15x06 - We Love Chicago

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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15x06 - We Love Chicago

Post by bunniefuu »

Up with the Kardashians...

Kim is my best friend right now.
KIM: No one understands us

like us.
KHLOE: We should T.P. Mom's

home. KIM: She's coming! Khloe!

Khloe and I are really vibing
right now a lot, so I want to be

there for her to pick her up and
do exactly what she would do for

me. Guys, I want you to meet.

La'Reina. ]] ALL: Hi!

KRIS: Hi, La'Reina!

KIM: Our surrogate is such
a nice person.

My family absolutely loves her.
KRIS: Without you, this

wouldn't have been possible, so
we can't say thank you enough.

KIM: Surrogacy is such a
beautiful thing and we're just

so excited to welcome our baby

We're getting close.
NORTH: Welcome to the baby

shower! KRIS: Thank you so much.

KIM: The baby shower turned
out so beautiful.

I wanted it to be girly and just

And it was perfect.
KRIS: We're so excited for.

Kim's baby number three.
NORTH: Lucky number seven!

KHLOE: Yeah, Kourt! Keeping Up

with the Kardashians...
KHLOE: Yeah.

ROBERT: Swoop, pop.
Come on. Swoop...

KOURTNEY: So we're doing a
flash mob.

KHLOE: But why is it for Kim?
KOURTNEY: To, like, remind

her that you don't have to take
yourself so seriously.

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
I can't wait for this.

KOURTNEY: Whoo! Whoo!
KIM: Oh. What the (bleep) is

going on?
KOURTNEY: Who's your guardian

if something happens to you?
It's me, right?

KHLOE: Um...
Picking both Kourtney and Kim is

just gonna cause so much

This is gonna be the tough

I've got to witness your
parenting skills versus.

Kourtney's parenting skills.
KIM: Whose do you like

better? I have no baby names.

KHLOE: But baby names is the
hardest part.

KIM: Like, none.
JONATHAN: Is the baby due,

like, any day?
KIM: It's due Sunday.

JONATHAN: Because just-just
so you know, the tradition is

that I'm always...
KIM: He's always in town.

JONATHAN: In town by accident.

LA'REINA: Really?
KIM: It's, like, reality.

Like, she's coming any minute.
MJ: Oh, there's our baby.

KRIS: She's so cute. ♪ ♪

KIM: Knock, knock.
Guess what I have?

KHLOE: What is it?
KIM: I am gonna make all of

your stretch mark dreams come

KHLOE: I don't have a stretch
mark yet.

KIM: (grunts) I know.
I'm gonna make sure you don't.

Okay, so, I am gonna make you
bone broth.

And it is supposed to reduce...
KHLOE: Can't you just buy

this out of a can or something?
Like what Kourt does?

KIM: Oh, but it's like the
all natural.

KHLOE: Oh. KIM: With apple cider

vinegar. A little thyme.

Black pepper.
Chicken bones... from carcasses.

KHLOE: I'm not eating a carcass.

KIM: Two chicken feet.
KHLOE: Okay, stop.

Is this a prank?
KIM: I went and picked it

out. ]] KHLOE: Why would you buy

this? It's a childlike hand.

KIM: Put those in here.
Just bring the whole thing and

put it in here.
Ew. The fact that you're picking

that up... ew.
KHLOE: I really can't talk

about it anymore.
I need, like, a (bleep) vaccine.

This is absolutely disgusting.
KIM: All right, so, this has

to sit here for six to eight

KHLOE: What?!
KIM: Yeah. Oh, I'm exhausted

after all of that.
KHLOE: I think you got to

plug it in.
You have to plug in the.

Kim! You got to plug this in.

This girl, I swear. ♪ ♪

DENNIS: Hey, you guys.
KOURTNEY: Hi. How are you?

DENNIS: Good to see you.
How are you?

LARSA: Nice seeing you.
DENNIS: Good to see you.

HARRY: Hi, how're you doing?

KOURTNEY: This is Harry.
DENNIS: Hey, Harry.

I'm Dennis. Nice to meet you.
HARRY: Nice to meet you.

KOURTNEY: Harry had a single
come out today.

HARRY: Yes. DENNIS: Oh, wow.

LARSA: Congratulations.
HARRY: How are you?

KOURTNEY: I need to listen to

Wait, so, you know what Larsa
and I are doing right now?

They're gonna take our blood,
and they put it on our skin, and

then they roll it with needles
and it goes into your face.

And it's just, like...
HARRY: No way.

KOURTNEY: I swear. Into here.

HARRY: Really?
LARSA: It just revi...

like, revitalizes your face.
KOURTNEY: It's really good

for your skin.
HARRY: I don't know if you're

lying or not. KOURTNEY: I swear.

DENNIS: No, really.
LARSA: He's like, "Who would"

do that?"

Harry, don't go too far.
We might need you.

I'm thinking about being a club

promoter. ]] LARSA: Totally.

Like, on... like, once a year?
HARRY: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: Larsa's spent more
time in the club...

(laughter) LARSA: Than the DJs?

KOURTNEY: (chuckles) Yeah.
LARSA: Stop. I like...

I like music and I like to

Kourtney, I feel like we should
do a hip-hop class.

KOURTNEY: A hip-hop class?
LARSA: Yeah.

HARRY: That would be fire.
LARSA: Isn't that so sick?

HARRY: You guys would k*ll that.

