01x01 - Rise of the Turtles Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x01 - Rise of the Turtles Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

- Yah! - Oh, yeah! Michelangelo is on the move! Heeyah! You don't know what to do.

I'm here, I'm there.

I could be anywhere.

How do you stop what you can't even see? Like that? Good one, Leo.

All right, Donnie.

Put down the staff and no one gets hurt.

Uh, you said that last time, Raph, and then you hurt me.

Yeah, but less than I would have.

Yeah, right.

Wah! Ah! Yah! Should've dropped the staff? Should've dropped the staff.

Okay, okay.

Ow! I'm down! Onegai shimasu.

Whatever you say.

Ah! Agh! Nice try.

Ya me! You all did very well.

But I did better.

This is about self-improvement, Raphael.

It is not about winning and losing.

I know, sensei.

But I won and they lost.

Ah, ah, ah! But what's really important is that we all did our best.

Good job, everyone! Ah.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team Get rocked with the shell shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their move The good guys win and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Mm.

Bleh! There's a little more algae and worms left if anyone wants it.

Anybody? Anybody? - No, thanks.

- I'm good.

All yours.

Well, I guess no one left room for Cake! - Whoa! - It is a cake! Made of algae and worms.

What's the frosting made out of? You don't wanna know.

Happy Mutation day! Happy Mutation day! Ah, yes.

our lives changed forever and we became the unlikeliest of families.

Tell us the story, Master Splinter.

Michelangelo, I have already told it many times.

Please! Pleeeease! Please.

It's the only way to shut Mikey up.

Ah, very well.

Many years ago, when I was still human, I was leaving the pet store with four baby turtles.

- That was us? - Yes.

Don't interrupt! I passed a strange man on the street.

Something felt off about him.

I decided to follow.

Go no further.

This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place.

We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you.

That was the beginning of our life together.

It was the mysterious substance in this canister that, in a way, gave birth to us all.


So, sensei, now that we're 15, I think we're finally ready to go up to the surface, don't you? Yes.

And no.

- Oh, man, come on.

- Lame.

I hate when he does that.

You have grown powerful, but you are still young.

You lack the maturity to use your skills wisely.

So, sensei, isn't that just no? Yes And no.

Wisdom comes from experience.

And experience comes from making mistakes.

Aha! So in order for us to gain the wisdom, we have to make the mistakes.

- So we can go.

- No.

- And yes? - No! Oh! Sensei, we know you're trying to protect us, but we can't spend our whole lives hiding down here.


You may go tonight.

High three! Mr.

Crenshaw, status report! Status? I'll give you the status! We're gonna blow up in two seconds! Thank you, captain.

Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan.

There's no time for hesitation.

My orders must be carried out without question! Aye, sir! You know this show is stupid, right? Space Heroesis a great show.

And captain Ryan is a great hero.

Someday, I am gonna be just like him.

Well, you do like to hear yourself talk, so you're on your way.

It's go time! You are going up to a strange and hostile world.

You must maintain awareness at all times.

Aye, sensei! - Stay in the shadows.

- Aye, sensei! - Don't talk to strangers.

- Aye, sensei! - Everyone is a stranger.

- Aye, sensei! Make sure you go before you leave.

The restrooms up there are filthy.

Sensei! Good luck, my sons.

- I am so pumped! - Surface time! Oh, this is gonna be epic! Look both ways before crossing the street! It's so beautiful.

The city is just full of possibility.

There could be an adventure around this corner Or or this one Or this one! There's not, but there could be! Look at all the computers! Is that the next generation cadmium processor with quantum encryption? I don't know, Donatello.

Is it? - It is! - Guys, guys! Check this out.

A hand made out of light.

Now it's an eye made out of light.

And the hand again! Now the eye's back! Now the hand! - Come on, genius.

- The eye! So where to next? Huh? Ah! That was kinda fun.

We're too exposed out here.

Come on.


Should we open it? Careful! It could be dangerous.

I think it's food.

It's not like any food I ever saw.

I'll try it.

Mm! Mm.

Uh, yuck.

You guys won't like it.

I'll take the rest.

- No way! - Nuh-uh! Back off! I never thought I'd taste anything better than worms and algae, but this is amazing! Right? I love it up here! Yeah-ha! Whoohoo! Ha, ha-ha! Yippy! Ha ha! All right, guys, it's getting late.

