10x13 - In the Blink of an Eye... -

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x13 - In the Blink of an Eye... -

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kourtney whooping]

[Kim] Previously on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-[Khloé] We're in Montana!
-Time to get our ski on. Yeah, baby!

[Khloé squeals, laughs]

I find it to be helpful sometimes
to go to therapy.

Now that everything going on with Bruce
is out in the open with our family,

we all wanna make sure
that Kendall and Kylie feel supported.

My big concern is just that I don't want
my kids to emotionally go away.

Both of you have
a [bleep] inferiority complex.

Get your head out of everybody else's ass,

and pay attention
to your family [bleep] trip.

[Khloé] Get over yourself
and all your [bleep] little people.

[Kim] You're such a [bleep] bitch.

Are you [bleep] stupid?

This is a [bleep] joke!

Yo! This is not the [bleep] way
to drive a [bleep] car!

[Scott] What the [bleep]
is wrong with you?

[bleep] idiot!

What, I got to get
all of us [bleep] k*lled?

-[Jonathan gasps]
-Scott, you're driving like crazy.

[uneasy music]

-Okay. Stop driving like this.
-Scott, you're driving like crazy.

-[Kourtney] Where are we going?

[Scott] He could have literally
[bleep] taken our whole car out.

Scott has had
some anger issues in the past.

[Kourtney] But we were also
in a really scary situation.

Lately, he's been
in a really positive mood,

so I'm hoping that this was just because
we almost had a horrible car accident,

and that he still continues to feel good.

We literally could have been crushed
between the two.

-Right, yeah.
-Fore real.

That's the crazy part,
'cause if she stopped,

and, like, we just, like,
we had nowhere to go…

Yeah, but that truck wasn't
gonna go anywhere, but hit you.

-Oh, my god, he could've ran us over.
-Then I looked back, it was done, but…

Your face got so red, by the way.
I have never seen you red.

I just haven't got mad in a long time.
I feel like it was good for me.

This driver putting the people
I love's lives in jeopardy

just really hit a switch with me,

and I didn't know how to react
other than just to flip out.

-Do you feel better? Oh, my god.
-Don't know. I'm not.

It's scary, but it is what it is.

You know, I've definitely been very calm,

and I've really been trying
to appreciate things

and slow down a little bit.

But, I mean, the last thing I'd wanna do
is lose anyone I care about.

I would never be able to forgive myself.

-I can't believe you spit on me.

He spit on… He covered me, though.

-That's the crazy part.
-You'll be all right.

[theme music]

[active music]

[Khloé] Oh, my god.
That's like Kim's body.

[door opens]

-[Kim groans]

-[Kim] I'm trying to rest.

[Khloé] Oh, yeah. It really does jiggle.


-Are you okay?
-[Kim] It's like a massage.

I just have such, like,
I can't breathe in here.

-It's like the altitude. I know.
-[Khloé] 'Cause it's the altitude.

Well, I know you weren't gonna come to me.

Um, so I just wanna apologize
for our fight.

We've been getting along so well lately,
we don't need to be fighting.

Do you really think
that I think I'm better than you?

[Khloé] Of course not.

[Khloé] I know that Kim
has been going through so much.

She's been trying so hard to have a baby,
and is doing all her fertility treatments,

and Kim and I wanted a positive trip
to create new memories.

The whole thing is fine.

We have so many other huge,
important things happening in our lives

that we don't need to fight
over this petty nonsense.

And you're sorry for…

I don't know what I did.
Saying you have bad style?

But this outfit is not helping your case.

This is, like, so bad.

My brother gave me this,

and I'm very honored
he bought me a sweat suit.

That is really nice.
You're such a nice sister to wear it.

It's like when your kid
makes something really ugly,

and you have to, like, like it or wear it.

You're gonna have to wear
a macaroni necklace eventually.

Yeah, but I wouldn't wear it
in a sweat suit if I didn't have to.

I think it's nice. I'm comfortable.

[lively music]

[Kourtney] You want me
to tell you the plan for tomorrow?

Okay, in the morning, go skiing.

-You're gonna do a little bit more…
-[Mason] Breakfast.

Yeah, breakfast. Then get ready. Then ski.

[Kim] Did you hear that? Hold on.
Say that again. Say that again.

-You my mommy.
-She said, "You're my mommy."

-What? That's your mommy?

I think it's really fun
that we can come here

and just kind of forget about everything
and all the stress that's back home.

[Kim] To see all
of our kids play together,

they remind me of how me, Kourtney
and Khloé and Rob were, growing up.

-What happened to me?
-It's my mom.

Aw, I thought you said I was your mom.

