01x14 - New Girl In Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x14 - New Girl In Town

Post by bunniefuu »



[both grunting]





- Whoa! - No! Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie! Snakeweed's getting away! Oh! Oh! Somebody help me! - We've got him trapped.

- Good.

Then let's go weed-whacking! - Tree-trimming! - Gardening! Boom! Ha ha! Oh, yeah.

Mikey put the sprinkles on that sundae.


Let's go! Hang on, Raph.

We're not charging a - Then what are we doing? - We'll take Snakeweed from above, Tie him up in the clotheslines.

Come on.

That'll take forever, and we have to stop Snakeweed now! I mean, he's kidnapping people.

Not just people people who bring pizza.

We take him from above.

Let's move! [whispering]

On my count.

One, two Where'd he And the award for worst leader goes to - How am I the worst leader? - If we did this my way, - Snakeweed would be toast by now.

- Ugh.

That'd be some nasty toast.

This way would've worked if you hadn't wasted time second-gueing my orders.

Don't give bad orders, and I won't second-guess 'em.

You know what, Raph? If you think you could do better, why don't you lead? First good idea you've had all day.

[both growling]

We'll compromise.

I'll lead.

Fine, Raph, the team's yours.

I'm out of here.

- I can't believe he's gone.

- Aw, don't worry, Mikey.

Leo, uh he just needs some space.

You meant the pizza guy, didn't you? Yeah.

[theme music]

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Foot clan? [scoffs]

You guys just made my night.


I feel so much better.

[distant thud]

- Not bad.

- Uh, thanks? [chuckles]

You might actually be a challenge.


[coughing, gasping]

- Ha! - Oh! Ugh.


Guess not.

My name's Karai.

Huh? See you around.


What was that? Donnie, we have to find Snakeweed's lair.

- Working on it.

- Then work faster! Do you think yelling is gonna help? No, I think hitting is gonna help.

- I'll work faster.

- That's the spirit.

Leo's back.

And he's been crying.

Aw, you missed us.

- I got hit with blinding powder.

- Sure.

Big softy.

- And where have you been? - Don't see how that's your business.



Dudes, can't we just be cool with each other? Let's hug this out.

Ugh! Okay.

Now the healing can begin.

Hey, I think I figured out where Snakeweed's hideout is.

- Where? - Okay The radial pattern of recent Snakeweed sightings indicates his lair is at the epicenter of 47th and Actually, you're on a need-to-know basis.

And guess what.

You don't need to know.


We shouldn't be together, Ryan.

It's against your fleet protocol.

Well, Celestial, you don't get to be captain of the Dauntless by following all the rules.


Then you won't mind giving me the codes.

Celestial, you just broke my heart.

- Oh! - But my disintegrator still works.

At least I'll have these to remember her by.

Boy, relationships are complicated.

- Leonardo, where are your brothers? - I have no idea.

- What do you mean you have no idea? - Raph thinks he can lead the team better than me, so I let him.

- That is not your decision to make.

- Why not, sensei? I've had to make every other decision, and I'm tired of it.

Those guys have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under, and all they do is complain.

Is it too much to ask for a simple thank-you? Of course it is.

Leadership is not about being appreciated.

It is about responsibility.

It doesn't matter that the burden is heavy.

It matters that you carry it.

Now go find your brothers.


What if I don't want the burden? [sighs]

Where are those guys? Donnie said something about 47th and, uh You always talk to yourself? Sometimes I'm the only one who'll listen.

I'll listen when you beg for your life.

Let's see how well you do against someone who can see.

Let's see how well you do against someone who's better than you.

Let's see how well you do against [stammers]

Let's just go.






You're good.

No wonder we haven't wiped you out yet.

It's not like Shredder hasn't been trying.

I know.

It's all he ever talks about.

"Revenge, revenge, vendetta, vendetta.

" - Really? I take it you don't approve.

- No, I'm fine with it.

I'm just saying, he needs a hobby.

Hee-ya! Not bad, but I've seen better.


With one blade, maybe, not with two.


- Man, it really stinks around here.

- It is a sewer, Mikey.

I mean more than usual.

[inhales deeply]


Where does all this stuff come from anyway? Uh, Mikey, it's, um [whispering]

What? Don't they know we're living down here? Keep it down, guys.

- Wow.

You sound just like Leo.

- You say that one more time, and I'll shove your head in this sewage.

And now you sound like you again.


Come on.

Snakeweed's lair should be around here somewhere.

You don't say.

[both gasp]

And he's growing humans.

He's not growing 'em, shellbrain.

He's holding 'em c*ptive.

For what? He's a plant.

He can't eat 'em.

He's probably turning them into fertilizer.


Is that really where fertilizer comes from? Actually, most fertilizer comes from [whispering]

What? Is there anything that doesn't come from that? Enough.

Let's cut 'em loose.






Not only was that a job well done, it was a job well done without Leo.

- My fertilizer! - What now, boss? You know what? I don't think you're as bad as you pretend to be.

Oh? What part of swinging a sword at your head - do you not understand? - [chuckles]

On the rooftop, you could have finished me, but you didn't.

Because you're the first thing in this city that doesn't bore me.

Besides, I don't think you're as good as you pretend to be.

