09x19 - Rocking the Cradle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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09x19 - Rocking the Cradle

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music playing]

[children's program plays in background]

[Kourtney] Yeah.

[door closes]


[tense music playing]

Well, I'm glad that you're home safe.

But I just want you
to know that, like, it's not okay.

Like, you have a family.

You can't just, like, say,
"Oh, I landed," and then never contact us.

Like, that's crazy.

And not to mention,
I couldn't sleep all night.

I was worried.

I kept checking your room every second,

-thinking that you were literally dead.
-Checking my room.

[Scott] I definitely feel horrible that
I put Kourtney through a rough time,

especially now that she is pregnant.

But I honestly just didn't
want to get back to reality

and I didn't want to face anybody.

[Scott] It's just a lot on me right now,

especially with everything else
I've dealt with in the past year

and I should've made
a responsible decision, but I didn't.

[tense music continues]

[Scott] I understand.
I got issues I need to work out.

And I'll do whatever I can
and do whatever it takes,

but I just don't know
how to get to feel normal again

-and not depressed.
-Whatever you're doing

is not gonna make you feel better.

You can't make an excuse
to make yourself think that's okay.

No, there's no excuse.
I don't think it's okay at all.

At the place where Scott is right now,

I know that he's so depressed
and he really can't help himself.

I want to be able to help Scott,
but I need support too.

And I really just feel

like I don't even know
what to do at this point.

I'm just a bad person.

You're not a bad person,
but I want you to fix this depression

-and I'll help you.
-I just need to sleep.

I just can't sleep
anymore with my insomnia.

[slow pop music playing]

[Leah] Where did our dog go?

-[Brandon] Right there.
-[Leah] Hi! Hello.

If you ever want to look,

-look down there…
-Those are always good dogs

when you don't even
have to think about your dogs

and all of a sudden you say, "I wonder
where the dog went." And you turn around

-and there's the dog right there.
-[Leah] I know, right?

Brody's dogs, on the other hand, they're…

[Bruce] Yeah, I haven't…
how's Brody's dogs doing?

They're good dogs and they actually,
when they're around Gus--

[Bruce] Hey, by the way,

is Brody still
kind of upset about the plus one?

[Leah] I honestly haven't even
really talked to him about it.

-[Bruce] Really?
-I don't know.

[Bruce] Yeah, 'cause, I mean, it's…

Kim's doing everything to keep it small
and just bring immediate people.

[Brandon] I'll let you guys figure
that out. I'm gonna go jump in the ocean.

[Bruce] All right.

I've worked really hard

to try to get my relationship
with Brody working well.

[Bruce] But still it's kind of
a work in progress.

And it doesn't look like
I'm gonna get any help

from Brandon and Leah
in trying to explain this to Brody.

I'm gonna have
to kind of go this one alone,

you know, for Brody and I
to continue to have a good relationship.

[Bruce] Oh, come on,
cut it with the pictures.

-[Kris] You have blue hair.
-[Kylie] I know.

Are you gonna have
blue hair for the wedding?

[Kylie] Yeah.

-Oh, god.
-Does Kim know?


You kind of look
like My Little Pony meets…

Katy Perry.

[Kris] You're turning into,
like, punk-rock Barbie.

[Kylie] Brandon!

-Hey, Brandon!
-[Brandon] Hey!

[Kris] I do, I'm all ready.

[Leah] I like your blue hair.

-[Kris] It is?
-[Brandon] Yeah, it is.

-[Kris] It's on backwards?
-[Brandon] Yeah.

[Kris] Oh, I have to go change it.

All right. Quick change. Nobody told me.

[Kris] I am really excited

to be spending the day
with Brandon and Leah.

And I'm excited
to learn how to paddleboard.

But in true Kris form,

I've already made
my first mistake of the day,

which is I have my wetsuit on backwards.


-[Brandon] Much better.

It's happened before, don't worry.

Let's do it.

[upbeat music playing]

[Brandon] Okay…

[water splashing]

[Kris] You guys, this isn't funny.

Be calm, be calm, be calm.

I got this.

-[short scream]
-[water splashing]

[Kris] I'm not gonna lie,

this looked a lot easier
than it actually is.

And I feel ridiculous.

[panicked shout]

Abandoning ship!

Get off…

[cheering and laughing]

[upbeat music playing]

-[door closes]
-[deep sigh]

[Kourtney] So, Scott surfaced.

I just told him that he has
to go away to someplace and figure it out.

