10x12 - Moons Over Montana

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x12 - Moons Over Montana

Post by bunniefuu »

[energetic music]

[Kendall] Ugh! My boobs
are getting bigger. It's a problem.

-[Khloé] That's so cool.
-No, they, like, hurt.

That's what happens when your body grows.

[Khloé] You get, like, growing pains.

-Do you not want big boobs?
-[Kendall] No. They go in and out.

Maybe hormones. I don't know.
Want to go upstairs?


[both vocalizing]

[Khloé groans]

Why would you do such a thing?

[Kendall] Is this, like, a Jenner thing?

Like, our boobs are really low
on our body?

[Kris] Yeah, I think it's me.

-Do you have a big chest?
-[Kris] I think I do.

See how my boobs look really low?

Well, you could look at it like
you have more room for diamonds.

-Okay. Yeah.
-I mean, you know, it's a positive.

Mom, that's so brave of Kylie
to be doing singing lessons.

Isn't it cute? Kendall and I
are gonna do it.

She started singing a few notes one day
at the house, and she sounded amazing.

♪ Fa la la la la ♪

-She did.
-You never say I sound amazing.

Well, she sounded, like, really amazing.

First of all, I've definitely been known
that I'm, like, the real deal.

Yeah, I've definitely been known.

Like, I've had some singers tell me
that I'm, like, an amazing singer.

When have you sang in front of singers?

A lot.

-Why don't you guys form a girl band?
-[Khloé] We should.

We'd be taken so seriously.

[Kendall and Khloé vocalizing]


[theme music]

[vigorous music]

-[Kourtney] Supermodel work.
-Oh, hi.

[Khloé] Oh, my god,
you're so chic and sophisticated.

-Thank you.
-[Kylie] Hey, guys.

-Wait. Don't seem so excited.
-Who invited you here?

-I was about to wear my beanie too.
-[Khloé] Copycat.

Anyway, so I had a dream
literally the entire night, like, every…

I kept waking up and going,
"Ah! Kourtney!"

-Oh, my gosh.
-And I was really, really, really scared.

The one thing, I think, in this family
is that we're all really busy.

[Kourtney] It's hard
to think about the things

that are happening in our lives.

I find it to be helpful sometimes
to go to therapy.

[Kourtney] There's been so many changes
this year with my mom and Bruce.

And now that everything going on
with Bruce is out in the open,

with our family, we all wanna make sure
that Kendall and Kylie feel supported

and have an outlet
to communicate their feelings.

-But if you're talking about therapy…
-[Kendall] Oh, no.

I don't see it as the worst thing.

I don't think you should
ever go to therapy

unless you're the one asking for it.

I don't know. I feel like I go through
these times where, like, I hate my life.

[Khloé] So you think you're willing
to go, or not willing?

No, I probably won't.

It's pretty crazy
that all of this information

about my dad is coming out,

and with our parents splitting up,
Kylie and I are handling it differently.

Kylie does bottle up her emotions,

and it's just easier for me to open up.

But being able to work all the time
and travel kinda keeps my mind off of it.

-Bye. Love you.
-[Kourtney] I guess that's it.

Love you toots.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Wanna see what Mom dropped off?

-[Kim] What is it?

These have to be, like,
Dad's or something.

[Khloé] They don't even work.

-"Elton John tour. 1980, Forum Club."
-[Khloé] I wanna throw them away.

-Why would they bring binoculars?
-How bad were their seats, right?

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kim] So my mom has been cleaning up
her storage space

in order to move on from this kind
of complicated chapter,

and, you know, it's hard once you've spent
25 years of your life with someone.

I couldn't even imagine.

-Like, am I supposed to hold on to these?
-[Kim] I don't know. That's so weird.

I just wanna go skiing.

I just feel like it's, like, not aligned
in the cards for us to do anything.

There's been a lot of…
just craziness happening.

That's all the more reason
why we have to go somewhere.

There is a place that's gorgeous
in Montana called Big Sky.

-I've never been to Montana.
-I have never been to Montana, either.

It'll be like a kids' trip.

There has been a lot
going on in our family,

especially with Bruce lately,

so I think it's really important
that we keep a family trip

to ensure that the family
just stays close.

Even if it's just the kids.

No more trips with Mom and Bruce.

So no more family trips, all of us?

-That's so sad.
-Thailand was the last one.

[Khloé] It is our first family trip
since our parents' divorce.

I never really thought about,
until this moment, that our holidays,

trips or anything else special
and monumental in our lives,

-they're never gonna be the same again.

Here's to another good day
in Greece, everybody.

-[Bruce] Go, Khloé!

-Let it go. Let it go. Goodbye!
-[Kris] Kylie, look!

Now that so many things are changing,

we're gonna have to make
and create new traditions,

and I think it's about the kids
forming that bond

and never letting us lose touch
with one another.

