05x36 - Dungeon Train

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x36 - Dungeon Train

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪


is the meaning of soup?

What? I don't know.

What's with all the
weird quest...

What is the meaning of spoon?

sh**t, man.

Are you still lady-sad
about Flame Princess?

You know, it's okay if you are.

Nah. That's all fine.

I've just been feeling
kind of gray, is all.

Like, my inside voice has
been kind of quiet lately,

not a lot of instructions
forthcoming, you know?

Yeah, well, sounds
like you're sad.

Listen, Finn.

Girls is like horses...
When you fall down,

it's important that you get
right back on again...

on a different horse.

And there's a lot of fish
in the sea, a lot of fish.

A penny saved is a penny earned.

Yeah... l-l guess.

Or maybe dating girls is
like riding a bicycle...

Yeah, man, yeah!

Where, like, if you mess up,

you can get really hurt
forever or hurt someone

you really care about.

Uh, well, I suppose.

Anyway, I hope this mystery cave
we're looking for is as weird as

Flambo's brother says it is.

Maybe that'll snap
you out of the...

Whoa! What?!

What's this train all about?

No one said nothing about
no train in the way.

Relax, buddy.

We'll just cross
after it passes.

No big thing, really.

Oh, yeah.

It's two hours later now.

What the stonk?

Oh. Okay.

Hey, the train just
goes in a big circle.

We can cut right
through the middle.

Blingle, blongle, bloongle.

Come on.

Hey, you know, I just
had another idea.

If we just stay put
here on the train,

we can ride it all
the way to the cave.

Blingle, blongle, bloongle!

Hyah! Give me...
Give me the loot!

Ow! Yow!

Come on, give it!

Give me that hat!

Knock it off.


Whoa, dang!

Hey, Finn!


Look at all the loot that
guy dropped while you

whipped his butt.


Look at that sword.

Whoa. It feels kind of right.

Whoosh. Whoosh.

Whoosh, whoosh.



It's pretty fun, huh?

Yeah, man!

It's spicy baby fun!

You want to go see what other kind
of monsters are on this train?


Whoa. Crystal ants, I think.



Die! Die! Die! Die!

Die! Die! Die!


Welcome back, buddy.

Man, look at all this rad loot.

Yeah, this is a
pretty neat train.

We should come back
again someday.

Wow, what do you mean?

We just started only
like three hours ago.

Yeah... l-I'm just getting
a little bored, is all.

All these cars and monsters
are kind of all the same.

It's a little boring.

Oh, come on. It's fun.

Just one more car.

Come on. Come on, man.

Come on!

All right.

Just one more.



Where is everybody?

Hey, hey! Empty car.

I think we beat it, buddy.

Whoa, man.

Boss battle!

Let's chew it up!

Okay, but this is
the last one, okay?

We'll see!

Hey, man. Remember we were
going to that weird cave'?

I bet it's not too
late to check it out.

Eh, weird cave, weird train.

I'm cool here.



Aah! Give me a break!


Oh, dang.

Boss loot!

Mm, mm-mm, mm-mm-mm.

Oh, yes.

No, thank you.

Jake, hurry!

Next car!

Slime crimes!

You have fun.

I'm just gonna watch.

Yeah! Huh! Ugh!


Ow! Ow

Cool. Acid.

Hey, also, man, aren't you,
like, getting kind of hungry?

Yeah, man.

I guess we've been
here for a while.

More than a while, dude.

I've already missed
my bathroom window.

Yeah, I guess I could
take a snack break.


Well, we'll go back
to the tree house,

and I'll make us some lunch.

I could make the toaster
pancakes you like.

Or maybe I can boil
up some hot dogs.


Look, now we don't got to do
that thing you wanted to do.


Hot meat!

Ants again?!

Ant no thang!


Caught with your ants down!

Ants for nothing!

Forget about ants.

What's wrong?

Feeling antsy?!

Dude, this is the ant car.

We already did the ant car.

You did all the ants.

Same car... Ugh...

But those were blue ants.

These are red ants.

Finn, I think we
should take off.

I think this place
is bad news for you.

Man, no way.

All this feels good,

like my inside voice is saying,

"Hey, keep it up.
This is good stuff."

Aah! Hey! Hyah!

Like when you made those
biscuits way back and

I kept eating them until they
were all gone, like that.


I made those biscuits
with so much butter.

You were just responding
to the butter!

This whole place is butter!


Boss fight!



My junk and stuff!

Check it out.

Battle moon.


Finn, this is a future crystal!

That's you, dude.

You're old, you're alone,
and you're still fighting

on this dumb train.

Old get ant of town.


I'm gonna have the best life.

Oh! Hair apes!

Nah, dude.

I'm bored, I'm tired,

and I'm going back...
to the tree house.

You can come with
me if you want.

What? No, man.

It's better on the train.

Stuff makes sense here.


I'm sorry.

If you wish to join me,
I'll be in the tree house,

experiencing the joys of life
and not getting att*cked

by gorillas made out of hair.

You'll be back.

No, I won't, Finn.




Hair we go!

Hey, what are you doing up here?


Are you getting sick of
things down there, too?



You're not gonna try
and zap me, are you?

I wonder what my kids are doing.


I knew it.

Got to find that kid.

Hey, Finn!

F... whoa.

Um... hey, there, friend.

I ain't looking for no trouble.

I'm just looking for
my friend Finn.

Maybe you've seen him?

About five feet tall,
picks his nose,

and always kind of
smells funny I...

Hey. Hey.

Jake, it's me.

I'm just all souped up now.

Ah, geez, Finn.

I... for a minute there, I
thought you were one of

those twisted,

lost-soul, boss guys.

La, la, la.

Wait. You are!

You are one!


Those guys are cool.

That's it, man.

I'm getting you off this train
whether you like it or not.

Jake, stay back.

I mean it.

Oh, please.

What are you gonna do'?

I'm 10 times stronger th...


Oh, gross.


Jake, trying to
tell me what to do.

Yeah, right.

I tells me what to do.

Now, let's see what we got here.

Apple, apple, chicken, apple.

Oh, yeah.

That little orb in which I rule.

Let's see that again, Orb.

Yeah. That's right.

Looking right.

Wait a second.

Who's that sad, bored little
guy following me around?


All those years,
he stayed with me.

Finn, can we slow down?

My feet hurt.


Oh, Jake.

Hang in there, buddy.

I'm gonna set this right.

Finn! Finn, I'm sorry.

I'll stay on the train with you.

I swear.

Just get this stuff off of me.

No, I'm sorry, Jake.

I messed up.

But don't worry.

It's all over now.

You mean, we're getting
off the train?

Well... you are.

I'm gonna keep
playing for a while.

I'll meet you back
home in a week or two.

Oh, man.

Don't you see that's
just the train talking?

It's got its hooks in you.

No. No, for real.

My inside voice is
telling me it's time.

Here. See for yourself.

Yeah, man.

That's what I'm talking about.

That is what I'm talking about.

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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