LARSA: And I feel like we
have to convince Kim to do it,

too. ]] HARRY: That's genius.

KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.
She's the worst dancer.

LARSA: That's why she needs

Her husband's a rapper, she
needs to learn how to dance.

KOURTNEY: I mean, she did
and she

got kicked off...
HARRY: She did? (Laughs)

That's so funny.
I didn't know that.

KOURTNEY: I feel like none of
us in our family are, like,

great dancers.
INSTRUCTOR: You know how to

dance salsa? ]] KHLOE: No.

KIM: No.
INSTRUCTOR: Actually, it's

very simple. One, two, three.

And five, six, seven.
One, two, three.

And five, six, seven.
YOUNES: You didn't dance yet?

YOUNES: Yeah, you did?

Well, don't stop because I'm

KOURTNEY: I think it would be
fun if we had some dance moves.

And I've been trying to not take
myself so seriously, and just do

more fun things, so I want to
spice up our lives a little.

Why not?
LARSA: Kourtney, are we doing

this? ]] KOURTNEY: Yes.

LARSA: Let's start in hip-hop.


Honestly, you have to dance.
(Larsa laughs)

♪ ♪

KIM: Hi. ]] LA'REINA: Hi.

KIM: How are you?

JONATHAN: Oh, my God.
KIM: Wait, so you had a bad

night? ]] LA'REINA: Yeah.

I was, like, I started having,
like, pains, like, at like : .

I felt so much pressure, so I'm
like, "Okay, let's see if I'm"

"dilating or anything this
morning." So...

KIM: That's how I was.
Like, I thought I was giving

birth on a plane at six months

LA'REINA: Yes. Ugh.
My goodness, it feels like it.

KIM: I was like, "I'm not
gonna call anyone," and you're...

And then... ]] LA'REINA: Yeah.

JONATHAN: So is-is the baby
due, like, any day?

KIM: It's due Sunday.
LA'REINA: Sunday.

JONATHAN: Because just-just
so you know, the tradition is

that I'm always...
KIM: He's always in town.

JONATHAN: In town, by
accident, unplanned.

LA'REINA: Really?
Please stay in town.

JONATHAN: By the way, every
single time it happens that I'm

This is the craziest thing.

KIM: How long are you here for?

JONATHAN: Till Wednesday.
KIM: Okay, then it'll come

before Wednesday.
JONATHAN: It's happening.

So, just so you know, it's %.
Every time. She knows.

LA'REINA: Oh, my gosh.
I think... I think my body is,

like, preparing.
JONATHAN: Wow. This is so

KIM: It's so crazy, right?

JONATHAN: Yeah. Yeah. KIM: Yeah.

It's, like, reality.
Like, she's coming any minute.

I think when you have a
surrogate, you don't feel the

everyday pains, and it just,
like, kind of creeps up on you.

It's just crazy how fast it

I got a call from my sister and
she was like, "All right, like",

the baby's head's low, I think
this is it."

And I was like, "Wait, you're
having your baby before me and"

I'm due before you?"
CRANE: Hello.


CRANE: Hello.
JONATHAN: How are you?

KIM: This is my best friend,

CRANE: Hey. How are you?

CRANE: And you're hiding in
the corner, huh?

LA'REINA: I know.
CRANE: Well, let's hope your

cervix is getting ready.
LA'REINA: Let's hope.

CRANE: All right, let's have
a quickie look.

Can you turn the light out?
So, the head is-is getting down

there. It's a little bit lower.

The nice news is everything
looks normal and healthy.

Your amniotic fluid is

LA'REINA: Perfect.
CRANE: So from that

perspective, I'm pretty sure we
could go a few more days.

CRANE: There's the heart

beating away.
Really nice and steady.

It's getting into a good
position with the spine.

See that?
JONATHAN: Look at the little

CRANE: But honestly, I think

what we should just do is talk

KIM: Okay.
I have another appointment, so

I think I'll run.

KIM: Will you text me as soon
as you're done?

LA'REINA: Oh, of course.
KIM: I just want to know

cervix. LA'REINA: I will let you

know. I promise.
JONATHAN: This is gonna be so

exciting. All right, bye, guys.

LA'REINA: Bye. ♪ ♪

SCOTT: Want to sit here?
KHLOE: No, I'll sit on the

black one, the contrast.
SCOTT: (laughs) It'll really

pop off.
KHLOE: Ooh. So, Tristan and I

were talking about godparents.
And I was giving him a

"Hey, like, so who are we gonna

put, like, God forbid something
bad happens to us?"

And he got, like, really
bothered by that conversation.

And he just doesn't want to
think about that, which I get.

It's scary.
But I think after you've lost a

parent, you think about those
things more.

SCOTT: When I first started
dating Kourtney, when I was,

like, early s, and then she
got pregnant, and we started

talking about making a will, and
who our child would go to if we

ever got into an accident, and
at that time, I hadn't lost

Not my mom, not my dad, like,

nobody. ]] KHLOE: Right.

SCOTT: And she'd lost your
father, so she was like,

"These are real things that do

KHLOE: Right.
SCOTT: "And we need to"

"discuss," and I was like...
KHLOE: And you thought it was

so weird.
SCOTT: I couldn't handle it.

I just wanted to shut down.
Then, later in life, once I saw

it happen, I realized...
KHLOE: Now you're like,

"You're gonna die, and you're
gonna die."

SCOTT: I was like, "Hey,
turns out you're all out of"

I understand where Tristan's

coming from.
It's hard to talk about.