[somber music playing]

I just need
to make sure, like, the right place.

I've been trying
to figure out how to help Scott

and I'm not sure if sending him away
somewhere to work on his issues

is the best thing for him.

I'm not even exactly sure
if Scott has an issue with alcohol,

or if he's using it to numb his depression
from losing both of his parents.

I'm just trying to think
of all of our options,

so that we can make
the best decision for him.

Do you think that
that Arizona place is the best place?

I don't know.

I mean, the only thing I wonder

if he's the kind of person
I think would have a problem

sitting with a group of people going,

"My name is, you know, Jane,
and I've got a problem."

'Cause he get social anxiety
if he has to talk to other people.

[upbeat music playing]

No! No!

[Khloé] Sit on the floor,
just like I thought.

Get in there.

Be the boy who lives in the cupboard.

Good kid.

-You want to go in there?
-Hello! Look, Kourt.

There's some crackers in here.
Do you want to get them?

[Khloé] Open the crackers.

-[Khloé] It's Mason crackers!
-[Kourtney] Who is that?

[Kourtney] So, I was thinking
of maybe staying in the Hamptons

and renting a house for the whole summer.

I mean, Scott always says he has
all the happy memories there as a kid,

and like, every time
we were at his parents',

we, like, feed the deer
and then we go down to the beach

and it's like the woods, but on the beach.

You're a trip.

[Kourtney] My mom was right,
Scott gets so anxious in new environments.

So, I really think
that going to the Hamptons

could be a great thing
for Scott and our family for the summer.

It's a really calm environment
and it just might be a good place

where he can finally deal
with some of the pain

that he's been pushing aside.

I mean, I think the first thing
you have to do to decide what's happening

is you've got to talk to Scott.

'Cause what if he says, "Absolutely not"?

-That is a good plan.
-That is a good plan.

-I'll talk to him…
-And you're a good girl.

-…and you let me know.
-And you look great in yellow.

-Thank you.
-Not everyone could pull it off.

-But you?

You look good.

Thanks, boo.

No, boo thang,
you look as good as a chicken wing.

That's what I was going for.

[upbeat music playing]

[Kris] Is Kat invited
to the wedding or not?

[Kim] No.

-Sorry, 'cause there's not enough room.
-[Kris] Okay.

People are calling every day,
trying to get their plus ones invited,

and we just…
the venue does not have the space,

like, we cannot add one more person.

The pressure,
the guest list, it's so, so, so tough.

We want to invite all of our friends,
but we just don't have the space for it.

The venue is at capacity,
so it's been the hardest thing ever.

It's super stressful,
because everyone's asking to bring people,

so I just want to stay out of it,

but it's, like, Brody is a little upset

that you're paying for Brandon and Leah
to go to the wedding and not him.

I just… that doesn't even make any sense.

He flies all over the world
and he has a ton of points.

And by the way,
I don't think I did anything wrong,

except try to be an amazing stepmom.

If that's the reason he's not coming
to a wedding, that's crazy.

He should just tell me
and we'll figure it out.

[tense music playing]

[Kris] Here's the thing.

This happens to every single bride.
This is how weddings go.

There's always going to be
that one family member or relative

who gets their feelings hurt.

It'll be, "Oh, this person's
in the wrong seat.

That aunt is up in the second row,
why am I in the back?" You know?

I mean, that's just the way life is.
It's like Thanksgiving dinner.

You're gonna have family drama.
You just are.

I want to be super fair and nice
and always go with the flow,

but I see how much…
my mom takes from everybody.

And she just is so calm
and seems to let it not bother her,

but I'm sure it does.

She doesn't have to feel bad
for doing something generous.

You are gonna have more drama

than you ever thought
you would ever sign up for.

And that's just what happens
at weddings, so get ready.

I'm gonna change my e-mail.

[both chuckle]

[upbeat music playing]

[Kim] Guys, it is so hot.

Yeah, what's going on?
Did the air conditioning stop?

When your mom's not here,
she doesn't care.


So, the DASH New York store is…

going down.

[Kourtney] The rent's gonna go
up in October when our lease is up.

So, I just feel like
we need to find a new location.

But, I really think we need
to go out there to pick the spot.

Yeah, I do too.

So, I was thinking after Paris,
then we fly to New York

-and then…
-And then we go home from there?

-What's the point?
-…we could stay for the summer

in New York
and get a house in the Hamptons.

[suspenseful music playing]

We've been talking
about doing this for years.

I feel like that's already gone and past.