This is, like, a calm trip with the kids.
Let's make it about that.

They will have a lot of fun.

[gloomy music]

-[Scott] You know it's raining?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

-Oh, you did?
-Yes. This house has a lot of windows.

The shades are closed. I just saw
in the bathroom that it's pouring rain.

[Scott] Wow! Kim just said
the ski trip is on now.

-Are we gonna go?
-I mean, I'd like to go.

It's just a lot of work.

I feel like it would be nice to get out
of here and go enjoy some of the outdoors,

maybe take a hike.

-You would never take a hike.
-[Scott] I don't know that you know that.

I'm a new man.

It's definitely no secret
that I've been struggling

over the past couple years
with some of my inner demons,

so I decided to go to a center
and actually work on these things.

They definitely made me confront my issues
head-on, which was definitely scary,

but extremely helpful to see what I needed
to do to better my life and move forward.

[Scott] I'm excited. I wanna go
to a ski mountain with you.

I know Mason would like
to build a snowman.

-I wanna go. I'm just saying…
-Okay. All right, so you're in!

It gives me anxiety thinking it's,
like, our first trip with the baby.

-The more we travel, the easier it gets.

[Scott] Okay. I'm gonna go pick Mason.

Last thing, do you have
ski clothes that fit?

-Should we get some maternity stuff?
-First of all, I'm not pregnant.

Same vibe.

They don't even make
maternity ski clothes.

You're not allowed to ski
when you're pregnant.

That can't be true. There's got to be
some people that are living on the edge.

-Relax. I'll figure it out.
-Okay, ta-ta.

[lively music]

I'd love to travel in the same direction
as traffic. Just FYI.

[Khloé] Today, all of us kids,
except Rob and Kendall,

are going to Montana together,
and I am super excited.

Us kids have never gone
on a family trip ever together,

so this is definitely something new
for all of us and the babies.

And I'm just really excited
to be in new weather, go skiing,

and, hopefully,
I actually remember how to ski.

Can you show Malika
the bracelets you make? Let me see.

-I made that one for Daddy.
-[Khloé] And he wears them every day.


Hello, you little big boy.

I'm actually very excited
to go to Montana.

This is the first time that we have
taken a trip with the new baby,

and it should be a good time.

I'm pretty excited, actually,

and I usually don't
get excited about much.

Is Kylie coming on this flight?

[Kim] No, they're all meeting us
from New York.

[Khloé] Got it.

Kylie, she's just been
a little bit more distant lately.

[Kim] You know, I think with everything
that's been going on with Bruce,

I totally understand if she is having
a hard time dealing with everything,

and do want her to feel
that we're all here to support her,

because we're all, you know,
going through the same thing,

and we just have to be there
for each other and support each other.

-How old are you now?

You're five?

-[Khloé] How old do you think I am?

"Fifty-four"? What?

-What are you talking about over here?
-[Khloé] Just chilling with the kids.

I meant to ask you. Are Jonathan
and Malika staying at the house with us?

I booked a room at a hotel nearby
Jonathan can stay at.

Maybe Malika can either sleep
in your bed or on the couch.

Uh, your friend gets the lap of luxury,
and you want Malika to sleep on a couch?

Kimberly knows
Jonathan and Malika's dynamic.

They bicker and kind of fuss
about everything.

So I feel like you have
to treat them the same.

[Khloé] Getting Jonathan a penthouse
without even discussing it with me,

and then just expecting Malika
just to sleep on a couch,

I think that's really selfish.

Shouldn't you have told me this,

so I could have either hooked
Malika up too, or…

I mean, I just thought you like her close
to you. Like, she's always just been…

[Khloé] Excuse me.

I think I might have
an ear in-[bleep]-tion.

I mean, you think that I
like Malika close to me

while you have Jonathan literally
in the major crevice of your anus.

-And you think I like Malika next to me.
-Takes an elevator right up your tuchis.

It was so hard to find a house
that would satisfy everyone's needs.

[Kim] I didn't even mean
to leave Malika out.

You would think Khloé
would just at least acknowledge

the fact that I've planned
everything else.

[Kim] The house isn't big enough
with all the people.

Get over yourself.
She's not sleeping on a couch.

[merry music]

Welcome to Montana, guys!

-We're going up to the North Mountain.

-[Princess] Santa!
-[Kourtney] We're not at the North Pole.

[Kim] We're going bye-bye, Northy.

[Khloé singing]
♪ We're in Montana! ♪



-Yeah, we get it.

-[Kim] Did that make you laugh, Northy?
-[Khloé] Your mommy's funny.

[line ringing]

-[Bruce] My gosh, my little Khloé.

-[Bruce] How are you doing?
-We just landed in Montana.


[Bruce] What the hell
are you doing in Montana?

We're here on a kid ski trip.

[Bruce] Oh, get out of here.

