01x06 - Metalhead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x06 - Metalhead

Post by bunniefuu »

[laser blasts]

[indistinct shouting]

Yaah! [growls]

Keep moving.

Don't let them surround you.

Failure is not an option.

Technically, failure is always an option.

You know what else is an option? Slapping you! [laser g*ns cocking]

Whoa! [grunts]

- Mikey! On the right! - Your right or my right? [laser g*n humming]

Waah! Aah! [metal clanging]

Are you kidding me? I hate this thing! Hiyaah! Nice work.

When we're done here, there's a marching band that needs a majorette.

[laser blasts]




Kraang, the present is being a positive time to be the testing of the energy cannon.

[engine rumbling]

Waah! Everyone stand your ground! [machine humming]

On second thought, run! [beep]

[all screaming]

Yikes! Yaah! - Oh, come on! - Dude, your w*apon just exploded! Huh? Whoa! How am I supposed to fight advanced alien technology with a stupid stick? Aah! [expl*si*n]


Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Kraang, destroy those who call themselves the turtles when that which is the signal is the signal that is given by me! [whirring]

[engine starts]

[metal clanging]


[all whimpering]

- Dumb luck.

- Wasn't luck, my friend.

And dumb had nothing to do with it.



Give me a hand with this.

A hand with what? [grunts]

We're carrying this thing because why? Don't you want to understand how these things work? I know how they work.

You hit them till the brainy toy surprise pops out.

That's your problem, Raph.

You never think things through.

Was that supposed to fit? [metal clanging]

This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen! Do you know what this is? [rattling]


Neither do I! But I can't wait to find out! Look, spike.

Donnie got another stick to break.

With all due respect, sensei, I can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6-foot staff.

- I was hoping to upgrade my w*apon.

- Mmm.

A 7-foot staff.


- No, I meant using modern technology.

- Aah, a solar-powered staff.

I'm serious, sensei.

I know.

And yes, you may upgrade your w*apon.

That's totally unfair! You can't just Wait, did you say yes? Ninjas have improved their arsenal for centuries.

- We are masters of adaptation.

- That is great! 'Cause with this technology, I will be invincible! What should I make? Electric sais? Multi-shot shuriken? Plasma swords! [giggles]

I just gave myself goosebumps.

- You wanna feel? Eh? - Pass.

But remember, technology is a means, not an end.

It is you who must prevail in battle, not your w*apon.

Combat is not a video game.

That's it! I'll turn combat into a video game! Thanks, sensei.

[door slams]

[video game beeping]

Hey guys! Check out this post I got.

Hang on, April, I just have to destroy Lame-onardo.

[beeping continues]




Haa! Unh! - So what's up? - I set up a message board to collect unusual sightings around New York.

People send in pics, videos I also get some stuff that may help us track the Kraang and find my Dad.

Like this video of a gas expl*si*n.

- A Kraangdroid.

- Where? Aah! Hunh! - We'll check it out tonight.

- Why not now? Because it's daytime.

We can't let anyone see us.

Well, I can.

April, think about this.

It could be dangerous.

You know what else could be dangerous? Standing between me and my father.


Okay, Kraang-creep Lead the way.

[heroic music over TV]

What do you make of this, Dr.

Mindstrong? [beeping]

This is very disturbing, Captain, sensors indicate [alien screech]


Everything is fine.

- Great galaxies! - Captain, what's happening? Dr.

Mindstrong's been taken over by the Cortexicons.


What'll we do? What'll we do? [loud smack]

Ow! There's only one thing we can do.


Mindstrong must be destroyed.

[laser blasts]


What a hero.

[thunderous metal clanging]

[clanging continues]

Take me to your leader! - Leo, it's for you.

- What is this thing? Gentlemen and Raphael This is the future of ninjutsu.

I always thought the future of ninjutsu would be taller.

Aw, he's so cute.



He doesn't like being tickled.


[robotic gibberish]

Is that which is the unstable mutagen ready for using in the experiment that Kraang is being ready to begin? The unstable mutagen will be tomorrow unleashing in the water supply.


The water supply? Oh, no.

Many infected humans will mutation.

This is being a good way to perfect the mutagen to the point of perfection.



[beeps, buzzes]

[mechanical footsteps]

[footsteps continue]

[beeps, buzzes]

Think ninja.

Think ninja.




[wind howling]


Yaah! [metal clangs]




Waaah! Isn't it cool? I reverse-engineered it from the Kraangdroid.

Okay why? So the drone can handle the dangerous stuff while we stay out of harm's way.

Oh, I get it.

This is for wimps too afraid to fight.

No, it's for wimps too smart to fight I mean [metal thumping]

Ooh! Let's call him Metalhead.

Why, you ask? Because it's got a head and it's made of We get it.

I don't need a toaster to fight my battles for me.

This is ridiculous, Donnie.

It takes the whole point out of being a ninja.

It's exactly the point of being a ninja we adapt.

Now watch this.

Attack the drone.

Give it all you've got.

You sure? I don't want to break your toy.

I do! [mechanical whirring]



Yah! Yaah! [grunting and groaning]


- Yaah! - Yaah! [metallic thwacking]

[both groan]



Ooh! Aah! Ooh! [loud crash]


I kicked your shells! And I didn't even have to use the laser cannon! Face it, guys, with this thing I'm invincible! - Oh, yeah? - You know what I mean.