It's also weird having a baby,
and then knowing that you're

responsible for somebody

It's like... it's a lot.

KHLOE: I am a huge planner.
I love to be prepared.

Like, that's just how I am.
And I always felt Kourtney would

be the godparent of my child,
but lately, I've been watching.

She's been someone that I really

gravitate to, as a mom.
So, I mean, it's a tough choice

between Kourtney and Kim.
For legal guardianship or

whatever, like, obviously I want
to talk to Tristan and make,

like, a decision on this, like,
what do we want for our

KIM: My beautiful little baby

girl Chicago is finally here.
MJ: She's so beautiful.

KRIS: She's so cute.
KOURTNEY: We're doing a flash

KENDALL: I just think that's

hilarious. ]] KHLOE: Oh, my God.

I can't wait for this. Yeah!

ROBERT: Swoop, pop!
Come on, swoop...

KHLOE: Yeah, Kourt!
KOURTNEY: My next job is a

flash mobber.
Do you have some kind of

agreement in place?
Like, who's your guardian if

something happens to you?
It's me, right?

KHLOE: Um...
KOURTNEY: I don't know why

this is even something Khloe has
to think about.

♪ ♪

KIM: I need to get my
eyebrows done, maybe Sunday.

JONATHAN: What's wrong with

KIM: I'll show you the picture.

Where is this?
It's got to be here.

Someone wrote it.
It said, "What, is she trying to"

scare the kids for Halloween?"
JONATHAN: (laughs) Girl, that

looks scary as (bleep).
That looks like, "Oh, God, you"

"devil." KIM: 'Cause they're just

going up, but my face was down
and I was like this. Like...

KIM: But, like, how does this

not happen?
JONATHAN: That's funny.

KIM: Oh, thank you.
SERVER: You're welcome.

KOURTNEY: Do you guys have

gluten-free soy sauce?
And can I have a green tea,

please? ]] SERVER : Sure.

KIM: I'm not that good at
chopsticks; I don't know how to

use chopsticks.
Do you want the rubber band

ones? ]] KIM: Pretty much.

KOURTNEY: So Larsa and I are
gonna do a hip-hop class.

KIM: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: You should do it

with us. JONATHAN: A what class?

KOURTNEY: Hip-hop.
KIM: Absolutely not.

KOURTNEY: Why not?
JONATHAN: She is the worst

That would not be a good thing.

After Prince threw her off
stage, I don't even like her

dancing at, like, birthday

(Kourtney laughs)
It was one of the scariest

things in my life when he said,
"Get the (bleep) off my stage."

In front of , people.
It still freaks me out.

KIM: Prince called me up
onstage, and I thought it was

gonna be, like, something slow
and chill, or something that I

could do. And then he, like,
puts on this fast song and says

to dance.
And I was like, "Oh, my God."

What's happening?
I'm in a nightmare right now."

I was, like, begging to be
kicked off.

Like, this can't be.
I can't. Like, I can't.

Why do you want to go to
hip-hop class?

I'm so curious.
JONATHAN: Just 'cause you go

out at night now?
KOURTNEY: No, I don't go out

at night.
I wanted to just have someone

teach us some moves.
Like, someone good.

KIM: I don't know.
I have to see what kind of moves

they're gonna do.
JONATHAN: Well, Larsa's gonna

do Miami moves.
That kind of (bleep).

Kourtney's gonna, like, do mom
moves, like, you know, like...

(whistles) ]] KIM: Bottle.

Do the gluten-free.

KOURTNEY: This is just to
spice up our lives.

JONATHAN: All right.
KIM: I mean, I will...

consider doing the class.
JONATHAN: (laughs) I want to

come for that. (Kourtney laughs)

I will be there for that.
KIM: Wait, Jen Atkins' house

got robbed.
JONATHAN: House got robbed?

KIM: Oh, my God. Look.
Robbers were in her house

stealing the jewelry, and she
had it on her phone, and she was

watching it as they were

JEN: We have you on camera.

And the police are on the way.
KIM: This was one hour ago.

JONATHAN: She put that on her

KIM: Yeah.
JONATHAN: That is just so

crazy how this goes on.

JONATHAN: That's why people
need to live in high-rises.

Tall buildings with a doorman,
nobody goes in.

KIM: Yeah, totally. ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Ooh, pancakes.
Who knew they had breakfast?

You guys knew I used to come
here with Taryll, like, every

day. ]] KIM: Yeah, I remember.

All the time. ]] KHLOE: Really?

KOURTNEY: I'm telling you,
like, every day.

We came here for Valentine's Day
once, and they had heart-shaped

raviolis. ]] KHLOE: How cute.

What are you eating, Kourt?
What's good here?

KOURTNEY: I might get a salad.

KIM: Oh, do they have
breakfast all day?

KHLOE: Good choice.
KIM: What a treat.

You guys, there's nothing I
would want more than one

Um, so, the baby scare...

KHLOE: Yeah. KIM: Thought it was

She said, "I'm having the worst"

cramps, I think it's happening."
So, I was like, "Oh, my God.

I don't have a hospital bag,
I don't have a this,

I don't have a that."
But then she went to Paul's, and

he said, "Nope, your cervix is
totally thick."

KHLOE: So how quickly can
that turn to be, like...

KIM: I don't know. A few days?

Then I started freaking, like,
I have no baby names.