We just got here, and we're caravanning.

And we just wanted to check on you.

[Bruce] I'm okay. Go have a good time.

-Okay. Love you.
-[Bruce] Love you. Bye.

Okay. Bye.

What did we decide
on the housing situation

for Jonathan and Malika?

I don't know.

I didn't know there wasn't enough rooms,
and Kim got Jonathan a hotel room,

and I said, "You should have told me,
'cause I would have got Malika one too.

I don't think Malika
could be sleeping on the couch

while Jonathan's in a penthouse."

Why would me being on the couch
ever be an option?

-That's what I'm trying to figure out.
-[North] Da-Daddy.

[upbeat music]

This is the house, guys.

-[Kourtney] Look at the snow.
-Snowman! Snowman!

Snowman! Snowman!

[Scott] Montana!

[Kourtney] Ooh la la!

-[Scott] Oh, it's the Shangri-La.
-The Shangri-La?

-[Kim] How pretty is it, guys?
-[Kourtney] Look at this fireplace.

-[Scott] Oh, my gosh.
-[Kourtney] Love is an understatement.

I have to give myself props
for finding this place so last minute.

[Kim] There's so much space,
but it's so cozy.

It's, I think, the perfect house
for all of us.

-[Kourtney] Look at these views.
-[Scott] Room's beautiful. Wow!

These were Jews?


[door opens]

Oh, hello!

Oh, look who it is, the Kyster!
Kaiser Permanente!

I wasn't sure if you were actually
gonna be making it here.

-[Jonathan] What's up?

-[Khloé] Hi, guys.
-Yeah, what's up?

[Jonathan] What's going on? How are you?

So where's my room?

[Kylie] I really need to know
before I freak the [bleep] out.

I didn't know
if I wanted to come on this trip

because my sisters keep trying
to push me to talk about things,

but I don't really wanna talk
to anyone else right now.

We all just cope
with different things in different ways.

-Was that it for Kylie? She's done?
-Yeah. Did she quit?

[Scott] That's it? She's done for the day?

[Khloé] Where is she?

[bright music]

[Leigh] This is beautiful.

-[Bruce] Isn't the sunshine here?
-[Leigh] This is kind of the life.

-You've talked to Kourtney, right?
-[Leigh] I did.

[Bruce] Well, here are my concerns.

Kourtney and Kim and Khloé,
they seem to be fine.

Kylie's the one we're worried about.
She's younger, very emotional,

um, having a hard time dealing with this.

You know, I do everything
I can to try to stay in touch,

but, um, she doesn't wanna talk about it.

She's kind of just shut me out lately.

And that's…
that's what bothers me, you know?

[Leigh] There's always a reason to avoid

confronting the things
that aren't so fun to talk about.

Yeah, I agree. I agree with that.
My big concern is just that…

[breathes deeply]

You know, we've had such
a close relationship. For so many years.

And my kids are everything to me,
and I want that to continue.

And I don't want that space between us,

you know, where she'll go months
and not talk to me about nothing,

and I call her up to try to get a…

You know, to go to dinner and talk
or come out here to the house.

I don't want her to, you know, go away,
emotionally go away, you know?

Seems totally appropriate
and totally normal

that in this short amount of time

that she's dealing with some pain,
and she's keeping it in.

She will come around. And it's kind
of age-appropriate, so I would say…

It's probably less about you and more
about her going through her process.

-Hopefully, she will get help to open up.
-[Bruce] Yeah.

-[Leigh] Understandable. Understandable.
-Okay. Yeah. Right.

[dramatic music]

[bright music]

All right. Look at Mase, look at Mase.

[Scott] Look at that butt crack!
She looks like a plumber!


[Scott] That's my girl.

[Kim] Are you ready, Northy?

-[Kourtney] Kim, put your feet up.
-[Kim] No, I'm making it to go slow.

[Kourtney] No, it's not scary at all.

-Someone's gonna get hurt going this fast.
-[Kim] Northy!

[Scott] Dude, slow down!

I don't know if I have smelled
or breathed crisper air.

I have a newfound respect
for the outdoors.

Everything just feels better here.

I mean, I feel like the air
is more fresh, I can think clearer.


I can just appreciate life
a little bit more.

[Scott] Get on before it leaves.

I've always had a lot of ups and downs
in my relationship with Kourtney,

and she's stuck by me
through thick and thin,

and I have to say if there's anything
in the world that I appreciate the most,

it's definitely her and the kids.

Okay. You hold on to me. Okay?

Holy… We're coming in full force!

[Scott] Watch it, Marty! Holy guacamole!


[merry music]

Who's up for Pictionary tonight?

-I am.

-[Scott] Family Pictionary.
-What about Heads Up?

-Remember when we used to play that?
-What about spin the bottle?

-We're all family.
-Yeah, that's what's so much fun.

We should spin the double-sided dildo.