[Kim] I know what it was like

just to have that closeness
and that bond with my sisters,

and I want to have a second baby
and have a sibling for North.

[Mason laughs]

[Khloé] Kylie, get him!
I have 2% battery. Get North too.

[Kim] I got you! I got you!

I got you! I am throwing him in the snow!

-One, two, three!
-[Mason giggling]

[upbeat music]

Thank you.

[overlapping chatter]

[camera shutters clicking]

Well, I'm happy to be here.
And everybody is so amazing and nice.

I just arrived in London
to present an award at the Brit Awards.

Mel! Where are you planted these days?

L.A. I flip from here
and L.A. and Australia.

Where are you going from here?

[Mel B] Home, then I come back
next week to sh**t a commercial.

What are you doing?
You're a busy lady always.

I know. I'm going to Paris
tomorrow, day after tomorrow.

-Kendall's… For Couture Week.
-Oh, wow. Gosh.

[Kris] I know that this
is a real emotional,

challenging time right now, for my kids,
while all of this is going on with Bruce.

Right after this, I'm going
to Paris to meet Kendall,

because we have work to do.

I'm really happy about that because
then, we can be there for each other

and I can just try to be
a source of comfort.

-[man] Here you go.
-[crowd screaming, cheering]

Thank you. Well, hello, London.

[crowd whistling, cheering]

And the National Television Award goes to…

[fan screams in distance]

Celebrity Juice.

[crowd cheering]

[Kris] I look at a big crowd like this,
and I can't help but wonder

what everyone's reaction will be

when they hear about
what's going on with Bruce.

My wish and my prayer

is just that everyone
will be kind and accepting.

-Ms. Jenner.
-Hi. Congratulations.

I'm doing a sketch show,
and we did a spoof of The Kardashians.

-Oh, I love it.
-And my mom, my real mom, plays you.

It's so bizarre. I said,
"Have you seen The Kardashians?"

"I've heard of The Kardashians."

I said, "Watch The Kardashians.

Then you've got to pretend
to be her." "Okay."

All right. Well, see?

-Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
-Your mom's got a good sense of humor.

[upbeat music]

-[Cary] Pleased to meet you.

-I'm Kim. Nice to meet you.
-[Cary] Come on back.

I have done pretty much everything
you can do to try and get pregnant.

[Kim] These are ovulation sticks.

I've been having sex 500 times a day.

-Wendy will give you the sh*ts.
-[Wendy] It'll sting.

[Huang] We're basically looking
inside the uterus today,

so if you have a retained placenta,
I'm gonna take it out.

You have to check
your ovulation, your levels.

So I had to find a doctor and a lab
out here that was a fertility specialist.

[Cary] Try not to be nervous.

[serious music]

So far, nothing has worked,
so it's really frustrating,

and I'm starting to wonder
if it's just easier to give up.

[vibrant music]

What are you gonna do with that?
You gonna build a snowman?

-[Mason] Yeah.
-[Scott] Well, build him up here.

That's his head?

-Whoa! Whoa!

His boots don't look like
they have much traction.

[Mason] Ready?

-[Scott] Yeah, Marty.
-[Mason] Yay.

That was awesome.

Oh, get it. Yeah.

[Scott] I haven't lost control
of my anger in a while,

and maybe it's been a little bottled up
and maybe I took it out on this driver,

but I'm definitely
very appreciative of this trip.

And it's really opened my eyes

to see how nice life can be
when you appreciate it.

I'm hoping to take this newfound respect
for life back to L.A.

and really enjoy what I have
because I do have an amazing life,

and I want to appreciate it, and live up
every moment I can before it's gone.

[snow crunching]

-[Mason] More snow.
-[Scott] It's everywhere.

-[grunts, chuckles]
-Thank you. I appreciated that one.

[warm music]

[Kourtney] Do you spell "oui,"
in French, O-U-I?


-She also…
-I don't know why I'm really asking you.

I have a very big insecurity
about "angel" and "angle".

[playful music]

I was playing Pictionary
when I was 15 years old

with the entire Jackson family,
including Janet.

I was like, "Yes, I got a good word,
it's easy, I got this."

I'm writing an angel, and Jermaine
and Janet, they're all jumping up, like,

"Wings!" You know, "Halo!" "Angel!"
And I'm like, "Yes, you got it."

But the other team sees the card,

and are like,
"Kim, it's 'angle', not 'angel',

but we'll give you the point,
we feel so bad for you."

-Oh, my god!

And I literally wanted to die.

Oh, my god, Kourtney and I
are the masters of gin.

-This is no fun, then. Tch!
-[Kim] It's what my grandma played.

Where's Scott? Why don't we
ask him to play with us?

[Kourtney] He should,
but I think he's tired.

