06x19 - Is That You?

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x19 - Is That You?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

♪ Fallen ally, fallen ally,
you're home now in the sky... ♪

♪ Fallen ally, fallen ally,
single tear we cry! ♪

♪ A truer friend
there was none... ♪

♪ And Prismo was his name... ♪

♪ An artisan of pickling
and now just one remains... ♪

♪ And now just one... ♪

I can't do this, man!
It just can't be over!

Hey! We can put it back in the
fridge if you want.

No, these picks were made by
our friend to be mouth-loved.

We have to honor his memory with
a final taste of his genius.

Get ready for the dream ritual.

Om! Prismo, we love
you, forever in our dreams!

Prismo, we love you,
forever in our dreams!

Prismo, we love you,
forever in our dreams!

Pickle rama! Pickle rama!

- Pickle rama! Pickle rama!
- Finale!



- Woof! What was that?
- Quick! To bed!

This has to be the last
thing we think about!

- Hyah!
- Okay... Dream!


Whoo! Crazy dream, man.
Prismo was definitely in it.

But... Jake?
You up already?

What the...

Hup! Ouf! I love you,
everything burrito.

Jake, why are you
pretending to dig up

- everything burrito?
- Huh? What?

Hold on!
I'm coming down.


Jake, you got
to hear my dream. Jake?

Hey, man!
You're shaking it all wrong.

- What the jump?
- Shh!

Let me show you how it's done.

Jake, are you sleepwalking?

No, I'm showing this...

Waah! Wake... Up!

- Tunk. I'm not dreaming.
- You made an oath. Okay.

- Waa!
- Nah, I'll just stretch into a tree.

Jake! I saw you explode.

Something messed
up is haps, bro.

Please! Not even.

No, dude, you blew into
chunks right over there.

Uh, because kee-oth
was right there.

And there were traps.
And I didn't have no blood this

whole time, so I'm
totally out of it.

Jake, this already happened.
Come on, man!

- Stop freaking me out.
- Wuagh!

Aw, Jake dust!

♪ Bacon pancakes,
makin' bacon pancakes... ♪

♪ Bacon pancakes,
makin' bacon pancakes... ♪

♪ Take some bacon,
and I put it in a pancake... ♪

♪ Bacon pancakes, that's
what it's gonna make... ♪

- ♪ Bacon panca-a-ke! ♪

Dude, what is the deal?

Dude, what is the deal?

Dude, I can't wait to get this
batch of pickles to Jake.

He's totes gonna bust a pipe
when he gets hit with the cumin

and the undertones of
sage that come in later.

Prismo, I'm right here!
Where you going, bro?

Wait up, man! How are you alive?
Finn and I saw your old-man host

body get destroyed by the...

- The lich?!
- Wake up!

Wait! I've changed my mind!


Why is this happening?
It's like a rerun of the worst junk.

The lich life-sucks Prismo's dream
host, which eliminates Prismo forever.

Ugh! It's mad griz, bro.
And then the space police,

or whatever they're called show
up because boppin' Prismo was

a cosmic crime. I remember
feeling like someone

had peeled a layer away from my
brain, and my reality was no

longer anchored to
any point of reference.

And I had to fight to keep from
being crushed under the weight

of an unforgiving new
paradigm of ultimate reality.

- Ouf!
- So cool, man!

So why am I seeing this again?

- Uh... That's cool.
- Uh, that's cool.

But you know what's really cool?
Tough-guy contests.

Whoo! Whoo!
Tough boys!

Come on, man!
Tough-guy-contest me!

Okay. It seems like all of Jake's
memories are re-manifesting

themselves, but as soon as I
break their history, it creates

- a paradox and Jake explodes.
- Whoa, Finn!

How'd you get over there?!

Finn, when I die, my individual
earth consciousness is gonna go

all over everywhere while
glob tallies my deeds.

- What?
- I'm gonna be all around you.

In your nose and
your dreams and socks.

- In your dreams?
- Yeah, that's what I said.

In your dreams.

All this striz happened
when Jake and I tried

to preserve Prismo's
pickles in our dreams.

Something must've changed
when we went to sleep.

So, uh, I just got to hope
that Jake tries to do

the pickle ritual again,
so I can reenact it with him.

Exactly the way it happened?
Maybe? Geez!

♪ Fallen ally, fallen ally,
you're home now in the sky... ♪

- ♪ Fallen ally, fallen ally, ♪
- ♪ Fallen ally, fallen ally, ♪

- ♪ Single tear we cry! ♪
- ♪ Single tear we cry! ♪

I guess I'm headed
towards that door.