We should probably head back home.


Guys! Look at that! She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? My point still stands.

What? What is this? We gotta save 'em! Splinter's instructions were very clear.

We're supposed to stay away from people.

And bathrooms.

I thought you wanted to be a hero.

Since when do heroes ask for permission? They don't.

But Well, I'm going! Help! Help! Hey! Still standing, huh? I'll fix that.

- Wah! - Oh! - Watch it! - You watch it! Watch it, Donnie! Hyah! What the Ah! Oh, come on! Ooh! Oh! Ow! Ha.


Hey, cut it out! Stop! Ow! Huh? Agh! Gotcha! Aghh! No, no, no.


Don't worry.

We're the good guys.

It's okay.

Whoops! Sorry.

Watch out! Huh? They're getting away! They got the girl! You just jabbed me with your sword.

Well, I didn't know you were gonna land where I was stabbing.

You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough enough to stand up to my hot nunchuck fury? Hyah! Wah! Huh? I see.

Well, then Aah! Stay back! What the That is all kinds of wrong.

Aah! Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe this! That dude, he he Had a brain! We all have brains, Mikey.

Not all of us.

In our chests? No, Mikey.

Not in our chests.

You're not listening to me! Did you just slap me? I was calming you down.

Why would that calm me down? I think he's delusional.

Just-just come here.

I'm telling you.

The big guy was a robot and he had a freaky-weird alien brain thing in his chest.

You gotta believe me.

- I'm not sure we do.

- Oh, yeah? Well, you'll change your tune when you see that he's Gone? And so your inability to work together allowed them all to get away.

Well, maybe if I didn't have to waste time arguing with hero boy, I could've saved them.

Hey, if you hadn't gotten in my way, I could have done it.

And you went flying off on your own.

How smart was that? Well, it would've worked out great if somebody hadn't hit me in the head with their nunchucks! Well, none of this would've happened if Somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place.

Oh, geez.

Sensei, I didn't mean to - No, Michelangelo.

- You are right.

- I am? - He is? You were not fully prepared for what was up there.

I trained you to fight as individuals, not as a team.

And as your teacher, your father, the responsibility for that is mine.

Perhaps in another year we can try again.

Another year? Ha! Has everybody forgotten that people were kidnapped? They don't have a year! sensei, we have to do something now! You weren't there, sensei.

You didn't see the way that girl looked into my eyes.

She was scared.

And she was counting on me us to save her! Yes, you must save her.

I agree, sensei.

But in that fight, we weren't exactly a well-oiled machine.

Like that robot with the brain thingy.

Give a rest! Hmm.

If you are to fight more effectively as a unit, you are going to need a leader.

Can I be the leader? Why should you be the leader? I kicked your butt.

I should be the leader.

Hey, I'm smarter than all you guys put together.

- It should be me.

- No way! It should be me! I don't really have a reason.

I just think it would be neat.

This is a difficult decision.

I will meditate on it.

It's Leonardo.

No hard feelings, Raph? Stick it in your shell.

Explain to me one more time what we're doing here.

Mikey, we've been over this.

That building has the same logo as the van that was used to kidnap the family.

So if we wait here long enough, one of the kidnappers will eventually show his face.

And when he does, we'll make him tell us where they took them.

And then we got ourselves a van! Just hit the guy I tell you to.

Will do! Are you sure this is gonna work? Trust me.

They'll be here any second.

Oh! Okay, I'm thinking of something green.



Is it Raphael again? Man, you're good at this! Give it up already.

The guy's not gonna show.

We have to be patient.

No, you have to come up with a better plan, 'cause the four of us standing here with our thumbs up our noses I don't think they'd fit.

Is pointless.

You sure about that, Raph? He just showed up, didn't he? I should've complained two hours ago.

Gentlemen, I have a bold and daring plan.

There's no time for hesitation.

My orders must be carried out without question.

Guys? Guys, wait up! All right, buddy.

We can do this the easy way, or my vote the hard way.

Yeah, look at it logically.

There are four of us and one of you.

What are you gonna do? - Yow! - Whoa! You had to ask! - He's getting away again! - No, he's not.

Whoa! Ugh.

Now we're getting somewhere.

I don't know what that means.

Go around back.

Why didn't he just say so? Huh? Mom?
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