I mean, he's been good, except that rage

-that he had with that crazy driver.
-[Kourtney] Yes.

-But you know what?
-When he spit on me

-like a [bleep] lunatic.
-I know, but I talked to him about it.

He brought it up to me and was like,
"I feel really bad about the whole thing."

And I'm like, "Well, I mean,
it was a scary situation."

He's like, "No, I feel really bad
that I went off like that,

but, like, I looked to my rearview mirror
and saw this 16-wheeler coming at me,

and with you three in the back seat
would have literally died."

That's really scary.

But he, um, has been much better,

but I hope that he sticks with it

'cause I think that has to do
with what you do after, you know.

[Jonathan] Yeah.

I can really see so many positive changes
in Scott's behavior lately,

and I know that Scott feels really bad
about getting out of control,

but, you know, he really thought
we could have died.

And that the three of us in the back seat
would not have survived the car accident.

And I get it. It was
a really crazy, scary situation.

-Are you serious?

-[Kim] Mom won, again.
-Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack,

-two, two, two, and four, five, six.
-I literally have nothing,

Kiki has to win.

-[Jonathan] What about me?

[upbeat music]

Look at the little moon sliver.
So pretty. Such a beautiful city.

I wanna go shopping tomorrow.
Kendall gets here tomorrow. So exciting.

[Kim] Oh, there's the Givenchy
where Kim had her wedding dress designed.

There's Kendall.
Isn't Kendall right there in the ad?

-Yeah, she's on the wall.
-Oh, my god, crazy.

Nothing is more beautiful than Paris.

And on the side of a building

is the ad campaign for Givenchy,
starring Kendall Jenner.

-Supermodel. She's everywhere.

I'm so proud of her.

And I think this'll be a great time

for Kendall and I
to spend some time together.

So exciting.
Oh, wow, my daughter's on a wall.

[upbeat music]

-[Kendall] Hi. Are you our waitress?
-[server] Yes, I am.

Can I order something?
'Cause we're in a kind of a rush.

-Can I get the tuna tartare, please?
-[server] Sure, sounds good.

-Do you want the spicy tomato penne?

Oh, my God, I'm so tired.

-But your flight was good?
-[Kendall] No.

[uneasy music]

-That's a cute hat.
-[Kendall] Thanks.

So you excited about the Chanel show?

-I brought my gloves that he gave me.
-I saw.

[Kris] Wear 'em to the show.

I know it must be
really difficult for the kids,

especially Kendall and Kylie.

And I'm gonna be here just in case
she needs somebody to talk to.

-Why is this so spicy today?
-It always is.

-I hate spicy food.
-[Kris] You're just tired.

[energetic music]

[objects clank]

I, at the age of 65,
am starting a new chapter in my life.

[Bruce] I have made some decisions

that I'm so excited about,
but, also, I'm a little nervous about.

I've just bought my first home.

Now, I've had lots of houses
throughout my life,

but I've never been in charge
of actually buying the house.

You always send your wife off,
"Okay, go find a house,"

and then she invites you in
when she's done decorating.

This house is actually all mine,
and I absolutely love it.

[bright music]

[Bruce] Paparazzis, they're everywhere.

I know when I open up
about my life, it might be worse.

Probably one of the more difficult things
you can go through in life

is having people stalk you all day long.

This new house is on a private road,
so I'm hoping for a lot of privacy,

because it's my only little sanctuary
that I have in life.

[bright music]

[energetic music]

-[Khloé] Okay, tell me when you're ready.
-Make sure the snow looks cute.

[Khloé] Okay, I'll control the snow.

-You're supposed to go when I'm laughing.
-[Khloé] Oh, okay. Laugh.

-Now, I don't wanna laugh.
-[Khloé] Kim's gonna be so jealous.

-One, two, three.
-[camera shutter clicks]

[Khloé] There's definitely
highs and lows of this trip,

but let's finish this trip
on a great, fun, high note.

-[Kourtney] Take one of us like this.

People are gonna make fun
of me, and say I'm young 'cause I'm…

-Oh, Kylie, shut up.

-One, two, three. Oh, there you go.
-[Jonathan] Yeah, you're back.

There you go.

I feel like we just have
to support each other,

as we're all adjusting
to our new family dynamic.

-[Khloé] Where do we have to sit?
-In between both my girls.

-And a little Malika on the side.

You look in a good mood.
You're all turned.

Dude, I'm having a great time here.

[Jonathan] I can't keep up
with you right now.

Nobody can.

-He loves the mountains.
-Is that what it is?

Makes me feel better. I love the country.
I want to get out of the city.

You're not in the city.
You live in Calabasas.

-It's almost the same thing without snow.
-[Scott] It's true.

