09x08 - Elements Part 7: Hero Heart

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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09x08 - Elements Part 7: Hero Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Quacking ]

[Warble, zap! ]

[ Roars ]

J‘ "Adventure Time" I

I Come on, grab your friends I

I We'll go to very messed—up lands I

I With Firm and Jake, Ice King, and Betty J“

J” Who knows how it will end? I

J” It's "Adventure Time" J”


[Indistinct chanting ]

Flame Crowd: Smash the nerds!

Smash the nerds!

Nerds, nerds, smash the nerds!

A nerdless world is the best kind of world!

Nerd, nerds, no more nerds!

[Grunting] Heh... hah...

Heh... hah...

Heh... hah... hah...


Fight, fight, fight.

Finn, stop.

What happened to getting the fire jewel and saving Ooo?

Is this about you ex?

This is about the purity of battle.

Okay, but you usually have a reason for fighting.

The fiery heartbeat of battle is its own reason.

No, that's stupid.

—Yah! — Oh, Glob!

Just listen to the beat of your hero heart.

Ionly hear the drums of w*r.


What drums?


[Grunts] Finn!

You‘re hurting me physically and emotionally.

[Grunts] Oh.

Fight, fight...

Dang it, Finn.

Becoming a crazy, fiery bad boy

has made you even more of a babe.

Ice King: Check it out, LSP.


It's a real magic flying carpet.

I feel just like Scheherazade.

Lump creature, did you get the fire jewel?

No. Flame Princess freakin' ate it.

And now the fire guys are attacking the Candy Kingdom

because they took everything I said the wrong way.

And that's totally on them.

But also, we lost Firm to the flames of w*r!


I'll go find him.


on, where are you, pal?

[ Gasps ]

It's Gunther.

He's in flames, too.

We have to rub soothing lotion on Guntzy.

You got any lotion?

Your skin is so hydrated.

Fun: Hmm.

Got any...

Caramel Crunch Pies?


[Laughs] Yes!

Oh, man, I don't think you should play this game ever again.

You're too good at it.

What is that sound?

[Drums beating in distance]

Ooh, company‘s coming!


[ Both cheering ]


—Whoo! — Yes!

Mm! Look at all these thirsty customers!


Ooh, the pies are ready!

Mm! Ice-cream pies for all our hot new friends!



[Both laughing]

Whoa! Mm!


[ Sizzle! ]

Maybe they don‘t like lemonade.



Gunther, your ride is here.

[ Foosh! ]

Gee, who sneezed in your corn flakes?

He's gone. The fire has taken his mind.

Is this true, Goontz?

Wenk! Wenk! Wenk!

[ Flame Crowd grunting ]

Look, weird lady, I don't know you and you don‘t know me,

but we're the only sane people left

in this crazy, mixed—up world.

Or maybe the world‘s fine

and we're the ones losing our marbles.

Either way, it's up to us to save the day.


So, let‘s get in there and mash their potatoes.

You got any mashed potatoes? I'm hungry.

[ Both scream ]



I have to hurry.

All this chaos and mayhem is just —— ugh!


You have to stop this.

Think of Jake.

How are you going to fix him if you're a fire bozo?

And if not for Jake, do it for me.

Aah! Oh, my side.

Flame Crowd: [Chanting ] Nerds, nerds, smash the nerds!

A nerdless world is the best kind of world!

Nerd, nerds, no more nerds! [Bubblegum humming]

My children have come home.

We've come for you!

Oh, a dragon, how fun!

I can do a dragon. Look.

[ Roars ]

I see you've been playing with matches.

Fight me, nerd!


Whoo-hoo-hoo! [ Giggles ]

Are we wrasslin‘? Fun!

I Giggling I [Grunting]

Aah! Stop having fun!

Huh? [ Gasps ]

Finn, no!


This isn't you! [ Grunts ]

You're being a very naughty boy, Finn!

Oh, Glob.

Everyone I know is spazzing out on each other.

They‘re spazzing each other to death!

[ Foosh! ]

[ Foosh! ]

Is this the end?

Will I be the last witness

to the glory of this world that I chose above all others?

[Marshmaline giggling]

Tickle, tickle, tickle. [ Giggles ]

[ Gasps ]

Marceline! I got you!

[ Splat! ]


I got burned.

[Laughs weakly]

Oh, Marcy.

I don't think I can save the world on my own.

I'm more of an aspiring hero than a real one.

I got, like, the morals and the charisma and the good looks,

but I lack field experience!

Why couldn't I just get morphed like everyone else?

Curse these superior genes!


Have some marshmallow, dude.

It'll calm you down.


[Slurps] Mmm.


[Inhales, exhales deeply]

[ Softly ] Your face tastes like my happy place.

Fire Finn: Rah! [Sword swings]

[ Gasps ]


Fire Finn rules!

[Grunting] Hah... hah... hah.

It's time to go professional.

Hah... hah... yah.


My little sugarplum.

You've returned to accept your sweet fate.

I ain't sweet!

I'm a pure warrior with g*ns,

and I'ma m*rder you for funs!



You can't s*ab a person you love, Finn!

I'll s*ab you!

—Aah! — Oof!


I'm sending you to your...

happy place!

[ Sizzle! ]

[ Sniffs, snorts]


Here, take it, you cutie.


LSP: [Echoing] I said your happy place.

Happy place!

I wish I could stay like this.

[ Foosh! ]

[ Sizzle! ]

I‘ve enjoyed just —— just hanging out.

Me too.

[Soft sizzling ]

You did it, LSP.

I'm human Finn.

There's no time for romance, Finn.

We got to get that jewel.

Oh, yeah.


I'm bringing you back, Bonnie.


That's sweet.



Sweet, but not sweet enough.

[ Both screaming ] [ Giggling ]



[Rumbling, Bubblegum grunting]

This Charade has run its course.

In your hearts, you are all sweet.

J” Let me call you sweetheart J”

J” I'm in love with you J”


J“ Let me hear you whisper J” [ Gasping ]

Let my impervious bod be your shield!

J” That you love me, too J” Mmm!

[ Screams ]

J” Keep the love—light glowing J No!

[ Gasps ] Flame Princess!

J In your eyes so true J”

[ Coughs ] Phoebe?

J” Let me call you sweetheart J” [Candy rattling ]

[ Gags ]

J” I'm in love with you J”

The final jujubee.

Betty: Finn!



[ Gobbling ]

Purple clump, you are a sour anomaly.


[ Muffled ] What'd you call me?

[Cand y rattl' Aah! Ing]

Give me them jewels, Finn. We're out of time.

Give me, give me, give me.


[ Cackles ]

Now, let‘s grab LSP and get the buns out of here ——



[ Cackling ]


I've been betrayed.

I've been Betty—trayed!

[ Rustling ]

[ Screams ]

J” Let me call you sweetheart J”

Together: J” I'm in love with you J”

J” Let me hear you whisper J”

J” That you love me, too J”

[ Screams ]

All: J” Keep the love—light glowing J”

J” In your eyes so true J”

J” Let me call you sweetheart J”

J” I'm in love with you J”

J” Come along with me J”

J” And the butterflies and bees J”

This party is so crazy!
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