Haven't you guys seen the double-sided,
one's black, one's white.

-To switch up?

I wonder if they make one.
If not, we should do one.

[Jonathan] So you're staying here tonight?

No, no, no, no, I'm gonna go to the hotel.

They told me you were staying
in the room here.

You guys, the hotel is sold out,
except for the penthouse.

[Malika] That's not gonna work
for me, sorry.

I think it's kind of settled,
because Kim got me my room.

[Kourtney] You're in a penthouse.
Why don't you share?

No, I honestly think
we might have to flip for this, Jon.

[Jonathan] Wait, what are you
talking about?

-Jonathan's one team, Malika's one team.
-[Malika] I should be the other.

For tonight's playoff
in the Pictionary game.

Whoever wins gets the "penthouse"
outside of this house.

[Scott] Wait, what's the other game
we play, not Pictionary?

[Jonathan] Charades.
Charades is like, "movie."

[Scott] Let's play charades instead.
That's way better and fun.

[Jonathan] So whoever,
what, wins gets the room?

If I have to fight you for a room key,
it's happening, I'm sorry.

[Scott] Oh! Snapple-pop.

[twinkly music]

[Kim] Jon, will you look at this
and tell me which pic you like best?

I feel like I haven't had, like,
two minutes with you alone here.

-[Kim] I know. How cute is that?
-Oh, amazing.

-That's a good one, right? I'm so tired.
-[Jonathan] I got to ask you something.

Like, when I'm in New York and stuff,
everyone keeps asking me about Bruce.

Like, is there's something
going on that's like

that I need to know about that I don't?

[dramatic music]

I really haven't mentioned anything
about Bruce to anyone,

but now that Bruce has shot
this Diane Sawyer special,

and I know that the time has come,

I don't want my friends
to not really be in the loop,

especially my close friends.

But it's just…
I don't even know what to say.

[dramatic music]

[conflicted music]

Everyone keeps asking me about Bruce.

I don't know what to say,
besides it's all true.

[Kim] I was kind of waiting
for you to ask me this.

It's something that Bruce has always felt,

since he was really little,
that this is who he is.

Like, how is he doing? Like, is he,
like, he's happier than, like, it's, like…

[Kim] He's definitely happier than ever.

I don't know. I feel, like,
relieved for Bruce

that he can be who he wants to be.

But, like, I think
it's such a huge adjustment

for the whole family and…

I think he's moving really fast,

and he thinks, "No, I waited,
you know, 65 years.

I'm moving really slow."

And what about Kendall and Kylie?
Like, how are they even functioning?

They're, like, so young.

It's just really hard.

[Kim] But, like, we have the sisters
to really, really talk about this with,

and I think that has saved everything.

If it was just one kid, or even Kendall
and Kylie, it would be much harder.

Coming out to Jonathan and just
being honest with him about Bruce,

it's like I feel like this weight
has been lifted off my shoulders.

It feels good to be able to have him
in my circle of friends

that I can actually talk to about this.

It's, like, so good to get away
without our parents.

Just to have Kylie kind of get away.

-I think it's really refreshing for her.
-Yeah. Wow.

-Hope everybody's gonna be all right.
-[Kim] We will.

[upbeat music]

[Jonathan] Let's go play charades.
Come on, Malika, I want my room.

The teams are Jonathan,
Kourtney, Kylie, Khloé.

[Khloé] Malika, Kim, Scott.
Okay, Jonathan, you're going first.

-[Kourtney] Is there a time frame?
-One minute.

Ready, set, go.

A body. Big butts.

Big puss. A suitcase, pants, pockets.

-[Kourtney] Boxers.
-[Kylie] Pockets.

-[Khloé] Underwear.
-Yes, underwear!

[Khloé] Okay, Malika's team.

Scott, make it good.
My sleep depends on it.

Three words, first word.

Peace out. Peace in the Middle East.

-Third word.
-[Malika] Third word.

-[Jonathan] Third word is 45 seconds left.

-Hunger, turkey, food, sandwich, starve.
-[Kim] Slice, piece.

-[Khloé] Oh, I know what it is.
-Piece of pie, piece of food…

[Malika] Piece of cake!

-[Jonathan] Oh!

Still that confident?

We about to get that room back to Malika.

-[Khloé] Is it Kylie's turn or Jonathan's?
-[Kim] Kylie has to play. She has to play.

-Go get her.

[Kim] I think with everything
that's been going on with Bruce,

Kylie is having a hard time
dealing with everything.

And I just hope that Kylie
can kind of talk about her feelings

and just have a good time.

[Khloé] We are tied.
Come on, Kourt, you can do it.

-Time. One word.
-Back in action.

[Jonathan] One word.

-Sewing, shot.

-Ow! Bee sting, bee.
-[Jonathan] Needle.

-Mosquito bite, mosquito. Yeah!
-[Scott] Oh, my god!