-Oh, we gettin' toasty! Salty!

Everyone, I just want to say
that I am so thankful.

This has been a crazy year,
with Mom and Bruce and everything else,

and I think it's really important for us

to have our traditions
and keep our family close.

And even though Mom and Bruce
couldn't be here,

I love that the kids
still get to do this stuff

and we get to create our own memories.

'Cause we have all of our Vail memories,
and the kids need to have theirs.

This trip, I think,
was really good for the family

and for all of the older kids

to show that we can take our kids now

and carry on these traditions
that we had when we were children.

And it was just really
what the family needed,

to just kinda get away and be together,
and just know that at the end of the day,

we still have each other,
and we're all okay.

[Khloé] I'm so thankful
for Kimberly Kardashian West

because without her, this family vacay
never would have happened.

-[Jonathan] Or our careers.
-[Khloé] Or our careers.

-Cheers to Kim Kardashian West, everyone.
-[Kim] Woo!


[upbeat music]

What's the next thing you have after this,
when you go home, besides the concert?

Um, I may have a sh**t,
like, a day after that.

The Vogue sh**t
that's out right now is so beautiful.

Those… I love you with bangs like that.

Literally, people would text me
and be, like, "Bangs is your thing."

And I'm, like, "No."

[tense music]

[Kris] I don't know what's
going on with Kendall,

but I can only imagine
that everyone's nerves are on edge.

And I just wanna be here, just in case
she needs somebody to talk to.

-Do you know who Twiggy is?
-[Kendall] Yes.


She just got the L'Oréal campaign.
She's 65 years old.

I'm thinking there's hope.

I'm excited for, like,
regular Fashion Week.

[Kendall] You're going to Fashion Week?

-Why? Why are you following me everywhere?

That's, like, my time to, like,
get away from home. I'm dead serious.

-[Kris] Are you okay?
-Mom, do you understand?

That's so weird to me.

I'm dead serious, that's so annoying.

London is short, London is quick,

-and there's like…
-[Kris] Okay, I got it.

Maybe I'll just go to London
and do business,

and I won't even go,
I won't even talk to you.

My mom wants to make sure
everything is perfect.

But, sometimes, she just needs to let me
do my own thing and live a little.

Even though things are changing, I think,

we're both kinda going
through these emotions

and still working through them
the best we can.

Being able to work all the time and travel

kinda keeps my mind
off of it for the time being.

And I don't think she understands
that I can do it on my own now.

I'm, like, home all the time.
These are, like, the times when I go away.

[gentle music]

[Kris] I am so proud of Kendall.

I think she's doing
a lot better than I actually expected.

And it's hard because

I love being wanted and needed
and having a purpose in my life.

And I think, at first,
I tried to convince myself

that I was actually coming here
to make sure Kendall was okay.

And now, I'm realizing
that it's a little for me too.

Let me miss you.
You're not letting me miss you.

-[Kris] Am I too needy?
-[Kendall] Way too [bleep] needy, Mom.

Like, you're obsessed with me.
It's kind of annoying.

[upbeat music]

[Scott sighs]

-[Scott] I wanna move here.
-[Kourtney] You do? Why?

Get away from all that Hollywood nonsense
and breathe this crisp air every day.

[Kourtney] I would like to.

-[Kim] I have to call this guy back. Yeah.
-Who, Johnny? Wait, let's hear this.

-Okay, shush! How are you?

[John chuckles]

-[John] I'm good. How are you?
-I'm good.

I called John Edward. I've been friends
with him for a long time.

-How are you? How you doing?

[John] I'm gonna jump in right now.

Do you have a father-in-law

or an older male that would be like uncle
who passed from cancer?

[Kim] Our dad passed from cancer.

I feel like you need to know Dad's okay,

and I feel like you need to know
that he will continue

to be a connection to your lives.

I do really trust his opinion,

and I obviously wanna hear
positive response.

You know how you said to me
when I was like, "Am I pregnant?"

and you were like,
"No, I see the number three,"

and you were like,
"Three months or three years."

And I was like, "I can't wait
till she's three years old,

she's like one and a half, you know."

So, basically, I have had
this issue with my uterus.

So, I was going to…
I've done IVF, and it didn't work.

And I have the option
to do another transfer

or do a little biopsy
that they think I need

before I do another transfer,
since it hasn't worked,

and I just wanted to know,
what was that three?

Like, should I do a transfer?

[uneasy music]

[John] I think you're probably
gonna do the biopsy.

-[John] I think you need to do that,

just, just for health reasons
that I'm telling you that.

-[John] Um…

I don't know.

Not seeing you conceiving.

It's just a hard time.