I just thought maybe
it would still be nice to go out there.

We could even stay
at the house and fix it up, or--

I don't want to stay there.

Well, then we could stay somewhere else…

-I'm selling that house.
-…and decide if we want it.

-[Kim] You are gonna sell it?

I don't think
you should make a rash decision.

I'm not really making a rash decision.

I think you're making a rash decision

by saying we're moving to the Hamptons
for the summer at this point in our life.

It would've been amazing
to enjoy being out there

while my parents were there.

And now it's like,
now we're finally gonna go,

after they just died?

[upbeat music playing]

I have this appearance in Houston and…

I mean, it's probably not
the best timing right now,

but last thing I want
to do is let anybody down.

[host] Make some… noise
for Scott Disick in the building!

-[club music playing]

You know, I probably
don't deserve Kourt coming with me,

but I do appreciate that she's
kind of holding my hand for some support

that I do need right now.

[Kourtney] I decided to go
to Houston with Scott

because I just don't want him
to be alone and depressed.

It's definitely not my
number one choice of things to do,

but I'm just trying to be here for him
and support him in anything that he needs.

[upbeat music playing]

Thanks for coming with me to this thing.

You're a fun girl…
but could be a buzzkill to some maybe.

But I needed a buzzkill
and just needed to relax on this trip.

You definitely did.

I was thinking
about the whole Hamptons thing

-that we were talking about.
-[Scott] Right.

And that you just have more, like,
negative memories that we didn't go visit.

You had such positive memories
when you were younger.

[Scott] Yeah, I mean, look.

I'd like to think of the place
in a good light, not a bad one,

just because
that's where my parents, you know,

kind of… ended their time, you know?

I don't want to push you if it's too hard.

It's hard for me to even go there
knowing that they're not there,

so I can't imagine what it's like for you.

You know, for right now,

it's very difficult
to look at the positives

when I'm still so upset and still so angry

that I had to lose
my parents at such a young age

and them being so young

and it's just so difficult
to admit and believe

that they're both gone
and I'm never gonna see them again.

I like it out there
and I know it's summertime

and we have
a lot of friends and good support and…

All that's great, it's just…

it's so frustrating
that every single year,

my parents asked me and you
to spend the summer out there with them.

Finally, now we have the time to go…

and they don't have the time
because they're gone.

I need time to, like,
get my head wrapped around all that.

[slow emotional music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

What are you doing here? And in lingerie?

Are you about to hook up with someone?

[Kim] No, I'm just trying on, like,
what wedding lingerie I want for the week.

Is this from your shower?

-That's pretty.

[Kim] You like it? Kylie got me the robe.

And Malika and Khadijah
got me the bra and underwear.

[Kourtney] Does it go together?

No, and it's, like, so important
that I have all the right stuff.


How was Houston?

[Kourtney] It was exhausting.

I was so tired and had to go to a club
and pretend like I was having fun.

Was he still, like, freaking out, though?

He was like, "So, if you do this,

I mean, I'm just gonna have to leave
and move to another country."

Maybe it's, like, too much change that,
like, there will be this new person,

and then he's totally leaving his parents
and starting a full new life.

-Because now he has this new baby

that his parents will never get to meet.

So, then we sat down.

I was like, "Okay, since I'm having
another child, you are leaving?

I just need to confirm."
And then he, like, smiled.

And then he started,
like, softening up and being nicer

and, like, I think he was starting
to wrap his head around everything.

[Kim] Three kids is,
like, the perfect family.

I'm definitely
overwhelmed thinking about it.

I would be, too.

Well, he's gonna
have to learn how to handle it.

Or else I'm gonna be
a single mom with three kids.

Do you want to babysit North for the day
and see what it's like with three?


[Kim] Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it.

[upbeat music playing]

Oh hey, supermodel.

[Bruce] How cute are you?

[Kim] Look at your eyebrows. They're gone.

I know, they're gone.

-[Kim] They look so pretty, though.
-I look crazy.

You don't have
good service. I can't see you guys.

Okay, I'm gonna call you.

[Kendall] Yeah.

-Okay, bye.

So, she's trying to back out of a big gig.
And she should do it.

I talked to her this morning,
and she did sound down

just because she's been
on the road for what, three weeks?

Working her little butt off.

I've done that where
I've been on the road, you know,

for, like, weeks at a time…

[Kim] She gets homesick,

-…you're so…
-…but if she wants to be a model,

models can't get homesick.
You live in a suitcase.

