06x27 - The Visitor

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x27 - The Visitor

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

That's the comet
you're supposed to follow.

Right. Right. I knew that.

Hey, be careful, okay? Hold on tight.

It's okay.
I won't ever let you go.

That's... true.

Wow. Already? That was fast.

Yep. We're here. It's time to wake up now.

- What? Now?
- Yep.

- Like, right now?
- Y...

Ah. Where am I?

What the heck?
Is that the comet?

And a little farming village?
How long have I been walking?

Man, two whole days... at least.

- Wow. I need some water.
- No, wait... ah... geez.


Fields are looking a little sparse.

Kind of runty.

Wonder if this village even has any wat...

oh, snap! I see some!

Excuse me, sir.

Could I have some water? I've
been sleepwalking for days.


Heck yeah!

Thanks, little friend! You
just totally saved my life.

No pun intended.

What's the matter?
Can't talk? Oh.

Or are you guys comet boyz?

From up in there?

I'm no expert,

but I think y'all are
gonna need a lot more corn.

And it's supposed to
stand straight-up-like.

Or maybe comet boyz
only need just, like, a

- little bit of limp corn?
- No, I'm a regular guy.

I... I'm just not supposed
to talk to strangers.

Lionel, what did I tell you
about talking to strangers?!

You get your butt inside
this instant!

- Human boy!
- What the...?

The tree spirit does
not permit freeloaders!

Either help fetch the escape-pod
engine or kindly move along.

- Dad?
- Wait! Wait!

What are you doing?
Don't come over here!

- Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm.
- Dad?


- Finn!
- Dad?

- What the heck are you doing here?
- What the heck are you doing here?

You were just yelling at me.

No, no, that was the tree spirit...

commander of all trees,
bringer of hard times.


You're not falling for it,
huh? Well,

it was worth a try.
You know, those little guys down there,

they'll do anything
for the tree spirit.

I got them fetching
parts to fix my escape pod

instead of planting their
fields. Isn't that sweet?

Dad, your arm.

Oh, this? Yeah.

When my ship crashed,
I got shot out of the window.

I knocked a kite out of the air,

then caught my arm in a woodpecker hole.


But it's cool, you know.
Arms come and go.

It's family
that's important.

Speaking of arms, though,

I see you got yourself

a brand-spankin'-new one.
How about that?!

Oh. Yeah.

- I-I got it from my P.B. dream sword.
- Uh-huh. Neat.

Actually, for a while there,

I thought if I ever saw you again,
I was gonna tear your arm off.

Well, sh**t. Who could blame you? Yeah.

But you definitely don't
feel that way anymore, right?

No. No. It's... it's okay now.

Great! Great.

How about hug?

What the heck, dad?!
Is everything you say a lie?

No, no. 'Course not.


is there any way
I can tell the difference?

I hope not.

Hot dang! Hold that thought.

Those little guys are back
with the engine bulb for my pod.

Excuse me.

I am sending
forth my holy emissary,

Martin Mertens,

and his regular son, Finn.

Don't forget to do
whatever Martin tells you!

Almost there. Little further.

Uh-huh. Little further.
Keep it coming. There you go.

A little further. And... stop.

Fantastic work, boys. Absolutely fantastic.

Holy stonk, dad!

You're messing them all up!

This is why
you're lying to them?

So they'll mess themselves up for you?

Wha?! No, no, no! Look...

they love it.

Goochy goochy goo!

Goochy goochy!

They're helping a poor, old,

stranded man in need.

You like to help people, don't you?

I... I'd do it myself if I could,

but I'm too strong to fit
through the service hatches.

Come on!
Gimme a chance!

They're gonna fetch me
one last piece,

and you and I can watch them do it.

Then I'll be out of your
hair by tomorrow morning.

Oh. Right.

Yeah, don't worry.
I know I'm cramping your style

- down here, am I right, huh?
- Uh... yeah.

- Yeah, I... I guess.
- Sure I am!

Now let's go fetch that piece.

It's really warm down here.

- Whoa!
- Well, yeah, son.

That's just the ship cooking.
One thing about this ship...

it cooks.

Should it be cooking?

but that's just real life.

Okay, babies, I need this piece.

It's a steering wheel.
It's in the steering room.

Last one in breaks tree spirit's heart!

Wait! Wait! W-w-wait!

You don't have to go in
there if you don't want to.

Nah, I think we want to.

Okay, I know, I know. Listen,

that's the last piece of the pod, right?

Well, I promise I'll make it up
to the little boogers tonight.

Come here!

Live it up, pals!
This is your night!

Hey, hey!
Careful with the finish.

That buggy's ready to blast.

Yo! Party animals!
Still hungry?

- Mm-nn-mm.
- Come on. Tree spirit says!

Scoop it till you poop it! Let's get gross!

- Finn?
- Oh. Sorry.

So... you guys
want to learn another one?

Okay, watch this.


Uh, hey...

So, you guys really
believe in the tree spirit?

Eh, not really, I guess.

We're kind of just looking
to help out.


Hey! It's Finn with the
grin! Mind if I sit down?

Look at this!

You ever see
someone sit like this?

I guess not.

Hey, Martin?

- Yeah?
- Uh,

I think I really need some
answers to stuff... like

where did I come from or

- who's my mom?
- Whoops.

Okay, uh, long story short...

you were born on a...
boat... I guess. Like a...

banana boat...

in the middle of the ocean.

So all kinds of stuff tried
to eat you...

whales and fish... squids.

Uh, there was a tiger...

and... seaweeds.

- The sea's weeds.
- Finn:

Your mom was...

okay. I don't know. Talking
about it stresses me out.

Maybe later. So, one day, I got called on a

dangerous mission... no,
like a dangerous life choice,

two roads diverging in
the night and all that.

And I couldn't bring you along.

I always planned to come
back for you, but I didn't.

That's... true.

The end!

Look out!

Everything is ruined.
Everyone is fat.


- Martin!
- Again?

Oh, good morning, sweetie!

- Martin, are you leaving?!
- I absolutely gotta, kid.

I got pressures on me, stuff
you wouldn't understand.

But what about the villagers?!

That ship looks like it's gonna blow up!

Uhhhhh... maybe. I don't know.

Maybe it won't blow up.

I've seen 100 things weirder
than a ship not blowing up.

Oh, dad!

- I need to go shut it off!
- Okay, okay, wait! Wait.

If you're gonna turn it off,

you got to pull the heat-dump

toggle in the engine core.

It was too snug for me to get to, and
those little guys aren't strong enough.

Hmm. Hey, I could wait for you.

Maybe we could go into space together.

Why didn't you tell me about
the heat dump in the first place?!

I don't... know.

- Wink.
- Daaaaaah!

What the...

Heat dump!

Too... stuck!

Ohhhh, no.
This is new to me.


Man, you know what's weird?

That wasn't even a comet
that crashed back there.

So, then, what was that dream about?

I don't get my brain.

Okay, when we get back
to the tree house,

let me do the talking.
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