05x31 - Too Old

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x31 - Too Old

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

The other one.

Hmm? Uhhhhhhhhh...




Finn, I'm bored.

Are you sure Princess Bubblegum
doesn't like me anymore?

Yeah, that's what she said.

Sounds weird.

Are you lying so you can do
this dinner thing alone with


No way.

I don't know if this is a
good idea after your breakup

with Flame Princess.

P.B. ls out of your
age range, anyway.

No way, man, I got
no ex-pec-tates.

Whatever happens happens.

Hey. Finn!

Let's go.

Lates, bro. Comm...!

Hey-hey, things got
fancy 'round here.


Thanks again for coming to
castle Lemongrab with me, Finn.

I kind of hate these
diplomatic dinners.

Also, I think the Lemongrabs
are getting weirder.

Oh, uh, you know me...

Pretty good with weird stuff.

It's just a shame that
Jake didn't want to come.

I love Jake!

Mm, yeah.

We all love Jake.

Abnouncing arrival 0' Princest
Bubbuhguhh an' little boy!

Mm, Princess!

- Holy...
- Uh

So pleased and gracious

to welcome you to our
sophisticated society.


Yes, welcome...


Do it no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w!


Mee mee mee, mee mee mee mee.


Mee mee...

Yo, Peebs, how's your lemon?

Finn, this is mega-weird.

Something's happened
to the two Lemongrabs.

They used to be
exactly the same.


You're floating too high!


It's time for the floor show!

Hey, Princess, look who happens
to carry a flute with him.


Lemons only!

Floor sho-o-o-o-o-o-w!

Do it better.





Mm. Acceptable.





Ugh. I can't watch
this any more.

Excuse me, Finn.

Okay. Let me know
if you get lonely.


Man, this place
is falling apart.


♪ Poor little Lemonhope ♪

♪ Sweet little Lemonhope ♪

♪ Stuck in this bathroom ♪

♪ Thrown in the garbage ♪

♪ Dunked in the pudding ♪

♪ Dipped in the porridge ♪

U n kakaaa-


♪ Poor little Lemonhope ♪

♪ Throw me a lemonrope ♪

♪ ls there a home for
me and my harp? ♪

♪ A place where friends
give me hugs? ♪

♪ There's no use to mope ♪

♪ There's no use to hope ♪

♪ No use at all for ♪

I' Fragile, precious, darling,
baby, poor little Lemonhope J”

Oh, hi.

What's your name, little boy?

My name is Badlemon Nohope, but
you can call me Lemonhope.



That noise!

That ugly lemon and
his ugly noise!


By all accounts,
this is a brilliant

and sensitive little boy!

Thank you, mistress.

I'm taking Lemonhope back
to the Candy Kingdom

and enrolling him in a
school for gifted children.


He needs to stay here!


I hope you will still be
joining us for dessert.

We need to free
that darling boy.

Maybe there's something in

the Candy Kingdom/
Lemon-Earldom treaty,

but I don't think there is.

What about a prank?

Finn, what are you
talking about?

Mm, I don't know.

Maybe if we prank Lemongrab,
like, just right,

they'll let us...
take that guy home?

Yeah, prank.

I don't see how that's
going to help us at all.


Like old times.

Finn, no.

That's really...


Okay, yeah.

We'll pull a prank.

Like old times.



Bakin' soder.


And... the bait.

Now, when Lemongrab stirs his puhd...


Pretty smart, dude.



My mum.

Going to enjoy this puhd.

Oh, really looking
forward to this puhd.



Wh-wh-what is this?

Ha ha!

Now give us back Lemonhope
or prepare for mo' pranks!


Guess I must admit...

One would have a hard time
claiming that to have been

a Pretty good plan.

Sorry, P.B.

No, no, your plan
was great, Finn.

See? What's this?


Your flute.

Wow! Now Lemonhope can play it,

and the Lemongrabs will come
open the door to smash the

flute, and we can all escape!

Really great work, Finn.


Here, Lemonhope.

Now, will you play
something for us?

Something beautiful?

Yes, mistress.

Let me help you with...


I was sharp at the harp.

Now it's my turn to learn
the flute to boot!


Oh, yes.

Oh, mm.

Oh, my.

Oh, yes.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Come one and all and
join the dance!

How dare you?!

How dare you release
my prisoners?!

You're soft, Lemongrab!

Softer than an old
graham cr*cker!

You're s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oft!


Oh, no!

We're locked in!

Finn, give me your phone!

I'm calling Jake!

What? No.

Let's, um...

We could do another prank!

I brought some of your
superspicy hot sauce.

Ah, so spice!

Finn, this is serious!

But... my other plan worked.

Finn, your other plan failed,
which was part of my plan,

which worked.

Your plan?

But I thought we were
having fun together.

Finn, I have citizens
who need me!

I can't always treat everything
like a little-boy game.



No, that's cool.

Mistress! Mistress, look!

Something scary
is happening now!

How dare you?!

After all I've done for you!

You try to steal
my Lemonhope away!

You're too old, Princess!

Too old for pranks!

Too old!

I've tried imprisoning!

I've tried reconditioning!

You leave me no choice.


Go forth!

Go forth now!

Sorry! Sorry, sir!

Get to safety, Princess.

I'll hold them off.


Sorry, sir!


I'm sorry, sir.


Wait. So, do you not like any
games or just little-boy games?


Lemonbrothers, stop!

Stop and listen!

It has cost me much,
but I have learned...

Lemon need not squeeze
Lemon to survive!

Lemonhope, go forth!

Grow strong and return for us!


Hope! Hope! Hope!

Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope!

Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope! Hope!
Hope! Hope! Hope!

You're going to love the
Candy Kingdom, Lemonhope.

You'll learn all about playing

and play math and
learning all day long.

And you'll never get yelled at.

Unless you drink my soda
from out the fridge.

Yes, mistress.

Yo, man. How's it going?


Well, yeah, mostly.

But I think I learned something.


Well, I'm thinkin' maybe age
is isn't just a number.

Maybe older people, like,
really are different.

You know?

Like, less fun inside.

So what you sayin' here?

I'm saying, I think I
really sbonked up.

I got to patch things
up with Flame Princess.

Oh. dang!

Didn't you hear?

She's got a new
boyfriend already!


Man, I'm just kiddin'.

Oh, yeah.

She might, though.

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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