Don't tell me the goody-three-toes thing doesn't wear thin after a while.

Better than the alternative.

Which is what? To have fun? [groans]

To cut loose? To live your own life? [grunts]

Ugh! Guess I struck a nerve.


Because I beat you? [grunts]


- You see that high-rise? - Yeah.

- Meet me there at midnight.

- Why? I want to show you something.


Ah! Wow! We're totally losing! Really? I hadn't noticed.

Then get your head in the game, bro.

You're supposed to be the leader! Ugh! [screams]



[all gasp]

Get back in there! - And do what? - Go for the head.

- I just did.

- Do it better.


Four times in a row he'll never see that coming! [growling]

Ah! - Now what, chief? - Go for the head.

Fifth time's a charm.


Whoa! [screams]

Whoa! [whimpering]

Mikey! [growls]





- Raph, little help here? - Just hold him off.



Ah! Come on, Mike, wake up.

Don't do this to me.

- Mikey's down.

- So what do we do now, Raph? [moaning]


- Uh - Raph! Uh, uh, uh Uh I'll smash you rotten turtles into the ground.



Raph! Uh We don't have much time before he grows back.

Let's grab Mikey and get out of here! [whimpers]


I'm coming for you, turtles! You hear me? I'm coming for you! [knocking at the door]


April? Leo? [scoffs]

This better be good.

- Hey.

I need to talk.

- Can it wait till morning? I met this girl.


Tell me everything.

Well, she's really cool.

She's also a martial artist.

And, uh she's in the Foot clan.

- Are you crazy? - April, she's different.

She's - In the Foot clan.

- Yeah, but she's In the Foot clan! Look, I know I shouldn't be hanging out with her.


You got that right.

You know why? - 'Cause she's in the Foot clan! - April, she's fun, and I'm tired of being the responsible one.

When do I get to have fun? [sighs]

So what does she want from you? I don't know.

I'm meeting her later at the Byerly building.

She's got something planned.

Yeah, like pushing you off the Byerly building.

- It's a trap, Leo.

- I don't think so.

There's good in her.

I know there is.

I can feel it.

I hope you're right.

Karai, I have learned that you had the opportunity to dispatch Leonardo.

- Really? - But you let him go instead.

- That's not true.

He escaped.

- I find that hard to believe.

- He escaped from you, didn't he? - [growls]

Enough! [unsheathing sword]

Next time you see Leonardo, you must finish him.

- Understood? - I understand, father.

[both panting]


- Help! - Ugh.

Set him down.

- Where is Leonardo? - I don't know.

Sensei, this is a disaster, and it's all my fault.

I don't know what happened.

I just froze up.

I mean, I have no problem risking my own life, but risking my brothers'? Now you see the price of leadership responsibility.

- Yeah, I hate it.

- So you understand Leonardo's burden? We need him back.

I need him back.

Then go get him.

But, sensei, I don't know where he is.

He's going to the Byerly building.

April texted me.

April texted me.

Oh, this is the best day! [groans]

Well, I mean, it's had its ups and downs.

I was beginning to think you were a no-show, but you don't disappoint.

- So what's this about? - That.

That's the sword of Miyamoto Musashi.

The greatest swordsman in the history of Japan.

It's ancient.

It's priceless.

And it's yours - If you help me.

- Do what? You know what.

We're going to steal it.

- No, we're not.

- Come on, that sword is just sitting there, collecting dust.

You know you deserve that katana certainly more than some lazy rich guy.

Stop being responsible, Leo.

Stop waiting for people to give you the life you want.

- Go out and take it.

- No.

I'm getting that sword, Leo, with or without you.

- Choose.

- I can't.

It's wrong.

You're starting to bore me.

Karai, you don't have to do this.

I know.

That's what makes it fun! Ugh! Leo! Wha what are you doing? Who's she? Um Uh, Raph, Karai.

Karai, Raph.

What are you, friends with her? We're out there risking our necks, and you're up here holding hands with the foot! - I can explain.

- This should be entertaining.

You see, Karai and I share an appreciation for the fine craftsmanship of [growling]

- I found you, turtles.

- Oh, thank goodness.



All is forgiven.

You're the leader again.

Welcome back.

- Ah! - Hyah! [strains]

Karai! Karai, please! Help! Sayonara.


- Raph, follow me.

I got an idea.

- You're the boss.

- Now what? - We charge him.

- Really? - Trust me.

Let's move.

Hyah! [screams]



Hyah! [screeches]

Oh! Whoa! Ah! [gasps]


Ah! [struggling]


Ah! Hyah! Raph! Now! [screeching]

Booyakasha! Nice work.

- Thanks.

Good to be back.

- And, uh [whispering]


What did you say? I couldn't hear.


I said I'm sorry! Ugh.

Apology accepted.

[heart beating]


- Mmm, pepperoni.

- Works every time.

Mikey! Don't scare me like that, buddy! I thought we lost you.


Dudes, I had the weirdest dream.

I dreamt the stuff in the sewer was made out of Eh, forget about it, Mikey.

It was just a dream.


So, what's with the girl who tried to k*ll you? She didn't try to k*ll me.

She saved me.

- She threw a knife at your head.

- She threw a knife near my head.

- She's in the Foot clan.

- Nobody's perfect.

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