Like, none.
KHLOE: But baby names is the

hardest part. KOURTNEY: Cruella.

KIM: I kind of like one

KHLOE: You don't care about
how Mom said, like, Milan,

Italy, Rome, whatever.
Like, any things like that stick

out? ]] KIM: No.

KHLOE: No, like a city like

KIM: I, like, scoured that
map in San Fran.

KHLOE: That's right, you did.
KIM: Any, like, zodiac signs?

KOURTNEY: No, that's, like,
the devil.

KIM: Any biblical something?
Aaron, Abel.

Khloe, you're in the Bible.
I have nothing.

KOURTNEY: Yesterday, Younes,
with his accent, he was like,

"Wait, so is Reggie different
than Ray G?"

Like, thinking Ray J. KHLOE: Oh.

KOURTNEY: I go, "Oh, Ray J."
KIM: That's so funny.

KOURTNEY: What about MJ West?
KIM: Huh?



SHO TYME: Hello.
KHADIJAH: Hi, there.

KHADIJAH: You look too cute

for a class.
KOURTNEY: I didn't come to

play, hos. ]] LARSA: Hos, wha...

Clearly you did 'cause you were
supposed to be in sneakers.

KOURTNEY: No, this is how I
get down.

I'm the ultimate Insta-ho.
SHO TYME: How you doing?

Sho Tyme. Hey.
KOURTNEY: Nice to meet you.

Wait, Kim isn't here yet?
LARSA: No, we've been waiting

for you guys.
KHADIJAH: You're really gonna

dance in these?
KOURTNEY: Yes, you guys.

I didn't bring any shoes.
LARSA: Kourtney, I don't know

how to break this to you, you're
not that good of a dancer.

KOURTNEY: No, I'm a horrible
dancer, I want you to know that

in advance.
And I'll tell you, Kim is way

worse than I am.
SHO TYME: Let's, uh, come up

some. I'm gonna make you pay for

wearing those heels.
Okay, so. Here.

SHO TYME: One, two, three.

Ba, da, uh, uh. Ba, uh, uh.

KOURTNEY: Dancing is not my
numero uno skill.

SHO TYME: Ba, da, uh. Boom, ha.

KOURTNEY: Wait, what?
SHO TYME: Ha. Boom.

One, two...
KOURTNEY: It's just dance for

fun. Not, like, seriously.

Like, why can I not roll my

SHO TYME: So this way.
Da, da, da. Da, ha.

One more time. One...
KOURTNEY: You guys, I'm

really good. (All laughing)

I'm just kidding.
SHO TYME: Okay, so...

LARSA: I hope that's Kim.
KIM: Who's ready?

LARSA: We're so ready for you.

KIM: To dance.
KOURTNEY: Get ready.

KIM: I'm, like, a notorious
non-dancer, like, it's a thing.

So let me see what you guys are

LARSA: No, it's not even that
hard, you should do it.

KIM: Well, I don't know if
it's... I don't care about hard.

I just don't dance.

KIM: I make money moves.
SHO TYME: (laughs)

It's kind of fast, but we're
gonna do it slow 'cause it's...

the song is fast.
You're just having... boom,

boom, boom, ha. Boom, boom.

Ha, boom, boom. You got this.
KIM: Oh, yeah, no, I don't

dance. (All laughing)

SHO TYME: Can we play...
Can you find me the chorus?

One, two, three. ♪ ♪

Boom. Boom.
Left, right, left, right...

KIM: I can't, you guys.
SHO TYME: Slide. Up. Boom.

Ha. Walk. Walk.
KIM: You guys need to get...

I could be a stage mom.
You need to get more into it.

LARSA: Okay.
KIM: Like-like, more into it.

LARSA: Oh, she can do it from
the sidelines.

KIM: I don't need to do
anything, you guys do.

LARSA: But come on, will you
dance with us now, though?

KIM: No.
KOURTNEY: Next time you're at

a Kanye show, you could be
backstage like this...

LARSA: Come on, Kim.
Do something. Try. Try.

KIM: No. SHO TYME: Okay, you can

assist me. You can tell me...

KIM: 'Kay.
You just keep doing you 'cause

it's good.
KOURTNEY: Come on. Do it.

KIM: No. ]] LARSA: Go ahead.

KOURTNEY: Kim has this
inability to let loose.

She's not even moving.
I mean, if she's just gonna sit

here and critique us, then she
can leave.

KIM: Oh, my God. (Laughs)
LARSA: Stop.

KHLOE: My job is to entertain
Kim until we come across this

flash mob.
KIM: What the (bleep) is

going on? Oh.

KHLOE: I'm going back and
forth between Kourtney or Kim as

being the guardian.
KRIS: So, you just have to

think, "Where would I want my
child being raised?"

♪ ♪

(dog barking)
KHLOE: That dog, I think,

needs a little attention.
KOURTNEY: Reign loves to pay

her attention.
He's just napping.

KENDALL: Big dogs, I'm
telling you, it's the wave.

KOURTNEY: Um, we did this
dance class the other day.

KHADIJAH: It was full-on
hip-hop choreography.

KOURTNEY: We were, like,
learning a full dance routine.

KHLOE: I would die.
KOURTNEY: Kim was in the

class, and she wouldn't do one

KHADIJAH: Everything was
like, "Kim, will you try?"

"Mm, no."
KOURTNEY: Like, she literally

sat on the floor and wouldn't

KHLOE: But why are we here

Like, we're doing what here?
KOURTNEY: 'Cause we're doing

a flash mob.
We're gonna embarrass Kim.

