01x14 - The Witch's Garden

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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01x14 - The Witch's Garden

Post by bunniefuu »

[mouse squeaks]

[Penguins wenk]

[ All cheering ]

[ Screeches ]

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Dude, how long are
we gonna follow this frog?

I just want to see him
put on that crown.

- Whoa!

It looks cool in there.

Too bad we don't have the key to this.

What are you talking about?
I got two keys right here.




Wow. Look at this place.

[birds chirping]

Jake, are these doughnuts?

They look like doughnuts.

But maybe they're
poisonous doughnuts!

- [sniffing ]
- Yeah, sniff it, Jake!

Suck up those toxins!

Wait a second. I don't know
what poison smells like.


[ Grunting ]

- Hey!
- What gives?

You ate one
of my doughnuts!

No, I didn't. I just sniffed it.


You're lying!

The stink of magic dog lips
is everywhere!

Holy slug, lady. Calm down.

Listen, Mrs. Witch —

I never married.

Well, I never ate your doughnuts.

You — you're eating one right now!

I am not.

Huh. That's weird.

I don't even remember grabbing this.

My subconscious must be hungry, huh?

Eh, whatever.

[grunting ]

Magicus no moricus!

- Uh-oh.
- Aah!

- [coughs]
- Dude, are you okay?

Yeah, I think so.
Just a little chilly.


[ laughs

What did she do to you?

I stripped him of his magical powers.

For stealing one of your
billions of doughnuts?

Yeah, it's not like I k*lled
your husband or something.

I am not married!

The point is, you overreacted.

And what gives?

I used to have like
eight more of these things.

The only way I'll give back your powers

is if you admit your error
and say you're sorry —

and mean it!

'Cause I can tell
the difference.

Well, you can forget it,

because you're the one who's wrong!

- Total support, dude.


Go backicus from whence you camicus!

Aw, now, you're just making these up!

Are you all right, my — my doughnut pretties?

[ Chuckles ]

Wait a second.
You're a bagel!

Liar! Liars everywhere!

There's got to be a way to get your powers back!

Where'd they come from, anyway?

Were you born with them?

Or did you have a freak industrial accident?

Heh, that takes me back.

Let me just...

[deep voice]

[ Normal voice ]
I see a memory.

When I was just a pupster...

I'm rolling around in a mud puddle.

And I'm just lovin's it.


Oh, no!


Whew! Remembering is hard work.

What happened next?

Oh, um, urn, I went into the mud,

and I guess I became a magic dog?

Okay, then our course is clear.

We'll roll you in every mud puddle in Ooo

until we find the one
that'll restore your powers!

That's nuts, man.

You got any idea of how many mud puddles

are in the land of Ooo?

Maybe even five?

Jake, come on!

We've always been lucky, buddy.

Maybe the first mud puddle
we find will be the right one.

But I like it!

Then away!

Yeah, let's do it!

- Ugh!
- Oh, my gosh!


I forgot that I don't have
magic powers anymore.

How do we search for the mud
without my powers?

We run — run like energetic little boys!


This whole time, I thought running

was some sort of leg magic.


Look at me.

I'm running!


Oh, no.


Running... is... evil.

Come on, lazybones.

It's too hard.

I guess you could ride on my backpack.


I can't reach.

[choking ]

You good, Finn?

You're strangling me a little, is all.

[ Panting ]
Look, there!

Across the river of junk,
there's an ideal mud puddle!

I'll stretch into a boat!

[farts ]

Starting to really miss
that old magic of mine.

We can swim this river easy.


Come on, Jake!

[grunting ]

Man, that looks exhausting.

You're right, Jake,
it is exhausting.

What are you?

I'm your subconscious!

What are you doing here?

I'm here to tell you

that what you're feeling
deep down inside is true.

It is way too hard to swim
across the river.

It's easier to wear a hat.

Here, have a hat.

Heh, heh!


[ Both chuckle]

Man, I'm glad I met you.