[dramatic music]

My heart just kind of sinks.

[Kim] I'm looking for any kind
of positive answer

to kind of push me
along with this journey.

I'm just, like, exhausted.

I don't know how much longer
I can go through with this.

[dramatic music]

[uneasy music]

[John] I don't know.
Not seeing you conceiving.

It's just a hard time.

You can't psychologically dwell
on conception and fertility.

What you need to do is visualize
walking with a child.

You need to see your daughter
playing with the child.

John just feels like I'm putting
too much negative energy

and stressful energy
into trying to get pregnant.

[John] Think about it
in terms of your body,

and when is the right time, energetically.

And also, whatever energy is coming in

to have you as his mom
and Kanye as his dad,

has to have
a certain set of circumstances,

and astrologically, it's got to be
the right time for that child to come in.

Just do what the doctor is telling you.

Do it the old-fashioned way,
do it with their help.

Just know that it's gonna happen
and allow it to happen.

[Kim] It's, like, so frustrating.

I need to just relax,
visualize it, and it'll happen.

It's something that I want so bad.

All right, well, I'll call you
either next time I'm in New York,

-or next time you're in L.A., call me.
-[John] You got it.

-All right, I'll talk to you soon. Bye.
-[John] All right, talk to you soon.

[techno music]

-[man] Hello, how are you?
-[Kris] Hello.

I feel really good,
because I got to see for myself

that Kendall's doing well
and she's working hard.

So while I'm here, I'm gonna
have dinner with some friends

and enjoy Paris a little bit.

[Kris] I'm so glad you guys were free.

[Michael] How long are you
going to stay in Paris?

Just a few days,
'cause Kendall's walking Chanel.

-She's just a supermodel.
-Isn't it so great?

-How is your life, you? Good?
-[Kris] Good. Yeah.

It feels, like, really good, you know.

Kim and Kanye just moved out
about three weeks ago.

-Because they were living with you too?
-For two years.

-Oh, really?
-[Michael] I didn't know that as well.

-How did you put up with this?

[Michael] You were doing a lot
that I didn't know about.

[Kris] It was like Downton Abbey.

But it's so crazy,
because I live in my house

and Kylie is the last kid,
so she's gonna move in a couple of months.

And I'm, you know, and most
of the time I'm alone. So it's different.

It gives you this new, like, "Okay, what
am I gonna do with the rest of my life?"

Maybe you can come more often
to Paris to see your old friends.

-[Kris] Yeah, there you go. Yeah.
-[Michael] You know.

I feel so completely blessed

that all of my children
seem to be doing just great.

And I am still trying to digest
the fact that, as much as I hate change,

my life is always changing.

I will see if I can find
some handsome guys around.

[Kris] Ooh, French lovers!
That's what we need.

-[Nicholas] Are you single too?
-I am, but I already have a French lover.

Okay, so we don't have
to deal with you, then.

-[Michael] Boring.


[upbeat music]

-[North] Bye-bye.
-[Kim] Bye-bye.

[Khloé] Bye-bye.

-[Khloé] It used to be all my hair.
-[Kylie] Damn.

[dramatic moan]

Started bleaching it.
What? You wanna leave?

Let's leave. Got to get my [bleep].

-[horn honking]
-[Kylie] Oh! Oh!

[Khloé] Yeah!

[Kim] I have an appointment
within, like, 30 minutes from when I land.

I have to race over to the doctor

and get my blood drawn
before the lab closes.

So, I'm really annoyed
that everyone is taking forever.

Everyone is, like,
almost an hour behind schedule.

[horn honks]

[Khloé] [bleep] yeah! We're here!
Good morning, Montana!

I've just put too much time
into this to miss this appointment,

and then, have to be set back
a whole another month.

[Kim] Guys, this isn't funny.
I have an appointment!

[Kylie] Yes! We're trying
to figure out what car we're in.

[Kim] Tell everyone to get in the car…

[Kylie] Calm down!
You're giving me a headache!

[Kim] We're already 15 minutes past
and Kourtney's not even in the car.

-We're leaving!
-[Khloé] This bitch is crazy.

I know she's anxious to get home,

anxious to get
to her fertility appointment.

I totally get it.

But let's not finish the trip this way,
rushing and stressing everybody out.

[Khloé] She can't be yelling
at every single one of us.

So, I decide I'm gonna
take Kim to the airport,

so everyone can stop being barked at
and we could be on our way,

and Kourtney and the family
will be a few minutes behind us.

-[Kim] How far away are we?
-Six miles, I think.

[lively music]

-I wonder how cold that water is.
-I know.

It is really snowing.

-[Kylie] Could've gone on that last run.
-[Khloé] Could've.