We're gonna have you take her to
Go Greek to get yogurt, and

we're gonna do it in that

KHLOE: But why is it for Kim?
KOURTNEY: Because to, like,

remind her that you don't have
to take yourself so seriously.

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
I can't wait for this.

KENDALL: I just think that's

(doorbell rings)
KOURTNEY: Do you want to do

the mob with us?
KENDALL: I don't know.

I'm, like, scared.
KOURTNEY: Well, we're meeting

with the girl now.
So do you want to just see what

it's like? ]] KENDALL: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: I hired instructors
to put together the flash mob,

so they're coming over today to
teach us the dance routine.

I hope that this is easier than
our dance class.

I'm so excited.
KHLOE: You guys choreograph

for flash mobs? ]] ROBERT: Yeah.

KHLOE: But how do they know
what you're choreographing?

STACI: So we make a little
video and put it online.

KHLOE: Stop.
STACI: And so, when people

sign up, they get, like, wear
this, do this dance, and then

they show up to rehearsal.
And we never tell them, like,

who it's for or where it is.
KHLOE: That is so cute.

STACI: Yeah.
ROBERT: Maybe we should,

like, learn the chorus, so you
can kind of feel it.

ROBERT: Yeah, come on.

Super easy.
Okay, so, the first part, it's

kind of, like, you're telling
someone to come here.

One, two, hit. Three, four.

KHLOE: Yeah, Kourt!
ROBERT: Kourtney's working

it... did you watch the video?

KHADIJAH: She's such a dancer

ROBERT: You're just gonna
swoop it, pop.

KHLOE: Oh, (bleep).
ROBERT: Yeah. Swoop... pop!

Boom, ha. Boom, ha.
Boom, ha. You got it.

KHLOE: Kourtney, you're
actually, like, a fly girl right

now. ROBERT: Boom, boom, boom...

KOURTNEY: Come on, guys.
My next job is a flash mobber.

ROBERT: Nice, now pray up.
And then around.

Yeah, Kourtney! Come on!
KHLOE: Oh, yeah, Kourt!

KOURTNEY: Khloe, come on.
You know you want to try it.

ROBERT: Right.
Why don't you just learn it for

fun? Yeah, come on, loosen up.

And hit, hit, and five.
Six goes seven, eight. Yeah?

So then we do that twice in a

KOURTNEY: It's like I've been
doing it my whole life.

ROBERT: Do you want to try it
with music? Can we get music?

KOURTNEY: This feels really

ROBERT: Here we go! ♪ ♪

ROBERT: Kourtney, come in front.

KOURTNEY: Oh. (Khloe laughs)

ROBERT: Seven, eight.
Push, then... Yeah!

You're crushing it, come on.
Here we go, pray it up.

One, two, three. Work it up.

Now we gonna turn... Hey!

Then, walk. Step, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Come on, hit, two.

KHLOE: This is so dramatic.
KOURTNEY: Kendall has her own

choreographed dance.
KENDALL: (laughs) I'm making

something else up over here.
KOURTNEY: She's gonna do a

solo act in the... in the middle.
ROBERT: Yeah, we'll get

around, make a big circle.
KENDALL: Please don't do

that. ]] ROBERT: No.

KENDALL: I got looped into
joining the flash mob just by

being in the house.
ROBERT: Push. Push that way.

KHADIJAH: Go, Kendall.
ROBERT: And boom...

KENDALL: I didn't really sign
up for it, but you know what,

I'll practice with them, and
I'll enjoy the practice.

I don't know if I'm gonna go to
the real thing.

ROBERT: Three, here we go!
This is the big finish.

We're gonna walk back. Go. Back.

Two, three, four.
Push, six, seven, boom.

KOURTNEY: Wait, when you're

all done, does everyone just
go... and start, like, shopping

again? ROBERT: And then we just,

like, yeah, disappear.
STACI: Like it never

happened. ]] ROBERT: Yep.

KOURTNEY: Khloe, don't even
talk to me.

KHLOE: Wait, I had no idea.
That is the best.

That no one acknowledges each

Oh, that's so genius.
Leave! Everyone, go their way.

I'm going with Kim. ♪ ♪

KHLOE: Cute.
KOURTNEY: Thank you.

I've literally been running
around from doctor to doctor.

KHLOE: How was your doctor's?
KOURTNEY: Good. I went to.

Byrnes, and we, um, I told him
I've been feeling so foggy in my

brain, I almost tripped today,
like, three times.

KHLOE: I'm so foggy in my brain.

KOURTNEY: He said it was from
taking antibiotics, he thinks.

KHLOE: Oh. Kourtney, don't do
this to me.

KOURTNEY: And I told him how
my back has been hurting.

KHLOE: Uh-uh.
KOURTNEY: Anyways, I went

KHLOE: That is why your kids

are always sick.
KOURTNEY: Wait, no, my kids

are never sick.
KHLOE: You tell me they're

always sick.
KOURTNEY: You know who's

always sick? North and Saint.

KHLOE: Oh. Okay.
I love the mommy shaming.

KOURTNEY: Anyways, I actually
saw something on TMZ.

Did you see this? ]] KHLOE: Hmm?

KOURTNEY: Saying that none of
our guys have custody

KHLOE: I did see that, and I

thought that was so (bleep).
First of all, why would you guys

even write this story? Like...
KOURTNEY: So strange.

