01x16 - The Pulverizer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x16 - The Pulverizer

Post by bunniefuu »

[robotic footsteps]

Why is the location of the power cell still unknown to Kraang? The place where the power cell is is a place of hiding.

Kraang must have this power cell to reopen the portal to the dimension of Kraang so the true mission can finally begin.

So Kraang asks Kraang, where is this place of hiding? Perfect.

Ugh, what's taking so long? Donnie knows I have a short atten Ooh, gum! Man, this better be worth it.

[brakes squeal]


Worth it.



So? You turned Leatherhead's old subway car into this? Donnie, have I ever told you how awesome you are? - No, you haven't.

- Well, I'm seriously considering it.

- What do you call this thing? - Well, it's a transaxled, multi-armored, electromagnetic The Shellraiser.

[ominous echoes]

- What? - The Shellraiser.

It's the perfect name.

- That is the perfect name.

- Of course it is, bro.

You guys always underestimate me.

Ooh, gum! [door clangs]


[beep, whoosh]

[digital beeping]



Huh? [beeping, intense whirring]

Now, I've assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets.

I can't drive because my station's in the back, so All: Driver! What? No! [all arguing]

- Leo drives.

- Mikey and Raph: Why? He's least likely to hit something just for fun.

Mikey and Raph: True.

[chair beeps]

So, how do we get this baby going? [monitor beeps]

Okay, just ease the throttle forward ever so sli [whoosh!]

All: Whoa! Whoo! What is powering this thing? The Kraang power cell we got from Leatherhead.

I thought you said that was dangerous, like the Kraang could track it.

That's why I put it under a lead glass shield.

Now I can regulate the output and prevent the Kraang from detecting its signal.

I hate to interrupt, but dead end! [alarm beeping]

Uh, Donnie, how do I stop this thing? - Don't! - What?! Trust me! All: [scream]

[whirring slows, metal clanks]

[tires rev]

- Ow! - Oof! Donnie, you're awesome! [tires squeal]

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! [humming theme song]

This thing have a stereo? What good would this thing be without some tunes? [classical piano music playing]

- Are you serious? - Check out the second movement.

[heavy metal music playing]

[all cheering]

Wow! - Yeah! - Ha, ha! [laughing]

All: [cheering]

[tires squealing]


[engine roars]

[tires squealing]

All: [cheering and laughing]

[glass shatters]

[banging on roof]

Leo, pull over! [tires screech]

Purple dragons? [laughs]

Oh, this night keeps getting better and better.

Oh, yeah, it's like candy for my knuckles.

- And tonight's Halloween.

- Oh, wait a minute.

Who's that? Excuse me, boys.

I think you forgot to pay for that.

But don't worry.

I accept cash, check, or teeth.


That was a pretty good line.

What are you gonna do? There's one of you and three of us.

Oh, you want to call a couple friends, make it even? This guy's got guts.

It's time to face the wrath of the Pulverizer! [giggles]

This is gonna be great.

Hyah! Judo! [grunting]

Punch, punch! Hyah! Or not.

[grunts, agonized screams]

All: Ooh.

Oh, the Pulverizer's getting just Well, I don't know the word, but we gotta help him.


Huh? [grunts]

How do you like the odds now, fong? - Whoa, the turtles! - How does he know who we Hyah! [gasps]


Oh, nice combo! High five.



All: [grunting]

Fong's getting away! - Oh, no, he don't.

- I got him.

- Oh, dang, almost had him.

- Not cool, man.

[sirens wailing in the distance]

Cops! We gotta go! Oh, hey, uh, great teamwork, guys! Look, I don't know who you think you are, or what you think you're doing, but don't.

Yeah, maybe sometime we can get together and Oh, hey, I think I whoa! [heavy metal music playing]


Yahhh! Whawhoa! You guys hear something? [screaming]

[brakes squeal]

[door chimes]


- We got a problem.

- What the - Are you okay? - Uh, sure.


You you can survive with just one kidney, right? Great, first this doofus gets in the way of a good Purple dragon stomping, and now he knows where our lair is.

