07x01 - Bonnie & Neddy

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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07x01 - Bonnie & Neddy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪



And I dub thee sir Jake the dog.

You two now comprise the royal guard

of the one true Princess of Ooo...

That's me!

As such, you may no longer

own property or operate children

and must render all treasure and wives

unto your sworn princess
within a hangman's fortnight.

Joke's on you, man.

We spent all our treasure the other day...

Plus, don't even have any wives.

Wait, what? What about Lady?

Lady's my girlfriend.

Wait, but...

That was tree trunks.

Oh, yeah!

We, the inhabitants of Ooo,

owe you heroes our very lives.

As the once powerful and
dignified Princess Bubblegum

sulked off into exile,

it fell upon you two

to save us from the impending comet of doom

and/or from the hideous Orgalorg,

who aimed to eat the powerful comet

and grow invincible!

And for that, we are eternally grateful.

I know I am.

But now your bravery is essential

to a new heroic task!

Can you guess what it is?


Come on. Guess!


Fight a... Fight a dragon?

Wrong! Follow me.

Man, this is stupid as heck.

I miss P.B.

Yeah, I guess.


I mean, except for this
sweet armor, though.

This armor's hot like fire.

Nah. The armor's stupid, too.

Dang King of Ooo, going
around like D.J. Snappy.

This is it, fellas...

The only spot in the kingdom left unscoured

during my treasure census.

I'm afraid it'll explode
or something if I open it.

But I really think there could...

Nay, there might... Be
precious treasures in there,

so I want you two to do it.

Man, this seems like a really bad idea.

Yeah, well, it's an order
from your princess.

Git, git, git!


Come on! All right, all right!


We are the sworn protectors

of the forbidden inner sanctum, heh.

Uh, to proceed, you must
answer this ancient riddle.

I forgot the riddle.

That's okay.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Hey, there's stairs back here.

I love you guys.



Wait up.

It's a dragon... A candy dragon.


He sucks the vitamins from the roots

and transforms it into candy juice.

And then... And then the juice
goes in all those drains.

This... This is the lifeblood
of the whole kingdom!

Power, defense, recreation...
This is everything!

- ♪ Mo-mo-mo-money ♪
- It cleans, it nourishes, and, and...

♪ Mo-mo-money, money, money ♪

♪ Mo-mo-mo-money, money ♪

Go on.

What are you talking about
with all this money talk?

Yeah, why are you singing the money song?

What, you don't see it?

They don't see it.

Look, everyone needs juice to live, right?

And I control the source of the juice.

So by me charging a mere
pittance for every single drop,

I can easily quadruple my treasure pile!

Man, if you think we're just
gonna stand here and...


If this dragon thing could
pick up the pace a bit,

we could have enough of a surplus left over

to export worldwide!

Hey! You there!

What do you think about picking up the...

Looks like the Candy Kingdom
Empire is finished.

But the four of us will live like kings

till the juice runs out.

What do ya say, boys, let's...

Oh. I wonder where they ran off to.

Princess, princess, princess! Princess!

Princess, princess,
princess, princess!

- Oh, hey, boys!
- Princess!

Skliz is really blizzed up
with the King of Ooo!

He really blizzed up all the skliz!

He blizzed it all up, man.

Yeah, well, maybe he
should unblizz it, then.

Why do I always got to unblizz everything?

But, princess, under the tree, there's...

There's a dragon, and he took the juice.

Oh, no.

This is all my fault!



Princess, what is it?

That dragon you saw,
he's my brother, Neddy.

- Wha-a-a-a-a?!
- Wha-a-a-a-a?!

We spawned together from the mothergum.

And now I'm all he has.

Neddy's very sensitive.

It's not safe for him out there.

He needs my help, and I'll need yours.






It's pretty quiet, huh?!

Okay, guys, Neddy's in this cave.

I know because my bod-rod here

is calibrated to our sister/brother bond.

Now, people frighten him,
so I'm going in alone.

If he tries to run, stop him.

I don't think we can, he's a giant...


Thanks, guys!

This armor... is driving me... nuts!

No way! I changed my mind.

I feel like a fancy shield.

Or if I was like a dangerous candlestick.

Like, a knight's candlestick.

You don't stretch, man.

This thing's crampin' my crimps!


Dude, I don't like that.


Neddy, you sweet weirdo.



Oh, no! I just want consistency!

If the King of Ooo tries
to come here again,

you have my secret permission to stop him.

No holds barred...
Moosewood stadium freestyle.

So what are you two up to now?

Eh, guarding stuff, I guess.

Um... hey, Bonnie?

You always act like a-a loner, right?

But next to your brother,
you're the light of the party.

Sorry, the light of the party.

I mean, yeah.

One of the first things I did

after making sure Neddy was safe

was to start making the candy people.

I was formed in the Mothergum.

My mind and my gum were in touch

with dozens of others like a crowded womb.

I guess I miss that.

But Neddy's from the
same place you're from,

and he's a wet hot dog
around everyone!

People get built different.

We don't need to figure it out,
we just need to respect it.

Maybe he likes his own company
better than I like mine.

Well, do you miss the candy people?

Hey, babaloos.

Good thing that juice is back on.

I was making a mint, but... hoo, doggy...

My candles were starting to turn.

Thanks, Jake.

That's the stuff.

Hey, do you know if I can drink this?

Like, is it like well water...

Good for bathing, but not
so good for drinking?

You know what? I'm going for it.

Yep. It tastes just like you'd think.
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