01x18 - Cockroach Terminator

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x18 - Cockroach Terminator

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go, Leo, I'm starving! Yea, boi! Ramen.

Roach! Roach! Stop! Stop, you'll smash him! That's the idea! You can't smash this roach, ok? He's special.

Really speciaaaaal Okay, I'm going to regret this, but why is he special, Donnie? Because I outfitted him with a remote-controlled camera helmet! Wow, that explains why you're special We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang.

The camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees.

That is awesome.

Big, tough Raph is scared of cockroaches.

- I am not.

- Oh, really? Let's go to the video This is my favorite part, right here.

Donnie, can I get this on a t-shirt? Want to see my favorite part? We're going to spy on the Kraang with a cockroach! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! CC: f1nc0 Synch and corrections: gi0v3 ::italian Subs Addicted:: Come on, roach number one.

Make papa proud.

TMNT 2012 s01e18 "Cockroach Terminator" Kraang has been on a diet known as "gluten-free".

Kraang has already lost 13 Kraang units of weight.

Wait, what are those guys talking about? Can you get closer? That which s known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as Earth will soon begin.

Next phase? That doesn't sound good That which is the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as Earth.

That is a hole that is 30 miles deep in the Earth.

Whoa, whoa - They are going to pour a hole into Earth? - I'm guessing that's bad.

Unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain Yep, that's bad.

- Goodbye, harsh winters - Lava surfing rules.

It definitely doesn't, Mikey.

We have to stop this! To execute the plan, Kraang needs to possess that which is known as the diamond lens to make work the drilling of the laser drill.

- What does that mean? - They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work.

now shhh! Kraang is already on the way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang.

- What? - One of them is going to a lab to get it! - Which lab? - Maybe, if we listen, they'll tell us! Thanks a lot, Raph.

We lost the signal! Uh-Huh.

I think I found the diamond lab.

Now, it's a bit blurry but maybe we can follow it to the laboratory.

We don't have much time till the Kraang drill fires.

Let's go! - Ka-Thum! - That's a really bad sound.

- It sounded more like a "ba-dump".

- I heard a "flap".

- Flap? - Flap? Flap.

What is that? Ugh.

Smells like a butt sandwich.


Oh, dear.

Would you look at that.

Hideous and beautiful.

It's blah! - So, what is it, Donnie? - It's my spy roach.

Your what? Your WHAT?! He must have been exposed to some mutagen.

You see how the nab helmet merged with his exoskeleton? We have never seen organic and inorganic matter fused in-in-in such an ama-- That's great, Donnie, we can discuss this some more when we're driving away at a thousand miles an hour.

Come on, you big baby.

What are you worried about? We creamed it with our van.

It's not like it's going to get up and come after us! Uh, guys?! Or maybe it would This thing's tough.


Cockroaches are among the most resilient life forms on the planet.

And the grossest.

Sensitive roach - Where's Raph? - Eat hot manhole cover! Oh, no! Whoa.



Ease up, Raph.

I think you got him.



- What do we do with it? - Forget the roach! We've got to stop the Kraang before they destroy the Earth.

Leo's right.

We've got to go.

You just want to get away from that thing.

Is that so wrong? Oh, no.

It's gone! Come on, guys, we've got to move.

The box which contains the lens is heavier than Kraang thought.

There's the van! - They must have picked up the lens.

- Ram that sucker! Halt, Kraang! The halting of Kraang is not a thing that the one ones who are turtles will be doing to Kraang.


The halting of Kraang is exactly the thing that the ones who are yeah, just halt! Which do we save first? The world or the English language? I've got the lens.

Mikey, Donnie, you take the roach.

Raph, you're coming with me.

Raph? Raph! All right, my roachie.

- Time to meet your maker.

- Wait, isn't that me? Exactly.

Go get him, tiger.

Oh, no.

The Kraang has the lens again.

Raph, where are you? Raph, are you hearing me? Raph? Why did it have to be a Cockroach? Why did it have to be a Cockroach?! That is a big cockroach! Yeehaw! We're not done with you yet, Spy-Roach! Yes, nail him, Mikey! Uh-oh How does that grill taste, bug? Yeah.