Sensei, I was wondering if I could take Metalhead for a spin tonight.

- You may.

- That's totally unfair! You can't just wait, what? You have created this new w*apon.

We must see how well it works.

Well, that's great.

Thank you, sensei.

But it is a test only.

Do not take it into combat.

No problem, sensei.

You're taking it into combat, aren't you? Totally! [giggles]

[gears grinding]

[air hissing]

Should we double back? I think there's a car alarm he didn't set off.

I kinda like it.

It goes nicely with all the sirens and cries for help.

Oh, come on.

You guys are just jealous 'cause you're out there in the cold and I'm here eating Mikey's last slice of pizza.

Hey! [metal clanging]

Ow! - Hello? - Hey, guys, quiet.

Somebody's coming.

Guys, it's me.

April! Guys! I was just looking for you.


Aah! [metal clanging]

[mechanical rattling]

Still, it's stealthier than the real Donatello.

What the heck is that? It's Donnie's latest "brilliant" creation Metalhead.

Catchy name, huh? My idea.

[radio feedback]

Oh, sorry, April.

I'm still getting used to the controls.


Megaphone button got stuck.

Guys, we gotta do something.

The Kraang are gonna poison the city's water supply with mutagen! The whole city will become a disaster area! There'll be mutants everywhere! Wow.

Think of all the friends we can make.

Excuse me for being a "glass-half-full" kinda guy.

Let's go! Yeah! The Kraang don't stand a chance! What? Donnie, I need you to hang back.

Metalhead is just too clumsy.

It'll get in our way.

Clumsy? [clattering]

I did that on purpose to emphasize my point.

You're not coming, Donnie.

So you like heavy metal? [nervous laugh]

[clears throat]

Looks like a Kraang picnic down there.

- Ready to bash some bots? - Destroy some droids? Clean some closets? Uh, I meant to say crush some Kraang? Booyakasha! [grunting]

[mechanical gibberish]


All: [screaming]

[laser blasts firing]

Look at her.

She's so beautiful.

On this monitor, she can't tell I'm staring.

You do know that's not muted, right? [screams]

[nervous laugh]

Of course! If it was muted, you couldn't hear me joking.

Man, I hope she bought that.

- That's the megaphone.

- I know! So, how do you think the fight's going? Aah! They're everywhere! Run! Not great.

Leo, we're running out of - [grunts]


- We're trapped! Or maybe, they're the ones who are trapped! Hmm? No, it's us.

[glass shattering]


Aah-ha-ha! What are you doing? What is wrong with your arms? - My hands aren't on my hips? - No! Sorry.

Forgot to press B.

[laser blasts firing]

Now it's my turn! Eat hot laser! [laughs]

You want some of this? Whoo! [laughs]

Yeah, baby! [wild laughter]

Hey, Raph, how does it feel to be shown up by a toaster? [grumbles]

Burn! Yeah, I thought that was a good one.

- No! Burn! - Oh.


That thing which does v*olence at Kraang used to do v*olence for Kraang! [mechanical whirring]


Aah! - Dude! - Oops! Sorry, Mikey! Donnie, watch the friendly fire.

Here's some for you! And some for you! And, oh, yeah, I saved a little for you too! How'd that taste? [buzzing]

[metal clinking]

No! I lost the control signal! What's that Kraang doing? [growling]


Guys, if you can hear me, you might wanna run.

The ones that which are called turtles will now be called turtles that are destroyed! Whew! I was really afraid at the beginning of the sentence, but then I sort of just lost interest towards Ok.

I'm afraid again.


Oh, come on! - Maybe if I can override - Donatello.

The time for games is over.

You're right.

My brothers need me.

Wait! Here! Give him everything you've got.

- He's gotta have a weak spot.

- This always works! Hiyah! [clang]

Ow! Well, usually.

Now Kraang will destroy you.

Which one wants to be first to be destroyed by Kraang? Me! Yah! Donnie! Bangin' entrance, dude! You guys deal with the droids.

I'll handle Metalhead.

It is the maker of the tech which was the tech that was of the Kraang.

Come on, gimme your best Gaah! Not again.


That might work.

Hey, Kraang! The one who is called your mother wears the boots that are made for combat! The comment that is made by you shows ignorance of Kraang! - The ones known by you as mothers - Just come get me! [screams]




Booyakasha! - Sounds weird when he says it.

- Sounds weird when you say it.

That which is the revenge will be had on those who are call themselves the turtles.



- Nice job, bro! - Way to go, Donnie.

Yeah, not bad.

Except for that part where you built the thing in the first place.

And the part where it broke.

And the part where it tried to k*ll us.

- And the part - Ok, I get it.

Oh, so close to my high score.

Oh! [sautering iron buzzing]

What troubles you, Donatello? [sighs]

This was all my fault, sensei.

- You are responsible, yes.

- Yeah.

Responsible for destroying the mutagen.

Responsible for saving the people of this city.

Responsible for defeating advanced technology using only ingenuity, bravery, and a stick.

Thanks, sensei.

Maybe you're right.

- I am.

- I guess with proper training, there's nothing better than a wooden stick.

Except a laser guided, m*ssile-launching wooden stick.

[beeps, buzzes]

All: [groaning]

It's not supposed to do that! Run! All: [screaming]
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