-[vehicle whooshes]
-[all squeal]

That is so not safe for people to do.

[Khloé] I would love
to horseback ride in the snow.

-[Khloé] I've never done that before.

So, my dad, like,
his property or whatever…

-In Malibu?
-[Kylie] Yeah.

He's gonna flatten the land and pay
for, like, a stable and everything.

How awesome.

[Kylie] If me and Kendall,
like, buy our own horses.

How awesome. Horses aren't expensive.

It's, like, the taking care of it,

'cause you have to have someone
to clean it all the time and feed them.

But I don't know how much that is,

but knowing your dad,
he might wanna do that himself.



-[tires screeching]

Whoa, we're sliding, Khloé! Khloé!

It's not my fault! Not my fault!

[Kim] Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

I don't have my seat belt on!
Holy [bleep]!

[ominous music]

Horses aren't expensive.
It's, like, the taking care of it,

'cause you have to have someone
to clean it all the time and feed them.


-[tires screech]

-Whoa, we're sliding, Khloé! Khloé!
-It's not my fault! Not my fault!

[Kim] Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

I don't have my seat belt on!
Holy [bleep]! Holy [bleep]!

-We're fine, we're fine.
-Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

Kim, why are you freaking out?
I didn't do anything!

I know, but this is really [bleep] scary!
And we should not be driving like this!

Snow plows have come to try
to clean off the roads,

and they've already got snow
all on our windshield.

And then, all of a sudden,
a big 18-wheeler gets snow all over us,

and it kind of jolts our car
onto black ice.

[Khloé] And I don't know how,
but the car spun,

went into oncoming traffic,
and we ended up in a ditch.

-Don't freak out. Don't freak out.
-It's scary. I know.

-You should always have your seat belt on.
-Don't cry in front of her.

-I tried my best to figure…
-No, it's not your fault. It's black ice.

[siren wailing]

[Kylie] The car's, like,
stuck in this ditch.

[Khloé] That was the scariest thing ever.

We just skidded, like,
off the side of the road.

And, like, into a ditch,
and it was so scary.

And I didn't have my seat belt on,
so I thought I was, like, gonna die.

Our car's stuck, like, in the snow

in the middle of… I mean, a ditch,
off the side of the road.

Like, we skidded
into the other side of the road,

and a car was, like, coming towards us.

[Khloé] We almost flipped our car.
We're flew off the road.

We're on the side of the road right now.


When stuff like this happens, it makes you
put everything into perspective,

life, family, friends,
what's important to you.

[serious music]

Things could change in a blink of an eye.

[Khloé] Our family
has learned that tons of times.

We definitely have angels
surrounding us today.

[dramatic music]

[Khloé] That was really scary.

[Scott] Driving in those conditions
are treacherous!

We all got to say a prayer
before we take off, everyone!

Everybody say a prayer.

[Khloé] Close your eyes
and say, "Dear Lord…"

I pray that everything
is nice in the world.

-[Khloé] Yes.
-And everything is good.

And everybody please protect us
on our plane ride home,

-in Jesus' name. Amen!
-[all] Amen!

[chill music]

-[Kim] Mom?
-Hey, I'm in the kitchen!

-[Kim] Smells good.
-[Kris] I just made brownies.

-Oh, that's nice.
-[Kris] Yeah.

So, what in the world happened in Montana?

Well, we had a great trip,
like, skiing was great.

-We had this entire mountain to ourselves.
-Wow. But that accident.

-I mean, I just can't get over it.
-I mean, Khloé literally saved our lives.

I could've died.
Like, I didn't have a seat belt on.

We fully all could've died.

[uneasy music]

I wish I would've been there
with you guys.

I know, but Bruce just called me
and was like,

"All these weird things
keep on happening."

-Yeah, well…
-"Your guys' accident…"

I feel like we're so lucky and blessed.

[Kris] You have to live
every day to the fullest

and really appreciate everything
that you have, especially your health.

I was thinking that yesterday.

I mean, there's just been
so many scary things that happened.

[Kim] Like, our car accident at the end

just makes you
really grateful and thankful

just to be healthy
and that everyone's okay.

It makes you really appreciate
the little things.

[uneasy music]

[vibrant music]

[knocks on door]

-Good morning. How are you?
-[Kris] Morning.

-[Kim] Good.
-Good to see you.

-Good morning, good to see you.
-Nice to see you.

All right.

So before we get started, I just wanna
kind of explain one more time

-kinda what we're doing, okay?
-[Kim] Okay. Um…

[Huang] So we've already looked
inside your uterus, right?

So we made sure that inside
of your uterus, everything looks perfect.

Okay? Um, but the question
is why did we place the embryo,

and you didn't get pregnant?