Oh, no problem.

I blacked out most of the way here.

- How do you even know we exist? - Oh, I saw you months ago.

You were like, "let's finish this!" Oh, and you were, like, all, "you're going down!" And then you were, like, all, "bees!" Oh, and you were, like you were, like, the strong, silent type.

- Dudes, we have a stalker.

- You inspired me to become a hero.

I saw you guys, and I thought, what have they got that I haven't got? Years of training under a grand Master of ninjutsu? No, an awesome costume.

Where'd you get yours, by the way? Uh, we are not wearing costumes.

We're mutants.

Riiight [laughs]


How do I do that? You, stop talking.

We gotta get him out of here.

Whoa, this place is amazing! What's with all the pizza boxes? - Hey, don't touch that.

- Hey, what's this? [chuckles]

That looks like the stuff those guys were stealing.

That's impossible.

It's Kraang tech.

What what's a Kraang? If we told you, we'd have to k*ll you.

You see, the Kraang are aliens from another dimension.

Wait, why would the Purple dimwits want Kraang robotics? It's not like they'd know what to do with it.

Unless they're stealing it for someone else.

Well, who do we know that would be interested in stolen evil robot parts? Leo, Raph, Donnie: Baxter Stockman.

Donatello Baxter Stockman.

We'll check it out.

Donnie, fix the Shellraiser, and take captain "rubber pants" home.

What? Wait! Why do I have to So what now? [glass shattering]

These Kraang components are just what I needed.

They better be.

The turtles spotted us, and knowing them, it won't be long before they show up.

Let them come.


What has two robotic legs and loves to stomp turtles? [grunts]

This guy! [laughs]

[shouting gibberish]


Wicked staff.

- Put that down.

- Check out my sweet moves.

- I said put that down! - No, let me show you this one thing.

Look, I'm busy here.


If you must play with the staff, and apparently you must, try this.

Okay, now you see what I'm doing? Slowly.

Keep your hands near your center And switch sides.


Fluid, right? [dramatic music]



Not bad.

Oh, yeah.

Ow! I got it! What, you think you can just put a sword under your pillow and wake up a samurai? You've gotta practice.

It takes more than a cheesy costume to be a hero.

Pretty sweet, huh? Check out the muscles.

What? [zipper unzips]

Foam rubber.

Pretty cool, huh? [zipper zips]

Way faster than working out.

I want to be a hero now.

I don't have time for the basics.

Show me the good stuff.



One more.







Strike! Okay, got it.

Jab! Agh! And that's why we start with the basics.

[inspirational music]

No, stop! You're headed for [crash!]


Splinter's room.

Donatello does this belong to you? Sensei, Pulverizer.

Pulverizer, sensei.

Pleased to meet you.


Hey, does he know he's a rat? - Agh! - He knows.

I'm sorry, sensei.

We found him on the street, trying to fight the Purple dragons, and he accidentally wound up back in the lair.

So I thought I'd teach him a few basics Yeah, and he's doing a great job.

Check this out.

Hyah! Ka-ka-ka-ka-ka! Ta! Ta! Ta! [whooping]

Apparently, you have not taught him shame.

May I speak with you for a moment? Hai, sensei.

Donatello, he has no business learning our art.

He is a doofus.

Hai, sensei, but he's gonna put himself at risk no matter what I do, so I just want to teach him enough so he doesn't get creamed.

[metal clangs, glass shatters]


You may, but if you train him, you are responsible for whatever happens.



Oh! Ow.

Good luck.

[suspenseful music]

Baxter Stockman, whatever you're up to with those robotic parts, it ends now.

You want to see what I'm working on? Well, here it comes.

[dramatic music]


Look! Sushi that delivers itself.


[grunts, roars]

Dude, Fishface is a little sensitive.

- You're calling him Fishface? - Well, it was that or Robocarp.

Oh! Ugh.


Pretty good, pretty good.

Important safety tip: avoid the legs.