Jake, stop talking to yourself!
Cross over, already!

Uh, I can't swim that river, dude.

My subconscious says it's too hard.

Check out this hat, though.

What's wrong with that guy?

Then just wait for me there!



What you working on, Finn?

[grunting ]

Doing everything!

Look at you, doing stuff.

Oh, is it a chair —
a chair for my butt?



Did it work?

Oh, yeah, I can feel this working.

In fact, you should roll
in the mud with me, Finn!

We can both be magic!


[both laughing]

This isn't working at all.

This isn't the right mud.

I was just really hoping this
was over and done.


Then let's just go find another mud puddle.

Actually, feeling kind of chubby-tired.

Can't we do this tomorrow?

This is stupid!

Just go back to the witch and apologize

and get your powers back.


I'd rather be powerless forever than apologize!

I'm lazy but prideful.

You're not even trying, man!

First you won't run,
a-and now you keep —

and — a-and no matter what
I just — you just — you...

Adventuring is too much
hard work for a bro

without his powers.

But you are
an adventurer.


From now on, I'm just your regular old dog.

Ironic, given my current man-baby body.

[both gasp]

Behold, the beautiful mermaid of the river!


Which one of you mortals
wants to mate with all this?

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, um... how do I say,

"you're the grossest thing ever,"
without offending you?


I'll scare her off, Finn.

[ Barking ]

How do we beat power like that?

- Finn, I've got an idea.
- What is it, buddy?

Rub my belly!

Yeah, I'm one of those kind of dogs.

Gm Y am!

[ laughs



Come on, Finn!

You got to save yourself!

I'm just a dog!

Aw, man.
Oh, geez.

Okay, then I'm back on the team!

[grunting ]
I'll save you!


Don't worry!

Hey, Finn, can you help me to get up there?

Hungry, hungry, hungry.

Ohh. If only I had my powers back!

The only way I'll give back
your powers is —

I know, I know!

I have to apologize to that witch.

Oh, you're doing so well.

[ Gruffly]
And I hate you so much.

Hey! Witch! I need my powers back!

So I'm sorry!

I'm so sorry I ate your doughnut!


Huh? Uh, Oh.

So, do I get my powers back?

[normal voice]
Mmm. Apology denied.

What? Why?

Because you took too long.

Now you have to apologize while doing

a variety of humiliating things.

No way, Jose!

Come on, dude.
It's the only way to save Finn.

- Who is that?
- He's my subconscious.

Then he has to do it, too.


Jake the dog...

while slow-dancing with my subconscious...

With flowers in my underwear...

do humbly apologize.

Wait, wait.
Start over.

- You're recording this?
- It's for my newsletter.

No way.
I have my dignity.

Then guess what, cool guy —

you can forget about getting
your powers back — ever!

Oh, no, dude, what do we do now?


I'm dying, Jake.

- What?
- He says he's dying.

Let that be a lesson to all you cupcakes.

Why are you dying, bro?

Because I'm the subconscious
of your old magical self.


Goodbye, Jake.

NO! No!


So, I've finally broken you.



If only I were a humbler guy,

my subconscious would be alive,

and my best bud wouldn't be
trapped in a mermaid's nest!

Gloat, gloat, gloat!

All right, I think you've learned your lesson.

I forgive you.

My powers!
How can I ever thank —

Ha! Got your cane!

Aah! Ugh!

But didn't you learn your lesson?

[both laughing

Hungry, hungry!


Remember to save the brain for dessert!

Honey, I'm back!

How about a big kiss?

[ Smooches ]


You guys are so cute,

I could just maul you to death.

[ All squawking ]
- Jake!

I never should have doubted you.

Well, I'm glad you learned your lesson —

that in a crunch, there's nothing
I wouldn't do for you.

Ahh! So, is that how you got
your powers back?

You apologized to the witch?

Um, no way!

I, um — I must have found
the right... mud puddle.

Yeah, I-l don't remember.


♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ We can wander through the forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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