05x48 - Betty

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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05x48 - Betty

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the Dog
and Finn the Human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Have you obtained the staff
of Stranson Doughblow?

Yes, Bella Noche. We
procured the staff...

using the full extent
of our wizardy ways.

Then the time has come
to reveal my true form,

and when I materialize
on this...

Oh, this striz is
going down, man.

You will receive your
end of the deal.

The lost system of
Antediluvian magick...

The tightest of all wiz biz.

So right and tight I get
restless leg syndrome about it.


And now it will be yours.

And mine!

What the blood?! Ice King!

Listen, dudes, all I want
is to be in the club

and plus up my magic-

What's the problem?
- Your life is my problem.

Too late, fools!
Bella Noche emerges.


What the...

Stop that now, trash cones.

Bella Noche must not
cross into our world.

Uh, why not again?


- Aaaah!
- Aaaah!


Ah, cram! Here we go!

Uh, hey. Hey, I can't
feel my magic!

Me neither. What gives?

Bella Noche is a being
of pure anti-magic!

Y'alls got played!

Uh, hello?

Oh, what a fool am I!


Go! Destroy!

Throw your boots at it, or...
I don't know!


Dang. Sorry, Ice King.

This must be it, man.

I've crossed into some
new super-insane zone

where I feel like I'm
just normal again.

Or maybe I'm just normal again.

Hey, stop looking at yourself.

You're ugly, bro. Get lost.

This is my busking spot.

Sorry, man. No time!

Go, carpet!


It's got to be here.

Even in my prolonged
state of insanity,

my immutable essence
must have known to...

Oh, yes. Hello.

Ah, my research.

MY Jackie... jacket!

Mutation, mutation, mind expa...

Aha! "Mystic Rituals and Their
Space-Time Applications"

by Simon Petrikov
and Betty Grof.




A-one, a-two,

a-one, two, three, four.

- Wait!
- What?

Why are you holding your
bass up high like that?

Unh-unh. I get better
finger action this way.

But you look like a nerd.

Move it back down. It's better.

Move the bass down.

A-move the bass a-down.

Be reasonable.

- Yes?
- Marcy, it's me, Simon.

I'm back, but my body
might donk out soon.

So, get to the Ice Kingdom fast

and help me with this time
portal so I can find Betty

and say I'm sorry
before I croakboat!

I know that's a lot to process,

but hurry, and bring Hambo.

Hambo is the key.

Okay, Marcy? You got that?


A long, long time ago,
Simon was my only friend.

He was there when I needed help.

All he ever wanted
was to find Betty,

and now I can help him.






I thought I'd never
see you again.

I can hardly believe it myself.

You're all grown up.

Believe! She's like a
million years old.

One million years?
How could it be?!

He's just kidding.
I'm only a thousand.

And still looking good!

Do you remember anything from
when you were the Ice King?

Nothing specific... just
dreamlike impressions.

Do you still have impressions from all
the times we flipped your bricks?

I have... bruises.

Excuse me.

Man, Simon.

I'm fine.

You're dying!

Well, yes, but only
in increments.

I've still got work to do.

Finn and Jake, will
you run my generator?

Yeah, man.


That's great! Keep pedaling!

All we need now is
the catalyst...

An object from the past

that has been lovingly
tended to through the ages.

Goodbye, Hambo.

Because of you, I can
say goodbye to Betty

and tell her I'm sorry
for driving her away.

Thank you, Marceline.

Where's my Betty?

Where's my princess?!

Princess! Princess!!

Simon, don't leave me like this.

Betty? Betty-

Betty! - Simon?

What is going on?

I'm a thousand years
in the future, love.

I opened this portal so
we could say goodbye.

- You're dumping me?
- No!

It's just that everything changed
after I put on that crown.

I-I went crazy, you ran away,

I-I never saw you again.

But where would I
go without you?

I'll never know.

I don't understand. You
don't seem crazy now.

I mean, in the future.

The portal is closing.
There's no time to explain.

Just know that I love you and
I forgive you for leaving me.

Simon, I know who I'm
leaving you for!

- Who?!
- You, dum-dum!

Hmm? Simon?

What's wrong? Are you sick?

No, I'm old.

The crown was keeping me alive,

but it's magic was negated
by the creature Bella Noche.

Don't die, Simon.
I just got here.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Betty.
- I know!

I'll fix the crown, and then
I'll figure out how to fix you!

What? No. Guys, stop her.

- Uh...
- Hmm.

Yeah, but...

It kind of sounds
like a good idea.

Right, whoever you are.

I'm sorry. It's the only way.


Okay, rug, take me
to Bella Noche.

Get on, Simon!

I am getting on...

the death bus.

I got you in my sights, Simon.

It's my time, Betty!

I don't want to be
the Ice King again.

It's like living with
eternal diaper butt.

I can't do it! - Not forever.

Destroying Bella Noche and
getting your power back

will buy me time
to find a loophole

that'll undo your
curse and your death.

I can do it! You got
to believe me, Simon!

- I...
- Get real, man.

You're gonna be the Ice
King 'til the sun blows up.

This is your one chance.

I made a mix tape
for the ride...

"Summer Jams 3"!

If I don't let her
try, then what am I?

What am us? - What?

Uh, fair enough.
See you in a few.

This brioche won't stop growing.

Ron James, what took... you?

Yo, my lab got creamed!

I had to dummy-rig
an alchemical filter

out of a dirty bidet
and a vaporizer!

But will the double-negative
magic work?

Heck yeah! Ron James
always delivers!

Check it out, brotha!

Yaah! In your face!


What the stink is that?!

My lab conditions
were not ideal.

- But you did not deliver.
- Peace, man! Aaaah!

- We're here to help!
- Help? How?

We're toast, bro.


Hey, don't scare me like that.

Just hold my hand to your face.

This will be my...
last sensation.

Don't be a wimp, Simon!

Just give me a second!

You got about 15 seconds.

How the... Wait.




You lose, Simon. Sorry, man.

Uh, huh?

This a party? Huh?

Wizard City is saved!


Okay. Whoopee!

So, then, Ron James told
me this girl I was with

flew into Bella Noche and
mysteriously defeated it for me!

Wow! Just my luck, right?

Black out for a day and meet
the woman of your dreams.

I will get you!

Hey, don't be jealous,
Muscle Princess.

She's gone... kablooie.

Let's be realistic, right?

We both know you're
not my top pick.

Oh. grod!

No! Aaah!

Go home! You can go! Aah!

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander
through the forest ♪

♪ And do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ To a cliff under a tree ♪

This party is so crazy!
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