!

Have you, guys,...
seen the new... nice king?

Nice king?

- Yeah!
- He's single.

And he's our.

Now, get out of our way!

Man! Now we have to kick
that frog out of his new home.

Nah. Let him keep it.

If there's a new king and he's nice,
we should offer our services.

Finn and Jake-style.

Ladies, I'll have time
to meet you individually later.

Please, just stop squirming.

But this looks like a prison.

Pris... don't be ridiculous.

It's a waiting room.
Just stop squirming

Nice king!

Finn and Jake.
You'll never take me alive!

You're the nice king, right?

Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that.

- Well, we will honor and serve you.
- Serve me?

Yeah, we want to be
your nice knights.

That sounds nice!

With my rod of niceness,

I dub thee two my nice knights.

Yeah! We're knights!


Who do you want us
to nice-knights against?

- Nice king, I love you!
- Did I tell you that I like the opera?

But if you don't, I hate it!


I'm trying to tell
my nice knights something!

Come here.

The main enemy
to the nice king right now

is the disorganization
of his love life.

Well, what do you mean?

The ugly ones are all mixed up
with the other ones!

I need you to catalog them
or something.

But we punch monsters.

After I choose my bride,
then you can go punch the monsters.

Managing admirers?
We'll give it a try.

Let's move on to something easier.

- Do you like drums?
- Am I supposed to?

She's dodging the question.

Are you fond of men
with magical abilities?

I'm really nervous right now.
I just really want to meet a nice king.

You can go back
to the waiting room now, ma'am!

I screwed it up, didn't I?

I think we did a good job.

I don't feel good making
a princess cry.

This is not how
knights are supposed to act.

Finn, knights are
loyal to their king.

I'm still not sure.

- Loyalty to the king.
- Can't argue with that.

Hey, nice knights,

turtle princess is about to walk out
that door.

I told her that I like her a lot,

but I really don't like her
all that much.

Could you guys break it off for me?

The nice king is not looking
for a relationship right now.

Get out of here!

He's just not ready
for a relationship!

All right! We did it, dude!

I feel terrible. I need to talk
to the nice king about this.

Yes, yes, keep walking in a circle.

Nice king,
may I speak with you for a moment?

I must speak to my knight in private.

- Go on, back into your cage.
- Bye, nice king!

What's up, knight?

I don't like treating princesses
this way.

I don't want to...
I don't want to do this anymore.

Your loyalty is in question?

It's not that.

It's just, princesses are supposed
to be treated with niceness.

Are you implying
that I'm not the nice king?

What's wrong with you?

Hey, I'm here!

- Finn, get rid of her.
- What? No, man!

She's too loud and lumpy.

I like smooth princesses, smooth.

I can be smooth.

Finn, punch out my lumps.

I can be whatever he wants.

- I can change!
- I can't punch a princess!

Finn, just punch her!

Let me see what
she looks like smooth.

Yes! Hit me!

I'm sorry, lumpy space princess.
I just can't punch you.

Are you serious?
Fine. I'll do it myself.

- Princess, no!
- Wait a minute, nice knight.

Let's see what she can do.

There. How's that?


No, I don't like her.

This is all your fault, Finn!

King, I'm sorry.
I just can't do this anymore.

Punching princesses, breaking hearts,
it doesn't seem nice at all.

You're on thin ice, nice knight!

- The jig is up!
- What jig?

My jig is up high.

It's a highland jig.

I have a new assignment for you,

one with more knight-related stuff,
very important.

Awesome! What is it?

The ice king stole my razor.

Sneak into his trap-filled ice castle
and retrieve it.

And don't look through
the shoe box that he keeps

behind the laundry bag in the closet.

Those are my orders!

Yes! Finally something knight-like!

Get ready, ice king, for battle!

And once I have my razor,

I can select my elite army of wives
and take over the world!

Look at all his hair.

Did the ice king shave his back
or something?

The nice king's razor!

Jake, look, check this out.

Relax, dude. It's just me.

You look just like the ice king.
And so do i.

These whiskers would make
anyone look like the ice king.

Yeah, even the nice king.

The nice king is the ice king!

What do those princesses see
in this face?

Hope I can keep this going.
So many princesses to meet.


I can't be growing whiskers now!

I haven't picked
who I want to marry me!

Nice king!

Did you retrieve my stolen razor?

Yeah, and also, this!

My beard! I mean, what is that?

- He knows what it is.
- Let's get him, Jake!

We're not gonna let you beat up
the nice king.

He's not the nice king!
He's the ice king!

- We don't believe you!
- Man!

These ladies really want
to get married.

Jake, we can't beat up princesses!

Relax, dude.
Just get behind my ear shield.

- Wait, I can't fly!
- Let me help you!

No! Wait!

Now fly, you liar!

Ladies, ladies,
I can shave it off again.

And when you get fat,
I'll grow it back.

Now that's what I call a close shave.
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