04x19 - Lady & Peebles

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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04x19 - Lady & Peebles

Post by bunniefuu »

Why did I do that?

Did you find them?

Will they be okay?

I told him that his Vietnamese noodles were

too tough before he went missing.

Why did I say such a thing!

What if something bad happens to him!

The last conversation we had was that his noodles are bad.

Sorry. Guess I've taken too much noodle.

What if he att*cks you with a knife!

What if he tries to hurt you!

That's right.

I'm little bit too worrying sometimes.

I always got haunted by the nightmare

that half-dead corpses attacking my house!

My uncle, aunt-in-law, cousins were all present,

I even hear the crying coming from the upstairs.

I just wished that I could protect my family.

I become too stressful during that dream,

I even grind my own teeth badly!

When I wake up in the morning,

all my teeth are cracked!

I usually try to forget about it,

thinking that it's just a dream

or I'm being paranoid,

but I was actually att*cked by these half-dead corpses before,


It's hard to see things

What's that?

Ahh! Stop it! Help!

Your weapons!

Princess you're making me sweat.

This chamber is bigger than my love for pretty birds' song!

Eh, Yeah, don't worry about me.

I'm perfectly, perfecty fine.

Let's go, get up!

I don't think this will work.

You should go alone,

I'm just your obstacle.

Is Jake awake?

It's fine.

That was my fault for hiding it.


I've got something terribly important to tell you.
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