Dude, I get out of relationships,
because I don't want to have

a discussion about what we're gonna
have for dinner every night.

All these dudes and
their lady problems.

That's right! Prismo is
nothing but the dream of

- a wrinkly old man.
- What if the whole world

was just some goof's dream?
Man, that would be stupid!

Oh, wait a minute.

What is this?
This couldn't be a...

Oh, grod! Permanent-opposing,
industrial-strength magnetic bed.

Hand-hewn from a single tree.
Oh, man, look at this mattress!

What is it?

Smells like a blend
of cashmere.

Mohair, silk, and wool maybe.
The thread count on this

is in the thousands!
And it's filled with...

Down feathers
of a baby griffin!

That's illegal!
Glass of milk.

This feels like a trap designed
by some kind of sick genius!


Hats off to you,
sir or madame.

Your trap was a success.
Oh, my blahs!

It's like I'm getting eskimo
kisses from an army of angels!

Whoa, dang! I'm back!

Prismo, we love you,
forever in our dreams.

Prismo, we love you,
forever in our dreams.

Prismo, we love you,
forever in our dreams.

Pickle rama! Pickle rama!
Pickle rama! Pickle rama!

- Finale!
- Ommmmmmmm.


- Woof! What was that?
- Quick! To bed!

This has to be the last
thing we think about!

- Hyah!
- Okay... Dream!

Whoa! The pickle jar!

I'm coming, Jake!

- Whoa! Where the heck am I?
- Wait up, man!

- How are you alive?
- Jake?!

I'm coming, man!

Finn and I saw your old-man
host body get destroyed by the...

Jake! Don't explode!

- Finn, hold up.
- Prismo!

- I saw you die, dude!
- Yeah, I'm still dead.

I'm actually talking
to you from the past.

I set up this plan "B" scenario in
case I ever got croaked for reals.

So if this is happening,
I guess I got croaked

and my pickles ran out,
but Jake and I established

a bro bond that could bring
me back through his dreams.

So are you
actually talking to me right now,

or are you pretending
to in an empty room?

I was pretending,
but now I can see you.

What does "now" mean to you?

Uh... Hurry up!
I need your help.

Where you going, bro?
Wait up, man! How are you alive?

- So, where are we going?
- You got to wake up Jake,

- and then... You'll see.
- I'll see what, Prismo?

Oh, sh**t!
I don't know if I thought this

- thing all the way through.
- What?

Aw, d... It'll be cool.
It'll be cool.

I can't believe I died.

Jake, I'm sorry, man.
This doesn't feel right.

Okay, go wake Jake up
and bring him back here.

Whoa, Finn! Hey!
Are you gonna wake up Jake?

Yeah, is that gonna
k*ll you again, though?

My past self is
doing plan "B," right?

Uh, yes. Although,
I got to say,

this whole thing seems
rickety as yoga balls.

- Yeah, tell me about it.
- You tell you about it!

I think you would
blow up if I did that.

Well, anyway, here we go!

Hey, Jake, wake up.

- I'm out.
- Hey, Finn!

- What's going on?
- We got to bounce.

Oh, bro! Don't tear
me away from Nirvana.

Wait! Nooooo!

- I'm okay now.
- Cool. This way!

Whoa! Oh, wait a minute.

- What is this?
- Prismo! You're alive!

Well, not yet. Finn,
in a second, you got to

- stop yourself from waking up Jake.
- Stop my who?

sh**t! Hide! Hey, did we get turned
around somewhere? I feel like we're lost.

No, I was just stalling.
Don't think about it.

Come on! This way.

That who!

But wait, Jake!
That means one of your

alternate-reality incarnations will
sleep for eternity to keep me alive.

Cool, dude!

Okay, but, Finn, I'm not sure what'll
happen if you confront yourself.

He might explode.

- He me? Or other me?
- You know what? Forget it.

Shut it, Prismo! Heroes risk
everything for their friends,

although, I admit you're
more Jake's friend than mine.

Sometimes you can think
someone is totally cool,

but you never become besties.

And I don't know why that
happens, but regardless,

- let's do this!
- Good luck!

Whoa, Finn! Hey!
Are you gonna wake up Jake?

Yeah, is that gonna
k*ll you again, though?

My past self is doing
plan "B," right?

- Plan "B"!
- What the...

This is me?
This sword is me?

- Finn sword, dude.
- Welcome back, Prismo!

- Thank you, Finn.
- Welcome back, Prismo!

Thank you, Jake.
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