-Totally agree.
-You know?

-It's like, there's no crying in baseball.
-Sleep on the plane.

You know, because I mean,
I don't want to make you feel bad either

by telling you all this,
but, we're all, you know,

we're gonna have an adventure

and it will be really fun
and we want him along for the ride,

but I just couldn't do everybody.

[Bruce] I hear Kris
talking to Brandon and Leah

trying to get to the bottom
of the whole Brody thing.

Kim was the one who,
you know, came to me and said,

"Please talk to Brody."

[Kris] I've organized dinners every night

and, you know,
we're gonna have a lot of fun.

And it's my pleasure,

but tell him to get himself
to Paris and we'll figure it out.

I mean, if you don't think
that's the good way to handle it,

but, and after thinking about it,
then call me back and tell me.

[Bruce] I don't want Kris
to kind of be the fall guy for this

and I don't want her on the phone
kind of meddling in with Brandon and Leah…

to try to, you know,
calm this whole thing down.

[Bruce] Honestly,
this is my responsibility.

I'm the one who needs to talk to Brody.

Uh, so, I got to go find him.

[upbeat music playing]

[Kourtney] How are you feeling
about your blue hair?

Are you wearing it for the wedding?

-That's everyone's big question.
-Did Kim freak out?

I told her. I warned her before.
She was like, "No, absolutely not."

And then I was like…

"Telling me not to dye my hair a color
makes me want to dye it even more,

so I'm just letting you know
I'm going to."

And she was like, "Whatever."

You're such a brat.

And then mom was like,
"You look like a skittle."

And I was like, "I'm gonna have this hair
for two years now 'cause you said that."

-[Scott] Did she tell you the big news?
-[Kylie] What?

-You're pregnant?
-[Scott] Isn't she always?

-You're not pregnant.
-Bible. Pregnant. Number three.

-[Kylie] Say "Bible".

[Kylie] B-I-B-L-E?

Yeah, but don't tell Kenny.
I want to tell her myself.

-Isn't that insane?
-That's so funny!

-Is it?
-[Kylie] I just think it's funny.

-Scott, like, wants to k*ll himself.
-I can see he wants to k*ll himself.

I'm gonna be happy
once the little person comes,

but it's a lot to deal with.

[Kylie] What?

[Scott] Do not have unprotected sex.

You hear me?

Even if you have to double up
on birth control, just do it.

Little pill.
She evidently thinks that's too hard.

So, when did you find out?

[Scott] She's known forever!
She just didn't tell anybody.

I didn't know what to do.

-[Kylie] P…
-[Scott] Oh, hey, Pooh-Pooh!

-Hi, P!
-[Kourtney] Hi, Poosh.

-[sweet music playing]
-[Kourtney] Aw!

Hi, P.

What's your name, P?

-[Kourtney] Poosh?

Yeah, I'm Dada.

-What's that girl's name?
-[Kourtney] What's my name?


[Scott] Can you say KyKy?


I'm scared, yes,
about having another child

and I definitely didn't
take it the right way.

But God-willing,
like every other child I've had,

they become amazing
and blessings in my life.

I just need to think of the positive,
relax and enjoy… the third time around.

Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh! Look who it is!

It's a Mardee!

Give me a kiss-kiss, a real one.

[upbeat music playing]

-[Brody] Hey!
-[Bruce] What's happening?

[Brody] Okay, you're just creeping
over like that?

On my way to the golf course.

-Something you should…
-'Course you are.

Something you should be doing.

-See, I'm here playing with my dogs.
-Playing with your dogs.

Yeah, somebody's got to do it.

I'm just trying to teach them
how to… catch, bring it back.

t*nk, come on.

How do you tell the difference

-between the two?
-Good boy.

Different markings, you know?

Like, see, he's got more black,
like, just like me

and my marking on my face now.

-He looks more like you?
-I'm going to Cabo,

-so I had to… get ready for it.
-You're going to Cabo.

Is that your next trip?


No, I'm just trying
to figure out the whole wedding thing.

You know, I heard you're not going, right?

I'm not going, no.

I'm not losing sleep over it, I swear,

like, I'm actually,
I'm happy that I get this weekend off.

I can tell
from Brody's body language that,

you know, he's trying to brush it off.

but I… he's a little bit upset here.

It's not the plus one
and all that kind of stuff, none of that?

I did say, "Kim, if I go,

I would love to be able
to bring my girlfriend along," you know?

Yeah, but it's not gonna be
the same if you don't go.