But then I...
KHLOE: Such a weird...

KOURTNEY: It made me think.
Do you have some kind of

agreement in place... like, you
have to make your things to your

will. KHLOE: Every sister gets a

certain amount, don't get too

KOURTNEY: No, I just meant
more for your kid.

KOURTNEY: Like, who's your

guardian if something happens to

It's me, right?
KHLOE: Um... I mean, I don't

So, what I was told is that

I can't set that up until I have
a birth certificate.

KOURTNEY: Oh. I think you
have to think who has the best

values of, like, what you want
your kids to be around and see

and experience.
I don't know why this is even

something Khloe has to think

My passion is my kids and my
family, and we're always doing

fun things and traveling, and
the kids have, like, a sense of

But we also have boundaries.

So, I'm obviously the best

KHLOE: No, I don't know.
This is, like, a huge thing.

KOURTNEY: I told the kids her
name today.

Mason goes, "What?"
KIM: Everyone's gonna be

like, (gasps) "Oh, my God.
That's the craziest name."

KOURTNEY: Well, yeah.

Did you decide what you're

KHLOE: I've got to witness
your parenting skills versus.

Kourtney's parenting skills.
KIM: Whose do you like


♪ ♪

KIM: Khlo? ]] KHLOE: Yeah?

KIM: Where are you?
KHLOE: Um, my room.

I love your hair like that.
You look so cute.

KIM: Thank you.
I come bearing gifts.

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
KIM: Are you ready?

KHLOE: Yeah. ]] KIM: 'Kay.

This might get you excited.
KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KIM: Since you only do pink.
KHLOE: How cute.

KIM: Got you a little pink

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
This is so cute.

KIM: And I got North a
matching one.

KHLOE: Kim, stop.
KIM: Um, and then are you

ready for this?
KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KIM: That's Tristan's style,

KHLOE: That's so Tristan's

I feel like Kim has been so
selfless during my pregnancy.

She's trying to just help, like,
make sure that you feel your

best, look your best, have the

KIM: What cars do you have?
You're never gonna want

something that you couldn't put
a car seat in.

KHLOE: When did you pop?
KIM: Like, six months.

This one I just kept getting
wider and wider.

It was horrendous.
KHLOE: Like, thank God I can

vent to you, like, my sister.
You get it.

She's so... secure in her life
that I feel like she would be an

incredible godparent.
She's just been a great friend

and sister.
Stop, I got to send this...

KIM: And a Givenchy leather

KHLOE: He's at his game, but
let me video...

Babe, look what Kim just brought

For the babes.
KIM: A little Givenchy

bomber, the little flowers with
the crosses.

KHLOE: Gi-ven-chy.
KIM: And a Givenchy leather

skirt. KHLOE: How cute is this?

♪ ♪

MELISSA: All right. Finito.

KOURTNEY: North is such a

When she was over yesterday...

I mean, she is and she isn't.
KIM: How funny is that song?

Were you there?
KOURTNEY: Oh, I didn't see

it, no.
KIM: North said, I'll make up

the song, and P will play the

So listen to the song.
She sings about the dogs.

(North singing)

And P is just sitting there.
(North singing)

So if you watch it on mute,
you think she's singing, like,

a really great song, 'cause
she's so into it.

KOURTNEY: Oh, she's so dramatic.

KIM: So Khloe called me and
told me that... like, this,

like, all these people are,
like, making these predictions.

And I posted this thing of
Louis Vuitton.

'Cause I was just cleaning out
my closet.

And everyone's like, "Oh, my
God, her name's gonna be Louis",

"it's gonna be Vuitton," like,
everyone's going crazy.

And I'm like, "Oh, I just saw,
that, like, the designer from."

Louis Vuitton resigned.
And his last show was with Kate.

"Moss and Naomi Campbell

KIM: So I just saw a picture

of, like, my Louis thing.
I'd put it up and it was just,

like, so ridiculous.
KOURTNEY: I told the kids her

name today. (Kim chuckles)

Mason goes, "What?
I thought you were gonna say",

like, Emily or something."
KIM: Everyone's gonna be

like, (gasps) "Oh, my God,
that's the craziest name!"

And then they're gonna go crazy.
And then, like...

KOURTNEY: And then they get
used to it.

KIM: And then they'll get
used to it.

And then it'll be like, "Oh,
that's normal."

Like, later. ]] KOURTNEY: Yeah.

KIM: You know what I mean?

But I mean, if you think if you
would've said North at the

time, they would've said the
same things.

KIM: I know. KOURTNEY: So...

KIM: I know.
KOURTNEY: Last night, the

paparazzi asked me, "Is her
name gonna be Donda?"

It's a beautiful name."
That's what they said.

KIM: But, like... I just...
KOURTNEY: Someone wrote me

and said you should name her

KIM: I know. I got, like,
the most ridiculous things.

Like, Queen, This...
MELISSA: What about Miracle?

KIM: Yeah.
His cousin's like, "I know."

And I'm like, Miracle West?

That sounds like Miracle Whip.
(Melissa laughs)

And that's, like, the biggest,
like, stripper name of all time.

And then he's like, "What about

I'm like, "Okay, we just clearly
don't have the same taste in"

"names." (laughter)

♪ ♪

KHLOE: We are at this outdoor
mall, and my job is to entertain.

Kim until we come across this
flash mob.

Let's get ice cream and then
walk around.