Woo-Hoo! Now, where's the diamond? Raph lost it.

Raph, where were you? - I was busy.

- Busy cowering in terror We have got to find the drill before the Kraang cracks open Manhattan like an egg! You blew it, Raph.

You've got to get your head together.

I know.

This stupid phobia is going to end up getting the whole team k*lled.

Listen, I'm I'm sorry, Leo.


Okay, here's a map of known Kraang facilities, and here's the map of the fault lines in New York City.

Now, if the Kraang are going to drill into the Earth's crust then this is where they do it.

All right then, guys.

We've got a little more time left before the Kraang start drilling.

What's that sound? I don't see anything outside Uh-oh He's back! What?! Where?! Where the hell could it be? He's underneath the van.

He's underneath the van! He cut the drive shaft? How does he keep finding us? Well, he could be using the homing signal I set up so SpyRoach could find his way back to the van.

There's a homing signal?! Dude, even I would have turned that off Excuse me, Mikey.

I've been a little distracted.

Maybe I can use the signal to tap into his camera to see what he he's seeing.

None of this makes sense.

Why is he so mad at us? Aaand got it.

Oh, crud.

I don't think he's mad at us I think he's mad at you.

Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches! I already got it, thanks.

So are there any more surprises? He has a saw?! This cockroach has a saw! Not anymore.

Donnie, the rest of us will keep the roach busy We will? Yes! You've got to fix the Shellraiser fast.

Like, yesterday fast.

Hey, SpyRoach, Raph's out here.

Come and get him.

Really? You're using me as bait? Yep.

I'm not afraid! Not afraid.

Not afraid Not not Scratch that! Fully afraid! I'm sorry i tried to smash you, ok? I'm sorry.

I learned a very important lesson.

I'll never be cruel again.

- Just leave me alone! - On one condition.

- Anything! - Be good to Michelangelo.

What? Let him read your comics once In a while MIKEY! So much for learning your lesson - Nice job, Raph.

- What are you talking about? Where's the bug? Ha! Stuck, huh? Not so tough now, are you, roachie? You're just a hollow shell.

What the - He must have molted.

- They molt? Yeah, roaches shed their skins when they get bigger.

Dude, you're not kidding A cockroach Why did it have to be a cockroach? Aaand it flies! Run! Start the engine! Start the engine!! Donnie, did you get this thing working? We've got bigger problems.

You've got to stop that drill! What the? Take that! I had my chance, and I couldn't face it.

I just couldn't do it! Look at the bright side.

In 15 minutes we could all melt in a fountain of lava Ok, that sounded brighter in my head The laser drill is just past the front gate.

Kraangdroids everywhere.

Hope you've got a good plan.

I'm going to ram through the gate and we'll go from there.

Works for me! Uh-oh We've got company again.

What was that? Where is it? He's got Mikey! We've got to do something.

I'll stop it.

You don't have to do this just to prove you're not afraid.

I am afraid and that's why I have to do this.

I'm comin', Mikey! No six-foot tall cockroach is going to eat my brother.

Hey! You, up there.

Looking for me? The laser drill just passed the 500-meter mark.

Those known as the turtles are approaching.

All right, guys.

Get ready.

We're going in.

No, Kraang! No! Are we in? No! Raph, we're stuck! It's up to you.

Get the Kraang! I'm on it! This is either going to be really cool or really painful.

Ok it was both.

The laser drill is at 400 meters from the Earth core.

Not for long! You've got to be kidding me! All right, insect.

You think I'm scared of you? I aced your butt twice already.

You want to go for number three, huh? Do you? Come and get me! The laser drill is at 300 meters.

Drill this! Well, Raph you faced your fear and saved the city.

Not bad for a wednesday Faced my fear? I conquered my fear! I looked my fear in the eye and i zapped it to a blimp.

Wooow uh! So you're not afraid of cockroaches anymore, huh? - Nope.

- Good, good then you won't mind the one I just slipped into your shell
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