Have you and I ever been to Paris before?

-Not together. I've been, though.

I've got nobody to hang with…

-Yeah, you do, Brandon and Leah.
-Brandon and Leah--

You know, that's all you care about.
Brandon and Leah are there.

-It's okay, you'll be, it's all good.

-You'll be happy.
-Not even close…

You've been calling
Brandon and Leah every day

to make sure they're going.
I have not gotten one.

This is the first I've even
seen you come around

and be like, "Oh, the wedding."

Brody, I think he gets the feeling like,

"Oh, we love Brandon and Leah better
than we like him and this and that…"

-Don't hang that on me.
-It's fine…

-It's all good.

You know, it's all good.

[upbeat music playing]

I want you to know
as far as Brandon and Leah going,

that was Kris's and my decision.

I mean, you know,
Brandon for the last year, really,

he comes over
all the time to see how I'm doing.

-And so, because of that…
-I mean, that's fine,

but you know, it does,
at the end of the day,

it's like, you guys were focused
on making sure Brandon and Leah went

and Brody never received one phone call.

The bottom line is,
I just want you to know

-I'm not…
-I wish you were gonna go.

I'd rather have you there.

We could hang in Paris,
we've never done that before.

-I'm fine, yes.
-You sure.

Life goes on.

Can I send you pictures?

-Maybe a video of it or…

-Oh, I'm sure I'll see many of those…
-[Bruce laughs]

I can't get away from it…

I turn on the TV
and I see stuff about the wedding.

-All right, as long as you're okay.
-I'm good.

-See how they respond to me.
-How's that knee?

-Mine's you know…
-It gets a little stiff.

Yeah, mine too.

Brody is a very, kind of, sensitive guy.

Maybe I didn't handle
this whole thing properly,

I have to try harder
to communicate with Brody earlier,

so, you know, it doesn't get to this.

-One, two, three!
-Go get it! Go get it!

[Brody] Radar's faster than t*nk, but…

-Good boys, bring it back, t*nk.
-Come on, t*nk!

That's… we're working on that.

-That's why we're working on it.

We're working on the retrieving thing.

[upbeat music playing]

[Scott] Hey.

-How're you doing?

-So, you're going to take this today?

-Gonna take the Lambo tomorrow.

Now, you guys going straight
to New York, or you got a lot of stops?

[Scott] Okay, perfect.

Sounds like a plan, thank you.

[Scott] Hey, Doll.

I'm almost packed up.

I got the cars
on the truck going to the Hamptons.

Sent all my clothes, sent my cars,
sent my sneakers, sent my shoes.

I think I sent my watches… Yeah, I'm good.

As nervous as I am
about moving across the country…

I know that once we get
to the Hamptons and we're all settled in,

I think it's gonna be good
for everybody, especially my family.

I just want to be there for them

and, I guess, that's really
what my parents would have wanted anyway.

All right, I love you.

[upbeat music playing]

[woman] Five, six, seven, eight… nine.

I think we're good.

We know, mom

We got it all handled.

You guys got it all together.

Then I just have to put
something else in one bag.

Kim is actually leaving for Paris,
and it's so exciting.

You keep our passports, right?

Yes, I just took your passport.

She's going to marry the love of her life
and it's going to be perfect.

So, now we just have to get
everybody else over there on time,

safe and sound.

Hey, you look beautiful.

-I love you so much.
-See you tomorrow.

[Kris] Oh, my god.

-I'm so excited.
-Please look for my Nori necklace.

-[Kim] It's somewhere inside.

I'll scour the whole house
and bring it to Paris, don't worry.

And if you remember
where you put it, call me.

[Kim] We are off to Paris
and it's so crazy.

I can't believe the wedding
is right around the corner.

Everything has happened
so fast, and I'm so excited.

[Kim] Are you ready to go to Paris, cutie?

That big smile… I know you are.

Bye, Kim!

See you in Paris.

[Kim] Next on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

We're in Paris…!

[Kim] I can't believe

the whole family's together
and it's wedding week.

I am so excited.

[humming the bridal march]

The veil is so big he needs to bend down
and, like, pull it up like this.

Kanye actually wanted
to marry Kim years ago.

-[woman] No.
-He was madly in love with her then.

Hear, hear.

[Kim] It's exciting.
The nerves are setting in.

The music is starting!

I can't believe that in a couple minutes,
I'm gonna be walking down the aisle.

[woman] Are you ready?

[church bell ringing]
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