01x15 - The Alien Agenda

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x15 - The Alien Agenda

Post by bunniefuu »

The turtles have been spotted in this neighborhood, so stay alert for any sign of them.

Boo-yaka-shaa! When fight is concluded, the ones called "the turtles" are defeated by Kraang.

Whoo! They're fighting robots? Whoa! This town's more interesting than I thought.

- I'll save you, Raph! - You'll save? Relax, Mikey.

You're safe now.

Thanks! Wait, I was fine.

Donnie! Behind you! The wall? Hm.

- Uh, what the heck was that? - Yeah, you trying to impress us? 'Cause it totally worked.

- What is it, Raph? - I thought I saw something.

What about you, Leo? - Did you see something? - No.

- Turtles first, right? - Turtles first.

You feel like we're missing something? All the time.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Aw, the mermaid's growing legs! Please! Settle down.

Xever, get ready to walk.

No, no, no.

No, no, no! Fix this, or I will bite your head off.

- Baxter Stockman.

- Mr.

Shredder! Uh, how long have you been standing there? Long enough to witness your failure.

- My patience is wearing thin.

- Yes, sir.

It's just the control mechanism is proving trickier Enough! If he is not walking soon, you won't be either.

I will give you one more chance, and then I Father.

We spotted the turtles fighting some guys in suits, but they were actually slimy brain squids in robot bodies! Your mission is to destroy them and find Splinter.

- Everything else is a distraction! - Distraction? Father, don't you want to know what's going on? Robots and creatures? Splinter's disciples are turtles, mutants! Your own men got turned into hideous freaks! Don't you think we should be finding out what's going on? I mean, there's more to life than your vendetta.

There is nothing more.

Have you forgotten what Hamato Yoshi did to me? To us? Every day that Splinter lives is a stain on our honor that we must wipe clean.

Stay focused on your mission, Karai.

Yes, father.

You knew the Foot Clan was watching us.

- Not the Foot.


- Karai is the Foot.

You knew she was watching, and all you did was show off.

I was demonstrating how formidable we are.

I knew she wasn't going to attack us.

Of course not.

She's studying our moves for next time.

You don't flirt with the enemy, Leo.

- You take 'em down.

- No.

You're wrong about her.

- She has a good side.

- Oh, yeah? Well, if that's what you're doing, why don't you go tell the others? Because they wouldn't understand.

You really think Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand? You really think Donnie wouldn't understand? Look, I know what I'm doing.

- You have to trust me.

- Why should I? What is going on in here? Uh, nothing important.

Right, Raph? Right.

- What you doin', April? - Sending in a sample for a class project.

You're mailing in your spit for a class project? Man, school sounds awesome! - It isn't.

- Well, I'd be awesome at it.

Check this spit out.


It's not about spit.

It's about the DNA.


Genetic code.

You know, the building blocks of life? Okay, DNA is a microscopic blueprint that tells every living thing what to grow into and why am I still talking to you? I don't know.

You'd think you'd have learned by now.

Everyone in our class is sending a DNA sample to this research group, the Worldwide genome project.

Then they'll send us back a report telling us all about our ancestors.

- Neat, huh? - Uh-huh.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.


It's amazing what they can do these days.

Just kidding.

How'd I know you'd show up? 'Cause you're not good at hiding from me? - Like last night.

- Oh! Were you there? I didn't notice.

I did see a bunch of robots, though.

What's their deal? Their deal is they're incredibly dangerous.

- Stay away from them.

- I like them already.

Something else is going on.

What is it? I'm not sure I should tell you anymore.

- Raphael says I can't trust you.

- He makes a good point.

Eventually, I am going to destroy you.

I don't think you are.

Really? And what do you think this is? I think it's a cry for help.

I think you're looking for a way out of the Foot Clan, and I can help you.

You're adorable.

Stupid, but adorable.

Really? You think I'm You wanna play games? I can handle it, but I need your word that you will not attack my brothers.

You know I can't do that.

Then understand this.

If you come after them, I'll come after you.

Hear me? Loud and clear.

Hello! I'm Ms.

Campbell From the Worldwide genome project.

- Are you April O'Neil? - Uh, yes.

I'm here to present your DNA test results.

- Come with me.

- Wow.

I figured you guys were just gonna send printouts.


We don't send printouts.

- Come with me.

- Uh, where exactly? We're going to a place where I will present your DNA test results.

Come with me.

Uh, what did you say your name was again? I'm Ms.

Campbell From the Worldwide genome project.

I'm here to present your DNA test results.


I gotta go.

Come with me.

Thank you, Splinter.

So are you gonna tell the guys about her? No need.

We had a little chat, and, uh, she's gonna leave us alone.

Oh, right, because villains always back off when you ask them to.

Maybe I'll text the Kraang and ask them to stop mutating stuff.

Okay, guys, what do you want: omelet pizza or pizza omelet? - What's the difference? - Okay, you caught my bluff.