KIM: You're so adventurous.
KHLOE: Well, I just want to

walk around.
This is so cute out here.

I have so much anxiety because
I have to get Kim to this

certain place, so this flash mob
starts, and I just...

I swear, I think I am gonna,
like, give it away 'cause I'm so

KOURTNEY: Did they get their

yogurt already?
KHLOE: Oh, my God.

Peanut butter... yum.
EMPLOYEE: Did you want two?

KHLOE: Let's go walk around,

STACI: My heart is beating

out of my chest right now.
KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.

KIM: I don't even know
what's... what else is in here.

KHLOE: Me, neither, that's
why I want to just walk.

KIM: Oh, I've never been all
over here.

(gong sounds) ♪ ♪

KIM: Oh.
What the (bleep) is going on?

KHLOE: Kourtney?
KRIS: Oh, here's our baby.

MJ: How does it feel to be a
mother and not to carry the

baby? ]] KIM: Honestly?

♪ ♪
KIM: Oh, I've never been

all over here. (Gong sounds)

♪ ♪
KIM: Oh.

What the (bleep) is going on?

I'm literally gonna cry. ♪ ♪

I was like, "What the (bleep)
is going on?"

♪ ♪
KHLOE: Don't tell me you know

it, too. ]] KIM: Oh, no, no.

Oh, no, no, that's where I draw
the line.

♪ ♪
ROBERT: Hey, come on!


KHLOE: I'm too pregnant to do

KIM: (laughs)
The fact that Kourtney and.

Khadija... This is wild.

♪ ♪
I'm literally dying inside

over this flash mob.
Like, I just can't even believe

you guys.
I'm like, "I'm gonna have to run"

if they try to pull me into

ALL: Whoo! (Cheering, applause)

KOURTNEY: Okay, go.
KHLOE: (laughs)

Like we don't know it's her.
We know it's you.

KIM: What is going...?
You played this one up really

KHLOE: We got to go get her.

KOURTNEY: After you ruined
our dance class with your

critiques, I thought it would
be funny to embarrass you.

Did I succeed? ]] KIM: You did.

(applause, cheering)
KIM: You guys.

I am, like, crying.

Can you believe it?

KIM: That was a big win,
on your part.

So why do people do flash mobs?
KOURTNEY: For fun.

Isn't it a thrill?

I got nervous right when they
were, like... started singing,

like, "I can see Kim, I can see
Khloe," and I was like, "Oh,

my gosh."
KOURTNEY: We were like, "Oh,

my God."
I almost told Kanye that I was

going to do the flash mob to

But I was like, he's gonna tell
me it's, it's not acceptable for

his wife or something.
And I was like, I can't... I'm

not even telling him. (Laughter)

KHLOE: That was a smart move.
KIM: That's so funny.

KHLOE: Flash mob, check.

♪ ♪

KRIS: Oh, Khloe, Khloe, Khloe...

KHLOE: I can barely breathe
in this body.

KRIS: Me, too.
KHLOE: Mom, who... how did

you pick who your kids' legal
guardians were?

KRIS: Well, I think when
Kendall and Kylie... when Kendall

was born, I thought about who I
felt the closest to, and who I

would love their... the way that
they brought their kids up.

KHLOE: Mm-hmm.
KRIS: And the way they ran

their families, and what they
were all about.

KHLOE: Food for thought.
KRIS: Why? What are you

getting at?
KHLOE: I'm going back and

forth between Kourtney or Kim as
being the guardian...

KRIS: Yeah. KHLOE: For my baby.

KRIS: Well, you spend enough
time in both of their houses.

So you just have to think "Where
would I want my child being"

raised? In which environment?

And who would I feel like my
baby's gonna be most comfortable

and most loved?"
I mean, Kourtney has a certain

set of values, and she goes to

And I think she would raise a
child to believe in God.

Kim, on the other hand, you
know, she's very hands-on with

the homework, and with just
making sure that the kids were

always, you know, where they're
supposed to be.

And she's very attentive, and
she's got their...

The grooming's impeccable, and
the... that all matters to me.

I mean, you can always pick two
legal guardians.

No. ]] KHLOE: Too many...

KRIS: Cooks in the kitchen?
KHLOE: Assumptions, wha-what

if's, this, that...
KRIS: Uh, you want it spelled

Just listen to your heart and

listen to your mind.
Because those two things will

tell you exactly who you're
supposed to pick.

KHLOE: So, I have thought
this over long and hard.

And I have decided what I want
to do.

I just have to make the best
decision for my daughter.

But I also am not trying to
hurt anybody's feelings.

My brain can't handle much more.
KRIS: You go rest your little

head, missy. ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Um, did you decide
what you're doing?

Like, are you setting something
up in your will?

KHLOE: So, here's... I'm
actually really lucky that I've

got to witness your parenting
skills versus Kourtney's

parenting skills.
KIM: Whose do you like

KHLOE: I just think you have

different parenting styles.
But anyway, I can't make

anything official until the baby
is born.

But I am going to probably have
Kim as the legal guardian if,

God forbid, something happens.

KHLOE: So I can't make
anything official until the baby

is born.
But I am going to probably have.

Kim as the legal guardian if,
God forbid, something happens.

Just because I've, I don't know
my parenting style until I have

a baby. ]] KIM: Mm-hmm.

KHLOE: But from what I
envision my parenting style to

be, I do think it will be more
like Kim, a little more

Watching Kimberly be a mom, I

really respect her parenting
skills, not that I don't respect.