So I wanna make sure that,
inside, at the cellular level,

everything's perfect as well, okay?

So, today, we're gonna do a biopsy.

It'll be a little bit crampy, okay,
so thank your mom for being here.

Um, so we're gonna do a biopsy,
take out a little bit of tissue,

and then we're done.

We know you can get pregnant,
but has anything changed

between that pregnancy and today?

Um, and that's what
we're trying to find out.

-Let's just do it and get it over with.
-Yeah, you got it. Okay.

[tense music]

[Huang] A little bit of pressure.

-All right, Kim, you okay?

All right, let's have a look.

[Huang] So, here's your uterus,
and here's your lining.

I am getting a biopsy now
because since IVF did not work for me,

they wanna try and pinpoint
why it didn't work for me.

So I'm putting a little bit of pressure
right now, okay? Spread for me.

Okay? Relax your knees a tiny bit for me.
Mom, are you holding her hands?

[Huang] You'll feel a little bit
of cramping. Okay, Kim?

[bleep]! Oh, my god!

[Huang] You're almost done, okay?
You're doing great.


-[Kris] Breathe like you're… Deep breath.
-[Huang] Breathe, good.

[Kim] There's always something
that's blocking me.

And, at this point,
I'm just, like, exhausted.

I don't know how much longer
I can go through with this.

[Huang] Okay, Kim,
you're all done. Great job.

[chill music]

[Khloé] The Lord.

So, okay, Kourtney was
at a birthday breakfast today,

and so she was telling a story,
this lady was holding someone's baby.

She's breastfeeding, like, her own child,
but she was holding a stranger's baby.

And she said,
"Can I breastfeed your baby?"

And the mom said, "Sure!"

So I said, "Is that not weird
to people who don't have kids?

Because I find it weird."

-Did they do it?
-[both] Yes.


Somebody would let somebody's kid
suck on another bosom?

[Kourtney] And the mom had just fed her.
She wasn't even hungry.

-[all laughing]
-[door closes]

-Hi, guys.
-[Kourtney] Hey! Blondie.

-[Kim] Do you like?
-I love the blonde hair.

-[Khloé] Love it.
-Wait, but why isn't it white anymore?

[Khloé] What do you mean? It's so white!

I'm getting it done tonight.
It's so annoying.

-[Khloé] I think you look so good.
-Thank you.

With these riding pants you're wearing
and your new favorite boots.

I follow you on Instagram,
so I hear what you say.

[Kim] Givenchy and Givenchy.

And your bottom… you have underboob,

-which is so cool.
-I know.

[Khloé] You're, like,
really cool these days.

[Kourtney] Have you guys talked to Bruce?

Did you hear he's having
the surgery this week?

[dramatic music]


[Khloé] Everything with Bruce
is happening really quickly.

I really can't believe that Bruce
is having facial feminization surgery.

And I'm now thinking in my head
when was the last time I took a picture

with the Bruce
that I grew up for 25 years?

[upbeat music]

Kim? Knock, knock.

-[Rosen] Dr. Rosen. How are you?
-[Kim] Hey. Good, how are you?

-You're blonde today. You look lovely.
-Oh, yes, I am blonde.

So, today, we're just checking to see
how close I am to ovulating?

[Rosen] Correct. When you
were here a few days ago,

the follicle was still small.

So we just wanna make sure
that it's growing.

The first thing I always do,
every time, is look at the uterus.

Still a tiny bit of fluid on the inside.
You see that black there?

[tense music]

And there's your follicle.
Can you see that black hole right there?

[Kim] Mm-hmm.

[Rosen] Great. Okay.
This is in your left ovary.

You're gonna ovulate
about four days from today,

-which is about, what, Saturday or so.
-[Kim] Okay.

[Rosen] So we should probably
see you back Friday,

so we can figure out
when we give you that trigger shot.

And if we're gonna do a transfer,
if the biopsy comes back good,

that will be about six days
after the… after the injection.

-No. I'm, like, so over it.

[gloomy music]

Like, I'm exhausted.

So I'm sure everyone
gets to that point. Yeah.

I'm, like, okay, I'm done.

[bright music]

-[Khloé] Hello?
-[Bruce] Do I hear somebody?

Oh, my god. Look who's here.

-How you doing?
-[Khloé] Good, how are you?

[Bruce] Good. Good to see you.

So many things are changing,

but my love and how I respect Bruce,
that will never go anywhere.

So I want to say "hi" to Bruce,

and get my last visual of him that I want
without some major physical changes.

[sentimental music]

-[Bruce] There's the ocean.
-[Khloé] I know. How relaxing.

And we can see Kylie,
who, of course, is late.