-Sister, sister.
-You guys are like in each other's heads.

-[Jonathan] Right, yeah.

[Kourtney] Mosquito.

-[Jonathan] This is the one for the win.
-Your timer's going on, starting now.

Two words.


sh**t, explode.

-[Scott] Make it rain?
-Thirty seconds left.

-[Scott] Tiny.
-Tiny sperm.

-[Khloé] What is that?
-This is never gonna happen.

[Khloé] Time's up.
I think Spider-Man is one word.

She's going like… What…

-It was capitalized. The S and the M.
-[Kim] Spider web.


-Yes, we are the champions of the world!
-[Scott] Wow!

Looks like Jonathan's
gonna be sleeping good tonight.

We won.

Listen, I'm not built to, like,
throw away games,

so suck it up, Malika. Sorry.

We won. Malika, can you get my bags,
please, and put 'em in the [bleep].

-Never gonna happen.
-[Jonathan] Guys, this was real fun.

Scott, good luck with Malika.

[all laughing]

[upbeat music]

[Scott] Buford, let's go.
It's time to get our ski on.

Yeah, baby, yeah! Yeah!

[Kourtney] You have to brush your teeth
'cause you have food in it.

That's what gets you not excit…
Let's… let's get out there.

Black diamond's calling our name.

-"Black diamond"?
-Oh, yeah, baby, that's what they call me.

[Kourtney] In the past, Scott
has always been such a Debbie Downer

on most of our family vacations.

-[Kourtney] Why are you even drinking?
-[Scott] I'm gonna grab a quick smoke.

-Can you bring me back to the hotel?
-Yes, what about the other?

[Scott] Nah, forget about them.

-Ugh! I literally just wanna go home.
-[Kourtney] Go home!

-No one's stopping you.
-All right, book it! I'm out of here.

I think it's great
that he has been working on himself.

[Kourtney] I definitely notice
a difference in his attitude,

and I'm hoping that this is a change
that will continue.

-Look at how beautiful it is out.
-It's gorgeous.

[Scott] It is everything and more.

[mesmerizing music]

-[knocks on door]
-[Khloé] Kylie.

[Kylie] Come in.

I think I wanna double up on socks.


So double up on socks.
You were cold yesterday.

-You look cute.
-I look so big, though.

I like being in fitted clothes.

But I like when you wear [bleep]
like that, 'cause, then, I can see you.

So I really wanna go on this tram
that goes to the top…

Don't you want to just have, like,
a family ski day and ski with everyone?

We'll do it first, and then,
we'll meet with everyone.

-So, basically, I don't have an option.
-[Kylie] Not really.

Typically, if Kylie were to ask me
to go on some frightening…


…ski mountain, I would decline
and say, "Go with your dad."

But I feel like I have
to kind of tough it out and say yes.

[Khloé] Ah!

Look how crazy it is up there.

Holy smokes. That is so scary.

Holy [bleep].

We're going to the highest peak
that there is on this mountain.

And it's one of the most dangerous.

You have to take five different lifts
to try to get to the one lift

to take us all the way to the top.

[Khloé] Kyles.

Look how crazy it is up there.

Look, you can't even see
the top of the mountain.

-That's where you wanna go?
-[Kylie] Yeah, this [bleep] is fun.

[Khloé] What? I don't wanna go
all the way up that [bleep] tram.

I am freaking the [bleep] out.

Holy [bleep].

[daunting music]

[Khloé] Kyles.

Look how crazy it is up there.

We're going to the highest peak
that there is on this mountain.

And it's one of the most dangerous.

Look at that, you're gonna k*ll yourself.

I'm shaking and I'm literally so nervous,

and Kylie is as cool as a cucumber,
doesn't even care.

This bitch is crazy.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

So, right now, I mean, it's kind
of gnar up there, blowing hard.

It could be worth skipping today.
It's just my recommendation.

-[Khloé] Oh, I'm on your page.
-Yeah, on the same page?

Okay, right on.

I love adrenaline
and always love challenging myself,

but I guess they're saying
the conditions are really bad

and we shouldn't go up there,
so I guess it's not happening.

[Khloé] Yeah, no, thanks. No, thanks.

The angels were all working
in my favor today.

I'm literally thanking the Lord.
I'm so happy and I'm not arguing with him.

I got out of dying today.

-Don't you wanna just have hot chocolate?
-[Kylie] Kinda.

-[wind blows]
-[Kylie] It's the wind!

[both screaming]

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

[merry music]

[Khloé] Wait, slow it down. Slow it down.

[Scott laughs]


[enjoyable music]

[Kim squeals]

It feels really good to be out skiing.
I haven't skied in years.

[Kim] The mountain is so empty,
and we're just having so much fun.

[Scott] Woohoo!

[Khloé squeals]


-[Kourtney] Are you okay?
-My god, I think I k*lled myself.

