06x34 - Chips & Ice Cream

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x34 - Chips & Ice Cream

Post by bunniefuu »


Ice cream?




Ice cream!

I don't get it.

Ah, just keep watching.

BMO said the second act gets crazy.

Chips chips chips.

Chips chips...


Ice cream!


Ice cream...


What the stuff was that?!

Now, who wants to invite
me over for dinner?

Come on, kids!

We're going to grandma's.


Please can we invite him to dinner?!


But, Jake, I never ask you for anything.

When did I ever ask you for anything?


You said, "Jake, please take
me to see Chips and Ice Cream!

It's a Broadway Smash!"

And I believed you.

You don't understand me, Jake.

Please come over for dinner!

I love you!


Dinner sounds great!

Yeah! Wait.

The place where you eat dinner,

does the moon shine through
the window at night?


All right!

Let's do it!

Oh, ooh!

And when chips trips over the
turtle, it was so funny!

But also sad.

It made me think about the
fragility of my own life.

Just a little more...

Y'all ready for some sushi burgers?

I don't eat burgers.

Got any chips and ice cream?

Uh... sure.

I just sculpted these buns, though.

Give the man what he wants!


Is your name chips and ice cream?

My name is Morty Rogers.

I see.

Okay! Food's done.

Let's all dig in.

Yes, eat it.

Eat that chips and ice cream.

Oh! Yes, sir!

It's time.

Chips chips chips?

Ice cream ice cream.

No... flipping... way!

By the light of the waxing moon,

which was just unveiled
by the parting clouds,

I command these two imps
that have taken

possession of my ears
to transfer onto the head of

the being who is directly across
from me and is currently eating

chips and ice cream!

Chips chips?

Ice cream...


It worked!

I'm a free bear!

Well, now I'm a guy with
these things on my head.

I guess I'm just gonna
roll with the punches.


Don't worry, man.

I'm gonna pretend they're not even there.


Ice cream!

This is the greatest day of my liiiife!

Chips chips chips...

Chips chips...

Maybe if I put
a towel over my head,

they'll go to sleep.

What's on your head?

I don't even notice it.

- Heh.
- Yeah, okay.

Chips chips.

Ice cream.







Chips chips chips.


Chips chips!

Ice cream?

Chips chips!

Chips chips chips chips chips!

Ice cream?
Ice cream ice cream ice cream!

All right, that's enough.

They're going outside.


- Chips.
- Ice cream.

Poor chips and ice cream.

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ice cream ♪

- Chips chips chips chips...
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ice cream ♪

- Chips chips chips chips...
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

- Chips chips chips chips...
- Ice cream ♪

- Chips chips chips chips...
- Aaaah... ♪ Ice cream ♪

- Chips chips chips chips...
- ♪ ice cream, ice cream ♪

♪Ah, ah, ah ♪

- Chips chips...
- ♪ ice cream, ice cream ♪

Why are you up so early?

I got to get to the
farmer's market before all

the choice stuff is gone.


Why is BMO on your head?

- He is?!
- Chips chips.

Ice cream.

I'm onto something important.

Quit clownin' around.

Okay. I was done anyhows.

Chips chips...

So, you want me
to pick up any snacks?

Yeah, maybe some ketchup chips?


And... some kale...



And some corn... chips.



Later, dude.


Ice cream!


Nice choice!

Those are two of my fave.


Yeah, we have chips.

Ice cream?

Sorry. I don't have any ice cream,

but I know who does.

Hey, John!


I gots a customer for yous!

I'll bag these for you.

Enjoy and stay awesome.

Yo! I got ice creams!

Ice cream?

I recommend the hamburger flavor.

Also, the pizza flavor
is tremendous!

Do you have taco?

One second!

One taco flavored.

You have the best!

You have the best,
out-of-this-world day.

What's your spectacular choice?

No. No!

Stay away!

You can't make me
take them back!

Oh, hey, Morty Rogers.

Ice cream!



No more chips.

No more ice cream.


That's what
regular-sized-ear folks eat.

Regular old Morty Rogers.


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I hope the record is not
scratched or chipped.


Ice cream.


Chips chips chips.

Ice creeeeam.

Chips chips! Chip chip.

Ice cream! Ice cream!

Hush! Hush!


Noiseless, chips!

Inaudible, ice cream!


- Chips chips chips chips.
- Ice cream ice cream.

- Chips chips chips...
- Ice cream ice cream.

- Chips chips chips...
- Ice cream ice cream.

- Chips chips chips...
- Ice cream ice cream.

- Chips chips chips...
- Ice cream ice cream.

Aah! Quiet!

I thought I could just
ignore them, but I can't!

Chips and ice cream have to go!

Listen. Even if I could
find Morty Rogers again,

I don't know how to get these
things to go back to him

or even if they want to.

- Chips chips!
- Ice cream!

I finished with my computations!

As I thought, it's a real
language they are speaking...

Based on intonations!

Chips chips chips!

Ice cream?

- Chips chips chips!
- Ice cream ice cream!

Ice Cream!

I know what we have to do.

How many years did I search
for a rube to take my burden?

What's wrong with me?

You two brought me nothing but pain...

And I can't stop thinking of you.

But I don't want you back!

I don't want you!

Chips chips chips...

What's that?

- Do you hear that?
- ♪ Ice cream ♪

- It's like...
- ♪ Chips ♪

♪ Ice cream ♪

I... Must...

I... Must!

- Chips, chips, chips, chips...
- ♪ Ice cream, ice cream ♪

- Chips, chips, chips, chips...
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

- Chips, chips, chips, chips...
- ♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

He's here!

♪ I love you, chips and ice cream ♪

♪ I hope you never leave ♪

No! Those are my chips and ice cream!

By the light of the waxing moon,

which was just unveiled
by the parting clouds,

transfer those two imps
that have taken possession

of Jake's ears to the
head of the being who is

watching from the window!
Chips and ice cream!

BMO, it's happening!


My chips! And ice cream!




What's going on?

Chips and ice cream
wanted to be free.

But they could only be
released if I interrupted

- the transference ritual.
- Free?

I'm sorry for keeping you
dudes as my prisoners

for so many years.

But what am I gonna do
without you?!


Ice cream.



Ice cream!

- Chips.
- Ice cream.

♪ Hello there, good mornin ♪

♪ Bubu Susa ♪

♪ Come closer,
never leave me ♪

♪ Bubu Susa ♪

♪ Our friendship,
it matters ♪

♪ Bubu Susa ♪

♪ Hello there,
good morning ♪


This party is so
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