Both: [grunting]

[robotic footsteps approach]


Both: [grunting and growling]

What do you got besides legs? [screams, grunts]


Teeth I think they're poison.

[both grunting and growling]

- Raph, are you okay? - Huh? Sure.


Oh! [running footsteps]


Whaa oh! Oh I'm fine.

I love you.

He's not fine! Call Donnie.

Tell him we need an antidote.

Put your left leg up here.

Right leg down here.

Twist your hips.

And down I go.


And down I go! [straining]

And [chuckles]

down I oh! [laughs]

Yes! I did it! When do I get my black belt? [cheerful ring tone]

- Donatello.

Donnie! We need help! Raph's been bitten by a giant poisonous robotic fish! That's not possible.

If he was bitten, it's venom, not poison.

Interesting, interesting.

Get over here! Hey, do you know how to drive? [scoffs]

You kidding? I've been driving an ice cream truck all summer.

Whoa! Watch out! [tires squealing]


I thought you said you knew how to drive! [horn blares]

I usually don't go over eight miles an hour.

Just try to hold it steady, okay? I gotta mix this antidote for Raph.

What are his symptoms? He keeps telling me I'm the smartest guy he knows.


Okay, he's delusional.

[tires squeal, metal crashes]

How's his color? Green, man, and I mean way more than usual.


[tires squeal]

- Does he have any nausea? - Nah, he doesn't have any.


No, check that.

[retching continues]

Ah, what the I knew you ate my pizza! You liar! [growls]



Donnie, get here now! Almost there.

[alarm beeping]

The road's blocked.

We gotta go around.

No time to go around.

You gotta jump it.

What? You wanna be a hero? Jump it! Yeah, uh, about the hero thing Jump it! [engine roars]


Agh! Ugh! [tires screech]

[glass cracks]


Oh! Oof! Ugh! [electronic whirring]

Raph, you still with us, buddy? - Donnie? - Yeah, Raph.

Why are there fingers on my feet? Hang in there, buddy.

You'll be okay.


Uh, thanks, magical unicorn.

That was awesome! We saved him! "We" saved him? You wanted to stop and sell ice cream.

If I hadn't jumped and smashed through that wall Uh, Donnie, is the Shellraiser supposed to do that? It's cracked.

Oh, this is bad.

The Kraang can detect that energy signature.

We gotta get back underground before they come looking for the power cell.

[tires squealing]

[helicopter blades chopping]

[electronic trilling]

[tires squeal]

Hold her steady, Leo.

I'll take care of these jokers.


[alarm beeping]

Guys, the Kraang are on the roof.


[electronic chirping]

Leo, Kraang can fly! Kraang can fly! Agh! [zapping]



Wow, no one told me they were robot aliens! Why would we tell you? [Kraangs squawking]

Whoa! Turtles: [screaming]


[crash! Bang!]

[robotic twittering]

Oof! Ugh.

Oh, no, you don't! - He's got the cell! - I'll stop him! - Pulverizer, no! - I can do this! You really can't! [straining]

[robotic twittering]

Oh! Ugh.

[saw blade whirring]

Hey! That's my power source, slime bot! [robotic twittering]

[groaning and whimpering]

Ow! Donnie! Oh, the power cell Oh Ah, crud.

Hoo, hoo, that tickles Ow! [screams]


[robotic twittering]


Ah, man.

It looks like I mucked everything up, didn't I? - Hey, bro, it's not your fault.

- Um, actually, Mikey, it is.

- Oh, yeah.

- Not completely.

I'm the one who sent the Shellraiser through the wall, and that's what cracked the power cell.

Uh, so, you think we could pick up our training again sometime? - No.

- Fine.

But I'll be practicing.

And I'll be back.

And wherever crime may roam, wherever help is All: Bye! I've got to figure out how we're getting that power cell back.

Which raises the question, how are we going to get the Shellraiser home? All: [straining]

Are you sure the parking break isn't on? For the hundredth time, yes! Oh, wait.

[brake releases]

Sorry, guys! [door chimes]

Uh, try it now.

- Donnie! - Donatello!
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