I relate to how Kim parents

But at the end of the day, this

family is so close, and we love
each other so much and if

anything, God forbid, were to
happen, I know my daughter is in

the best of hands no matter who
her legal guardian is.

KOURTNEY: Guess what?
You don't have to give me an

I got three kids and I'm busy on

my own. ]] KHLOE: And you're at

KOURTNEY: No, I'm not at

KHLOE: You want one more.

KOURTNEY: One to... one plus.
KHLOE: Kourtney.

KHLOE: Okay, we'll get into

that later, but it will be the

KOURTNEY: Congratulations.
(Khloe chuckles)

KIM: It is my honor.
And I will take such good care

of your kids. ]] KHLOE: I know!

KOURTNEY: It's okay.
I've gone back and forth.

I told you.
First I had you, then I had Kim.

Then I have you again.
KHLOE: Oh! I'm back on the

list? KIM: What made you kick me

off? KOURTNEY: I decided that...

KIM: I'm so strict.
KOURTNEY: Your core moral

values. ]] KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KOURTNEY: I mean, I'm a
little bit disappointed that I'm

not the guardian.
But honestly, you don't know

what your parenting style is
until you have kids.

So, I think once Khloe has her
own daughter and she is, you

know, really a mom, then maybe
she will realize that we have

more in common than she thinks
as far as parenting styles.

You never know, Khloe might
switch back to me.

Hopefully we never have to deal
with this, guys. So...

KHLOE: I know. We don't.
KIM: Yeah.

KHLOE: We don't. KIM: We don't.

KHLOE: We don't. ♪ ♪

KIM: My beautiful little baby
girl Chicago is finally here.

MJ: Oh, here's our baby.
KIM: The name Chicago,

everyone asks me where we came
up with that.

And Kanye's originally from
Chicago and the city is really

connected to his memory of his

And so, we went with Chicago.
MJ: (gasps) She's so

beautiful. KRIS: She's so cute.

KHLOE: Look at her hair.

KIM: Isn't she so cute?
MJ: She's so pretty.

Oh, my gosh.
KHLOE: She's so cute.

MJ: She looks a lot like you
in the mouth and nose.

(gasps) Hello.
KHLOE: Kim, her nose is

really cute. MJ: So pretty, Kim.

KIM: Isn't she cute?
MJ: So beautiful.

She looks like you in the mouth.
KHLOE: Oh, God, she has so

much hair. ]] MJ: So pretty.

Kris had that, too.
KHLOE: She's so cute and

MJ: Kris had hair like that.

KIM: She has your hairstyle
right now.

KRIS: Yeah. ]] KHLOE: Hi.

KRIS: We're twinning.
KIM: She does these really

mean faces.
KHLOE: She's very expressive

at so young.
KIM: Yeah, very expressive.

KHLOE: She's like me.
KIM: Like, she has this,

like, wrinkle right here, the
same one Kanye has.

The moment I laid eyes on my
baby, I was so in love.

Hi, cutie!
And I am just so excited to

have this addition to my family.

MJ: I was just gonna ask you,
how does it feel to be a mother

and not to carry the baby the
full time?

KIM: Honestly?
MJ: Without the worries of...

KIM: When it's done, I think
it was the best decision I ever

made. ]] MJ: I do, too.

KIM: I think it was such an
amazing experience.

I would recommend it for anyone.
MJ: Well, I'm not thinking of

it, I just... ]] KIM: Not you.

Um, I am, like, the biggest fan

of surrogacy.
All my fears of everything that

I thought was gonna happen,
like, am I gonna connect?

Am I gonna feel connected?
Am I...?

MJ: But you do.
KIM: All of that goes out the

door and you just, like,
instantly feel connected.

It's crazy how professional
surrogacy is and how instantly

when the baby came out, there
was no weird feeling that I was

so nervous about.
Am I gonna connect with the

Am I gonna feel the same way as

if it's, you know, me birthing
my kids?

And it was.
It was the same exact feeling.

So, that was instantly a relief
for me 'cause that was what I

was most nervous about and I
just feel so lucky that I've had

such a good experience with

MJ: You're gonna be good at
this, kiddo.

KHLOE: Oh, why thank you.
KRIS: You are.

MJ: You certainly will.
KHLOE: I'm just holding a

sleeping baby.
It's not hard yet.

MJ: This is why you're so

good. KHLOE: When you're holding

someone else's sleeping baby,
it's easy.

MJ: You look like a pro.
I want a picture of your body.

KIM: Oh, my body. KHLOE: Wow.

Don't ask her twice.
MJ (laughing): Wow. It's a

full photo sh**t.
KHLOE: Are you smiling?

KRIS: Put your bikini on.
KHLOE: Look at her, she's

smiling. She's smiling.

KRIS: She's laughing at her
mom. (Laughs)

KOURTNEY: Oh, my God, did you
hear Kylie's in labor?

KIM: What?
KYLIE: I'm not trying to keep

it secret.
I'm really doing this for

KIM: Hey, Ky. Hi, Stormi.

KYLIE: Oh, my God.
KHLOE: You and Kourtney are,

like, at each other's throats
these days.

KOURTNEY: Mom (bleep) me in
so many ways.

KRIS (crying): I never want
you to be disappointed in me.

KHLOE: Gabbana, hi.
(Gabbana whines)

She had a little bit of a

KIM: She fully convulsed.
It's nearing time.
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