[Khloé] Kim doesn't even help.
You're so mean.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] It doesn't, like,
go over my butt. Nothing…

Ski clothes are not made
for people with butts.

-[Malika] That's kind of cute on you.
-[Khloé] But it doesn't go over my butt.

[Jonathan] Come on, Malika,
why are you always taking so long?

[Malika] It's not me, it's Khloé.
She has to find something to wear.

-I feel like it's you.
-[Malika] Be patient, dude.

I feel like you're taking longer
than Khloé did. It's, like, come on.

-[Malika] You say [bleep] all the time.
-[Jonathan] I don't talk [bleep] at all.

Why don't you tell Khloé
what you said about her last night?

-'Cause you said you'd say it to her face.
-What are you talking about?

-[Jonathan] Which part?
-The cooler sister is Kimberly.

-Oh, yeah.
-Malika, you're always causing [bleep].

I did say Kim was more famous
than Khloé, but Khloé knows that.

-I said you wouldn't say it to her face…
-And I said it to her face.

I said it to her face, don't act shocked.
Doesn't mean you don't love her.

So far, all you do is bring stuff up
in front of Scott. She's so embarrassing.

I just really can't believe

that this rooming situation fight
is still happening.

[Jonathan] You know,
you're a pain in the ass, Malika.

Go stay in Khloé's bed tonight.

-Oh, god.
-[Malika] I can stay wherever I want.

Try to kiss her again tonight.

[energetic music]

[Kylie] I feel like your ass
gets bigger every day.

I want it to get bigger.

[Kylie] Crazy, I've never seen
something like that in my life.

-[Khloé] Kylie, that's just rude.
-In a good way.

[Khloé] No, it's not a good way.

[Kylie] So, I looked online and I found

-[Khloé] Okay. What the hell is that?

It's where they, like,
you get in a helicopter,

and they fly you to the top
and you, like, jump out of it.

-Mm… You're doing this by yourself?
-[Kylie] No, I want you to do it with me.

I'm determined to go
to the highest peak on the mountain,

and since we didn't do the tram,
I am not gonna miss this helicopter ride.

I used to be a really good skier,
but I haven't done it in so long.

[Kylie] Well, you'll see, I guess.

Once I'm… Once the helicopter leaves?
What happens if we needed to…

[Kylie] Well, no, we'll do, like,
a practice round. Not on the helicopter.


If Bruce came with us to Montana,
he would love to do all of these things

that Kylie wants to do.

I like to stay in, like, my comfort zone.

But, again, I definitely wanna show her
that I appreciate her coming,

even though I'm really terrified
to go heli-skiing.

Like, who the [bleep] goes heli-skiing?

These are nice rooms.
This is a nice house, in general.

It really is.

Who does not put the price tags
inside the [bleep] pillows?


-That is wild.
-[zipper rasps close]

[upbeat music]

Let's all just try to, like, dig in
and get all this stuff out of here.

I'm tired of storing
everybody else's stuff,

like I'm the trash collector.

It's been a really intense
couple of weeks.

Bruce is starting
a new chapter in his life,

and the rest of the family is too.

Did somebody bring a label maker?

That makes it really difficult

to sort through all this stuff
and kind of relive the past.

There's a lot of history
in this storage unit.

[Kris] Oh, my god.
This is her little placemat.

That goes to Kylie.
So we got to find some kind of a box.

Kendall, Kendall, Kendall.

[Kris] Oh, my god.

-These are great Valentine's presents.
-[Jaclyn] Yeah. Absolutely.

-Look at that, you did shopping for free.
-[Kris] I know.

[upbeat music]

[instructor] There you go. Good.
Now, ready? Push those feet apart.


-[Kourtney] Yeah, Mase.
-[instructor] Yeah!

[Kourtney] Penelope wants to go on.

-[Scott] She does?
-The magic carpet.

-All right, so let her.
-[Kourtney] So we're gonna put on her skis

when Mase comes down.

You know, it's definitely becoming
more and more difficult to travel,

especially as our family
is getting larger.

-[Scott] Yeah, P!
-All by herself.

[Kourtney] P, you're like
a professional skier.

It's refreshing to be somewhere
with everybody,

and I just wanna take it all in
and create some memories

and, you know, be excited for it all.

-Yeah, Mase.
-[Scott] Yeah, Marty!

-We are the most annoying parents ever.
-[Kourtney] I know.

[bright music]

All right, so this is all, like,
Bruce Jenner's stuff.

[Kris] This is a Bruce box.
That's a Bruce thing.

This goes to Bruce.
It's his accordion or something.

These, I think,
are all his training shoes.

Going through all these photos…

Oh, my god!

[Kris] And looking at all
this memorabilia…

-Oh, it's Olympic stuff.

…all these things that we have…

Look at my baby's ice skates.
They're so cute.