Hey, did you guys just get a mass text from April? - Yeah.

- Yeah.

Well, does yours also say she's being att*cked by an old lady? - Sure does.

- Yep.

Is that considered an emergency? I guess.

Let's go! Suh-weet.

So, this is what school is like.

Okay, I feel stupid.

Ugh, April's gotta learn the T-phones are for emergencies only.

- A-A-April O'Neil? - Ah, sewer bunnies.

- Leo, I think this does count as a - An emergency.

I know! All right, guys.

Let's put old mother hubbard back in her cupboard.

Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes.

Mikey! The water fountain! I know! School has everything! - No! Spray her! - Oh! April! Where are you? And stay down! Thank you, guys.

You are so welcome.

So what the heck is that thing? It looks like a Kraangdroid minus the Kraang.

She said she was from the Worldwide genome project.


How did the Kraang know you sent your DNA spit to the Worldwide thingamajig project? The Kraang must've hacked into their system.

Who knows what kind of info they could be stealing? April, you'd better head to the lair, where it's safe.

We'll go check out the Worldwide genome project.

But, first, we gotta take down the eastside high panthers.

According to that poster, they've got it coming.

- So how do we get in? - Leave it to me.

- I've got an app for that.

- Oh, boy.

I've got an app for that, too.

You know, for a human lab, this place is awfully Kraang-y.

Guys, I think the Kraang are the Worldwide genome project.


- Now, you two play nice in there.

- What are those? Well, it looks like they're collecting DNA from every plant and animal species on Earth.

- What? - Building blocks, dude.

I'll drop the science on you later.

I wonder what they're doing with all this DNA.

Whatever it is, it can't be good.

Let's shut this place down.

- Hey, where's Raph? - Gotcha! - Karai! - Ka-who? Bet you think you're pretty slick.

- Oof! - I have my moments.

Raph, Karai! Stop it! Okay, what the heck is going on here? How do they know her? Yeah, and how do we know her? Wait.

Do we know her? So this is the stuff that turns people into monsters, huh? How's it work? Why don't you lean in a little closer, and I'll show you? Enough! You're gonna set off - One of those.

- Nice going, Leo.

You're protecting her? What is wrong with you? She is bad news.

- No, she's not! - Yeah, I am.

The ones who are not authorized by the authority of Kraang to exist in this place will now be destroyed by Kraang in this place.

This day just keeps getting better.


See? She's on our side.

Are you even listening to yourself? I like your brother, Leo.

He's almost as entertaining as you.

Oh, when this is over, I'll show you how entertaining I can be.

Kraang is now arriving to provide the help that has been requested by Kraang.

- We're trapped! - No.

You're trapped.

What happens if I do this? - No! - Don't do that! Highly undesirable outcome.

Well, now I gotta.


He's so cute.

- Whoa! That is wicked.

- How the heck am I gonna name this? Good question.

Well, see ya.

You're not gonna help us beat this thing? It's your fault! - I'll let the heroes handle it.

- Uhh! I trusted you! I know! That's messed up, right? So, guys, we all fans of Karai yet? I don't know who she is, but I know I hate her! Hey, look, Leo.

The Kraang are on our side now.

Save it.

Nice try, Octo-punk! No, no! Call him "Octo-eyeball-jelly-bug"! Ahh, let's just call him Justin.

Ow! Raph's right.

It is my fault.

Hey, Justin! This ends now.

Ha! Take that, Justin! Come on! Let's get out of here! So We're thinking somebody should start talking.

I should've told you about Karai sooner, but I really thought there was a chance she would be good, and I guess I sort of liked her.

Go ahead.


Dude, I can't believe you trusted her.

I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us.

I was wrong.

I'm really sorry.

- I tried to warn him.

- You too, huh? Leonardo, you are not the first young man or turtle to make a fool of yourself over a girl.

What about Donnie? Uhh! However, when that girl is a Kunoichi in the employ of your enemy, that is an error you cannot afford.

Hai, sensei.

Deception is the ninja's most powerful w*apon, - and it seems Karai is a master.

- I know.

We can't trust her.

- I see that now.

- Good.

- You must learn from your mistake.

- Thank you for understanding.

- I'm glad you're not mad.

- Who says I'm not mad? Hey, bro.

I'm glad you came to your senses.

You were right.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Well, I can see how you'd think she's hot in an evil kind of a way.


Well, don't worry.

I am so over that.

Oh, this is too good.

I could watch this forever.

Go chase a mailman! The robots.

I've seen them up close.

They call themselves "the Kraang.

" I told you I am not interested in this robot fiction.

I will hear no more of this! I think this is how they control their robot bodies.

I don't know.

Maybe you can use it? This is exactly the sort of neural transmission interface I've been trying to develop! Hmm.

Very well.

I want you to find out all you can about this "Kraang.

" Their technology may prove useful in our w*r against the turtles.

Well done, Karai.
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