We can see her coming up the hill.
But there's just five homes on this road.

Do you like it out here?

-Sleeping here?
-I love it here.

-Yeah. It's the best.
-Yeah, it's so pretty. This is like…

-So secluded, so quiet.
-So peaceful.

[Khloé] Bruce and I have always had
such an incredible, close relationship.

I'm always gonna worry
about Bruce and no matter what,

I love him and he will always be
my father figure.

I'll show you. I took some pictures
of the sunrises, the other morning.

Oh, yeah?

I'll show 'em to you, when I go inside,
they're on my phone.

-Can you see whales from here?
-Yes, you can.

-Have you seen one?
-Bunch of 'em.

-[Khloé] Shut up.
-They're actually going south right now.

I kinda wanna see one.

I know. You have to kinda
sit here and wait.


But they're out there.
They're running south right now.

-[vehicle approaching]
-[Bruce] Oh, look who shows up.

-[Khloé] Kylie!
-[Bruce] Hey, buddy!

[Khloé] Does he get jealous
that you hold the new one all the time?

-[Kylie] Yes, he was being so…

-You walked right by my little flower.

Oh, the little pooch does.

[Khloé babbling, chuckles]

As soon as I got back,
I really wanted to go visit my dad.

[Kylie] He's making a lot of changes,

but no matter how much
his exterior changes,

our souls are always as connected.

-So you survived Montana, barely.
-Mm-hmm. No, I survived it.

Yeah, I know, but they had
the little car crash and the whole thing.

[Khloé] No one crashed.

-You just spun off the road.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

-Into a snowbank.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

-[Khloé] But it was scary, for sure.


-[Bruce] Did Kris go?
-No. It was just us, like, kids.

-[Bruce] Just all the kids? Yep.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

[Kylie] Kendall's calling me.
Let's put her on speakerphone.

-Hey, babe.
-[Kendall] Hey, sister!

-[Khloé] Hey, Kendie!
-[Bruce] Hey, we miss you!

-[Kendall] Where are you guys?
-[Kylie] Malibu, at Dad's house.

-So, are you excited to be home?
-Yeah, I will.

[Kendall] Um, yeah. I'm super excited.

I'm only here for a week,
but I'm trying to make the most of it.

-Well, a week's better than nothing.
-[Kendall] Yeah.

You gotta come out here and see the place.

[Kendall] Yeah, no, for sure.
Maybe tomorrow.

-Okay. You got it.
-[Kendall] All right, love you, bye.

Well, anyway, thank you, guys,
for coming over, seeing the house.

-Love you, guys. Come on, give me a hug.

Let's get the dog in here.

-Come on, buddy.
-Oh, wrong person.

All right, good for you, guys.
Come on, come on.

Oh! With a hug, with the dog.

-Oh, make sure… Okay!
-Everybody in here, get the hug.

[Bruce hums]

Love you, guys. Thanks for coming out.

I love to share moments like this
with all my kids now in my new home

because, you know, it does kind
of represent a new chapter in my life,

and I'm looking forward to the future,

and I can't wait to share that
with my family.

[light music]

[Kim] Coming soon on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

[woman] Welcome to Armenia, ladies.

[cheering, screaming]

What is happening?
They're circling Kim's house, I think.

It was the first time I saw Bruce
as "her". Really, really pretty.

[Kris] What are you guys doing?

We just switched
Kylie's birth control pill.

-Do you take it for your skin?
-What do you think

she'll do all day, knit sweaters?

-[Kim] Is that Lamar?

[Khloé] Yeah.

You're, like, flirting with him
and called off your whole divorce?

-I just can't take it.
-Well, good, you don't have to.

[doctor] This little circle,
that's exactly what you wanna see.

I just got the blood test back,
and I am pregnant.


[Kim] Also, coming soon,
the premiere of DASH Dolls.

We are now relaunching our DASH store.

We just wanna make sure
that we have the best DASH Dolls.

[Malika] I'm gonna make
organizing freaks out of you.

Focus on this first,
and you won't be back.

-I'm ready for a hot tub.
-Let's keep drinking!


Did you guys ever eat glue
when you were a kid?

-Yes, did you?

-I am, like, a resident DJ at Trap Night.
-I don't know what "trap" is.

You're, literally,
every [bleep] second getting arrested.

[Stephanie] My boyfriend
is going to rehab.

[Khadijah] You have a right
to do something else.

All I ever envisioned
was having a career with her.

What do you want me to do?
"Sorry, I got married, sorry, I had kids"?

How could you affect someone else
with your actions?

Guess who could get the lawsuit? We would.

I will let someone go in two seconds.

[Durrani] No one's
appreciating anything I do.

Some people have to get cut.
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