…definitely bring up a lot of emotion.

And I don't have a crystal ball.
I don't know what's gonna happen.

All I can do is be there for my kids,

and we just have
to stick together as a family.


"Dear Kris Jenner,
I was recently watching your show

and saw you had a segment
on spicing up your marriage."

Well, this one doesn't pay attention,
'cause I'm divorced.

Oh! "I have included our newest line
of seamless waterproof

medical-grade silicone vibrators."

-They're somewhere in the storage unit.
-[Kris] I want the vibrators!

I just hit the vibrator jackpot!

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] I'm really freaking out.
-[Kylie] Khlo, I'm so excited for you.

[Khloé] Am I gonna die?
Thank God I have a helmet on.

I am not really, like,
a big heights person.

On your, like, itinerary for the day,

I normally would never see heli-skiing
as one of my options.

That's the helicopter
you guys want to go on? Holy [bleep].

I thought this was, like,
a big, safe helicopter.

[both screaming]

So, guys, we have some radio transceivers
for you, in case there is an avalanche.

[Khloé] Wait, what?

You have to wear an avalanche backpack,
so the people can find you after you die.


[thrilling music]

My stomach is in knots,
and I am freaking the [bleep] out.


[Khloé] This is crazy.

I think I have to pee.
Can we go back down the hill?

The more that we're going higher
and higher and higher,

my anxiety is through the roof.

-[pilot] We are at 10,000 feet.
-[Khloé] Oh, my god,

how did we get into this?

[pilot] We are at 10,000 feet.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.
I don't think I can get down this hill.

Oh, [bleep] a duck!

-[pilot] You guys are landing here.
-[Khloé] Oh, hell no.

[pilot chuckles]

Stay low!

[Khloé squeals]


-You ready? All right, let's do it.
-[Kylie] Yeah. Come on.

Oh, my god.

I was freaking out
at the bottom of the mountain,

so now I'm, like, really terrified.

[Khloé screams]

[heavy breathing]

[Khloé] I can't… You guys, I can't get up!

-[guide] Watch you hand.
-[Khloé grunts]

[Khloé chuckles]

This is ridiculous.


Come to me! Come to me!

[Khloé] I can't get back up!

-Okay. Three, two, one.
-[Kylie] Khloé!

[Khloé] It was harder, bro.
What do you want me to do?

[guide] She went to go check out
these trees right here.

Although we are so high up, the terrain
is not as crazy as I thought it'd be.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

But it is so funny watching Khloé
clearly having a hard time with this.

-[Kylie] Are you okay?
-[Khloé] I'm over this whole skiing thing.

[enjoyable music]

[Khloé] This is definitely
the craziest thing I think I've ever done.

It just isn't really my thing.

But I'm really proud of myself
for pushing myself

and for doing something new,

and now I can say
I've gone freaking heli-skiing.

Like, that's pretty badass.

[Khloé] Oh, my god.

Kylie, I never would have done this
without you. Ever.

[merry music]

[Khloé] I brought this on the trip
and didn't take it once.

[camera buzzing]

[camera shutter clicks, buzzes]

-I had my face on.
-[Khloé] We k*lled that one.

Um, I seriously thought
that the helicopter was so intense,

and I thought that was
kinda like the craziest it could get.

I understand why you're,
like, this adrenaline junkie,

and I feel like you're doing
all these things

to, like, distract your mind,

'cause I just feel like
you're going through a lot

and that's your form of therapy.

But I feel like you also do it

'cause you feel like
that makes you like you're the Jenner.

-And you feel like that's your connection.
-[Kylie] No, I like it.

I genuinely enjoy doing things like that.

But I feel like you're doing all this,
and you're doing it with me, which I love,

but I think that should be
your bonding stuff with your dad.

There's been so much going on
with Kylie emotionally,

and I think she has to realize
that her dad will always be her dad.

All of her fun, athletic ways, that's all
her dad's blood running through her veins.

Your dad loves that [bleep].

Your dad would've totally pushed you
to go on the tram.

-Yeah, it would've been fun.
-I would've been traumatized.

-He thinks we're such [bleep].
-I know. 'Cause you guys are.

[Khloé chuckles]

[upbeat music]



[Khloé] Blue balls. Watch out, guys.

[Jonathan] Oh, my god.

[indistinct chatter]

-[ball clacks]
-[bleep] yeah!

-That's the wrong color, you're solids.
-No! You don't know what color I am!

-The first thing I just got in.
-You're [bleep] solids, bitch.

No, I get to go again.

-All right.
-[Khloé] Ugh!

I think, on the next thing
that you scratch,

you need to apologize to Malika.

For what?

[Khloé] Uh, everything she told me
at the Burton store yesterday.

-Wait, what happened at the Burton store?
-[Malika] He said I was jealous

because his best friend is more famous,
'cause that is so the reason why me and…

That's not what I said; I said I got
the room because Kim's more famous.

I didn't say I'm friends with her
'cause she's famous.

No, no, no! He didn't say that.
He didn't say. No, he said "I was…"

Who got you the room?
Kim's fame paid for it?

I invited Jonathan on this trip,
so I took care of my end.

-Why didn't Khloé get you a room?
-Why are you yelling at her?

You never told me
that the house had limited boarding.

You knew how many people
were coming on this trip.

-She had a bedroom.
-No, she didn't.

She wanted her to sleep with me.

I think that both of you
have a [bleep] inferiority complex.

Ooh, burn. Maybe that's why
I don't wanna hang out with you.

Jonathan and I click, we vibe.
He doesn't need to entertain me all day.

He sits in the corner and juggles
until you laugh. Like, stop.

Why don't you guys just go
make out again. That's the only reason…

Get drunk again, Malika.

Honey, if you want Khlo Money
to come out of the cage,

I will take my hoops off
and put some Vaseline on my face,

and I will whup your ass.

Get your head out of everybody else's ass,

and pay attention
to your family [bleep] trip!

[Khloé] Get over yourself
and all your [bleep] little people!

[Kim] You're such a [bleep] bitch.

[bright music]

[line ringing]

-[Bruce] Hello.
-Hey, Daddy-o.

[Bruce] Oh, my god. It's my daughter!

-I miss you.
-[Bruce] I miss you, honey!

-You know what I'm doing?

[Bruce] I'm moving in to the new house.

Kendall told me
about the horsey situation.

[Bruce] There's just great trail riding
all over this place,

so I told Kendall, if she wants
to buy a horse, I can put him up.

We'll build a stall
and all that kind of stuff for him.

[Kylie] That's so much fun.

-[Bruce] What else is going on?
-Me and Khloé went heli-skiing.

-[Bruce] Get out of here.
-[Kylie] It was so fun.

[Bruce] Oh, there's nothing better
than good powder, you know?

I know. I wish you were out here
to do crazy things with me.

Me and my dad have
so many things in common.

He's making a lot of changes, but I want
to make sure I keep a close bond with him.

I wanna do some adrenaline stuff
when I get back.

[Bruce] Okay. We will do some fun stuff,
and we'll talk about the horses.

-[Kylie] All right. Love you.
-[Bruce] I love you. Till then, babe.


[joyful music]

This place is beautiful.
There's a lot of really nice houses.

[Khloé] Michael Keaton lives over here
and Justin Timberlake.

-J to the?
-I feel like they all live in Yellowstone.

-[Khloé] So this is different?
-This is different. This is Big Sky.

-No, but Yellowstone, like…
-Is that Yellowstone National Forest?

No, that's, like,
two minutes from L.A., this is far.

-[Khloé] It's six hours from L.A.
-Okay, well, this isn't six hours away.

[Khloé] I was just asking!
That's why I asked the question.

If you don't ask, you'll never know.
Wouldn't you rather me ask you?

But, technically, if you were on a plane
for an hour and 50 minutes…

When you go to Vegas, it's…
No, when you go to Vegas, it's 50 minutes.

And, guess what, driving can still be
6 hours. So an hour and 60 minutes…

-Right! That's exactly my point.
-[Khloé] No. [bleep] off.

You double the flying time.

[Malika] We don't need you to look
at Khloé, look at the road.

-Hungry, fella?
-[Kourtney] So watch out.

-Oh, watch this person.
-[horn honking]

I got a 16-wheeler behind me.

Can, like, you just figure out
where you're gonna turn?

There's this driver in front of me,
and they keep slamming on their brakes,

trying to turn off the highway,

but then, they don't
actually turn off the highway.

And not to mention
there's a 16-wheeler truck

right behind me, riding my ass.

Are you [bleep] stupid?

There's a 16-[bleep]-wheeler!

This is a [bleep] joke! Yo!

This is not the [bleep] way
to drive a [bleep] car!

[Scott] What the [bleep]
is wrong with you?


[bleep] idiot! What, I got to get
all of us [bleep] k*lled?

-[Khloé] Okay.
-Scott, you're driving, like, crazy.

[Kim] On the next
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-Well, hello, London.
-[cheering whistling]

I'm excited for Fashion Week.

[Kendall] Why are you
following me everywhere?

That's my time to, like,
get away from home.

The question is, why did we place
the embryo, and you didn't get pregnant?

I am getting a biopsy now
because IVF did not work for me.

[bleep] Oh, my god.

I don't know how much longer
I can go through with this.

[Kim] Did you hear Bruce
is having the surgery?

I want to get my last visual of him
without some major physical changes.


-[Kim] Khloé! Oh, my god!
-It's not my fault, not my fault!

Oh, my god. I don't have
my seatbelt on! Holy [bleep]!
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